Orono We limes Volume -93, Numnber 51 Thursd1ay, Febr-uar-y -lth, 1962, Orono, Ont. Fourteen lHc At C Foree ocýkey teais re -slated to1 x~- . cmpete 'in theLittle NHL T-ourna- nient which is to be held in the 01Oro Fink this ,o-ing Sa-iturday. With each ieam beingalwe sixteeni memllners it wl enthiat a ttal of 224 boys ~will be a,-t the rink to assist the efforts eof their partidular teamis. Playdowns will be held in three dli- visions nameiy Atomus, PeeWees and Bantamns, with booy,,sran in age froni seveii years to foirteen years.i At the time of writi-ng this article five cent.res will be re-presented a)t the tournament whien championships will lie determpined in the three aibove naentioned ïdivisins. Orono, Mlbo',Cnigo n Warsaw are to ha-ve an entry in ec ,ofthe three c[lMions wthLittlie - Sain entering in tw,,o of the three divi- sion,- The tournament \viil start at 8: 0 rn the ïmorning and run into the early eeng.It wll bne necessary te, rui btenten and eleven hiockey games to determine the champions in eachi 4ivision of the meet. Final details are belrga riïaged,.and a ,busy day is exý- pec-,ted for the local rink thîs Saturday from early morning uintil early even- LITTLE N Hl L SCIHEDULE Saturday, February lltfi 8:W Orono - Ir. A. - War-saw ( 1) A:4 Little Britain- AHL -Warsaw (2) ~ 35 Warsawi- NHL -Orono (3) l1lý 30 Millb-oglk -Jr. A- Canningtoîi (4 1 Il ý1O Cannington i-AHL- Millbrook (5) 12:0 ,,5 Little Britain -NHL Mi lbrok) 1.00 Winner ( 1) -Jr, A, . rner (4) (7) 1--4) Orono -H-Winner (2) (8) 2,35 Cannington -NHL- Wlnner (.3)() '2:30 Winner ( 5 -AH-JL- Winer (8) t(10)1 ,5 Wirnner 'g -NHL- Wnner (9) (11) Jr. A. - 3- 10 inute periods.Last n minuites in final pimod timie out. AýHL and ';Hl - 3 -- 15 minute per- É-lxIs. Last iue in final period tieout. In case of tie there wilI be sucldeni ~eath 5 minuteý periods-. JI'. A.- Atoné ,HL-PeWe mrono Couples club Enjoys Outing >ckey Tecims To Plaiy rono Rink This Saur The death Dcc-urred at Oshawa Gen- cmal Hospitalady, Feli. 3e fol- lewing a short ilhness, o! Rev. John Wvalter Wlkinson, formier mninister o! Dunbarten United Churcli. The de- ceased wvas in is 68th yeari. Born. in London, England, in 1894, Mm- Wiikinsen came te Canada dluring his yeuth. He came te the home of MrFýs. F red Tamablyn and the late Mm.r Ta"m.lyn, to whose farm lie came iie 1910 at the age e! 15 years. HIe attend- ed schloejl and church in Orene. From hieire he wev(n 'tiAibertu Coliege i-nuBel- leville amd iatem studied theoIegy ai Victoria Cllege, University o! To- Mm. Wlkinsont was ordained into the niistry at the June 1926 Bay o! Quinte Con! erence o! the United Churci. lHe was arnong the greufi firsi ordained ie othe United Chuicih' -, Canada ministry anid after union o!i the Presbyterian and Methodisi! Churches.' . ' Hlis fist ck49e wa&at. Carnarvonj, "0Ev: 'Hee Iter moved to' Victoria Road, Ont. M. Wikinson was minister ai' the United Chumch in Warsaw for Il years and iter served in Havelock fer seven years. He was Oakwood United Churcli ministem for sevemal years lie- fore m-oving te Du Èibarton, where tie' preàched untii is tatiizement, after'S8 years' service te the church, due te health reasons, about two yearsago. Mr. Wikinson was marmîed ~to the formner Mabel I-ene Crouch, at Brighit-, on, A'ugusi3 , 1.924. HIe wa.s a niember1 o! the Kiwanîs hClub <of flûzbartoli tand was an active member o! LakefîeId Masonle LIdýge duig bis years o! residence ini Warsaw. Besides bis wife, Mr. Wilkinson i, survived by three daugliters, Mrs. J. E. MeMillan, (Stella), o! Oshawa, Mms. Claude Watson, (Ruthi) o! Scar- borougli and Mararet, o! Dunliarten and a son, John off Pittsburg, Penn. A sister, Miss Mary Wikinson e! Toronto andtidiree grandehildreli, El- izabeth and Jennifer Watson anid David Wilkinson, aiso survive. 1 lFunl slierlviceswere held fomn Thle Couples Club hield a Tobogýati Dutibarton United Churcli, FryandGae Night on MondaY Feb1. 