r p p K WBAY OF QUINTE ONERNG DIED (Contnuedfroî page) Hoe, NwcaslonSaturday, Feb-- î3,1962, naAiberta (Allie) ý0 i" % w1I neto aPme 0 oîa' ra-lteM.ad m .H. Wood, OronoWOK ANE tzaien!an dar sister of :Mlay (Mrs. Wesley FOR SAULE On dfiitonof ajogeain~~si)Osaa hriOoo e Man wishes work, fuil, or par-tîm1-ie, _emg On 5 22. Semni Automatic. reltakoftepe'.e ' Odl is our Eeynuvis a'îur loyd Burley, bibylOtalo omavleiie Fur .L'_eIctcoat, silver blue uskrat. the ntoff) Oshaw;tva -i; Fe-rn, (Mrs. GogC ____________________Sse1C 4 GJuch n ie omuiy ~enain rou)Hmpton; and Wesley, Or- LO0STRe velvet sirt,,size 14. and tise wort. 'ilisere isevidence 0f ~Service was eldl in the Morris At thle Orono Rink on ridyngt pl et orsn - expectancy and readinees on tisepart Tuea haeBwanil 1 oal glove, boy's touqu,ýe,oerhe,___ ,if womn and(]mento enerinto this ý od eray t23 ..I-Ioelinging to Bowmnanville tealcl, Anyi- MTONM 1N aew pbase. ut we mst reebrtermenlt Lang Vault, rono, . one 1,nowing whereabots Icontact R atto. Thre m-t1ea aeex, i 0fOIW uval pone Orono 1292. a-c tin W reolyistuensn te ;w1 isstreseWtiewmn l Ameeiftise wDmcatcACINSALE Can 1 0f G . ortise .bildg 0 e 'ts wlZ1bu adtseGo -ryDub RiigAssciation. 'y s'ms a I:îtray n ner Geo pekeswilîl pe1t.)rncsG lwy l e soId byv elessa'.,t vwe mauy fuc1ýjlf -Sprpe biautnonaudyFray ALt teno cheo reig wr ý'n er-t~iEuriope at b 1i nteTwnBletayt S'ewil f ýon-l -c Feddema Real Eso 28a0e ~huch en.Mc Matinbcdprvi-tis gope m i ts Yeds thut he A Valentiýne rdPart-',in 'StBWMNLE ousy pesete 1ai th ldieýs0ofts mn1tobc1trwokrW ut aiu' ars alo ededy îno2Fml ose, -lApt.7 new eecutve ~iis crsags on eisaf w dn ou horzonsbavea grater ebrury l4h,1162 a 8 p.. roma, 1Apt.6 roms. Ech Ss bt ef, tieUie iucsMn otstw a cetti se i chi ood pie.lunch eve. Ami- wnbath, coh furnaýe, grae trare Inth ttrooisesonRe.Ste- lnet salssteKndm0 e inSc. lot. Prîced! to sell with easy trmei. onntisis e rtis' ______________________il________ tîg ithe bouii slediàms-Rv. R. Cathierine McKeen spokeNOIEWnasmlfrm sýage o6is asrfoie hrcsoH fbe lesreIhSig ttbsritreTeDuiamCunyFia Sekig 4tars- oo ouereetl e plointed out thatthIle United Chu-rch , meeiný te irs CnfrenceUn-ovated. Ail conveniences, barn and agreat Cisurus, xîo only Ccause f itedChurcisWoeen' inaugral sersContet WilibebhildinntheOrono it nmbr, ndtieanîonty ie Ci rCanada. iseTownship Hall, Tuesday, FeraympmntsedAibulnggod ýt leSiwas,- speaking of l3th at 8 p.m-l. a-CI Paved road, 2 creeks. Property nmust àinvraisedl by bts large memiber-i be so)ld, miake uis an effer. Nioney ~Ille work 0 f Crsinedlucation and ___________________ onip tiseIontiesofitie wr- doonsinc tseEducation 0f tiseU.C.W. YOUNG ,COUfPLES CLUB Modern new Split-level house, bricki parlts e frourgaities, i n tÇIj-iield tse wok s being on tsouglisTise Young Couples Club are holding'on Highway 35 near Eniterprse, 2 bed- partsoi ou grea cites, ;lChristian ýO-Education Commîiittee, a Toboggan Party anld Games Nighit ïr -ns, n'e' derorated, alcnv- ,f education and social scrvice. But i sms motn ia uScm nMna vnnFbur 2h ecs sae aae / ceJt Segaea anggthtbvnse pe-,mtte b stbise a ec lvl Eeyoeiswecmet big iei oueteSesidfll umlisd fe tige and money can ibe tisherySign loca (,Il, Presbyýtery and jýjConjferellje. Tise togogan neet at these Çhurch at frig an-d range, T.V., chesterfleld et,'ics dWewnfll, ulea bc usetie frnw SndaSis ol curr ficuum lcs 8 p.m.Weather not permltting tobog- suite, new cinette suite, new bedroom God -W msi e oncrn tsa wla rea episss nsudegoraut iig gamies vill be played at tise suite, etc. Ready to move into. 0w-1 use our Power and mionev t mke is for, there is great nieed for- infermed wor1.0 Chris1moreChIurcis. a-c nrec anxious to, seil. Make us an offer. weffficrst-loe, t and dy- adddctdautteachers. 85e!___________ ssamic. ~~pairticularly recommended thse bookC RECEPTION-Asng$500.Tr. Mr. Kitchen continued .saiyinýg, "Ouiri "Tise Word anid the Waiy" byPrf Mr. and Mr. owland Smith et4-oo Hou 'se, well, garage, good l'hur-ci Mould Se a -disîu bed" 1 Donald Mtes an introductory book 133MonrcsPark Ave., Toronto wiîî l elo. Near Highway 2. FuIl price C'isurcis and a "iig hri. SIýo for tise new curriculumi. Books, papers1Seilt homie on Wedïnesday, Fbr $r 3000,0, Termis. Many do flot want to e Sedliuredal pamphlets to be used in Sunday l 4tis, on tise occasion ef their golden 170 Acres. 7 roomed house. 2 bu-t Christ camne into ti;swmd to Sc-isool, tise home, and Messenigers, wedd(ingi annivemsary. a-c brs 2 streamns, 100l acres workabie ____________________________________CARD 0F THAINKiS $14,000.00, Teisms[ 1 Iwould like te express 1myVsincerle f-OArs-,0on HueBa. thainks lteiimy Many friends, relativst100 Acrs -i 10 oom Busk 9 ,5Barn Uilmd tise dient Societies fer letterýs, tem odsi.Akn 1, BD WMAN eVILE RDTARîY CLUB foesgfs ~ sn ayohrlsig I1 Terme.d aci ý,e' e A' FrsnsP;tal. a-p Durliam ,County and Oshawa. * Many tanks, IBill Bairstow [First and cond cýwMortgages ai- (replacing tise Mission Bands) were shiswn and discussed. A coler*ful pes,- A.c.jvcj ter for, missionamy eduication, "hî cliss forý New Times" wvas displayed. Phone 1407, Orono tMijss McK,'een toid et tish ee Local Represenitative 1im o0f dedicatien te mission for __________________ boys and gir-ls to e Sesed in a coni- gregationa-l service. Slieemiaze tisat one efth-tise -i tasks efthtie FOR MEChurciliis lin tiseChristianEdcatbi 0f iseboy. iseais rpored sa PAINTiNG - DECORATINGO General iucla pinted UILDING - CUPBOARDS :1 comitte e seen eope t codue o REPAI R AN D FINI1SH wokiopf crse -Canada.le fi nd(FURNITURE f A short questinand answier period Cail follwed issMcKeeni's talk, wtth f Sise Waîd-d Mis MKeen and Mm. 4,Mrs. B. IH. Soper nonedts Phone 1413, Orono f ia dates for, tise Scisoolfo Lead1er-s - o 1 from August 20-2,5, at Wiitby Lde CONCER College.Dodger-s uîd programls wi ., ý C11_0CP i CE %'JT îSe seýnt to tise Pr'esb)yterial rsiet ditiution 1th F iay r 17, M.,10G. 