Timosî 'é~~i 24, Numrber 5 Thursctay, Mai-eh 22nid, 1962, Orono, Ontario esident osHin Teewere more imeose unters in 96inthe Lindsay Forest District F a rriers and more mioose were killed than in Farmersany of the previous three special sea. sons. Of those 587 moose hunters who hunted in the Lindsay District 172 led Child- were succesful in baggng a ànoose, other words 3 hunters ini 10 were lucky CLM DcLilr or skiliful en6ugh to down their trophy., Now Open Comparable figuires for 1960) show that 321 huniers took 146 moose in' The Durham County Junior Farmi- hr eld their annual Banquet and ýýnnual meeting on Friday evening, -M the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono. The meeting was well attended and al enjoyed the guest speaker, Mr. G. N. Hawn froin the Kemptville Agricul- t.ural School. The officers for the year were -ise istane anioou<e 1 werealsoinstlle int offce.Today marks the opening o! the 1962 this district for a success figure Of The turkey supper was provideâ by Easter Seal Campaign for thie bene 45.5%. It must be remembereti that the ladies o! Kendal. fit o! more than 15,000 pbysically the licence fee ln 1960 was $26.00 Miss Mafrion Buttet'y introducedý'tIe 'andicapped girls and boys ln Ontario. (special moose-deer licence) as cern hedtbeguests wblvh lncluded &. The Service Club men in 226 comfmun- pareti with the general licence fee o! group o! nineteen. ities net enly make it their respon8- $10.00 introdticed in the seutheru Mr. Robert Carruthers, the presi- ibiliiy te raise funds tbrough the f'ange for the first ture net 1961. This den, haiet te metngand calledl Easter Seal Canîpaign for the benefit almost doubled the nuinber of moosel 'upôn Miss Pat KnoxadMr Harold of! crippled chiltiren, but they aise be- hbunters afielti and altbeugh the suc- Yellowlees te lead the -roup in a sing-. on their personal friends. This cbild cess figure dropped correspondingly seong. A recitation was presented by ig on the arm o! a service club tae net .kill o! moose showed an in- Peter Newton. ebr is eljoying a special concert crease o! nearly 1% *îton for the benefit o! crippled Mr. ih Tmlisenthe ncoing iltren. The 1962 million dollar eb- Mloose reported killed consisteti o! ý-resident, introducedth ie guest speak- ectve must be reached in order te 62 aduli bulîs (6.%o! the 'total), 73 - , Mr. G. N. Hawn, o! the Kemapt- as;sure every needy crippled chilti cf (21.5%ý,) of whicb 22 were maies and -ille Agricultural Scbool whe deliver- ,h care and treatment lie or she must adult cows (42.4%) and 37 calves ed a mest interesting theme entitietid cu~ 5!mlp "Are You Listeing". __15___________________ In is address the speaker illustra- dlon, Clyde, Bruton, Glaremgan antid The best areas for _moose mn 1961 ted the importance o! listening t) Eyre townships. It )s interesting te were Bruton, Eyre, Glamorgan, Gluil. ~earn ami that mostinh-telligent per-.inote that three townships appear as ford and Havelock townships. In 1960 sens were most eager te listen. He ai-, the "best moose areaas' in botb years. hunters hati the beat success in H.-in- se st-ateti that many people turn a deaf ear, to those things wbicb the-Y~ Ioe net want to hear. This can become- a habit and coulti eventually be -prac- ticed most unconsciousiy. He illustra- ted is iheme with niumerous humei.r- -us stories. MNr. Dairympile, Agridultural Pep- rei'putive for Durhiam County, con- Orono Atoms Seek Final Ontarîo. Titie ducted the installation o! the neéw ef- Thei Orono Atems, whio at the Little 1II 0 e playeLl at 7':30J on Tnursaay, ficers. Those installeti were(: Bit] NHL Tournanrent ai Oronio, wene dte- 1 Marcb 22nd ('To-ngbt). Tbis gamne ~I'mliso,president; Hareld YeUow- laredth te Eastern Ontario Championsi wili be played againsi Canningien, <1 lees, vice-presitient; Vctor Hall, sec- 4vil1 seek turther acclaim ibis ;Âeek-ittea-m Whidl the Orono boys defeateti retary; Eric Sbacketon, treasurer; end wbent they comapete for the Ontario inl the Gi-duo tournament 4-0. Canning- -Pat Carruthers, Judy Fonk anti Lai-ny Cbampionship ai Canningion. The Can- ton being the hosi club bave eniries Welsh, press reporters; Marion Bi- nigtoh 'Toi rnameflt opehs *on ~Thurs- in ibis ~final eiz tery, county direcior. The officers ,will day nig-ht, (to-night) anti continues, Pnovidiuýg Oreno wîns- their thÀ appoint the directons at a later date. threugb Friday, Friday evening, Sat- urday anti Saturtiay evening. n lu a gamne to-iight they will play aa Arunoumfemellt was matie-at tWbetoal o! twenty-one teams wifll4ioipete on Friday night at 6:00 o'cleek when meeting of~ a bus trip to Toronto on in the three divisions, Atoms, PeeWees the meet the winnens 1iof the Parrj Wednesday, Marcb 21st when the Jun- and Baniams. The Orono Atoms Wiîî Sounti S anti Central Ontario West orFarmers will tour Channel 9 TV oieewihsx te ennfrth vmer. Winning ibis secondgae -saor . cmee itsioteteisfri they would be in the final "Ch ain- station. ~~Ontario bonour lu the Atom division. slp gme e e payei atudayev The Atomi division is diviet i lto ening ai 7:00 o'clock. If Orono loge two f Flighilt A contains four îeam ibhe second game they weuld be oui Ms o B u which will play an elimiation for a Con- o! the coniesi. Fifteen miembers o! the Explor'ersý solation winuer anti a Cbampionship If' the'Orone entry shoulti lose tle anti Tyno group were present for ibeirwne. The remlaining ihree te-ams,' firsi game, tonigi, they woulti then eglarmetin ouWene-aafie-"Fligît A" will play Round Robin ser- enter the Consolation_ series anti nioon lnu the rono Unteti Churcb- ies te declare a Consolation ýwinue.ci play again Saturtiay ai 11:00 a.mn. Mrs. L. Asieti assisteti the chiltiren1 anti a Championsbip winner., The Win, - Winning this game tbey woulti go te wi:th tueur meeting wich epenieti ilth ners o! tle iwo Fligîts wil meet te de- the Consolation finals ai 4.00 lu the the Mission Baud Hymui andt he M~is- clare a Consolation winner anti a afternoon. sie)n Baud Purpose. Chamipionship wvinner. A story was 'preseuteti by Deri-eta The Oreno Atems, or Junior As as No matter what bappens in any of Challice anti a piano solo by Donna knowu lu the Little NHL, is the fi-si b ae rn îllytiedr Gil' bank. Elaine Foirester offeredt he Oreno team te aivance te the final play ing ithe Tournament as will al other, rayer. 1dewn series. Ini other years Orono bias t e anms. T.he children then pasteti pictures nu bowedt te be illbr-ook squads. We wisb the Orono teain every sun-. the scrapbooks. The fi-si game for îhe Orono eut-y cess iu tbe Teurnameut. iHii Tomlinsoii Pr( 0f Durham Jr. R. C. Honey Outlines Liberal Medical Plan Draina Group Pi esent- ing Plays April 13-14 A meeting Df the Bowmanville' Drama Workshop was beld in the Lion's Centre on Thursday, March 15, at 8 p.m. under the ebhairmanship of Mrs. Edward Sanuiel. The evening's business commenced with a discussion on the arrange- mients for the three one act plays to be given in the Town Hall on Friday and Saturday, Aprul 1l3th and l4th at 8.15 p.nt Mr. John Schoenmaker wasl elected ticket convenor and Mrs. jean Darcli the producer. Mrs. Edward ~Samuuel is in charge of make-up and M<rs. Louise Orme will be chie! usher. Tickets are now available at 75e per aduit and 50e for a student, in Bow- manville froi m. r. obert Sheridan, 153 Liberty St. Telephone _MA 3-3588 and in Orono fromn Mrs. Edward Sam- ~e.Telephone 227. Please eall either of these numbers and tickets will be dielivered to you. The evening concluded with the final section of Mr. John Shoenmak- er' s course on the Theatre and was concerned with the five different lIses made of the voice wben performiing- on the stage. New mnembers are always welcomne. If you are interested in any aspect of the theatre, please corne down and join us at our next meeting vvhichi will be held in -the Lion's Centre on Thursday, April 5th at 8 p.m. Films 0f 30 Yrs. The Clarke Tewnship Recreatien tiressing a coniference on social worki Comimission are holding wbhat should Ilhle Minister o! National Healib and pr-ove to be ani interesting m-ieeting onWefae Thurstiay, Mai-ch 29thi. The mieeting Mi. arisid"tcneerb will bc iheld in the Township Hall base- Aï.Mri ad-'Icnnerbl ment commencing at 8:00 p.m. wben tee1 often emphize,5d that social se speia entertainmient previded by film-i curity is not an end in itself; it is oly takn l Orono some