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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jan 1962, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIM-S Authorized as Second Classeniait, Post Office Department, Ottawa Establishe-t in 1938 by R. A. Fure-ste-r Roy C. Forrester - Editor anti Manager - ~Subse-iption payable in ativance- lu ca 41.5b laUA& am ffllished every Thundmy et the of fice « publc** Our Maples Falling Prey To Disease Mue-h las be-en said anti stateti ove-r the- past year1 >a -.-dsease- which has bee-n affeeting the stately Elm tree. laninunic2i- palities considerable- concema has be-en registere-t where t Dutch EMm di-sease -las tiestroyed Cà,, Ixbolevard elais %ipiig oeut row uron no-w of trees. Ove-r the past few years in the Village af Orono an attacis has been matie, by what la belleve t t be sSne iorm of dLse-ase-, on our r naple tre-es aîoag the streets. The disease is spreadmng, rapldly throughout aur boulevard trees. la saine- cases the entire tree- has tile-t long be-ore it ife- span hati been reachedi. The eentre andi limbs of otiiers trees are also showing the affect of the dis- -ase. The limbs of the trees 1005e their bark dry-up anti finafly Crop ta the grounti. The re-ent hgký winds over the past week-end waýs flurthe-r prove oi the eicist.ance- oi thýs tilse-ase that is affecting aur prouti rnaples. Under practicaily every tree in the- Village- hati fallen dead lntbs which precariously haag ln mast of aur trees. 'Fe date we-re- have neither read or hearti ai any ne--.ýareh âxing conduetedt t contraI or tiecide what the disease is. It wapuld be a skanue to alîow this disease rua ranipage anti destray une ad eMblemni, sa wefl kaowa anti associated throughout the wonld. At present the Village has coauteti ove-r the past years az pra'gran of replanting niaples along our streets la an effort ta, oiffset the- lose trom the disease. To keep pace- this pragrasum aS have ta be steppeti up and e-en then these young tre-es mnay fail ta the- sanie disease-. ýTownship Of Cia, The inaugural Clarke Tawns-hil la the- Cauncil day, January 2n for 1962 was sw, Basil E. Lonrg, 0 White, Newtonv ent ta assist w (-ounceil and tac Foliowing the les, which took p e-auneil, townsl wives, Rev. and1 -Mrs. R. C. wW Melville Jane-sv Re-eve H. E. Walke-y at a di: Orona IUnited CI During the al isumeci their se- 1 ie- Reeve addi Set Up COMmittE uty-re-eve John lon Rbe-rt Chai ta the Roati CS cilars Roy Fati rault appaintedt mittee. jThre-e by-laws the- meeting. 'r iig Cobbledick stop Street at third by-law ap H. Pope, Geaik Public Accountà the Township( This by-law a nual reamunerati Mr. C. J. Alliz Stock evaluatai his fée set at $4. Councillors CI were appointe-t1 ship Gaie- Corn Mr. Hartwell ted as Clarkeè 'ý ative an the Gai anity. Cou ncihii appainted asc tive on thie Dur atio~n ai Agâ 1Roy Farter and appointeci ta ti f elIow's Commnuý Ia appainting cauneil's jurisdic B. Rutherford,1 Samuel, Missj Stane-, andi H.1 pointeti ta the H. M. Me-reer Forrester, IH. E Stone we-re- appc Orano Ca.mmiur Appaintinents' Township Reci were Charles Hi B. Van de-n He- law, Roy Farter Counail authc ativertise- for a ton. Counc4ilais rond allawances Concession 1, bE partme-nt oai the Departmeaý basin at the soi in order that1 eould tuma arour On mtian ai and Counclior is ta petitiont that portion af Newto6nville- ta aated as a Coun be an extensior runniag south Newtonville-. CCG.I.T. News The regular meeting ai thie C.G- I.T. was helti on January th with! 12 girls and on leader present. The meeting apeneti by repeatiag aur purpose-. We then hati an ia- traducion ta the- worship part of aur meetfing. This was follawed by a Bible reading, a stary anti a pray- e-. xe then haci the secretary's and the treasurer's reports. The colle-- tion which %vas $1:30 was then tais- en up. -Mrs. Côuvi'er then -e-ad sotue' ifthank-you' notes iront saine ai the people which we gave Chrismias gif-ts t'a. p. We de-oie-t we woulti have a te-a andi bake sale for Valentine's Day. îTlhls wtil be held on February lth, We wiil alsa se-l jewellery at this sale We wvene ie-n serveti a small lunch anti the meeting closeti with taps. Camai Vagg Russell outyielded ail othens by 8.2 blishe-ls. The Eastern Canada oat tests, including Kemptv'ille, Ritige-1 town, Guelph andi Macdonuald Col- lege, showved Russeil ta have a 10.V bushel ativantage in 1961, andi a 6- bushel advantage- ave-r the- last tlee years. Russe-il onts were developeti -at the Central Expe-inimental Farm, Ottawa, and were introduceti for the- first time- la 1960. A year -ago one bushel at an auction braughit $155.00, andi severni athers sold for $28.00 ta $40.00 per bushel. Tests have proven that Russe-ll oats are adaptedt t a vei-y wide- are-aî ineluding Ontario, Quebec, New! York State- Michigan andi the- three- Prairie- Provinces. Russe-Il onts are sirilar ta Garry in mnatuniity. They are, however, shorter ia the straiw, thinner ia the. huil, highe-n wielding, he-ýavier per bushel weigh-t, equal ta Garry !ni sa-uit and' rusý, reslstance, andi more- resistant ta Septaria blight thian Garry. The seed supply of bath registered anti certifieci ussell oats is goati. This variety alone, with its suiperior yielding ability, if use-c ex.