ORONO WEEKLY TIM:_ýS Authorized as Second Clas mail, Post Office Oepartment, Ottawè Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester iïoy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subseription payable în advance b rAdBi 641.kthi <Jk&A Published- every Thursdal t the offkice of publlodSl A-New Era A new era bas been opened, for the Ganaraska River Conserva- tion Authority with the extension of its area last meek at a meeting in port Hope. This news and action should prove a real asset to the Township of Clarke, and the airea wthin the Wilm-ot water systemi. The Ganaraska bas, since its inception, succeeded in accom- plishing much with its limited funds. It bas worked towards conser- vation and in ad dition to its own projects bas also brougbt to many lu the area the advantages of such a prograni. Changes were, however, needed to bring ail municipalities wîth- lu a more equitable framnework of fînancing and ths ;vîll no doubt re- sýuit from their latest move. The three largest municipalitios were, under the old system, paying towards the.Ganaraska on a fixed basis cf $1400.00 each. This system was unfair as the ability to pay and bon- efits derived differed consider ably., In speaking to a Clarke Counillor it now appears that Clarke's share wlll not increase even though the wvhole of the Township is under the Autliority, wbere previously les thian one third of thearea was in the Ganaraska. Durlng the years of its operation, considerable work- bas been dàose by the Ganarauka in Port, Hope and ýHope Township with the es-, tablIshing of parka and ponds. Clarke bas, during tùs period, been paying on an equal basis but receiving a lesser &ttention la auch pro- jecte. It la to be hoped that a major project cmu now be set up by the Atthorlty ini Clarke Township and the head waters of the Wilmot would appeau' ta be a suitable location. Conservation is at present very much on the minds of siUiiy iènd wth expanding use of our saturai resources &ud water waye, *very effort should b. madeto conserve that which mas cannot create. OurLibrary' EmpiasiB are being placed in rnany nelghbourlflg centres on ,eta.Nu11ng and maintaining librarien. These libraries, unlike thtcloç OrcoLieLbrary, are ii the the majorlty of cas'es, furnished' with fund s from the. Municipal trcasury. Under this sciemne and with-0-he ai4 of Provincial Grants tbey are able ta supply the. public wvith a large sel- ectli o! books and a selection which in added ta yearly. The. Orono Library, from alal reports, is suffering from the iack o! funds and bas been in such a position for a number o! years. This lack o! funds hinders the Board froni adding ta its prement readiulg m.aterial and scope of subjects thfls decreasing readership rather than ýincreasing it. Under the present systeni which the Orono Library oper- stes difficuit years could b. !orecast. Tbey receive only a modest $50.00 from the Municipality and with a smnall revenue from -membpr- ships are operating on very littIe. Much as we dislike ta see local enterprises, such as the Library, ýorne under municipal sponsorship, it does appear that financially this ~in about the only answer, if the Orono Library is to advance its service ta the cammunity. Under such a plan the Board would be assured a fixed sum of money and a btter provision of provincial grants. Books and also Libraries are in a competitive field today and to compete againat the many forms of relaxation and entertainnient, Libraries must advance and this means expenditures for new books ýo interôst bath the young sud aid. * Too often our Libraries are lost in the shif fle and even while under Municipal sponsorship funds for Libraries are being competed for by raad, sidewalk or fire departmnents. Yet, ail taken into con- sideration, the human development through the uIse of good books, is possibly more important that a road, sidlewalk of fire protection %ýy- *stemi. A good Library will add as much ta thie development of our town as does a good sidewalk plan. Changes ar-e periodically necessaYy.. and more eniphasis sbould ho placed to assist the Orono Library. COME TO THE LITTLE'N.HULa HOCK EY TOURNAMENT- ORON eRINK' Saturday, Feb. l7tIi Commencing at 8:00,a.m. and Coninuigail Dlai 14 MINOR HIOCKEY MANIES COMPETING From Orono. NMillbrook, Cannington, Warsaw and Little Bitain ADMISION:25e HIOT LUJNCHI SERVED A hot luneth wll be senved in the Oddillows Hall f rom il1:30 to 1.30 irnder the auspices of the Ladies Auxlilary of the Boys Scouts. The lunch will Include Soup, Sandwiches, Cookes and a hot drlnl-4c ORONO WEEKLY TIMESrHURSDAY, FEBIIUARY 15, 1902 - t the 1650's. by Sandra Mercer. These were ail ex- iD is uss ew S cond r ycollent reports and gave the rangera Susie Major, aur hostess, served a serumptious lunch and with aur Sc-h ol P ogra At ronostomachs full we proceeded home. At the second meeting, last Thurs- Mr. Arnold used shides ta show the__________________ day, in the Orano School, of tho par- an idea of furniture styles. cals of grades soven and eght, wha contemplated facilities for Vocational wee ekig uthrinfoirmation cit'Training that will be available in the Cu aeLV the new Fscündarýy achool educationaul New Vocational Wing. o ' HaeL t program, about twenty parents were present. They were in!ormned cf the Followng the pane's presontation Science, Engineering, Trades facili- a question poriod brought out niany nT eOhrsd ties being offered for the stiiderts of! interesting points whieh the panel Durhami District 