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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1962, p. 1

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limes Volumie2,Nmbr5 Cobourg \cillmot joua the Gnnaskn Ri-ver ul rf.Tiswsledcs ion takzen b-y fie (counil at a'peiq meetingveently. A wmin f ppoint two delegates tb ttend meiga lle'ly îeMn i.sier tif L'anids iau For-esîs 10 lie he'dý iu P ort Hp oii edaPoia ry7 witi pow,,er f0 votewa dlet cd. A scn motion 10 seudtwdoe gae[0 flie mfeeting solely for le pur-pose 0of wthn lfie pti ,) t lie minister liy Cobourg passed five 10 tirce.1 Mi-. SýlvesLer bold counicil llt i probale, aibouimythiical budgettifl tc eveal Cob;ourg, HmlfTowu.J sibp and arlin.oil ownsb-ý]ip jie bal bdget oaldlie inothrdo hiond îe mnisor if l Lndsa-a boug d firce co ioe, fie (an- arsaiwo, fIe TrentCnsrato Vouling for tic Wihdrnwal ww nu'tliorîiy nndmi re, fe nutboityýý" RveW. I. Thomas, cuclosJasý. 0ctimpuoed i)f HmltnTowns>iip anti MkeyC. Joinston, Ewad onu obg. and Frnuk Pwr.Voling for ie - i Motion tb ScndtcdoLl Iegates wît i As ivlet1n0l ttmthoe- power l'to voe'or bbtCe our cîry icAulirit,-e 48acrs f ai werý-e dcputy-roeve Me'Js. Louai P1 isio;nriohCbugwblidh are, owned b and counicillors J. R. Cooper aýýnui~teHgwyDprmn niWic 1. Lees. j hy wsh 10 dispose tof. TIewiids w se of f1e land very cenply but soe- -Ai4.ndinig tic meeting wereP 1. c.; u n co)nition tint itl leuet, o Ocinservation Bm nchtf ic Depai,- iseuwsad.Tli;celgaes1 maentif L'auis ndFreiTorou1to. wt awhep;'ti!fon are ReeW. I and Jnck SylvesternvcliairmantiITlioai nnd coucilo Jmer >s- Thursday, Flebruai-y 8th,2, Orono, Onitarjo Oron ChoberToConsider ýsse itance mF r evIlJ cdin Aae Ohambr 0fCommrce et on Thurs- day ovnn f lnst weelk for thle fir-st under, the dieto f lteir new pres- ident, Mr. Hnr;vey Pnrtner. The mecet-1 ing uasneid kin the newly decoratedý Orono 'ile'-tàurant. Followinig the openling '0f Llie meet-I ing Mr. H-. Duva-li gave the nuditor's! report whicýh is reprinted in thlis issiue ûf the paper. A num-ber of suggestions w2re dsusdin order thUaabte vie-wcud be given 0of the costi and profit mcadce -la the valouýs projects. icfirst T u ofy cach 1monlI. Mr. Wmi. Carma"n brouliit befor-e themebesCIf to lamera pro- posai 0Cf assigtheOronio Park Board1h costrucing awadiug pool ti teOrono Parkl.MrRuefoda mebr0f ÏteBoard, Spok-e to thle meetin. lnn ng fIe plaso0fthe PakBoard j"n.supp11ýlg a \wadingý pool. A motion by il. pDuval and P. Lunn auIithorized that a meein le- tweenýI the tw groups i)e soughit 10 dis- cumss poal assistance for a wadiug pool. On motion tof IWm.' amnanidIH. ~ "sdH u the Canadian Chamber 0 omre.iiot ene fOoo gso n W' ConuesRondnort 0f lie Viii- la the natter ti f No-orbnigae ousai the Canadianim itperini B3aul o; CmecinOrono, Rpy Dickson i velftefcttn i niu ieported2int erequest ldbeen Crcavalcae wil lep"sing aban is r Wrte bisAýssociation to as-k )f A report t if dreto'smeeting....s V--1oncdtos0e atten-,ding in ic A.MLrn and J. StuLt lad been set as a comm tu10stuiy va GifI Token] f or new rýesidenîlis whlo move imb lie Village. Wmî. Reid bon ds tic Col1t Dery enluire; H. Du'rall, special events; Dane Fouind, promnolion cm m.ittee and P. Lunn bonds the inlen- ber,.ship committee. Mr. Reid reporled týht arrange- ments wvere progressing for. the annju- al ColDerby to liedin Juuè This yîearý a yearling colffhass lieen oitaii4ed ýas a