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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jan 1962, p. 5

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THURS DAY- JANUARY llth,',1962 FOR a*DO ITNOW WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home Iimpravement Laoans are availabie through your bank under the National Housing Act for alterations and repairs to the exterior orinteriýýor of a home and for a wide variety of other improve- ments. You may borrow up to $4,000 with up ta ten years ta repay. These loans are also availabie ta the owners of rentai praperties. *DO IT OW WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvement Lo~ans, backed by the Domin- ion Gavernmen't are available from yaur bank- Up to $7,500 at five per cent simple interest and Up ta ten years ta repay. These boans caver the purchase af ail types af farm equipment and impravement ta the farmn house and farm buildings. *DO IT NOW WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government-backed loans for impravements ta small business establishments thraugh the chartered ban ks-up ta $25,000 and up ta ten years ta repay. For advice and assistance, eall your Issued by authority of Hon. Michael Starr, Mnister of Labour, Canada HOCKEY FRIDAV NIGI-T iý a ' ORONO RINKL AI1 I3 H lockey at the Oronio renIa willi celon Fr'iday venig hen th'e M.an pepýeeS'11(l ilp oli 'Ptn i Mrs. J.laek Williamns Indi taswifl loin to form tiwo tealms. i hoe wicb heyrecntl PlayWlilget nderay a 7:3lie be sine ke neetfor îthe laeboy eseyEiiot ýýin thiis f eature. Cnrauatos oMr ndMs OR-ONO ATOMSW.Arson Jr. on the, arrivai A stronlg continlgenit(if boys in of a baby boy, Garry Williamn. the Atoým grouip make thieir way to MAiss Lynn B ailey spent thew 'eek te rinik every Tuesday evening at end with hier -ànt Ms. C. A. Cumi- I O aI(d Sa'tur at 10:30 arn. These rnlling, owavle I osrange-ý in alàe from 7 to 10 and Hliayvisîtors wIth Air. andc I =uber w over 25 when ail Ot r.Sid HaHlowel w'ere Mr.ad Tsdynighlt 25 were on the ice Ms Dier arm-an of Madoc, Mr. adformed cltw-ýo teanis 'aving 9a and Mrs. A. E. Gray of Tillson'burg. >assng iPe!Ur. Allen Haw, Francis and Helen 'f *Fort Francis and Mrs. John K-EEP CLOSE CH-ECK Irindle of London. Officiaiis in thé Department of Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. i Txnso iiiad the Attornyenr AJin.slee Mc(_Gee on the birth of a ison aekeein ahreast of drivers who lin Bowmnanville Hospital. ~ n1cf te dngerus riving, cluss f the ,Criminal code of Diniier guests with Mr. and Mrs. C ~da.Wm. Moffat on Saturday last were: Thiey will find themselves ruledi Mrl. and Mrs. Grant Moffat and fam- off th!e roadi for tlree months, ac- iy avie Mrs. Neil MWoffat and * odngto a statemenit of Trans- son, Bridgeniorthi, Mrs. X. Squair, por't Minister H. Leslie Rowntree. Bowmanville, Mr. Lawrence Squair, Thedanerus rivngclase adBowmanville, Mrs. A. Prout, New- beenre ve froi-n the Criminal castle, -Mr' and Mrls. ak Mfa C"d atthetim th deeri pont1andfamiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Mlec Mof- syvstemi was introdhced. This year, tat and f amily, Orono. b wve he Federal Governmnent I Mr. Ge-rald Halluwell k-,as return- reitrduedthe clause. ed to Toronto Ulîiiversity after ,r;Rowntree expflained that until',spendinlg holiclays with Mr. and now therehad been no specific pro- Mrs. Sid Hallowell and Nancy. viinwheireby magistrates cOuld j Newv Years Day guests with Mr. legay susp)end the licences (--f per- and Mrs. Armond Hollingsworth sons§ convicted under the reintro- were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Holiings- duced clause. worth, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunl~op and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Hermiai Dunlop and Sh)aron f rom Toronto, vIr. andc Mrs. Walter Cairns Fran- iPH ON E ces and James from Schdmberg, Miss Kettleby and Mr. and Mrs. Hendreck Domerchie and Lioniel of Bolton. I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chapman have returned home after attend- ing their son's wedding in England. O NEW>PLASTIC COMPANY WILL MANUFACTURE SPECIAL URETHANE FOAM PRODUCTS With your News We will be pleasetic to Receive it ORON WEKLYIMELs GOLOSHEj CIILDRENS GOLOSIIES Sever-al styles in Goloshes for girls andi boys. These are ail rubber, some insulatecl, others wvith shearling lin- ing andi fur trimn. Brown only. Sizes 8 to 1 in the lot. Regular values to $5.95 Your Choice per pair-$29 LADIES' GqLOSHIES Rub-ber or Nylon Goloshes wiI.h fur trim, warmnly linied. Somne are laceti, thers have zipper closing. Black or browvn. Sizes, 4 to, 9 in the group. Recgular values t.99 A rel huy at,.$3.9-"8 per pair, GIRLZý,S AN"D BY JEAN SOCKS *.Heavy -Sccks for wearing in skates and rubber hàots, 70 wol, 0%rayoni, andi 0%nylon. Sizes 8, 9 andi 10, Pr-ice per pair 5 LADIESDIRESSES 25%", off aniy of our FaIl and Winter dresses. These are all g-ooti tresses in ali the newvest shaties. SI.zes 9 to 24V/2. Corne in anti look them over. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Gooti quality Blankets, yarn-w/,hippeti. White wvith pink or blue bortiers. Size 70" x 90". SPrice per pair - $5.49 C1ELANESE BLANKETS Enjoy the warmth of a cosy blanket in a blenti of viscose anti nylon yarns. Wide nylon bintiing. Guaranteeti against Moth diamage. Size 72'- x 84". Beautiful shadies of pink, blue, turquoise, yellow, green, deep rose, beige anti white. - Price - $5.49 MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR. "Harvey Woods" shirts anti drawers, thermal knit. Trapu bodiy heat ta give extraordinary insulation, comfortable indoors andi out, guaranteeti not to shrink out of fit. Sizes S, M, L and XL Price. Featherweight, Short sleeve shirts - $2.75 Drawers - $2.95 Ileavyweight, Short sleeve Shirts- $2.95 Lorng Siceve. Shirts -39 Drawers -$3.9â trong es Store Open Monday A cmay lnas been torm,^e,,i or the proucion and mnanufatrn of a pIas1tic materialinl Port Hlope to býe known as Dynaflex Plastic Ltd. Heading the company are two formner General Electricemlys f rom Cobourg, John Spragge and Les She-han, and Roy Hlircock o! Baltimore. The company they have formed is lelleved tto be the first of its kýind1 in Ontario. Judging from tle overail appear- aince of the -onipany and fr&m machinery beingIç set up) in the plant Dynaflex Plastics Limited 'S pre- paring for the production of1poly urethane foamn on a fairly large U-rethanle foains are fast creatîng a demiand on world widle market for' a wide variety of purposes. Tbey are replacýing sponge rubber in many cases. U-rethane foamýs have proved particularlyV valuable ln the linings of clte.he1o noýtý reac(t to dry cleaning ecemicl as1 do0 other types of foam linnsand consequently avebeen ingra'de- mandc hy m-anifufadurers of men'Ilsi car, Coats. Pol uethnewasist used Jhy the Germ-ans dIuýrg Wod Wa Twýo !in 1the ,wings ofMesrc it air craft. The desig-ners conceived thle idea after nloticingho quicklýy a do -)zen1 o)r so planes sank Ilwhen sh1ot l w v watel.. r t i,~ l lgt(abýout nel af hewegh o hardd rigid and1' will fioat. The exeIetpoe o be ve-ry succesaf l dwaIs used by Ger- nany throughotÉthe rest of the k wasalso used hy ivGeriimnsold- lers as fleece lining iii Parkas and trench-coats. Trethane can he( turne'd out in) any nurMber of forint-s from- soft sponges to hardid shieets, or ev- en flexiîble strips depen'ing on how it is processed. In Europe it has been used in con- structinig bodies o! tractors and UJNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 Oronlo - i11am. Leskard -1:45 p.m. Kirhy -3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL ûromn -- 10 a.mn. Leskard - 1:15 p.m. Kirby -- 2 pa. rucks refri geratý or bodies we -r', "Ide with LIrethanin thil 1le 1USA ati( bat one of its raw materials is !e 'Later part o ol a n andic if lihe as aprond akdown "ffect on ithe walfls ofi the lns 'roeve, tereare ino dang-erous fft left withi the final plastic and it is completely safe for bouse- i-old or other uses. Dyvnaflex Plastic Limnited have t yet announced whien they will ýýo into operation. GIRL- GUIDE NEWS ýing a 7:30f. The etn bgnwt T]cs ý(flý gilstendiieci into threlci groupsj Te ifou r new gils tha Evrynewenit downstairs 1i join u-g, s ndafter a whil [wenit upstai's to gon over some CGuide_ '&s. We closed with prayer andý taps at 9*00 p.Tm. Judy Vagg ROAL Bowmanville MA.3- 558-9 TITS THIYRS. TO SAT., JAN. il - 13 TH-UR S. at 7.30 - FR1. & SAT. at 7 a nd 9 p.m. SUN., MON. AN D TUES AT 7:30 P.M. YOU'LL NEVER FORGET FIRST 'PINCW'!1 ,SiaeeY JAMES Fic BARKER gonlb WIONO CHas AWTJEY KinutlhWILUANS tmlie PIIW Joan 11111 lutinJACQUEtS Sirley FATEM -m RNKOOAIZTINPRSCT NOR un ROYAL CLOSED WEDNI ESDAY Check These Saving Suggestions Valentine Cut-Out Books priced 15c, 25c, & 49e Plastic Model Aeroplanle Kilts, 35 parts. Lind- berg Line, Several Models to choose from Each $1.09 Fresh Chocolate Bars. R-egular 10c. Special for 28e Jig Saw Pzzles forý shu-in or for those long evenings. Price ................... 35e to 88e Fianeltt Diper~ ee-eeBrand, com- 1 fortabe, aborben, durbleie 26'x26" Package '- D oz en1...............15 Ladlies Print Tea Apr-ons, large assortment I of-patterns Vo choose from. Eachi............ 29e, Special New Modess, 12s wthvluable 10c coupon. 2 packages........... ........... 89e ~ Cookie Sheets, Our reg-ular low price -19c. Special this week .................. ....... 45e Men's Lined Capeskin Gloves, slip-on. Color grey, black and tan. Sizes 9 to 101//2. Regular $2.69. This week for ............... ...... $2.29 Boys Corduroy Pants, lined with sanforized flannel, 4 pockets, euffs, haif elastic. Sizes 7 to 14. Regular $3.98. This week............. $3.19 COMVING SOON JANUARY SALE Thursday, January l8th to Saturday, January 27th OROMO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Open Ail Day Il Wednesday Frictay andi Saturday Il Eyenings p

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