Why Ail The Stîr About. Oscars? SIn Hollywood an Oscar mneanîs ý,knuch mvoro today than just an ýward for cinemnatic achievement, _t L the sun and stars and Alad- kin's lamp umped into one rigid, 4ýmpassive, gold figurine. It can r_,ake careers. And in cold im- Personal box office cash it i.s quite literally- worth a million. E is only humi-an, therefore, - that people ne longer merely Wýait and work and hope and ) ray te win one. They camrpaign orit. Nominations, for thse 19,61 Acad- jimy Awards are now knlown. ~'erformers and craftsmnen in two t o¶zen categories are now withîn &echi of this meat coveted award Jin thse miotioni picture world. Ard thse "campaigning,," which began with the New Year, will - . ontinue in. tise weeks betwýýeen r ~ now and April 9, when ait least - two dozen dreams wvill coma true r- i a misty-eyed climax before r, millions of television vîewers. - It was not always thus, -Back in 1927 the A'cademy Awards were established as -a family a'if- r- eair, 'I'ise idea was that the awiard ceremonies would be quiet, un- pretentieus occasions in which Perform1-ers .w-uld be honored for olutstanding achievemrent by a e. 3jury of their peers. There was neyer amy intention kPr expectation then that it would r- become newswortisy. Motion pic-, tures in those day.s were held in iow repute, w-ý,idely regarded as mnostly frivolous timekillers in - tellectually only a cut abeve pro- tessional basebail and perhapsa cut below the Chautauqua,. But as tise years rolled by radio began t ecut in on the last *5 minutes ofi thse ceremnonies te record who won tise acting ewards. Then radio kegan airinig - jd-he entire ceremony, and the e-cad.e-my Avvards began m-oving ýbward lis present mixture of eber recognition of quality and TLV spectacuilar. Last year's Academyi Awaýrd - presentations drew a larger TV iudîcnce thain the Presidential Uîraugurail. And in direct propor- - lCon that thse Hoopeý_r ratings have ývcreased, se hiais tise yearning r *fter an Oscar within the filmn in- 0ustry, - Acter Wendell. C o r ef, tise aridsorne, affable president of ý', cadamyàý, cf Motion Picture Arts an-d Sciences, says withi can- 4or: "An Oscar imust mieain somne- thing or people wouûfldn't strugla go isard te get it." Tise most obvieusz outwarýd cvi- denca thiat people do indaaýd 'r Ytruggle iard tùe gt it, or at least t bc inminaýtedl for it-wýhish is *aLmnost as goodi for egos and ca- reers as winngi lise a r ,ADVICE FOR YOUNGSTERS-Astronaut John Glenn, in his, ~ommntsbefore the Senuto Spce andlo Aercoutics Com.. fteadJvïsed young men wbo want tca take* port in the pceprogram ta get th* fineut general ducatiýon they con. tisimg catnpaîinhepefuls wage in Hollywood trade publications. One observer w,,hôj hais followed thse Acaderny since its earliest days estimnates tisait tise number, cf ads run eacis year in tise Iradesý has incerecased 10 imiies in tise past 10 yeairs. Only five years age, before nominations, 77 full pages et ads aippeared ln tise trades calling attention te poeanlial1 awards win- ning performances or pictures. .Arthar 77 pages appcared aftcr nom-inations. Last yeaor a whop- ping 321 page--s ef ads ram befere nominations and 217½ ,4 between nom-iniations- and awards night, writes John C. Waugh la'lise Ç hristian Science Monitor. Nobody in tise Academry realiy objects te this. it's not tise quain- tity eto ads tisat irks, but tiar somretimas offensive quality.1 "Wa don"t rcaily care isow many ads a persan waints te run urgin -g Acaidemy miembers te se his pictura," saiys oea iigh-rank- ed Academy officiai. "Whait we abject te is wisen a perfermer or, sornebodyV cernes eut flatlY aind saiys"vete fer rme'." Last year quality becaime par- ticulairly offensive, causing tise Academry's board te promnulgale ai code of advaerbising ethics. This code was aimanent at steminng quaistity, buÀt at cutting