prize for, a draw 10 liefheld aI lie_ Derby. This clt lias beeaprp- -È,elyvnamed *"Orono's First." Mr. D. Fouind reported tint the dir- entors lad decided tb cut down oncieý coat of lie draw P'rize foi, the aotiual Street Fair and Ilad Iecicled ~to pInce a Deep) Freeze as tie prize. Oth)erý cash prizes are 10 lie awardled 10 lucky tick<et holders during the running of the Street Pair u Auust, lu discusslug soli-e m-enus of honlor- iug lihe 0Orono Baud il wsdcdu tînt lhe Chamber contact lie Baud 10 disus ths alter before any ncçtioUl wnýas taken. Mr. P. Luinn, chairman oftfi l mem- berý1siip ecommittee reported liaI ie Iioped to have as mianly of the origil charter memrbers 0f lieChme as Possible at fthe next reguLar mýieeýitng-.Î somne discussioni cenitred nrounrd changing the m--eeting igit tif theF Ch ae s some tie f the stores wý,ere1 -1-ow slnying open ou Thursd'.aýy eveni- in.A 1motion cnrried 10 continue withi ibereis ac lii tey could give l t ir-rtrog bsareaý. Th eeigndoed1 eeto tht' ORIO-NO CHAMBB,1IR 0F COMMERCI Recepts Expnditresfor 1961 RECEIPTS Balane an. 1, 1961 ....... $1327.34 Due-s.-..................... 120.00 B~n&es.......... ........ 20.95! Fieoiscarvàs.. ........185.731 CotDerby ................. 1,218M7 Street Pair................ 2,148.25 Faîl Pair ...... ............. 195.50 BakInterest................ 12.55 $5,329.021 EXP~NI~URE Street Fair ................. $1,492.55 Slatonery. ...................45.43 Meals . ........ ,...............21.001 Bicycle -Rodeo......-..........33.85 l Mosporl Promotion . . ý..ý......89.351 B3anquet .. .... ...............118.50 D)ues........................ ..1.0 Fireworks ................ ...200.001 FL- ilPair .. ý...................34.07 Saulta Claus 1960 ............ 72.02 SuaClaus 1961 ............ 196.79 Colt Derbly................*1,045.70 Sia................ ...... 307.70 Donation..............100.00 Sluet. Banquet.. .......... 17.91 Sundry............. ....29.25 $3,80-112 Balane Decmber31, 1961. ,540 $5,329.02 DiiTul-recîs reetng o tic Durian County Fdrbotf Ag- r-icuilture wns lield aI "The Tradiîîg Post" ou Tiursdnay, Februnary l-st. Tw eouions vo(. Assessmenl andI Taxaionwer conideed.These res- olulionis were acccpfedl and f-orwnrded to CuntyCoucil, and tb lie Outar!lo Il' thearedb o'a iiBr JLoeC,1aIArtii Has1W.aWatt, Principal, New Mr S. Amy Van dien' Heuvel oif Oron, Pete rb or o ugh S c h001 ý1 O t h O i ý ii o N i - c l a s , i a sW a r r e n W . W a tt, p r in c ip a l f th e liad one ti f ber paintings c.hosen to lie1 shown-i in the East' Central Ontario I e Ca n;a oith Basting2s High Schoo)l ntBn Art and :Cýrafts Association Arýt -! ,- ih as Petenrbooinhedî«princUL. ipal hibit. The pitn, AtmnLaes"te ewPlroug Dirct il. was one Of fifty chosen froni au entryFun F r A.] ScolbadchimnJhn ite 0f one h-tundred and siýxty-twvo to make anonced i ecently. Upthe showin.g. Paintin)gs ln th e show The Oron-o Atliletic Association are MrWatwl sun dti o wer.e chlosen froni artists fri o ver so aorn nIce Carnival at the Or- SMtr Wa itft iassue rad ui o nmnville, Bacrftn Belleville. 