11gh Sehool Area. tried ta answer. n T d The chairman, Ernie Dent, was dis-1OfiThe Aa ti c A panel of threo Ipeoplo f rom Port pone1wt hesalrunb f Hope were ta, tako part, Mr. W. E. parents that attendod and is not sure George Washington might have liv- Tramner,, chairman of the adviary i hr ilb ute etns ed and died on the wrong side of the committee for Educational Training1 Ttlantîc if an English ship had nat o! the Durham IDistrict 111gb School gone aground in the Potomac River in Board, was chairman of the panel._________________ Mr. P. J. Bigelow, principal of Poiý RO GER N W _ _ _ _ _ Hope New Composite School, was unt- RW R T able ta be present, and Mr. Wither- Our regular miothly meeting was spoon, principal of Orono High School, held at the home of Susie Major on *N DEYD substituted. Mr. Arnold, who wîll be February 6. Letters of correspondene E XR AM V the director of Vocational Training ln the New Composite Sehool, was the third member. Before intraducing the other 'men- bers, Mr. Tramner explained the rqle the new Composite SchÈool wOuldý, with its special vocatonal aspects, play a promninent part in the newv pattern- of aecondary achooQi ducatian. Brochures frani the Dunhama District Hligh Schaol Board were distributled ta tue parents showing tue new pro- gram as it wouid be applied ln tue Dur-ham District,,11gb Sciiooi Area. Mr. Wtberspaon., .aubstituting for Mr. Bigelow, used Mr. Bigelow'a pre-1 pared test to ilhustrate wltu dlagramof, how tue thrtee trearnu ot educational achlevement were divided ta suit tue need.e of ail types o! students ln tue new prograi. are not yet enrolled are ta meet at the home of Mrs. Samuel on Fobru- ary 20, ta discuss the enîrolîment. SAlso on February 27 a special t meel;- ing for rangers and anyone interested in acting of directing .a playmet3 the home of Mrs. Samuel. As 'a projeet we are studying 'the different kinds of furniture lu the dif- feront periods in hlstary. Susie Major first showed usý a diagrani about tue Chronological Table 0f Period styles. I Marilyn Cobbledlck gave a report on William sud Mary furniture dating trm 14W-1787. The Early sud Late Qeorgian Period 1714-1705 was done by Vicki Cotter. Troy Taggart spoke an Cipindale style 1740. The Adarn style 1860-1792 was by Caria Vagg. Louis XVI, 1774-18U, mas premented, COMPLUTE WITH OR VILLIE CHAT IERTON PHIONE 1031, ORONO gôi a hard-t.4iheat room? ¶building a rec' room? work shop? attie roomp MAKE YOUR HOME COMPLETEWUTH ECONOMICAL iNSTALLATION With fiamneless elotrie heating units, you don't bave ta extend or strain your present heatiïng sys-. tenu. No duct work or expensive structural changes are required to provide maximum heating comf ort in the added living space yaýu're planning, because electric heatiZng units operate entirely indcpend- ently. Your qualified electrie heating contractor can instali theri anywhere, at any time, quickly and inexpensively. SCAREFREE COMFORT Flameless electric heating units pravide the ultimate in heating comfort. With an individual1 thermostat iu each electricaly-heated raam, you contrai bath coamfart and cost. Just set the exact heat yau want, when you want ..... turn it down when the raam is flot in use. Heat is provided al- most instantly ... -no need ta wait for heat ta build up in a central systenu. Electric heat is as clean as light, produces na dust, no fumes, no products of coynýustion. The air is more healthful and drapes, rugs, walls stay dlean longer. LOOK AT TI-ESE ADVANTAGES With flameless electric heat na heat is wasted up a chimncy. With individual thermostats, there's na need ta overheat the whole house ta make one roonu caifartable. Weather and wind direction wani't affect your carnfort. It's the ideal answer for hard-ta-heat areas in yaur present home.... that cold bedroom ', a draughty bathraom. Electrie heat- inig units car. be instailed anywhere, anytimne, quickly, easily and îpexpensively in a size and capacity exactly suited ta your partieular need. DO IT NOWIJAN. 29 TO MAR. 10 Eleetrical Contractors and Hydro are -orking ta-gether in conjunction with the Government's Winter Works pro-. gram. Their efforts are aimed at mal,- ing il easy for you to enjoy the ad- vantages o! electric bonI without delay. Your Qualified Electrie Heu' ing Co-î tractor is trained ta serve yau. Ask bîr, how you eau do it now and PA4Y U7E51 - - wý -Om- THERE ARE MANY KINDS 0F ELECTRIC HEATING UNITSi TO CHOOSE FROM IlASEBOANO RADIANT WALL PANUELS CONVECTION UNIT$ Radiant heating unita, Iscansieuous motel base- mous ed isto wail or ceiling, board ais replace tsoAdes beam warm! h ic. h.e su baseboards. Usderwinuows, thrfoughout the room. ELECTRIC .PAN-TV"E HEATERS HEATINO CABLE These uisq providefat i eat Hidden in th.e eiing isu- recuver, idealy auied Io laied heatisg calile provides rooms havis g oulyoces- emplee 1ieatirg eomfrt. qorci use. MAKEYOURHkMÉC KnM I k tervngasmaen he43.4~ pors Woasld atoo nyctoedl-w.,...- pohns Washingtokan, greatradf1 on Gerg.ayshengtim geathe ship a rfere. hoheiedta ai wf eand, etti d e rinia. ashtlinan ha iteronyw. ahrivedo lica. utlemnwh-i ye ar he onemre a than 5hiii ',2te o!Rr lanincludmogthand5,t00a laIe- of and, iMountend at Tho aunesut roen.teWsii Tons nEanasmegof te ahnel inNhmtons hire. lndwa Slu 191d 2t-, iist ornint beghtnt19u so Bito gelerbrate 00 years feceo.- tw cen Britain and the UnitedtSata Consuit Us First For E LECTRI1c HAT INQ FREE ESTIATES 'Layants by Qualifled Engineesa >1Budget lans Experienced Eleetrîianws OTotio Electria