eut ques- lion Ible quauit.y. Tisera is ne proof tisat "cain- paigi-jng" for an- Oscar hais evar influencaicd amy outco)ma. People rcpeatedly win who haiveii't spent a dime. And daspila soreadaiittad fauits, tise Acaidemny hais hapt tise 0Oscars la tise cinenaitic world tise Oscars frac from taint. No aiward in tise cinamailic warid is se enduring or se dearly covet- cd, Anditisis wouild flot be'se if tlise innars were datermined by full page ads la Daiuiy Variety. Thaera is litliadoubt, isowaver, tisat an Oscar cain skyrocket cai- reers and fi pockatLbooks. And nob)Iody in tisa Acadamny really objectsa teOtisat itiser. An Oscar is widely concaded te bca-wortis an extra $1,000,000 at tise box office for whataver pic- turc - wins iena. "Adif ani agent haid a client, wiso haid won, an Acaidemy Award or ai nomnination," adds Mr. Corey, "m didn't, use tisait fact as a levail for negetiaiting contraets, ha oudbe ai prettyv ouyagent." Btmnaetftisis is reaily so iimportant ais anolise-r question tisai is af ten widaly ovarlooked: Haetise Acaidemy ý-Awardls ir tisir 34 yeairs donc anytising te- impreOVe tisa QUality- of motien' Tisat was tise main reason tlisey, wer estabthad la tise first place. Butaybd who trias te assesisa succass or failure, ln Ihis fuitdnd enii lgoal'must ra- sai-t te isuncisas, imipressions, and deaid reckening. Nabody knows, for certain if filmns have become battar baýcausa af 0Oscars or mat. Mr. Carey can't aven say for criniftlisey hava. B3ut ha will say ýtisat'"an aaidfer excel- lence is bounId --0t pgrade soe- liing. ore peapla are trying naw ta win Acidemi-y Awards. And au'va el ttemnaikea aigood piclu.re te do il." T HROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS - Jimmy Pitts, 5, didn't quite moke it to Wonderloind ais Alice did, but he did see o construction project through- one of the six sidewalk superintendenit-type portholes. 1NGERF ARM e-rwuz.rd.oLir-,ýeP. CVôt.*ke Well, have you al caugist yaur second wind? Who wouhd hlave thougist last waak wo)uld be se monmentus ,. , John Glenn final. ly igoing into orbît? For tise ne:xt fawr daiys we iseard ef litle else se 1 won't adid te wisat you ail- reaidy kinow -- except toi saiy Ibis. To me tise mostiscitwamn incident o e iholc mnarvellous achiavemient was tise attitude ef John Glenn him'self. Hlis maýdesty, and bis eenerous insistance lisat tise su(cceas oetttise ntira' prejeet was tise rasult of gaed taamwor fromi start te finish. No doubt ha wais righit but a mauin wrth less personality might haDve bean ex- cused haiciha ratained a ifftle more efthtie honeur ind gla)ry fer 1iimself. Amtiser thing',i ls about hlm is iis daelighI-tfulsns et humour - which ha certinly, eeded te islp isina endure al tisa publicity lisat came isis wýay. Se, lika eve.ryena asLe, I ancghad te say "haIs off le Lt.-Col. Johna Ge".Now 1 hepe tise pub'ic will show a i utIle uniderstamditrîg aind give.tise poor fellew, a chance lege a lutIle peaeandi quiet- As yeu know, atter tise Gleinn excîtamlent, aLmest; everyOne ;in 'Ontarie bowardsftise ci-d of tise wee a cmeout oethtiseclaudi RIA down te earth with ai vengýeance - te an carti tisait wais covered-é by ice andi meuntains et snow, driven by a strong castwid This merning eur drivewýaiy vw complelcly f illedi in anid tise baclk- d:Ioor blocked by ai iuge snew- drif t. Il wais a mercy it wais Sat- urday se tisaitfawer People had te figist their waiy le work. Eveni se driveways haid te be clearadi from, cvery -heusa, se shovel3 were seon in action. Then after a double wheel'track was cleair- cd te tisa rond-tise inavitable hap- pened - aleng came lise snow-- plough aind blocked tise antranca te allishe drivawaiys. Mare sisovellig! But' yet evaryone, areund ieanay-way, seemedte be in good spirits, neigisheurs rcsling' on tiseir sisevels once in a wisijle, joshimg cacis other aibouit our niïce Canadian