6 at 2 p.m. Rev. Dr. W. even-,,-ing, Feýbruiary 12th. Seventeen Ka inisLer of Dutibartor coule wmepresent, some enjoyýing1Ccjl'nci conducted the service a fast tbga ride wvhile others playýed Ping Pongl, darts and heckey Dr. Mc1(Kay was assisted in the chiurcli basiement. ohira f the United Churu Ashort biess met in1g followý"ed bytery and two of Mr. Wi refreshm nts~f osoups sad-ciosest friends, Rev. Frederi( wicheslof Oakwood and Rev. Milter son of Toronto. Interment M'r. ong iese themeeting with B hedaCemetery, Darlitigt( prayer.Ship. j Highh olNws VALENTINE'S DANCE was thec Open House at Qule ver-sity. This specjial event Febrary th arkýed the date 0 very other r and it'sn aaohe sccssulhigh scýh,-oo dance pose is te give senior student --hich w-as spetisored by the Stujenits' -cheol an inisiglit on the hfie Concl.TeOdflw' Hall wasledaUnvriy Between L gaiy ecmaedwith mred streamners0n :0 n 5'0p.m.,al U anbearts, and thie special attraction1 "KisingTre," he ranhesbildings were open in erder wa îýiigTiý banchs tude(nts could be taken on 0fthis tree e ipure white. and were touIr and libe giveni further ad adored ithman i-ghtredheainiformation than what they ,,f every shape and size. It proved te ready read in books and pamci lie a verey intemestitig and attractiye The facuties, schools and sitot feronincluding temnsarne ipasa ~eachers. is as well as many other Throughout the iglIit stujdents en- ing events. eed danicing te.. the latest records andpamicpatd h ,riouis dances studfents f ro ono0,010e,~ sucl assnowaUsand Pauil Jones. jedltis trip due te thle1 Ltron in the vdin a d3eliciou.s within the last few year'sy luc a erved cilich consisted of their friends anid -gradua1tes may anysandwiches, pop, andd tered Qrîeen's. This factor SE r ~,pinh a-n,',whteheart-shaped ecuro mn f our su cae.As yo)u catiý well imagine, this cause their friends werc, and and .enýjoyablJe eenlt! FOr I. es wo restillilt OPEN IIOUSE AT QUEE~4'S ibou hir uue ugs Tuesda, )n 'United by the ch Pres-' 7ilkinson's' .ck Lane, nSander- was iti ton Towni- en's 'Uni- tis held ianpur- ts of hiigh you cati the hours rniversity rthat the a guided duice and yhad al- iphiets. d djepatrt- cspecial initerest- :ially 'àn- fact that1 rnany of ahad en- ýeemied to lents be- lStuu are, inidcided that they, >1A A special meeting of the Bowman- ville Drama Workshop took place at, thle residence of! MmI. Robert Shemidan with Mus. Robert Sheridani presid'ing. The business of the- evening was tc wast the schedufles fer the forthcoming proucios.The president announced thlat Mrv. John Schoenmiaker w7ould not bet aivailable and Mm. Robert Sheridan consented te present the Bowmnanivile Hligli Schools production of "The Mlan in the Bwe Hat"' by A. A. Mimne which the author himiseif describes as "a very exciting aff air." It was aise) amnnunced that the town hall was net aivailable for the Mardi dates enigin- ally set and the alternative dates wudprebabiy be mnid-April. Caýsting fer the two plays then lie- ga-n. "The Invisible Worm" by Elda Caeadirected by rs.Winifred Wennaýcott wi]i be peýrfermned by Mrs. J3ýarbara Bethune, Mmr. Kenneth Den- nIis anid Mr-. richardc MurkelY.' "A Tiny Closet- by Wiliamn Inge Will feat'ure Mrs. Robert Sheridan, M\1iss .Telen Nehes,, and MAr. Frank Stenigev aw wIle li irCIdby Mr, s. D. Loui Frenciman. StIage crews 4and designers hav ,ýeye On Fehriary y r aryiit[le momti- 0tn u 0 h~"pen Houses at -o ce seLlcteifur iflese preductins ingten rad tweve tudets rom ucen beore heymakeanydefinite'and ail ntersted perasnsare asked ono tmvelled bybus te ingosen plps re eiin.I ol iewl~t ted~e'etgeinral meeting slon wii mny the stuent o~,vii't ther wule I liill illbe Pai the Lioni's centre o)n Bowaniil Hgh.Thir esinaio iBonnie Couvier v labuary 16thi, 1962 aàt S p.m. ,.angers To bld SîOryý ilour >For Kiddies' On Saturday memnings, cornmenc- inig on