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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Mar 1962, p. 1

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limies Voue24, Number 4 Thur-sday, Marchi 15, 1962, Orono, Ontario Awcsrds, Diplomas Pre- ' sented, To OHS Studentsl The annual Commencement Exer- 33 of et l Orene Hgh Schoel were bDon Friday evening of last week in the ,Township Hall, Grene. Mr. A. WîtIterspýoon, B.A., principal et the 1chool, welcoined the large gathering of parents and students, He pointed out that tis would be the last Comn- mencement for the Oreno High ScheeL. Hc said that we ail leok forward te the opeiing etffthe new school and ifs ex- teided facilifies la the field et educa- tien for tis area. The pricpal bref- ly sIpoke of the changes in educatien and pointed out th'at standards for entering the higlier levels of educatien we!re increasing. Te enter Queens Uni- ve-rsify a pupil mnust now aea ave1rage et 65 percent on nine ýsubjecta witli them ail being taken in one year et g-rade thirteen. Higli Sehools, are nwfor serieus students, lie stated. M.Carlos Tamiblyn, chairman of the DuhmCounty District High Scliool B ardase spoke briefly te those pre- sent, cong-ratulating the graduating -iass and wishing themn every Huccess in the future. Be said there were a let of fields of endeavour open t them but that they would have te give te reýceive what is available. He ouf- indthe extensive building pregramn by the Board during the pqýst 2 years painting te the new school in Miil- bro)ok and Courtince in 1961 and the opening eoffthe new Clarke qihool and Ilie Vecafienal school in Port Hope, this year. The Clarke School is te be eompleted during the monfli et May. FollD2owing the opening remarks th e pre-seýntation if awards and cerýtifi-. cate. ýs were m-ade as follows:1 For Highiest Scholasticý Standing TeDurham County District Higli Se'hoo4l Board Awards: in Grade XII Romna Glanville 7-- Grade Xll-NMargery Tyrrell ird X - Leslie Hopper ini Grade IX - Jimr Wil*oni. ForProicincyin Lower Scho-ol 2EilsThe Cnda Legion Award preened y r.W. M>ihell -Cath- erie ilson. ForProicincyin Science, The OronolPublic S EA--15-P09 C --69-74 D -50-55 ',names lstdAlphabetically GRADE 8 C-odnD entCrol Gîaa Bruce rcr, Dou. s offa, Crai Re ,Rsonet. Lxo-i llic llýl Rcd WiflmarotlynaBwn Cheryl CaperSu'ean<4'lrt, Ros Morri, ParaPate, hao GRADE 6 C-RaiDeJne, Dorothy Dunlop John G rady, P-t Hrd, ecl en Lunn Awvard, presenfed by Mr. P. M. Lunn - Neil Smith, For Preticiency in Matheniatics, The Masonic Award, presented by Mr. P. M. Lunn - Neil Smith. For Proficiency la Engliali, Grade ~XII, The Newcastle Liens Club Award presented by Mr. G. M. Duvail - Doug- las Martin. For Proficiency in History, Grade XI, 'preser-ted by Mr. G. Hanceck- Margery Tyrrel. .For, Proficiency in Commercial Work, Grade XII, presented by Mr. G. M. Duvaîl - Joan Cowling. For Preficiency in Geography, G rade XII, Thie Newcastle Liens Club Aw,ýrrd; presented by Mr. G. Hancock Paul 'Tamblyn. For~ Proficiency in Latin, Grade XII, Th-' Mrs. R. Chater Classics Award, prýesentied by Mrs. R. Chater - Romia Glanville. Flor PËroficiencey in Frenchi, Grade XIIl, The Prof. Johin Squair Award, presenfted bv Miss G. Lavergne - Ro- IJU01 » ardeners ld Worksliup The tcam captains -and .a tew mcm- bers etfflic Jr. Gardeners Club bcid a apecial work shop meeting last Thura- day, March 8tix. Thc purpose of the meeting was f0 instruct the t eani cap- tains liow te prepare their posters and bird lieuses forerlcnext prejeet. Ail blue-bîrd lieuses and posters that are te be entered in the comnpe- tition are f0 be handed in by 6:45 Thurs;day evening, darch 22. N.r Bunting, Supeintendent etfflic