winters, In oea ouse tiscre w-as a tcmporairy grass widow' witis twe sm.i-aiil c drPn, Naturally tise mem rallicd le har assistance allisougi Sise insislaed on helplng wîith tise job herseit. Parîner wais busy maost ef tise day aind had wiseel traicks ding before tise delivery' men came arounid As for tise thingcs I meant te do during tise weck, somne et them geldoesemaetof isen didn't. Between sloris I main- aÀged ta) get to tise iairdresseïs for a'-perm" se 1 now t eed like a different persen., Wcdncsday was sucis an awful day - nw rain, fc-g anddrze - tisit 1 wvent toi beýdiquiba' sure I ceuidi-,t makrelbTte -,Tarante maýxI duay. Bu t in tise Dmrning lb be'gam lecle an d 1 was able tocath te c- thlrtyv bus. Afttr ail, yntisini twice Ilsese days befora canceui-- ing, an appinîmaiýnt wivth 1aney e- specialist. Andi an iý l iLçpt iW 1 thongist my glaisses meecledi chaingitig - but tisey didn't. 1,'11 tall enwliat hap e aasa miy experiencýe niay hel2'p somieona else-.For yaars 1 hava eengo- ing to a well-knewn ectulist wiso has built ip' a tramandous praic- tice. Racently hýowe'ver, Iisave't been satisficd. His pIet~werc in aind eut at bis aoffie as if they wara on an aisambly lina.He asked littie aind sa 1 rs starl- cd maikingý inquiias -nd a friand told mcew,% muci shes, liked an- other Peyc--specîalist. Se) Imadea an aippintjrmnt itlr him aind liked hlm irnmemsal -.ly. stead et a ta-mninut.le consultation I was in his office two heursý. As I said batore iha did't cagem lass- as. This doctor saï'i imy main trouble wais dry eye-s.ockels - terriblyý dryv. "Dn'1 1 knew il," 1 exclahmedi, "'I have baca trying ta tell docters. aiistisat for tire yeaiis. 1 domi't suppose 1 CouldiC!(ryv if I wanited te!" "'And tisat's n pily," said thse doclor, "a iIbtla rysemetismes dioas ai lot cf ,good." Ha gave ame a prescription for, soe kind et eya-drops toi act as ai lubricant for tis-e yes. Ire less tsain two days therie was a tremeýndous im- provemnent. 1 suppose tlie humian body is mnuch like any othler formI of mraChijnýry - and îwe know ball-bearingswn' work with- out lubrication. That wi he same d cay I was supposed to, stay eovernight with my daughter an d to go te thse Girl Guîidec Festival with- her. B utI1 phoneicd her that 1 was go- ing sýtraight home - i1 couldn't taise the1 muiLd and slush any long- er. 1 neyer saw Toronto in such a filthy mess. While waiting for the bus if 1 stoed near the kerb I gc.t plastered with slush; if I stood well bacis there was a chance of missing tise bus. But 1 finally macle it - and was neyer so pleased in my if e te gel bacis ,homeýc. Next day tisera was proise7 of mrore bad weather on the way se1I-ot the car out and rusheýd arrnxpying buis andi shiopping. Thet storm carne al righti but il f ound aur refrigera- ter wel filed. Tod,(ay is Ross'k birthdMay v .more excitenrent. And weahe probs- -.are for an- other ýý-s to'rm ti rom tiseuestr There's nýesrer a dulli moment any rer. If variety is' the' s5pîce of lie, wre getting it ! Eveictise' MaipueULef.sý managed te, wrest a, ga'me f-rn thse Bruinrs! Mode rnwEfiquette Q. When a girli rtrodufesi the, man to v-whnm shle is eirga!ged,! Shoul-1 s'eý refi)t,'hflias her fiance? A. Yesý. ',Q. lVW'hen sendling ax reply, 'o a' wvedding ïinvitatiion, Shoui'd7 ft be addressed to the'-, leeicto'r to hier parents? A. Since ithe- weddig invita- tion is uul'yissu'ed' in Lfreý ni arn e cf tfie' rde' r(rents, your rorply sloulc' bu a6dressed' Q. when, it is neecessary for 'a heue uest te make a long-dis- tice' telephlone eal], how shoutl'd' tbis bc, handled? A. First, of coýurseý, thýeges asksý permission of Is hu'st nr isrt~.Then, after bis caul]as isen ompetdhe im'mreiateiily calla tPie oprtor, asks for the', chairges ùcf biscenli, andtianre- m-rita' tis Fawmunt to!lis- hast or FLU FIGHTERS-These young women are cmong many To- kyo residents