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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Feb 1962, p. 4

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8 OlIONO- WEEKLYý TIMES TIURSDAY, FEBRUARV 15, 1962 T r )Mdoiê~ew~J~. %MwV MARGARINE Zlb pkgsl 45c LE PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 14, 15, 16, 1-é WE RESER.VE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, AyliineiÉ Fancmy TU'"'MATO0 JUICE Aylmfer liaWves CHOICE PEACHES, 8om 20cq9 4 15 oz 6 Aylmer B*4stýh Brown~ BEANS wi th 1, i5 oz, PORK 6 tns Aylmer FANCY PEAS 65 5oz m9c tins M COD FILLETS Coverniment Inispected Randomn Weighits lb 35c 49cgab No. 1 Tender Gardon Fresh Brussel Sprouts lb 23c N o. 1 Grade Delicious Tender and Green Broccoli lge. orig. bnc. 29c No. 1 Grade -A Hearty Eaiergy Food TURNIPS lb 5c AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL.- Choie 4 15-oz. Tinis ....... 85e AYLMER CIIOICE CORIN - Creami Style -ý 6 20-oz. Tinis .... M5e AYLMEIR CHOICE TOMATOES - 5 2-.Tis.......9e AYLMER TOMATO SOUP - 9 1oj. Titis ...... .....r INTRODUCTORY OFl'FR John Bradshaw Guide better Gardening Special Offer, ,~' 59C vol I 2--16 99C START VOUJRS TO.DAY A Total $2I. n hnonis of ý2 *00 Tapes Receive $6 :00 in Bonus tapes POWDERED 1MILK Instant 3-lb. Box CREST TOOTUIPASTE Giant Size Receive $4 :00 in Bonus Tapes TEA BACS - Pkg. of 60 Mother Parkers- Pinnochio Balloons, Recei1ve $2.00 in Bonus Tapes DUTCII CLEANSER 14c off 14 oz. run CHEESE STIX - 9 oz. Pkg. SBlack Diamond old white CHEESE STIX - 8 oz. Pkg. Black Diajnond old coloured SICED SIDE BACON Tablerite Rtindless '/,' lb. pkg. NIBLET CORN - 2 lb. Bag Frozen Green Gîant fancy MacINTOSH APPLES Fan-cy Grade - 3 Mb. ag 'Round About Us, "ýMOM" 'WHVYTE ILI, IN NIGERIA "Mom" Whyte is reported to be ýser- iously iii at her jung-le welfare home, in Nigeria. Mr. Whyte left for his wife's bedsido Frlday nigbt upon re- ceipt of a cable informîng bimi that she was ill. Mrs. Whiyte, 47, left for INigeria in June after she was refused permission to operate a children'Ve shielter in British Columbia. About 25 needy Nigerian children are cared for at the home. The cable did not d1isclose the nature of ber ili- ness. But said she was in ijeda, 250 miles nortb of Lagos. HYD'1RO CHIAIRMAN MAN 0F THE VEAR 1 W. Ross Stikie, Chairman of On- tario Hydro, was named Electrical Man 0of the Year recently for bis 10 ARE BAPTISED AT LARGE RALLY Lýast Sunday beginning at 3 p.m, 500 persons f ro.mi as far as Stouffvi-7ý-, and Lindsay filled the Newcastle Communilty Hall. Their preserice was.ý in anticipation of District Supervisor, T. R. Jones' public discourse "Ur iý ngMen ln a Split-up World." "There, is no disunity in the New World Society of Jehovah's Wlsness- es", said Mr.- Jones, "because thý-y have found and applied that means .of unity. They have unitedly fulfiElsd Isaiah's prophecy at chapter twe, verse four, by adoptîng instruments of peace in place of %var." SPEAKER URGES PRESURE FOR NEW COBOURG LIBRAR-Y "outstaniniig service" to, tbe electric- "It b.oooes, the Home and Sho ai industry ini Canada in 1961. to maintain steady pressure for ti improvement of Our library fc1te, M.Strike wý,ýas chosen by tbe' edit- urged Dr. J. F. Leeson addrcssjing a ors and readers of twvo trade publica.. large and c omprehensive section o!l tions, lElectrical News and Eng-ineer-- citizens at tbis week's Homead ing and Electrical Conitracting and Scbool meeting.,at Central Scbool,C- Maintenance, bourg. In making the award, the maa- zines said Mr. Strilçelbas made bis With one ýWall leanixig prýeca-io>ti.,Si mark on Ontario Eydro sînce bIsis ap- and an inside temperature of 40 e pointment last June and haýs given a1gresdrgtercetod plD. lead to the entire electrical industry re uigtereetcl pl in spearbeading a drive to promnote Leo ad Orlb'r sasae use of electric energy. WNitb a good collection of wonderfulî The award was presented by R. E.1 books, a good librarian anid taff, ti Bailey of Monitre'al, president ofte building doesn't do justice to tinsiý C anadian Electrical Counceil ai-d a' town or to a town one quarter its ;ïiz e, formner mani-of-tbie-year bhirnself, at ~a And the problem is a mystery! h National Electrical Week dinner in have people allowed it to go onl? Hamilton.