Reforestny Station liere, will . show special filma on wiid lite. The mieet- ing will comimence at six-thinty Sharp. Ail parents and interested fnienda are .'nvltcd te attend. Early Mýforing Puwer Intalerruptigin In OrqoD I ma Glanville. EryMenday morning hydre was For Preficiency in Canadian H.listory inferrupted in Orono fer a consider- T'he Canadlian Club Award, presenfed able length eoftfime due te -trong by Mrs. L. Dippell - Leslie Hopper. winds fearing a 11mb off a tree d For Proficiency in Mathematies and in a, second instance teppling oVý Science and promise ef University En- free. rolment, The Curvply Wood products A break in hydre resultedi around Ltd., Award, presented by Mr. E. 6 a.m. wý%hen a large limb feu across Samuel - Neil Smith. thehyde nes on Main Street sàùth, For, Proficiency in Home Econemics Ju1t norfh ef Cebbledick street. S~er- The Homemaking Award, prersenfed vice w as restored n flie south ofthfle by Mrs. N. Wolfe - Catherine Wilson. Village areund nine-thirty. For General Proficiency in Charac- A tree breike the uines servicing - ill ter, Leadership, Schoiarship and Ath-, street shortty atter six ini the morn- leties, The C. B. Tyrreli Award, pre- 111g. A .tree in front ef the home. of .nedby Mrs. E. Tyrreli - Paul Tam,- Mr. 0. Chiatterton caused the jntervtip- 1iyn. tien in the north ef the Villa.ge wliei For CoCuricla Acieem the wilids broke the trec at Idhe base The School Leffer, was prcsenfed to and tlirew if across tlic main lîne > Paul Tamblyn, by the Principal, Mr. Poerin the nortli of flie Villagýe wasý E. G. Witherspoon. resfored aroundc eleven in the mon- Mr. S.- B. Rutherford presented in- ig termiediafe Certificates - 1961 - te the A furtlier power interruption occur- follewing students: ed Menday eveninig when the supply te P. Aun, ary ynnthe Village was cut-off, as if was in Gail ,Iýay yiiiBailey, othber centres, due 'f0,failure ' the-, Hao4S. Bail, SndaL.Bwin, Ont aro ptvý)er i' es. Dian M.BureyDonald MA.BCale, Bonniie J. Couvier, Donna E. Ceuviec, (cniudon page 3) Gommencement T o Nee td 0 f i ' ileather Rebkah Lodge Th le regular meeting et Heaflier Re- liekali Lodge No. 3'34 was hield Tues- day, M'ardli l3tl., at flic I.0.0.F. Hall. Sister Emma Lunn, Noble Grand, presided wîth Siater Alice Hooey, Vice Grand, assisfing. Thiere was an excellent attenclance with roll caîl showing only f we effi- cers absent. Minutes otfflic last regular meeting were read and approved, there were no accounts eutstanding. Report by Sister Hooey as Viaiting tionvenon sliowed fiat she had been busy during flic past two weeka in remembering flic ill. There were sevenal replies te in- vitations te, attend flic FifteenthBit- day Party %vhieli will be tie nesct reg- ular meeting, Tucaday Marci 27th. If was requcateçl by fhe Preaident Sis- foir Bowman fiat the Charter be drapcd for, a Past FPresident wlbe pu- sed away recenfly. These wislies will be ýomnplied With. Final arrangements were made ln preparation for the Birthday Party. Brotlhcr Riddell announced that the subordinate Ledge would celebrate their 5Oth Annivensary April l4,th, flua' te be la thelic-nirmofa banquet te be catenecl te by the Chiurci Greup. 1If was proposed that the Rebekaha along with flic Suborclinate Lodge un- dertake te furniali a roorn in the Mcm- oinial Hospital, Bowmanville, 'this is a worth while' projeet which will talie niucli flieuglif and will be decided on af a later meeting. Siafer Maude Cooper, Jr. Past Noble Grand was appeinted f0 go te, Re- bekali Assembly as Sdliolar and Sîster Irene Murray, P.N,G., as Represent- ative, Siater Betty Major and Sister Maude Cooper werc appeinted as Dis- trict Representatives teo attend aill District Meetings for fhe ternm June 1962 te June 1963. Birtiday greetinga were extended. te 3isurý Mabel Tennant, Sister Hazel Cowan and Sister Elsie Joncs. Business bcing eoncluded, lodge, closed according te ritual and a social heour wa:s spent with lunch beinli serv- cd by"the spe-cîaibluceemmaittee. - SpeakerPoit MEr. H. Ailn.Leal, Q.C., B.A., LL.