weairing surgical masks as protection against a flu epidemic, Idling Along OId Ontaro Roads This begins with praisae o certain roads in southern Ontariû as thcy ware thirty or-more years aigo. Tisey were net coflsidered important read. Some had been marked off as what tise province called conýession limes, but for one reason oùr anotiser they isad neyer bean openedi to traffic - roads in intention only. Ohr had fallen inte partial or cornm- pinte disusa. S o me were neot preperly roads ait ail, but abasi- donad railroad rigists eofwaiy- But they al shared this one peecliîar- ity that, fnr thse fe'w hiim'in triv~- elers wise frequented tisemnn, tise road itself was a destinatirn, in- stead of merly leading te -one.. Tisey were for those wiso beliave, tisat itlts etter lin travel tiain te- arrive , They hd so particular' begfrmnirig orenid,, anrd' te hnrry- ang them nc-aaimapssible . . On'e cf #tist-,Reute sse ectai rani fiGma et li s-ut isbuoiu PRit o et taw' neiie t Ilof ir - iszncire, ai lang pissua bcweeni twoa&ket tis teKw ti:chmum. Ehrisincie Ii aic asuaL, easy- gccig avay a'iou't i4,. ainail tis parŽ- tcarroaid' was; teaiii ie very essence cf Elliirsnroe Itra-ni and d îppadî1.andl .turned as îfif'-) t fiîdche'r's t u'n (-.E lt iff io rd' 4, otnss f thae- ù ak bthe seous, aind the si-el cfi.ise lUke- was i ftsa ar. Farms did netiffacoe upon tise road but backýed,' up te it,. and vrild dur.ks often !f1ew in framitise iarsissalgtlt'hk; Èdge te feed in thie graijn f1irc. That ed ayl s moat clearly ini memryasilf as Qtobr,ý witis a lv wind eu.t of the, west sen7id:,.tise facllen lýaives fiying, acroasý il, and apples e.n the, negeeedoldtresalogtiseway aiready tuhdby frost. The- lakc hlad nhacedcuour, reflect. ing tise cleaý-rer lue oet tie' sky. and 1these were goo-,)d days for, watcýhing tise habits et clouds. Tise' laind3 laiy bareP, and itsls beaiuty;, nwtisaitte adweu t losti isl'leaivesý, wais rather et lihea an-d 'form lisan of col 'our. «ly the- wiotering- birds remnaihed, amiý toward dus1s of. a gsyday tise, sky would' filj with tise horrking, of Canada anethia-'wedges, To cne oi foot, whese 'onIy oceu wa'te f il] lis teyes and' lis mi' iiea ainnhi-cs abou(ýtOctober wethe. t tingied wîtis lite, ai-d yet it wais leisurely, -- which sf-Yriing> nasir wasi. Spring waia aUJ hur7yiig' g'raw.thj. wi Lis c i 51.1,anct hepaifilas iir bon even. thfoe, s'lat eut tise' srrow w'as, gene. Spriihg, iiglits, but Octeber nigisîs' ihad' tâte winidl i tise' puces ami! ýthse' d'ancînTg, inoviïnglïhltsïn iti maitiserrai sky.. Just passibyly,, t.frma'td1lia â'og' odireada raya e crcd'em'nedtas esCape, as an attonapt toi gel away', trornaduties. andl responsibi'iiïtï4s,. But-tise'workaday warld' lai nly' part et an cîder and i meis wlder woerld mb owisieh we are bora. If this is escape, lb is te a ricis and living fraedom. It is tise return of ai prodigail, tise resumnption ef e birthrigcist- Il is coing back te a place we may leave but neyer wholly lose-From "Speak ta, the Earth," by WilliamA. Brey-fogle, The best praparation for the future is the present vel seeti to, tise ast dty well done.. ISSUE il - 196?. TONY ATTENDS FIRST SESSION,-, The Earl of Snowdon and his wife, Princess Margar6t,ý leave the Houise of Lords after Lord Snowdon's first attendonce at c session of the uppeý' house of Parliament Less than an hour after h. took his seat îIn a quaint and colo-rful ceremony, he found himyself in stiIl another controversy over his job on a London n*wspape?4 The Institute of Journolists expressed "profound regret" that h. bcd joined another unico. the National Union uf Journalîsts. Aý ý egStai eem atc: oanc ho, aller t47cy-1v years of marriage, is stil taUng ts me jokes ___________________Bois are lflghthouses erected anxd don 't forget te wasls in the greait sec of time, behindi bise tendera," E. ýP. Whiphe. k r'- :1 ~1