1 full ror citf fun lias been or.ga- th. e first year will supervise the equip,- Alic-e Paterýson andl Marion Stacey, i zed. Activities ýget underway, ncuO ing of fthe schoo)l and engagîng a lot 0f Bowmanville, also have pit ing Pub-licStn, at 7:15pm. saf The exhib- t is now on display , An 0old fashion costumie carnival The school, which 15 being liuilt ir'n Bellevi1le and wl on Ferar17th1 wýith prizes for, the best costumies bas Noýrth M1\onaghan owsip s ched- been arranged. The various classes uled to lie ready to o)pen in etm be ove t Peerbrogh her ~for both young and old are as fol- 1963. The first uinit hill accom1mod1aI0 w 11 heOn disnl)ay Io the T e 7M ic. The Peterboough sh w Iwllbe heldidn os 3 uis lie Peerborugh irary.Children: 1. Comujic, boys and girls The board received 91 sul~i, Repot th saety ounil as envi lias 1had o0e10ýf lher paýiutings,3 gienbyHas eibrgr.Hereor~.cosen o 'cehbit. Her wr a ed a .er successfui yenr. Seven reeived much rise at these art meetings were hield incldîng a "Wt- ehbtn at local showings held ila eCr Safety Course, SfeyPo)ster Conl- Ornadatleailatepe er teLst, and comrpetition for a Provincijal ______ die_______________________ Crest. The Duiirhn m Cty edr tion of Agriculture wili nssist finan- l" cialiy 1h1 pear again. .la c ll ci ci; Jr C)u I Three Pkays A meeingthle PBowmnniqville Dramia Workshop was held aI lie Lions Centre on Tiursday, February isI, 1962 aI 8 p.m. with Mrs. Edwardi Samuel presidiug.1 Tt wn uouuced l i-tMAli. Leonardi Craluford would lie tlie visîing spe-ak- er ou Thursday, Ma rdi1ist aI 8 p.m. Un lie Lions Centre. His subjeot would lie "Stag Dreliilan Manage- ment" and lie goneral pulcaru vited 10 attend. pulcaeýn Tic remainder ofthfleeveulugws coc-erned wit thle re-adliug 0ithfle pl7,a1s intended for production tuls, srn.A varied blIis 10 lie offeredp wihMrs. Wiuifredl Wonuacott direct-ý lg amoe Candian comedy wili ýjhiarions domreslic siýtualdions by Eldai Cadog()gnucnlled "Tic 'Invisible Worm" MIr. Johu Scitieumakeýr lins alsocos 0n to direct a comedy but oif a very1 !iffereni calibr t ;s W. B. Yeats, 2. Best Animais,,, boys and ghrls 3Nursery Riymie, boys andgil 4younigest on skates -Siudents or AdIulis: Best .Decoratedý Hat depicting ea souig tille. ()Mai 2) Femiale. Adulîs: 1. Oldest on skates 2. Best couple on skates. Follo-wing the judging of lie cos- tumes a Ladies Broombail gamre wl thrill the spectators as this amusiug' gamielhas always been a feature ati suci nuits at lihe rink. This will be followed by a men's hockey gamie whien the "Has-B3eens" tLake on the Curiivply Spluters. The eveniuig vwill lie concluded witi. Public Skating. Plain to attend and plian b lie thiereý 'in costumec. PRO(îPA'M 7:15 7 -30 Skating 7:30- 8:00 -Judging0of 'Costumiesý 8:00-S8:30C- Ladies Broombali HahSliugers vs. Duster Wieldo rs 8:3 9:0 Me'sHockey Cuî-pl Splinters vs. Smioke-Eaters~ 9:0010:0 -Pul)ic Skating Amsin25c'. 1(ade jho11erfo11, thePse pinyst tho rown Hall towards tho end 0f Mardi. Mr- Watt cornies b'hibi recommended by Lorne? Johusto'n, formeri disticI secondnry school inspector ançVno Iassistant ,uperiritedent oif secondar-y sohiool education, Ontario departmnent. of education, Toronto, states the chýair- m an. Mr. Watt lias been principal oif the North Hastings M1gb School oince. July of 1959. The school, located in- Banicroft, has an enroument oif 7n@ includes complele academic and com;- mierce deparimnents and expianding to-chnical and occupational depart- m"'nts. Mr. Watt lias 13 and a haif yeara% teaching- experience and before going to Bancroft was principal for four, yeairs off the Orono High School, under fiDurhami County High Sciotil Board. His, teaching experience was at the Training and Re-establisinment Insti- tute, Toronto, a