-0fsills in oflier tel c han academnic m in tio Re ult M.gae ~e Cmmecemntaddness must receiv-e furflier traininng7 Thisi on11Fridîay evening empnhasing the tact istHe hope 0ficieVocationlai schools. thHat i1it is tfime thiaf Canada fook ia Vasts amounts clt money areneeded C Susan Cnafeli.Ha, D hllcstand f0 govere liesefunider lier own'f0 biid even tfli mosf mnodest sehools P.k DTJnge G Has,l Hee, onstitution. It was tHis message flat and intAislie feit that Governmbtus P. Jncs V. ercr, I Myes, W. il brouglit te hi s audience, as lie Said would have te m-ake a complee abou t -i Parfner AL r.chl Claaa was soon f0 celebran-te ifs 100 ýface. Be stated that fwo percent of, D G Grdy M.Michel.birfhday.th fl ntional products wudb i GRADE 5 -B.Cald-well, D. McKenzie, The Commncemeint speaker wvas that would be needed for educai on. C. Merc(er, E. AMilîson, B. TeUnnant. afulnd on tdn, h i 1ni lltgt C~~~~~~~ J.Aener . rome nowi studying law, dr. Wayne telsadece by introducing a ned MoodeAP.xanrd, C. olno, e- H ey r'Lalisànow Dean of Os-for, Canada te amiend flic Britishi s, . Mddlo , B Nixon, D. PAt - ode Hal NorthiAerc Acf and te set up its ridge E. chmi,. G SimsonM. nbopening lis address flic speakeroncnsiuo. Paggart, il Taylor, D. Tod, IlýP. Wa- efrrd hfeficinreasedemapliasis 'Tle speaker referred to e fli act lac, D Wst. now being plac]ýoed on educafion and! that flicgraduates of tHis commence- D- H. ýDcJ"ong, .ilei, B. speke 0f a niecd fer inifiative and for ment would be coming ot age along isdliolrships. He fuKrtled flic re, wiLhtheflcocuntry in 1967, It seenied ~Jyis arkýs oft fic Orono principal, by say- Strange, te flic speaker, fliaf we know GRADE -1 ing duiaf Univýersiîties were beceming not whIen or liow te amnend our censti- mo1re and miore crowudcd and that this tufion. The BNAA when enlacted ini B L. Adams, C. CaldwcllAM. Car-ý condition was being met at flua fime Canadla did net and dees nef allow for nm n .CIlicqEL H.De Jonge, J. Du- b- increa)Sing flic adm-ission requiire- a]endmllenlts. val .Forrester, D). Gilbajnk, H.EL ens This is loithfli besf answer te Affer flic firat VWorid War if was Huhs,". Johnson, 1D. Manining, J. flic problem, Ilie said, but MIRl, neoflieuglif flat Canada sliould be putting Neal, N. Nixýon, J. Slmd G. Ten- dub be witli us for a time. Students ifs ewn consfifutional lieuse ',in order. snu. muat make as higli a grade as pos- Thlis thouglit, lic said, is nef wifliouf C, L.-BarrabC', G. Hoey, J. Jonce,' sibie as most TUnesiies are divulg- emiotion fromi those wishling fies MISh M. M1cLaren, Ml. Newmvnan, D. Nidliol- ing in fic Samne practice as Queens. flic Commonwealth and aise frnii son,' R. Sinilpsonl R. WVest, E. Wilcocaî. Be ftulier]Pl said mlat farout Of af - fliose seeking a Canadian co)nstit11- D-T. Esfairnck, A. Kiipatrick, 0. dents trom achgool was a problem fliat t ion. Tihis, lic, etf, \was argument Wh- Mcee H Parfuer, A. Walker. lias liad te lie faced. StudenlUs witi ouf substance. He sýýtated fiat as flic years imoilb y flic U.K will lie drawn more anmior'e ito flic Erropeanl field aud slowly lier liack wiul be turncd upon flicý Commoni- wealthi. This lic said, would lie estai)- iislied tlirougl i ecessity. B7e said it -was fuime that Caniq'aa p)addled its own canoe. A cw chMiangslaeber md w1 1à Fedcral aiýd as Old Age Pension, and U.ieloymeut -I legisatn How- ........v.r.Canada..as.neii 1 b 