- tenisively wîll coatribute greatly'ta the- incre-asedt feeti grain production pragramn requireti for 1962. A NEW, SCIENCE BUILDING AT O.A.C. GUELPH The construction in 1962 ofi a ne-w science building for the Ontario Ag- ricutural Calle-ge- at Guelph was announceti receatly by the Honour- able- John P. Robarts, Pime Min- ister ofOntario., The- building together with aUl necessary equipme-wt andi lurnisix- ings, is expectedti t cost approxi- nmatly $3 million. It wlh house the Departaments of Chemistry andi Microbiolo'gy andi %vil contain 23 teaching laboratories anti 16 nesearc-h aboratories, as ,vell as lecture rooms, special pur- pose noams, 114rary anti offices. The ne-w building -will pravide the mnort modemn andi e-mple-te- facilities. for- agricutural research', and the1 Envelopes Statements Invoices Ledger Forms Gum Labels Tags Ail Business Forrns Sncip-Out Forms Carbon Duplicciting Form New None Carbon Duplicating Foims Continuous Forms Ail Wedding Stationery Orono W"eekIy Times PH-ONE ORONO 109 ATTENTION HOG PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING DUJRHAM COUNTY ROC PRODUCERS ASSOC. Nomination of County Committee Men to Ontaric Hog Producers Marketing Board ORONO TOWN HALL WTednesday, January l7th at 130 pm. sharp (Nomination of Committte Mer).2:00 to 3:00 pm ClcLre Curtin (zone dlirector) *uest Speaker tri the event of an election for Comnmittee Men, it wiIt ho heId on Tuesday, Match 6th, il a.m. to 6 p.m. Polinq fBotht in Ofo-no Town Hlal and Bethany Town Rall. Do» i'azxu Laurence Staplet, President Horward' MaIcoti, Bcretary H olds Inaugaural Meeting 0f Cattie And Calves In 19 il meeting of the Caniadian farmers receie e-Ieterptise for the traditionaliu p Council was hield o- ~Cr etrsfonth ae0 atiecgain-growing areas. The cattia Chamnbers on Tues- IJ eL¶ah Nw s 1m and calves in 1961, estirnated at feeding in<hstry in Western Caniada rd when the coundil The re-gular meeting of Heatheri more than $620 million, Agriculture was n0 longer basesi on distresseý 'orn into office. Rev. Rebekah Lodge was hield on Tues- Minister Alvin Hamilton disckosed grain prices but on the fixin- founfci. )rono and Re'v. R. C. day in the 1.,0F. Hall. recentLy. The previouis high wets ation of greater physical resource., ville - were aise pres- Sister Betty Major acted as Noble $595 million in 1958. expyenee andi an ever-growing vith the opening or Grand in the abseee0f Sister Em- . In the prairie provinces, cash in- market for beef. aller prayer. ina Lutn. Sister Alice Hooey offi- corne hQd iiterally been ,betefed ûp 'Jatedl in hier office as Vice Granýd by at least $65 million te an esti- Recapiulatsng soine of the iilhi- e opening oere-mon Roil call shchiecl three offcers ab-, mnted $331 iio1n,. This and the lights o-f a dramatic six mannths be- place in the morning sent. The minutes were reati andi ap- continuance of grain 'cIeiiýve-nes to eining wit the onse p o~ gh up ~ ~ ofiiItez roved. Two accounts were passeti the e-nd af the year will ensure that in June, Mr. Hamilton salat1t iatc-- Mrs. Long, Re-v. and for payment. prairie farni incarne ln 1961 corn. operatiion between the- gaver2- e and Mr. and Mrs. Sister Alice Hooey, Vice Grand, pares favorably with the- previous ments andi the farmers preventeci were guests of the wp ',a "oad report on ter wark year'~s - desjYite the se-nous lasses nearly 400,000 more head af cattkh- Walkey andi Mis during the past ntonth in rente-r- of grain and forage crops thr-g panic. The enforced marketing ot inner serveci in the -ering the ili and shut-ins. drought last summzer. and calves froin the prairies than ~hrc.On motion, Sister Hattie Wilson had been solti in 1960 had bee1! ftenon cunil e-and Sister Gladys Gantsby were- re- By survlving acute water end carmiiet out in orderly fashion anci Litrion at whc in lrte asre o earon thefdder sthortage withaut de-pletion at steaidily advancing prices. WThilac Iressed counicil and Comnmittee of the Caznmunity Hall of basic herds or sales at sacrtfce feeti grain pices alsa advanced, tes of council, r>ep- B . RàddeU gave an