department oif educa- lion ex-service sohool; lhe Mount Fore st District Higli Sohool and( the- B1rampton District 1High Schol. MNr, Watt is a gradiuale la arts oif Victori-a College, UJniversity oif Toronto and bas hbs aieotf education. degree froni Ul- saîme uniersty.Ho asso hbis h1gb scbool and vocaLtional sch!ool principal' ceetficates. A0 presont he s asîsingii,- No'-th Rstigsoar-d. in planning a 12-unit building expan- sion prograni. Ho bhas taken an active, interest ilu the Bancroft community, as lie did .n Orono, being a mnembler0of lhe C'hamiber tif Commerce, a member of le United Church along withi being nappointee on the'Recrealion Corn- mnittee. Announcement wns madle forthe coming *Vheat Producers Mee,ýtinin Cavan Hall, February 271h. Several copies oif the 1961 Year Book were purchased and miay lie ol- tnined from i e President Eric Pallis. Tiie pelîlion requesting a vote oun i mnarketing plan for eggs, mnusl have 15(;fifflie prodlucers Pnmes. Tien n new plan anu be drawu up and pro- selted for approval. Ne~w Browukts EuJ4lIedl hI Otouo -Croup! tilr wuiies opened lwilh lie Fairy Rihýg and Pairy Gold. Pîve girls were enroiledl by Blrown Ow,,l wti their- mPOhers preseut. The girls enr-olled wuer-e Naucy Forrester, Delbie Ca,ýr- ethi, Gle uda T onnnt, M ilo eAd- GodnBar. Badges were peetd bEllen Mýilîsoni, Sinron Banrtow, Daren Wst, PticaWaiiace, Su- (nn oode. Golden Hlaud Badges were preseut- -"d 1BvryTenuat, .Carol Mercer, Margareii(,t Taggnrt and Tanyn aEsn-3t- Thoni we played gamies and sang -og.Test Work was contlinued on a ' ti ie different groups. ThIe four Golden Hn Brownies arei_- iNî %7 ,working on stuffed anïimiais to send to L s 1îV 4ý hospitals or orphanages. Thre meeting closed wvithi the miagic On Wedniesdlay, January 31st, over urer, Mrsý. A. Lemnke, 163 Mfaple St., of the pioneer womean ,,,ho organized qeeeand prayer and taps. one huandred and fify ladies repres- Pemibrok, Portfoh Secrtris: themcrnelves on the frontiers, andi whO ________________________ sntig-al the 'rsyeîlUnited Comm oniy Friendsip and ViiionU, went as missionaries into fields where Chuch ome'sgrouips in the Bay M~ odnAvery, Littie Britain; no wvomen had ventuired pýreviou-sly. f i t T of Quinte Coinerecue Imet for tiehein- Literature, Ms W. C. Iv-,es, 91 Liber- God moved in the hearts and Yninda. t~ioIoH 0 iayauurai orvic iteCofeeneUn- 1t\,St Ew avii; eioicas. anfw' ills of gse cm2edMg5 - Î e. LDr. D. M-. Smrith of Campbeil- andPub!licity,, Mrs. W. G. MceLean, in the twentieth century, thiese coni- ~owmanvii efor pidd for both sessions and!28 Phillips St., K,-ingston(; Program, ditions no longerexs.T-athr W nuc-ted the Inaugural Service;n Mrs. Ralph EH$Il fe.R , -,Trento)n; is no aspect efthetiCh1urch,'s worki Th wrd-eowe Rbiof n teab',eirce oýfRe. . C. Relloway, -tewardship) and Recruiting, Mrs. E. w,ýhich- we cannot shlare. cis viohn mankes an apperance iPeidnt0 Pe a of Quitnte Cn .Sm-ith, 166 EiaehSt., Peter- ssrWard emphasized that thi l3wianile n Friday, Fbur rnewows nbet i rsn.borougi; Suppiy and Social Assist- new, movemenlcit is lnt ot SO uch Wc)- i6hweea poplarconc0-1:er't wi!li In her speech of acceptance, rsAce, MrPhS. AM. 1M. Pegg, R.,2, Clare- mn ok swmnwrig pr-esenteýd in Trinity UTnitedCýlhurch. W A. Weatherhead of Sharbrot Lake, mont. Conveners of Comimittees: ànthingis reaily new, it is an out- The ecncr is being sponsord by the tjue first