thirty years age. part e! the pattern o! our wbole se- Ti'efilmwil b eshow byMr. eeucial systenm. The first esseutial lu any arehof Nwctastle and. 4will show -society is to produce lu sucb quanlti- 1what rone was tbirty years ago alyg 1ices that ail wbio are willing te or wvithe 6 heu esdefits, n,1b.aL.okwl eal joy a decenit livelif coci fer themiselves The purpose of the meeting us te as-:andieir amli, certain if there is eneugli interest for the forming o! a Senior Cîtizens group. In accortiance wiih this phIilosophy,, In this imatter Dr. Dutton, ativisor fer and n cojuncInlwuh thS i pln or1 Seýnior citizen 1s programns, will speak na,;tionl i eoer for' national stimi- briefly anti answer any questions in la n 2 Lbra artiy lias .wo this connection. Mvrs. Jac k Eilbevk o! gr eat social service acýts reatiy. thLIe Recreation, Departinfli ll also libe present. one te Nationial H-eailth Plan. If enougli interest is shown in form- The otheur is the Contibu,1tor-y OU inig a Senior Citizens group further Age Pens,1onilail. steps will lie takien at a latter date by lubsccusoo!teatrth tnLe Commiiission.Inii LC IS01OLI Ute 1J Mn. Chai-les Hutten, presideto!teCeuinty praiseti the Tory increase in local Commission bas stateti that the Icld4Ae iPena.onS by $l0O0 prrontn5., mlrteeting on Thursday, Mai-ch 29th is But lie stronglv rtcîeitiigtIi open te everyone who is eilber inter- uces iha lcinee eas ested in Senior Citizens or the films sî tatth Cnsrvtîe hasn that are to be shown. nbshnea cnrluoypa A social evening o! yards, darts aandn thl at their vision 11 .LuIIIS Iregard1 lunch1- is being arranged for those at- was pilte :uùei teinidiing The Commission is alse coasitiering ether ve'nture's whichi will be mjatie pub Lc linbe iear future. Leskard School iins Mfusie Awaîdi The Leskarti Schioel Chorus anti six, contestants from tins area were a-! mniing the awar'd winners at the 1962 Peienboreugh Kiwaniis Music Festi-ý val. The Leskarti School won ihree firsi prizes in the choruis classes anti aIse the Gay Memorial Trophy. The chorus was dir-ecteti by Mr. Pollarti, princi- palni musie directel'. Miss Patricia Fisher o! Hampton wvon the Mr-. anti Mrs. Hanry Cherney Rose Bowl for ativancedi piano pupils. Shie was aise awartieti a $50.00 prize1 by the Jeanette Scott IODE Chapteril for lier work in tue piano classes. Janice Faint o! Oshia w on iwe prizes. Shie won the e5.0 R. Y. Kenny pr-ize for, piano solo andtihle $5.00 prize donateti by the sWnie- donoi- for ,lie Bach solo class. James Tomilinsen, slawwon a $.o;(.0 prize dntt by Stan Northrop die strings s-ections. A Bwavleboy, John ~Gik won the S5.00 prize donateti by -Dr. .!dtMr's. gfnny for, the EBach sole 31ss -Ustings. Jame1]s wa o f Newtoniville,wn i0pi ze týionateti byý Mrs. G. Kil- )0.i orn t therural Village she su dent, ïuntrainetiv i it h nlagt vocal sole cl]ass. "The Libel-al Olti Age Pension Plan lias been carefully worked oui over a perioti of several years"'le saiti. "i is net a lasi minute vote catching tiotge."' Thie Liberal plan, he saiti, will coni- sisi of a minimum pension ot 475.00 per menîli establisheti as soon as thle Liberals take office. Every wage anti salary ennuier wîll contribute a simal Tuesday evening the Clarke Town- ship Liberal Association. held their annual meeting at the Oddfellow'~s Hlall in Orono when the group elected their slate& of officersU and were~ ad- dressed by Mr. Russell C. Honey, Liberal Can~didate~ for Dur1bain County in the next federaI election. The election - f officers was con- ducted by Mr'. E. R. Lovekin o!f New- castle. Mr. Harry Wade was returned as president of the Clarke Association) with Ms. M. J. Tamiblyn, lst vice; Mr. E. R. Woodyard, 2nci vice; Mvr. Pieter Mazur third vice and Mr, Hlenry DeWiith "ecretary-treasurer. Mr. Russell Honey in addressinig the meeting explained Liberal Old Age Pension plan whiclh, he said, bis party woulid instigate uimediately oni comning into office. The speaker point- ed out that the Liberal governinents at Ottawa, while ln power, bad a proud record of social security legis- lation, "'Every social statute on the books of the federal authority bad been placed there by a Liberal gev-. ernienit," lie