0fl civil riglifsi aud i is iffiuit our filicprescrit situation te get a vi(1Ur sco e at tPe' Feder-al leve-L. At pre(scit leelan J a eîsao n aordisputesý, no si ossible te crýeate a<1Natiold1 Maretig Sliec.Tic speaker poir-, ted ouiat Canadacari make rate but anre efonce them ftiyci cral nProv*incial wiSles. Se 1-n- oest ~t o ~L~mericement for obtamînng tfl i hict -Zp ae ;Jim %Wilsoni, Gade treaties iculd ïonly lie eiforced on con-i To'~Durhm CuntyDisrictItili eioistiçstading suflicr gade: IX aud Rm auilGrade XII. isent trom tic Prevnces. A change lias SdolAwards at flic Orono Cr-Magr-yrr1ijeil gratde X>; Lesle Ms luil a h aeitran. (ofnc ae3 Formers Co-op Declare 3 p.c. Divide.nd For '61 The annual banquet meeting of the Durham County Farmers Co-oper. ative was held on Tuesday afternoon in the Orone Town Hall commenclng with a banquet at twelve noon. The dinner, served te 180 Inembers and t riends, was cafered te by the. ladies of fthe Kirby United Churcli. Foliowing.the dinner the group were entertained by a sing-song led by Mir. and Mrs. Dick Morton. The bead table guests were intreduced by Mr. John Knoe. Mr. Donald Staples, president ef the Co-op. acted as chairmnan for thec meeting. The staff of the Ce-operafive wvere introduced by the manager, Mr. E. Spry. Foilowng the introduction Mr. John Stone, a director eft the Co-op, presented four of fthe staff with A- wards of Menit fer ten years service with the Co-op. Mr. Stone pointed out that some ef the staff liad been withi the Co-op. for a period mueli greater than ten years. Those receiving the Awards of Menit were Messrs. E. Spry, G. Simpson, A. Loucks and D. Mercer. The president aise cengratu- lated the staff on their fine work dur- ing their empîcyment at the Co-op. A brasa quartette of Messrs. C. Tamiblyn, R. Forrester, D. Morton and D. Hammi provided a number of instrumental selçctions. Mr. Bob Smiallfield showed somne films ef varieus branches and services provided by the United Co-e>periatives of Ontario. During flie afternoen a draw was held for four prizes. Tlirec prizes ef .0.00 voucherls were provided by the C-o-op. and were won by Mr. Lawrence Hoeey, Oroino, Mrs. John Johnson ef Tyrene and Mrs. Ren Bickell of Osh- aw.Eiglit b)ags off CIL fertilizer, do- ated jby C(IL, was wonbyM.Sa Allia eof Newcastle. Mr. Watson, auditer, reviewed flce incifal reprt of the Co-op. and sa t 'd tha'eL'ee wcrc euefot he eatrong- Co-os. inacialyinflie areýa, Sales dunig flicyear of 1961 foabL $289514.0 wi h ntavirgs amoýunt- ngIo $109 beforedeuciosforl patronage i s'. The savings ep ~c.~uted3.8 ercet. The annual meabng approyed thA decLating Afea 3 percent dividend on- 1961 )"!sivss and alo ia liey pay t1ýe parng ~îed elrdin! llher fh ree year te. ïïofic. r. G *Shackleton %vas aiso elected te the iBoard of Directors. The president stated that recently a molasses mixer had been iaatafled at Ithe mill and is new in eperation. Con-~ sideration îs being given to 1&he pur- chase of a riew truck. Camera Members To View Ow Slildes Orono Camera Club met recently in the Orono Municipal B3uilding, We Mr. Miller and Mr. Dancey of the Osh~- awa Camera Club Iectured on ern- position and colour harmnony. They further demonstrated these peints byv showing their resuits on slldes. The Orone Club which lias a rn- bership of ten, are planning serneF outings and aise a. sIowing at the Orone Faîl fair in Septemiber. The Orono Club ,will meet again onx Wednesday, 1arch 21st in the Muni-~ cipal building. At this meeting the memibers wiil shew their own sliden cf snow scenes and will discuss their composition. The lecal club ia still e- pen L'or ifurther nmembers, Guide News* The Orono GrI Guides epened their' regular meeting with