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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jan 1962, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES AT THIEIR PEAK 0F, -'-'.44-'--.---,,: . . - .-~ 7~-&. COFiZEE- Mawefl Flouse SURAWBERRY, JAM' SHEDEDWHEAT Duncan Hines c AK"*eeE MJX ES Surnt Sugar Cherry Supremne, Coco Surprise, Devil's Foqd White or Fudge Marbîe Food Prices Effe( .We Reserve the j~~ry1O,11, 12, 13 to Limit Quantities Fraservale Frozen Fis h & chilps 24 oz Tuip Colour QuiIj1 lb 59c 27c lb ba.g 69eé 24 oz3c 2-: pkgQof #37PO 2pkgs 69ec TABLERITE~ Cana~s Firiest Red or Blue Brand Beef Purchased -onlyr ,roM Federal Government itispected Packinq Houses ard ncinoQnditornaly Guaranrteed, Standing~ p RIME RRit AST short eut: Si1 'jb 6l Blado Bone Removed] SHOR10ý'T RIB ojr BLADE IROAST Extra Lean BONELESS POT ROAST WEJNERSTablerite 1 lb 59C lb 39c lb cello 39c CORNEDBEEF 12 oz tin 45c Aylmer TOM ATO. SOUP 10- oz lin li c Rami - 16 oz. Pkgs, SPAGHETTI 2 for 29c Romi - 16 oz. pks Macai,!nii Elbowsi 2 for 29c Ivory Liquid Detergent Christies Premium Sodas 24 oz 83c lb pkg 33c EXTRA A Total $flfl0 InBonis of $ 2 l' apes RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH REDPATH SUGAR - Granulated - 10 ib. Bag HAWES FLOOR GLOSS - Bonus Quart TI0E DETERGENT - 20c off - King Sîze PUREX TISSUE Pink, YeIIow, Aqua, White 2 Tvin Packs RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH SLICED BOLOGNA - Tabierite .1 12 oz. Pkg. CHINESE F0005 Dragon Brand - 4 Varieties Pkg. [GA MILO CHEESE CUTS- 12 oz. Cut PEi POTATOES - Canada No. 1 Grade - 10 IL p ____________________________________ - Round About Us WILL SÉEE MINISTER M1McLaugh1!i. ofon 2 0fJi 1 Lake)ntlo evl Jt . furmhse 't'f dll opmnt si~ atiiiwil s~ . 1gbburton Village. 'The u o rj, a 10 a.m., Jan. 15. m ed fCnrlAewîc The cmittpeewas forrned jI 11 S coliosed 0of nine divisions,ea of sericÎ(e cntesalngdihwy 401.- Juicy anid Rich in Vitamin "C" Rub y Red Io size 9) 0 96'.es" No. 1 Grade, Garden Fresh- Cream y White CAULIFLOWER each 25c The Chiîdren's Choice - Extra large size 120'Ë TANGERINES dozen 49c- fil - tu f-ý" Onitarîo's Funest CEE Grade SPY APE 6 qt b~asket 59c Golden Ripe Nut r itious RÂNÂNAS 2 lbs 29e Members are Reeve Garniet Rirch- ard of Darlington township, 1i)eputy- Art D~5ve r-if Cîbor,11e, and Gog Coling cf Grîýghton an Mr. :"ioney.1 DIEFENBAKiËR TO SPEAK ATi ARVCONVENTION?1 Authorative Conserývative (-Sources bu oc~argsa.,;that John :ouiee-- 1cakeîr, Prime Minister of Canada,1 will be leCii rgfoi' the Cont- vatve orWntin.The sources sayý thtthe eomn-iittee which vwillse the dateI( for, the coniventlion and the1 p (ci lgta cndaehave idecidlei that theconivention w11ill be hield ile Cbugthis year inistead o! Wark- worth whicbs adwaYs beeu *the tra1iioalme-eting' place of Con-ý servatives and Liberals aiike. But last year the Lîberals namieti Cobourg as th'e convenltion place and picked ywDr. auline Jewett, Brighton, as their candidate. Now that Ben Thomnpson, M.. bas definitely declined to accept thc nomination on the' Conservative ticket,, it is a -wide open qttestiou as to who will be ]lis s;uccýessor. DURH-AM 4-H SH-EEP CLUB ORGANIZE The Durham 4-H Sbeep Club bld their organization meeting on Jauuary -4th at the Ontario Depart, ment o! A-,gricultur-e, Bowmanville. Mr. Dairymple, Agricultural Rep. resentative anid Jim. Coomibes, Club Leader, outlined the policy and, aie-bs of. tire Sheep Club te the' mem- ber-S. The election o! officers took place and they are as follows: President, Jim Byers; Vice-Pres- idlent, Ted Skinnier; Secretary, Day- ici Brenit; Pre-ss Reporter, John D. Allin. The meeting was adjournied. If' atrn'yone is interested in joinîing the Sheep1)Club), contact Mlr. Daîrymnple at tawc-AgriclturLIe Office, Bow- mnaniil e. BLAZE DESTROYS SERVICE STATION Damnage is estîmatmed at $50,0ý00Jini a tiret whicb comipletely gutted a combined Service siation and r-est- Lur, il oper-atedt by Eric Brun of Bownanville, Thursday evening. Tue