interesting1 prices, the prairie beef industry haci the measures quickly taken by theý Stone and Counecil- and full report an the financial !came into ts own as another main federal goverrnent had preventeti Lt-rweestatus of the Hall. Alter aIl ex-1 themu from skyrocketlng. Feed gral. ite wreappainted penses are paiti there is stili a banik dsinta begin construction Is l prices are much higher than a year Dmmittee with Caun-blne n ago but feeders stifl seem assýur-ci ter and Lamne Per- baane line with the Government's po'iey of a fair aTargin of profit in t1uý ta the Finance Cor- ÀA number of Christmas Greetiags of cantinued emphasis on agricul- Loreseeale future. were received aîang with xnany tural research andi of improving thak-yu ntesfro thse ho aè heteacin 4ndther acommodja- The Minister saici marketings Qf, ,s were read during been remembere-d at Christmas. tien at 0. 1A.C. cattle andi cilies in 1961 were esti-ý Pvo concerned mak- Bithçlay greetings were extendeci The new facilities wili ensure that mated at 3,779,000, cai which the Street in Orono a tO< Sisters Betty Major, Lala Ken- agriculture re-mains in, step with prairie provinces marke-ted 2,312,0n00' Church! street. Theney Ire-ne Murray andi Glad.ys a'ndcontinuWes te keep- a)*east of or 61 per cent. The estimateti tarin, painteti Mr. Walter Garnsby wha were present. Birth- the developmnent ai the whole pro- lincarne f rom thîs source %vas: Al- getown, a certifieti day greetings are also sent ta SiTter vincial ecanamy. Bearing 1, mind berta $164 million, Saskatchewan ýant, as auditor for Rae Hughes and Sister Winnilred that other industries have progress- $112 million andi Manitoba $55 mil. af Clarke for 1962. Youngman who were unable ta at- e-d repidly since World War II an lion" tend. , the basis oi scientifie research, it is] M4 4Haimilton **e the adi- also set eut the an- Lotige closed according ta the rit- essential that agriculture shoulti al- vantages -Of steadily increasir- ion t $75.0. al nd deiciuslnh aserd so have the fullest POssible atten- Caniadian beef cattIe numbers ln the i was appointe-d Live bdysthefr egcebr he tion in the- research field. next decade. Because of the chang.4 *for the ye-ar with iy eebigcl-rtd The ne-w structurewIllI be the situation in grain piees and supply, .00 a trip. Next regular meeting night, cir- third unit created under the master the big grain farmers might net add cled in reci, on the Rebe-kah Cale-a- plan for the de-velopsuent antd ex. ta their beef herds in 1962, but for,% hater and Perrault dlar which was sent out as a Greet- pàso- iarclua cec a-tesalrgangaesadte ta the Clarke- Town- ing ta each me-suber, is January 2. pi ofat ntrio- Arliencturalclte mixt arer ganon eprsairie e rimission. lege and Ontario Veterinary College is an inereaslngly attractive in- Lawery was appoin- RUSSELL CATS PROVE The- ne-w Sols Building was com- vestment. The- weather outlook for rowsh1p's repre-sent- A HEAVY PRODUCER plete-d in 1958 and the- Biology 1962 andi the eroi' yields this suiit- *nlaraska River Âuth- Rarely doès a ne-w variety show Building- in 1960. mier. or Chater was o sueh superiority over such 'a widei ~ouncil's representa- a-rea as doe., the ne-w aat variety irhami Caunty Fede-r- "Russe-il", reports the- Fie-Id Crops _________________________________ iculture.. Councillors 1ràach, Ontaro Departstint <i-Ag-- __________________________ 1Robert Chater were riculture. On the basis of averages, e Board ai the Odd- Russe-il has been at the top ai the unity Hall. Tests in Ontario ia each eti the last thrree years. On individual zone other afficers unde-r tests it hias ne-ver stooti lower than iction, A. E. West, S. second, and in the main feeti grain H. M. -Mercer, E. Hl. grawlng, are-as of Ontario it lhas al- Aima Çutte-il, John ways stoot f irst. E. Walkey were ap-Fo orPitn Ned J. L. Lowery, R. C. qi -ail tests in 1961 gave Russel a E.Walkey and John tuargin-ai 6.4 bushels per acre, and ýointed ta aperate the on a thre-e-year taverage Russe-l aiyCnr.outyieldeti ail others by 3.6 bushels. Letterheads îityCente-.In zones 3 andi 4 whe-re large & made te the Clarke a ,.,,,-, qofRpà .-,i .qnrp5,-t , -- eation Comnmisýsion luttoa, Laverne Boyd uvel, Mrs. H. H. Bar- ýr and Lamne Per- tozec the Clerk ta LWarble Fly Inspec-ý is granted that the -s at lots 18 and 19, e grantedt t the De- Highiways providing it pravided a turning uthi e-adai the roadi Township equipm-ent ind at this point ]Jeputy-'ree-ve Stone- R. Chater, council the Counity ta have the roadl south f rom High',Wayý 115 desig- rty Roacd. This Woid aiof the, Counity rond from Klý'endal ta

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