Mardi 3rd, ail children bie- tween the ages of six year-sand .2cigh-t yasare nvited to attend a Story Heur, ini the Municipalj Building, friomi 10:30 a.mn. te 11 :30 am Thle Omono Rangers will previde stories as a public service te interest Uhe yeuniger chiidren e! the com)j-mun- ty in eading and enjeying books. Over 300 Attend Annuai tee Carnival In Orono If this venture the group will be modate the four There will be fu cerning the Story_ The Ice Skating ýCarnivai held at proves successful, the Orono Rink on Friday evening o!) eniarged to accom- last week met with success when 011er and'five year old three hundred attencled. Thlis is pes- sibly one of the largest crowds to be, in attendanice at the 'rink for a gooed' urther notices con- number of years. Ail ages were cer- Hour. tainly well represented and everyone Vicki Cotter joinec in the fun of the evening, either as a participant or as a spectator. Ail 0f Clarke Townshipý Now In G-anaraska Authority Lena Aiîbeiýta ÎWood Mi1ss Lena Alberta (Allie) Wood~ died at the Southaven Rest Homûe, Saturday, Feb. 3, in lier 6lst year. She had been in f ailing health for the paist 10 years. She was borni in Orono i 1901 as the dau.mghter of the late M1r. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. She was a member of the Orono Un- ited Church. Surviving relatives are Mrs. Wesley 71,-kin (May), Mrýs. H. undice (Lot- ic), Mrs. D. Flinitoff (Eveýýlyn), Mrs. G. Armiour (Ferti) and Wcsleyý Wood. A brother, Chairles Wood, prede-i ceased her. Thiefnel service Was held at the C ope f the F.F. Mlorris Co., Bow- man,,lville on Monday, February 6th. îIntermnitwas in the Orono Cemietery. The service %vas conducted by ReV. B.Long, Orono. P~1beret wreHowvard IHôkin, Ali) rt Rundie, Neil Wood, Dick Wô d'- Sidnley corn4 i-isiad- Wesley Flint'off. lUis. ilerbert JeweII The death occured, following a long illness, at the Niagara Peninsula San- a.aimon Februavy 9 of Mrs. Her- bert W. .Tewçll of Bowmanvilie.Sh was in iher 87,t11'yea.r. Trhe former Winnifred Mary Field- lng, ..the. ddeased was a. daugter of the lals Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fieldling, She was bora inh Clarke Township and was niarried inlxBowmanville ini 190'2.; A mendier of St. Paulin United Chutrch, Bowmanville, <Mrs. Jeweill had lived with lier daugliter, Mrs. R. A.McLoed, at Niagara Falls. She is suvived by two daugliters, Mrs. Robert McLoedl (Edfla) of Nia- gara Fl'als and Mrs. Harry Jackson (Marion), of St, Catharines an-d a soni H-arold M. Jewell of Buffalo. Aiso surviving are two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Jewell and Mrs. M. J. Wight, both of Bowmianviile. The funeral service was heid at the Morris Funeral Home, )3owmianville,, conducted by Rev, Harold Turer, Pallbearers were Dr. H. C. Rickaby P. R.1 Rickaby, Carl W. Billings, Bert JwfDon Gilhooly and George Web- Prepare For Staging 0f Plays 1 ~John Hanaka Heads Durham- 1Northu mberlcand Tobacco John Hanaka, of Perrytown, wvas elected president of the Uurhamn and Northumberiand Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Association Friday niglit'at the Port Hope Golf and Country Club. C. Bilger, of Castieton, was elected vice-president. The officers weme eiected at a meet- ing of the new board of directors held after the annual general meeting at whlich the 'board was elected. Memnbers of the 1962 board are as foliows: Durhamn owners, J. Han)aka, N. Foster, M. Frew; Durham share- croppers, J. Mikula, A. Plancke; Northumberland owners, G. Beaudry, L.McDonald, S. Tozek; Northumber- land sharecroppers, C. Bilger, W. Jac- obi. Aise on the board is Glenn Atkins, immiedliate past president. H. KÇ. Long was appointed secretary id the general meeting. The by-laws weme changed te di- vide the district into two zones, one Asoc fori eaceh county, instead 0f three, as previously divided. Another revision of the b-lw a passed at the general