- Mr. Strike, 66, bas three decades of NEW I.OMBIDN experience in~ the electrical utilitv l---OM1UAN fiel. Howasappoinited a Commis-1 sioner of Ontario Hydro in 1944 while prsdtof tme -Ontario MniialF1-1 ectric Associat4ion and was namied lSt vice-chairman in 1956. He ie tentered publie lufe laM193 ais a mnayor of Bowmianville, and was a miember of tbe Bowmaýnville Publie Utilities commnission 1l rm 1932 to 1961. PORT HIOPE PUBLIC LIBRARY ADDS OVETt 500 NEW BOOKS During recent weeks the Port Hope PubliceIibrary bas catalogued and plaqcedi on the shelves 545 new books. 237 in the mainlirr and 308 in the cbildren's division. R.EPLACES FIVE SCROOLS A Page in history was tulrnei. la Cambourne this weok whlen ane six-roomed scbool was opened to mr than one hundred and fifty pupil.. The one-ruoom achooLs were uail vcer- erowded and very mucb ln need àof repair. The five echools whicb bave be closod are, Camnbouikne, Cold Sras Glourorium, Stotts and theSoe Scbool. Pupils ln tb.e outlaying areas are now transported to school'by bus. Blackstoick Girl Winne-r 0f County Speakingr Contest Miss Lorna Wright of Blackstoc< wa ccliaqmcd winner of tbe Durbami Couty PublicSpeaking contest\wbicýh was hel ini the Townisbip Hall, Oroilo, on Tuesday evening. Toen contestants competed for the titie. Stephen Cut- more ofMibro tooký second place la the contest. sented the Durham shIield to Mivjss ,L. Wright, the wininer. TicBwanil Lions Club Sbield w7os presenited ta StvnCutmaore by Mr. Jeffrey of the Bowmi.anville Cluib. Thoù twowinr will compote in the district finals at B ýrig7hton on Marcb 24th. Miss Wight spoo o the "Life o0f The Judges for the coniteet %ere' a So)uthpaw." Her delivery and sub- Muessrs. W.CJ. R. Caldwell, -'oor, ject received tMe approval 0f ho akHron 1aa~n ~ ~~ judges. Stephen Cutmores ujt chinson as o saa i was -Uv. »..J asoo saa.l omn Thie evoning was oponed witb the OrnoPblic! Scýýhool Glee Club in at- tendncewboprescietodfour deligbt- fuliambers whicbl was an enjoyment to e-veryone. During tlhe course of the eveingtwoaccordian celectionS by Tina Kýozub meet the approval of tLhe audience of sevonty-five in thie Hall. Those la the c-ontest on Ttiesday wr John McGuirk, Maple Grove, speak- ing on "Scouting"; Lillian Page, of Hampton, speaýýking on 'P'eggy's Cove' Nancý Dorreli, Blackstock, 'Jealous" ChilsEwart, Bowm-ia,.nville, "Wor'ld Parýliamoint"; Joanne Eartholmnew of ýNorthi Hope, "Mad.telinide Vercheros"; Wilda Jobanston, Clairmount , Etiquette Mary Moffat, Port Hopje,"agHami- merhal";and Davidi Poliocký also of Port Hlope( speaking on "Opportun ity." Each i ilai the contest, ha ving beeni a winnor ila preeiiinarýiy contests were preseinted with a smalcliver eup. Thoý Bowanile Lions Club presontLed Z fi fithe cupe witb h rsetto being made by Mr. Jeffrey. The Port Heoeo Lions Club prsoned-ive, being represonted at the meeting by Mr. Steve Jex. Mr. Spicer of the Durbani C-lub pre- ting on the speecboes given by the - .on- testantsduring thoeve gJ statod tbey wr quite mosend pleased. They also pointed t hfn variety of subjects. J, TABLERITE - Canada's Fiaest Red & Bluie Brand] Beef ALL STEM.AK and ROASTS 1 %1 Sirloin, W'ing, Porterhouse, Boneless Round (lor 1Rumiipp Roast TABLERITE WEINERS lb 43c By the Piece TABLERITE BOLOGNA lb 29c- Mapfle Leaf ]Reguilar or -Ready to Serve Bon4iess Smoked Dinner Hm lb cry. 89c

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