'MeFlarlaine, Mnstre Tbr 196 nale hurliassste byBey IElecieal Contractingéjý Smlitis, tise report 0 e iecuts e STARýTS AT 8,15 pm ite vsprsnt y r. 1tnlyElcri eafin- I Murýaray e Woodlville. Dr. Smîlis I Trinity U nited C hu h tl fisemeigti ie eei-anu SI-VlCe j I rn t r1 e1 À l u c meting and mae aonme n t to IBOWMANVILLE, O AROterlsc mieeOf th, isCon- Ooo na StdetsMa1n :,30 vpn,,- 50c formped oet their aPPointmntsnby;Mrs. Et ATgEmD I AR Clinic Brin,g in your complete U ni v e r sl M1 kr For Free Clheck-up and -Adjustmlent by Qualified Perso--nnel No l ' chre- yteu pay 0111Y for palrts ïneeded tog elc damnaged or woirn prt. e'l SeIoig for yoU. DU RHAM FýAR ERSCO0 TYO-op Orono1, Ontario Order Your 10 Printing 1Supplies No"ÇZv OR ON0 WEElMES Phone 109 ORONO1 Antqu Pitos, ols ad emning- PisoneOrono1522.a- I'iisig ad Cnvaescnt ome, lc"ned, Cng t, NwcasleOnt., "S vaa ir e he and clgentle - mlen. PHYSICIAN and SURGý.-EONý Offie Flow,,, 2:00~ ~~~ý to20 AmO:0te80 . Satrasand Wednesdays by rAvate1 accommodations. Nurse l -'HONE 1471 oi duty. : sor:Nwate2701. d-51-c1 SAWeýS SHAURPEN1ED1 sa flîg.Evrytooth as hecor- D, W. McQUAY -N ~LTO R Bowmanville MIA. 3.3393 PUýMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville 4721 gInsurance Serv ice g o linsurance in aIl its Branches gAuto, Package and Composite f Policies, Fire, Farmn, Life, BurgaryLiability, Marine, GAccidlent andI Sickçness, Wingd, Bolier, Fidelity Gond, Etc..g Phone Orono IR16 1 2 ~FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Buildiniga Hbuse? rir rnmcdiling your presenit one then contact Floyd-,NiChoso Phtofl 2191 Orono DRR. RJ. TA-ýGCART VETERINARY ÇURGEoîl 1Phone 10616 Orono, Ont.. Lawene C Mso, B.A. Barriste'r and Sol0icitor BOWMANMALLE, ONT T'lPhont tSO ro Bharrtee- - Soictort LYet' rsure ffce Offic P-0 B .o R Wia ddell Q-C.e 25 OFIEMAN T., ORONO PhO o 8 Ooo hn 1251 e. 11 JACK'RID Orono's Licensed Aucti;oneer an.Id Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis 1and dates Phone 5 r 18 Auctionaeer and Valuator CoïiduCts 1Aeuctiol Sales c il all u.e and et reasonable rate£s Communirate Vwitýh hlmai Port Perry, Ontario Famiîy Memforlis 1Ouir quality and service leaves nothing to be ndesired Ask the person who bought from us» a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTTEIR ýANYITE COMNPANY 73 Ontario Street POR THOPE "Largest Display in 'Southerr, PHONE 129 GONTRACTORS FOR FARM and ITJSE WIRTNG Free Estimnates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andi Guarant'eed Repaire to ail kindJs of Eiectrical Equipnenit and Appliances Such at Metors- Water Heaters T.V. - Radios Stoves - Irons ORONO WEEKLY TIME,,S TUSAFEBRUARY 8, 1962 ORONO, SITAFFORD ROS. Monneital WMblu Phone, Whîtby 552 318 Dundlas St. E., Wllitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nlified monument over the rest- ing place of your Ioved ones. lt's flot expensive. And senq this last tribute wili gîve you, end4ess comfort. Qi'oio Ili