stationi is located on Higbway 35, 10 miles soutb of Lindsay. LAWRENCE C. MASON RECEIVES Q.C. Amon)ig the bonors conferred at New Yeýar's by the Ontario Govern- mc- %%as the awardi to Lawren(e C. Malsoni of the Queen's Counsell ti.M. Masonl, anl ex-m-ayor o! Bowinvll, has pracL;tised law le gth-at con-uuity for over 30 years anc ls may friends wifi bh.oede- lig il e nwthat hisolutstanding lega talntshave reccived tihis, $000GIFT TO AID AREA 1GIRL GUIDE CAMP Mrs. . E.Collins, Cenral.ra Commýis.sioneir, Girl Guides etCan ada, has rlÀe0.iunccd that R. S.Mc Laughlin h rasgve a m'ost g21eer- ous gMit o! $10,000 t-owards the de-o_ velopmient of tirr camp site lu !Mrs. Colli1 inseprsedhrgrt itude and th1aïat f bc embrso! the Ar1ea CooncilNfor Mr.McLan1ug- instoughtfulnes Shesaidtey had rmany planis for'puttinig lebot ter roads, dvloigthe water- fr-ont and of course th-L newbild ing wbih w had thoughit would. not be, witiui our reac'h for, several years and now throug'h Mr. -Mc- Laughlin's generous gift this wjill ail be made possible. Mrs. McLaughîin's Idea It vwas through the inspiration o! the late_ Mrs. MýcLauigli that the purchase o! this site was made. She -urger] the area council to lbuy the properts.,le order that Guides and Brownies from the surroutxding dis- tricts might etijoy the privileges of camping andi presentod a cheqtue- to Central Area to assist in its pur. chase. A later gif t o! money was given' for the Saine purpose by Mrs. MeLaughlin's daughters le inbitor of th'eir mother. qui. '!SEIRVIC~E U a 1 1 280 'Acres' It Cons ists of . aprehîwlatlj2f acres o la0Lae11t bot6 ",cres o(Jtre opê'filand rabout 220 acres heavily wooded. Thke laýke frontage encircles practically haIeý the' lake, Plus tWopotsflai jutting out from thieadongsor whiichi lendis itself aidmirab'lyfr overnight camping. i lie, camp; is clos-e to doctors arJ the- Red Cross Ifospital; est reached by highway; hias a sa lake with sandy bottom, rcareîyý ~s 1Iy cen:trelled;fatfil¾fr '~t rVtcing1andplen1ty of spae for wide g-ames; lovely woodledis for expýlloi-inig naid makngnatureý trails; unlimited woý-od for ires anti Considlering Chapel Oue pr-o.je-t for the fuýturie har been cousiderationi of acaplonra i ilisie, wlîee 1hundedls of silve- ~trch ao 'ld.lTe girls could hold their "Guides Own" lui this beautifrj. setting looking right throug'h to- the lake. Three cottages are on the camrp site and it is the hope . o! the area neltu put up a large building,7 -)r uise iu inclemnent weather. SOD LESSENS FROST - DAMAý,E +0 ORCHARDS Evrsinoe severe daniage w'ase caused to fruit trees by t he eàrly frost of 1955, Okanagaxi Valle-y, BýC' orchardis'ts have been interested fn protection againsi.t hi.s weatïher Jiaýz ard. As a resuit of tests undertaken--i at the Canada Depaiflment oftAg4 culture's research station at SumF1ý1 neriandm, Dr. J. C. Wilcox concludeg that early fr-est is flot likely to sev- er'ely damnage fruit trees standing -1n grass sod. With a leg-ume cover or clean cul- tivation under fruit trees, leaves c>t the trees nmy stijllbe- greeiln o o ember 1 but, with a grass cvr netees snýuw nor al lUcolor.ing and are propcrly hiardened off b thait date. Evideue of the relationship b-e.- twecn cultural pracýtices and early hardening of thie trees waso. tained in eprmnsbogue in 1957 on a bla-ck cf Veteran peachi trees., Iu the first year of the tests, 'lie trees in ail cover-up plots rmatu'red n goyirime, but those ie the lt kept dlean by cultivation or wt hebii es raine-d a deepgrn untlil hit by t4efir-st fros;ts. lit sub-sequent yearI)s fthe'pictureý has cagdsomnewlkat. Thie trees thoe l alalf hadenlate, ard those ýin, ladino claver or diean cul- obal ood tree, growth, the trees Can Ilbe recommned tha -i rbosc c, (ulturl Actice- bé us ci t'. induce normial yeleWmieg ift treeleaes b th tim thresdan,.- er. (d! a sevr r.s.Avi nom nitrogýeni, epcil on ah i cover (crop e eueand stop ul tivatiingaftc-r ithe end 1o!fay à Il ÀL Jk

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