prsesientcf [he new organi- Christian Citizenship) and Social AC- lowt ýHI 0f the old. Eveý,ryhiîng new is Bowanill Rtar Cub ndtice.s atin, stated "That as we lhave pro -tin, PMrs. EHOeln Hare, Grafton; CO-!I 11w inevitable îresit 0f what we hv are aow, on sale. Tickets available uard over the past two years for operation inlCritin ducation and 1 cenuad what we h-fave don2e. Sonie at suts Pharmacy in Orno. ywhta t tkig puace to-aly, itbU Misoarhdcai% Mrs. Chas. peuple are reluctant to gveup thlci 1 Huiofwllntolypeetanbe s)huiw'wr pracigHddn lcwae;FnncMsvays, and can see no virtue la the eveing conrt at 8:15 pw.m. but also an üopen door. it lhas giv-en -us an o-A A. Crowle, 19 Divisin St, Oshlawa; new Others are so eager tu grasp astuden's matiinee at 4:30 frwhporMm iuaity S go tbrough tu greater Leadership Deelpmnt -Ms.S.Say o0f the new that they overlook[ al modeat charge of 50 cents is being thîngs or to step aside qnd escape. well,64 Cadilac St., S,OshawilAI evalue of the bd. She remarkedl leied lte studenIts. We av'e accepted thle echallenige, and Nolmais, Mirs. F. R.P ai_ 277 that two things are needed: 1. We Tecnetwill iniclude a llîth ihe Iresponisihilities." Lraidwood Av-e., PeterbIoroug-h. 1 need a renewal of our conception of Chalad number Xf seectonq rang- Other oficues nstiid by Dr. Milss Anne 1I Wýard1, Exective Sec- wba1hýt it meians to lie theChucli ng".S rom t he W'ar-saw Concerto to the ,Smirith incu :vie Preiens Ms retary oif the Board oif Womien of tire (Gods pwee. 2. We need to tec Bails f Dvy rocettandsqvureClarenco olmes, 6W) oles d., Uited Churiich in her address duriand enarge our umnesandng of the idance fiddli'. Bellvileo:A Mrs. . T-ilu ardun, 314 Cie inaugural service, said "Hem- the factd that ibis niew organlization is RWuofs colourful career dates Cente tSi., Whity; MrIs. H. C. Mausembr tat we are standing on. dhe mssof the Church. Shie stre-ssed bakto 1911i. Since that tme he hasUnker 365 Jolinson St, ingstn;MrJs. throbo0f a neýw era. Et is hard for no longer a part from thie mai thOrilld llions thr01ug11conacers and R. C. Ellis 1n Dufferin, St., Bellevilfieuis to a"ssesdte siniicance of it ail. str eam 0of the Cuci o is itla, raio A n po arconceurt :,luChlic Rcodn Scetry rs. J. .1E.1We are going forward in faith. The lngrexiuvelccredwtIl ago bsaperne ih bijsvona t- 1Mar'eh, 245l McDonaldriAve., Belle-fuur luids imach that we con W t'wmn's workbut i Oissor the La :idthe 1 gs cr 2, 25,000, n ii; orsodigSce ary rs. kowno iaticipate." pur pose 0f poaigwomen lto live- the( aras0jAeia Hsy -;ncoln Eýiiiott RH.1, Twýeed; Treas- She remnded us of the ricbherwitage ý (Continued on page eighjt) a A- A- N. N. vel-kow "o f Boh(Wibbs pcacsthing eetinig for lthese di lechrn ad ydïicisým scae pouioswilile be eHnuoxt Thuriis- witi tuis famoi-s Irisu pol.The d ay. Felýiuarvy 8th at 8 :301 p.m ). aI the third pjlny is a cýontempmnr,;y AmnlK- i orn tifMrs.Robct Sbrida, 15 (u dma ly Willimuge 'calld-AI iberty St. N., Bwavil.AIl Tiuy losel" directed lihy Mes. D.inmbestogfbr ith nypeople] Louiis Frýeucýimani-. Iftis a tense, mo- iterepsted :n actin, ,stg nng Mng episodo in a mid-wesleru board- orlusigning andan oterltd ng bouis,Arrangemenits are lp biig !stage work, are inivitf cdhotndtend. Fb Cobourg "everses O)am De issioDn Joining Ganarcsskci1 B3ay Of Quinte Con-0rfe'reri-'Ce 0Of United Church I le wu ie

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