meeting te i- 10w Mr. Bilger, a sharecropper, te lie vice-president of the association. Formieriy only owners couid hold the positions of presidenit and vije-_presi- dent. Mr. Atkins reported thiat thiee were 69 ownems and 38 sharecroppers in the association in 1961, and urged mem- bers te,: enlist as many : riew mnembers as possible in the association. George Demeyere, chairman of the Ontario Fluie-Cured Tobaýcýo Market- ing Board and Stanley Smithi, a mem- ber 0f the board, speke on thie pro- posed two cent ievy wic(h wouild ai- 10w the board te buy unsold -tobacco. A vote on thesubject is te be held a- mong ail Ontario grewems February 17, althourgh the vote may be post- poned te February 24. The entertainment for the evening took the form of public skating, cos- tume parade andi judging, girl's broom bail and a hockey gamne fol- lowed by more public skatýin-g. Those in costume were judged early in the evening. Prizes were awarded to the varïous groupings in which eaoh hieid a good rhumber of contestants. In the children's division, Valerie Mer- cer andl Don McKenzie cauglit the judges' fancy for thie comic dress.' Su- san Aslett and Larry Adamis were chosen the best animal .dress and Karen Homewooà and David Arm-' strong the best nursery thenie. In the adult or student division Mrsi Schmid took thé prize fol-' fhe- Ibdies for the best decôf'af&cl hât dèpisting a sang 'titl'e. Bob Best -wâs the boy ttu win in this grouping. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ransberry wvere c]liosen, the bèst couple skaters of the ýjIIM 9ýan awaicl which they have won on -ûfthýr èdios The youngest' shýater on the ice was Mý1arilyn Stielder, !twýç and lia.f years. Mr. Lyall..LQowery wa, 'tclaimeçl the oldest sklter o f the~ evening. Foilowing the judgig'& ft'he cost- urnes and aperiod .'f j'ubl.iiYskatiniz, the crowd enjoyed a ladies"'liroonibail1 gamie. Heré two teamnis weire icèý frenv the Village andi many a. thrll was provIided as ttie' girls batted and pushed the bail toiwzrds thir eppon- ents n~et. Oniy one goal was scored in the entire gamie but a number of close calîs were providea at both ends of tit I-ink. LEnthutsiasim ai high bothl for the players and the set osin this feature oi ithe evening. For the final attraction of the 'eveti'- ing the Curvply Spliters (a newly formed hockey team) took on the Or- ono0 Smoke-Eaters. Here again deter- mination had to replace ablity in the m-rajority of those on the ice. The Sm-oke-Eaters however hiad tee miany sharp-shooters and came up with a 6-4 victory. The SpInters, however, with a minute left in the gaine and the score resting at 514 puiled their goalie for the aid of a sixth forward. They then appiied the pressure test- ing the Smoke-Eaters goalie, Lyail Lowýery, but to no avail. into the 3plinters' empty net the Smoke-ý Eaters placed their sixth counter. The evening, billed an ice carnival with a family niiglit themle, ended with public skating. Township Adjusts Salaries, Wages lnvestigating Fire Agreeme-nts Plans The Township of Clarkce Ceunil et nterFCbmuary sess4ion last,-,7,ek hnthydealt With waedead prom Townviship emlployees and eguI- lar business. The chairman of the Ronds anci Bridige ote, Depuity,-Reeve J. Stone informed council that anigl e mient wiith Messrs. Ru gger and Wade r-e land te construct thie CNR Ove'- bead bridge had been agreed upon. Clouncil appreved the agreement as submitted and gave ateiyt-en , lete the agreement. Notification is aise te be sent te h ýirono Police Trustees te ae hn submnit te the Reads and B idge(Cin "'nIttee thleir sgetosfer ra w-ork in the villge dringtH)eyer nhe sayand waige ~hdlsFor th rrfer [lte Tewnship Ra eai niet wichwas apee yt ~1:0 pr hxur GrderOperator,.