said. Here the speakeri pointed te Fair Wages Resolution, the Old Age Pension Act, the Unemý-ploy- ment Insurance Act, Family Alw ances Act, and the Hospital Insurance, Legisiation mnaking possible the pres- eint federal-provincial plan. The philosophy o! the Liberal Party on social security is best expressed,I lie said, iin the words of The Honour The ollwin isa Special class ini Needlework anti Crafis open te resi- dents e! Clarke anti Darlingien Town- slips ouly, whicl Will be sbwua the Durham Central Agriculture Fairi ,lelt inl Orono lu tue fall. i is the hope: e!f the cemmiiiee cencerneti ihat '1y1 pinting ibis class lu the paper,- tr esteti pensons miay eut il oui andi be- gin working for these prizes. Section Prize .noney 91 - 1 pillow case, tatteti inim----------------..$1.00 .75e 92 - 1 pillow case, crocheteti trnim-----------------..1.00 75c 93 - 2 guest iowels, different tiesigns ............... 1.00 7,5e 94 - Centrepiece, tatteti, ap- proximately 10",.-------100 '75c 95 - Centrepiece, creebeteti, ap- proxlmiately 10'--------.1.00 75e- 96-Afglhan, kittti-....1.50 1.00 rOrono Fcuir 97- Kiclen Apron, bail! style cotteon...............-75 50C 98 - AMoiben anti Daugliter Apnons.......... -..... 1.00 75c 99 - Laly's Sun Dress (sample attacliei)-------------...1.00 '75e 100 - Chilti's Dress (sample attacret}............. 1.00 75c 101- Latiy's Crotcheteti Hat 1.00 75c 102 Lady's kuit gloves .... 1.00 75c !03 H ouse slippers, kuit or crochecteti-------------.1.00 75c- 1041 - Scrapbeo! bofeiuseboid hiiits, pictures, etc., useful fer a borne nmaker ...1.00 75e 105 - Eest wrappeti gift parcel for, Baby Shewer-------- . 75 50e 106 Article o! Leatherci-af i 1.00 75e 107- Deconative Cautile .-.75 50c We expecitet have ai leasi twio spec.ial pnizes fer ihe nmest points mu this class. Crippl ren Cc Special Class Announc- 0I f-l Ap% f-l W-eckly, percentage of his or ber earings te- wvard it eacb month. Eiuployers wl set aside a further small percentage. Tbis will povifle a fund out of whiok the increased pension will be ad AlI contributions plus an interest fac- tor will be paid to f amilles or estatea if death occurs before pensionable fgg.. Se1f-empýoiyei persons may join Voluntarily. The contributory pension will pay 1/3 o! the earnings made during the years when the pensioner madie bis highest income. As an example, lie outlined the pensions payable te a man whose higbest earning during empîcymnent was $78.00 per week. OR#, tbird of this là $113.00 per month. If he were married, be and bis wife would draw the basic pension of $6500Gý each, or $130.00. To this would be ad ded the $1.0 making a to.tal o! 23 per month Basic pension age would be 70. But it could bc put back tô 65 with mnonth- Iy payments proportionately lower, The Liberal plan would net increase taxes. The present $10. Tory increase will, cost tbe t axpayers 41,0,0.0 Thne Conservatives say they can't bring in their plan without a constitutonal a- mnentiment. The Liberals dlaim this Is nonsense. It is notbing, tbe speaker said, but an excuse to bide the fact th)e pr'esent government can. offer nothing but a kind o! unplanned wa!- fare. -This great country is ours te live ni, buiild and enjey. It was oundeti' on the sweat and tears of our, senior r',itizens. The Conservatives would turn their simple neetis into a kind of vote-begging dole. I say they deserve imore consideration and respect!"Mr faoney stated. In coig he asked bis audience, wvork, and support for Liberalism te- Orunoï Schont Holds St.-Patrick'Is Dance by Tom Henderson Last Friday evening, in the Town Hall, the Orono High School Glee Club sponsoreti the annual St. Patrick's - dance. A good number of studentsý were present, miost of whomi wore the tradîtional "Irish" green. Music for the occasion was supplieti by Wayne Kennedy and tbe Offsetters. Fer the first time in' several years square dancing was helti. The teach- ers and many students got so exc-ited tbis connection. Mrs. Jack Eilbeck of ibat the lovely lunch wÀas conipletely, forgotten. Sincere thanks te Mr. andi Mrs. W. Bunting who supplied the mnu- sic for the square -dancing and Mr, Harold Ransberry whe did the callii- orthis venture,