inspection of uniforms. Roll caîl and the collectien wa-s taken up. The hiorseshoe formation was prac- ticedi in preparation for the enrol- mient. Each patrel then went te their corners. Dorothy Dunlop passed hepr knota andî Sharon Allin her transportation r-outes. The Good Turn was passed b l,ýandra Laing. The mneeting closed with prayer ajnd taps. TeEporer and Tyro group of the Oî i~oUniedCh1Urch miet tefore- p,ï t f lst eekw! t thIe devotionai and business m-eeting beinig conduc- ed as usu-al. Joyce Long favoured the mnee Joy* ce Long anid Dale, Challice fav- oueIhe mneeting with a piano num- be.Mrs. McLaren took thie study« porition of the meeting, "The Chur-ch- 'vliat is, IL Reports on interviewa was gîvýen by David Mnig Prayer was lead1by Linda Barrabaîl. The imeeting closed with the Bene- iss GicnV>ille CI ssaledlictorian The hi'gl.iuigli th licCom encement field FridIay niglif, March 9th, was the valedictory address resented by Mriss RoaGlanville. The passage reads as î,ellows: Mr. Witlierspoon, miembers of thc staff and board, fellew students, lad- ies and gentlemen: Toniglit we sever flic final fliread which joins us te Onono Higli School, and say a lasf fancwell te many fniends and týeacliens. Our days at Orono Higli lave come te an end. But with this end comles a bcginniinig and our bass, reaiiy bie- comes our gain. For Orone Higli Sehool lias given us mudch indeed! If lias eftercd far more thian a liandtujl etf mnemeries. A key te tlie future, a dIeeper thiraf for knowl,,edge and a greafter underst-anding arc only a f ew otfflic assef s we have acquired. I only hope that we, flic graduafes, haveý given as mnudli ýin return. 'Four years 'arficipafin in flic school's lite seems like sucli a maîl contribution. The value et our, gratitude is pniceIcss, butl ,vhat we do withi our- education will be the greatest gift .for-our a cjlool. Sinice if lias been ungcd that flua jeas cmmiencement speakers n e- Irain frem fiaftcring flic gradtuafes 1byT :elling them flic world is theirs, i veldlke te say this. AIthojugliwe, inay lie overly proud ofetir acadlemie ccomipIislienits fhls evcning, we lon't rcaiiy profess to e lie lcole cmnedy and cure for thc wonl1d"s proli- ems. We donl'f wanftet gift-wý,rap flic woend in our namc, Nwc, just want te keep if in one piece, while we're on if anywvay. We ail realize the tremnendous imn- portance et an education and sincere- 'y hope fliat if wili sustainl us and fthe wonld throuiglout this £ 1ast-meving ena in science. For strangely eneougli, ever. in flua mo11dem age, people can stili bc' divided inito flirce distinct cate- gories. Thene are people wlio make thinga liappen, people wlio wat ch thiug s happen and people >wlo den't kuow anything lias lappened. The main trouble with diceoi fdyis fliaf there arc tan tee many peepie iii Che ïasf tw-ýo categonie's! lu our eaily years et hJigli cho we liad a slightity different ail o flie importance of educaftion. We ue cribe educatLion, but "import'ant" just diduf1'l liappcn te be in the 11sf. To be truflhful, wve went te aclool flot be- cause et ifs future im-iportance, biu be- enlis-e e ha to. We wýereni't ycf six- feen and liesides our parentLs told uis thaft if was - flcthing te de*. I admit tînt we found Grades Nine a1ndl Ten difficuit in flic sense fliat wc were unfamiuiiar wifli higli school pro- redlure. The changing et classes, flic diffenent regulations and hmwr assiýgnments werc ýompvarafively :oewv f0 us. But: we s."on gof inito flic Swing e£ if. Because, affer Mr. 'Rutlierford shoutcd at us, te use our liad for, moreý fla a hatck, we were wcýi on our way. 0f course, we weren't a class et (Continued page 4) ockly

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