$14 Opematô $125 ad casuallabur l On motion the reeve, H. Walke, was named a Weifare Cernmittee for the Township of Clarke te discussi miatters under this dlepartment. The clerk, H. E. Milîson, was appointed Welfare Admrinistmator at a yearly saiary o! $250.00. As clerk. Mm. Mili-. son mceved, on recommendation of the finaince comrnittee a salary lni- crease of $100,00. Dnlngien rfrem BPowmanville. Cionj siderationi was aise given b me-eting with the Orenio Police Trustees lai this na)tter vwhen sufficient Jnfommu,-- tien was availaible. Nr. A. McLamn, as a memiber 0f the Toxyvnship Fm Comomittee, presented ceutncil Wvith a letter from t, he Omono Charnber 0 Commerce urging thaït action lie t enl to zive fire nrotectin 1',-o the -,,m,. Mr.. L. Lewery o! Oronlo -was ap- shî-------------- peinted Warble ýFiy inspeceatn hourly rate of $1.25 and car expenses A letter of resigiiatien wýs rIcived( of 8 cents a mile. from Mrs. W. H. Gibson, wholis Permnission wavs givei the ý Orono heeii the Clarke Townsip epesnt United Churcli Sunday Schioo te use ative on the Memrnoiai Hospital Boa rd. the basemaent of the Township Hall The resignatien was eceved With me- on Sundaày fer Sunday Sdhool classes gret and a replacement is te lcie ap- aýt a rate of $2.00 per Sunday. pointed. A letter wavs received fromi thei A equest wi>s jdso received freoin ocf onut'ie in which 1it Wa1s the 0ono Police Trustees askitig that state bylle Bowmnanville Fire Dc-cuclsigi) aniagreenent with thie 'partmient weuld net attenid fires inJ Ontaieý Water, Resources Cmiso the Township of ClarIei,,thefuitureý. for tlhe cosruton0 qawtem systeM TVis brouglit forth dsuso on th- in the Village of Orono. la this m1at- marýtter 0f fime protection for -tie' ter counci1had et withi the Police Township 0f CLalne and couincil is te j Truýlsteesi previeuisly. Counicil i s Co seek information' from thr enrS se e gal advice hefore any furiher who purchase protection, such ais action is takeý(n jinha mattepr. On Wednesday 0f last week the Gar- aakRiver Conservation Authority, mýet in Port Hope Mhen additional ar- ea was taken into the authority. Al off alarke Township is now within the scope of the Authority as a resuit o! the meeting on February 4th. This is, of course, with a f ew exceptions of the Township 'affecting two smiall par- ceis which are in Central Lake - On- tario Authority. Ail the Township is nom, within authority of a Conse rva- tien organizatto.' *At the Wqdnesday meeting a) of ~the Township pfHoe was..$ucudediin. the Çanarasika as w.eli as a srnall adý- * ition n rf ope. Port Hope is oV. î ' p -' 'y-in the Areawitlh this a ~all 'addition. No ehange,\ýs rmade ni thýe area under the authority in 'Ma n- verýs'ànidCavan Townships. Although Newcastle was net repre- sented at the meeting it is understoo;d that they will aiso lie inciuded witlin the, danaraska River Authority. There were aiso plans in taking in additionai land to the east but as the To)wn of Cobourg rejected the plan. at this ttmie ne action wvas taken toward J ad(diug'4po the Ganamaska in the east.J Previons to the meeting on Wednes- day onily the north-east corner of the Township of Clarke was i the Gan- atraska which repr.eseiited less thani one-third of its total area. About three- quarters of the 'Township of Hope was in thie Authority and practcally al of the 'Town of Port Hope. Aitliough ne definite financial agree- ment or' procedure was set-up on Wed-1 nesday it is the general opinion that1 thte cost to Clarke Township wili be neo greater than when only a thrd of the Township was ini the a rea. it was aise expressed that the cost'couild le Iess 'Tis is to lie deéÏded af-'a futur~e meet- ing.- Clar.ke, Hope and Port Hope have akbeen paying a sum 0of $1400,00 to the Autherity regardless of area with- ýin the G anaraska or size of the Muni- The meeting expressed that it wras now t'me to do some wok i larke. Two ponds and park areas have beéeu established in Hope Tow.nship an d con-1 siderable work in' Port Hope. It was unanâmous te allow' ail o! Clamke Township into the Gaflaraska.