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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Mar 1962, p. 4

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DAIRY DEPARTMENT IGA Royatl Gold MilÉl cHBE E sE l2o z43 pkgs43 PrZEÀ(OOl A Total Bou of $32Tapes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THIURSDAY, M1ARCH lSth, 1962 mar wha nee oft Dev and LyE rea( pmut jne bal Che cel unt chu gai ta]: der Toi nur inI Food Pruces Effeetive M1ar. 14, 15, 16, 17 We Reserve the Righ to Limit Quantities c ,ý=-: ,cz = - - 0ý . Tablerite - Canada's Finest Red or Ble Brand Beef Tablerite îlb pkg 43cý 6 oz pkg 23c A GODLMINE 0F VITAMIN "C"I LRIAMASSEEDLESS Caifria Eperor No. 1 Grade No. I1 Grade Grapes lb I19e Carrotýý Sunkist Lemon 6 for 29c Noe. 7 GrvadleFlorid PC)t atoes 2 b -y- 9C a Sebago's Ne-w 5 11j39 c RVECEIVE $6.00 IN IGýA BONU'S TAPES WITH P1LLBUR D1'XE AKEMIXES -.2 18-oz.Pkgs. ,SURF DETERGNT- 18,, off- G'hii ize IGA PTATOCHIPS. 2o.Pg RECEVE $.00 N IGA BONUS TAPES WVITHI IGAMRGRIE 2 1-lb. Pkgs. SMALL LI-NK SAUSAGE - Royal Guiest Pure Pork, - 1-lb. pkg. FROZEN CI)FiLLETS - 40 Fathom - Federal G-overimet In sp-ected Rando-m Wiglts P.EJ. POTATOES- - No. 1 Grade.- 10-lb. Bag United Church Wome-n eh Wmcn reality. We wvanted OrnoHghter)b-? 1at the pireud e f lus this eue ime for she had g with e mad us protici many timecs. Through- ognt eutte four yeas ro had not once, ym 2R9,beew dfatdntthde TiSIolTracj) vWiy, Ava mCnwandFir es.Hr schlastand- piringDe- ig stilI remiains cn f the hîighest in emUTneh procvince. G.H.S. bas-ý been the gen- ing ntn- ere douerOi Christmas formiais and ait on Ille -toe nogta4esho rips. But and 0. cfaiL, Oon tb gave us j cre olive yc W us nev ous m, o obid uta ftaigd live ii I t othrs bve blît.We must e umber ouair te other mpen, o(t' wol ca Our hearts i b ýirt s Althugh roneHigh School m -v year, hw vcease toeexst as an instituto fhig - )d? Think er learniing, tie O.H>S. spirit and Ml~ in a few1 cherished memiory of tbe blue at white sha not disappear from ou blemis and heicarts, Ag-- shahl net dlim the m1er1- he beauty 1onc ef our scbool net shahl any oth, C nus. Crlefatr As long ,as therereas th prayer those peeple whe are proud te caîl mn "Take themiseves graduates of Orono Hig- qchool, the nostalgic emeory willen iutes wer'e dure. We, thec graduating class e surer's ru- 1961, will do our best to ensure th-, our high scbiool wîll neyer be forgabý iattending. [t was decilded te bold the next n After hier speech Rom-a wasprs enited with a levely bouquet of roses-- The other highlight of the evemag7P wa-)s the guest speaker, Mr. H. A. Leal Q.C., B.A., LL. M., Dean of s goode Hall. His wife also receiveéd a bouquet of roses. The Glee Club under the direcet'.n of Mrs. Fletcher added niuch to the enjoymient of the evening singing a mnedly of six songs. '"'Ave Verurn", - Song of the Angels" in which Ms Shiela Slater took the solo part,ý. "Catch a Waling Star"; "Itps a granid night for singing"; "'Do-Re-Mi" a-nd, "Halls of Ivy". Miss Peggy Hanco,ýk ,was pianist for the evening. In Ap preciation of the time and effort Mrs, Fletcher hiad spent with the GleeCuc she was rewarded with a lovely ccrý sage. -The Monke's Paýw" proved an ~v'iiint uccesue to the ccm- petent directoor and bis cast. The dir- ector- was Mr. Witherspoon, the cas,ýt was made up of Tomn Henderson, Ann Parks, Keith SWarbrick, Don Buckle, G-ary McMackln, FrancesCuan Roger Barlow, Ciarman BaIl. At the close of Commencementex ~rcses Lh Grduaesand their pr ents retired to the basement of ,thl hall where tbey were served a À!,- licious lunch ,uhich was prepared and, served '(1by the Gra]de il tudentS. ~Mawea Élance -was helÉl upstaira 'or the rest of the students. C &AK O Ni !PLEB L eAS NG C . AN UAL iMeeTING Tuesday, Maorch 2 RUý3Cý SPEAKER. RUSSEILL,,C. HONEY Durhami Federal Liberal Candidlate EVERVO-NE %WELCOINE Ilarry IWade, President Clarke Liberal Assoeiationx E.R. Lovekin, President Durham Lîberal Aýssociation ;I1 9 1 C àpet itson et tHo~ LGA TOMATO. JUICE 48 oz tin 4 for 99c IGA BEEF STEW 15 oz tin 4 for 99c IGA EVAPOftATED MILK 4 tail tins 55c KIA STRAWBERRY JAM 24 oz iar 39c IGA SUNNY -MORN TEA BAGS 100 for 69c Lm- IL meýetig atile home of Mrs. Taggart, Mrs. Cornish would be responsibyle ior the Devotional and Mrs. L(w~ e freshmients. Roll caîl was responded! te by 16 present. 35 visitations madel te 'the s*ck and shut-ins. MrS. Legan gave '-he Bible Study telling tbe story of Esther. Mrs. Logan asked Mrs. Rainey te be responsible for thie Bi*ble study in April and ex- pressed thanks for bier assisting at the piano. The meeting closed by re- peatiûg the Beiiediction. Pefresh- mecnte were served. Duning tLhe after- (continued on page 5) ROMA GLANVILLE (Cotinedfrem page 1) that ve knew il thie answers. ît was genuse eactyaud the geing did get a bit rougbh, eepecially arounm-i cvcroffreda threat te amytdet caiit te stdy. Thy re the1 dread0f ay dae, ad ou cîns was 'ertanny noexcetion Wegreanedi befretheexmintinsand we groaed atcr tem. And my but we treLo ge tht lst xtr mrk! We the~-vý qustos edi't undIerstand. I~ ~~~l bciv htt fourth year iu high shool fund ustexbemore ser- tousmined tudentîs. The iimnybene'- fits e)f auedcatonwcrc bccomîng [moe aute in eur minds and seo wer wilin tewok, in erdier that th - raduation-,inight woulj beom a - à

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