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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1962, p. 5

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Gic:wý Footpirints Cr.zîO Mystery Giant, three-toed footprints believed ta have been ilde more than 100,000,000 years ega by one af the great, dinoaurs, probebly an iguanodon, have been found i n a stone quarry at Largton Matravors, noar Swan- age, Dorset. There are thirteen prints and rhey were unearthed by work- Meni. They stretch twenty-six fret across the quarry i loor ho- tore disappearing under a maSS D! rock and experts beieve they form the largest sequence of pro- !ii!!toric FainRialoot.prinits ever dIiscoveredi in Britain The huge çreaturo that imado ,lhcm coLd hQýve moiasurcd forty leet fromnose Dto tal and stood up ta twenty foot in height. The tootprints a-re only fifteen inclues apart and clearly show the walk grd gait of the creaturo. Says on expedi: "It looks as lhough when they were made he was juist waddling ealong," Fassil romains af memm-oth kreatures which existed many m-illions af yeers ega are occa- uionally uncavered in Britaîn, usualy) in quarries. But the findi- hig cf such romains is becoring rarer because ai the hinreasing use today afi mechanical excLava- tors. But less thaýn four years ega an ichthyasaurus, e marine rep- tile which 130,000,000 years ego fillled t1he place in the seas now occupied by whales and par- poises, was uncovered in Nor- golk. A, special day and night 5uard lied to be m-ounted over a Warwickshire querry in which a, 10,000,000-year-old, three - eyed raonster's remains were iound in 1928. It was a plesiasaurus. Thrilledi by newz of the find, amateur geoýLogists crowded ta the -spot and Eome of the earlier arrivais aqucceeded in reaching the fossil &nd tried ta get "souve-nirs." The fossil had ta be fenced off while arrangements were made for transporting it ta a museumn. .Anther strange creature which was fouusd in Oxfordshire must have been a&bout sixty i oet higli in its prime at leest 200 million years ego. It was so heavy that it had ta romain half submerged in water ta support its weight. In a gardon et Gedlinig, Noîts., whiçh was formerly paýrt ai Sher- wood Forest, mienfaiund in 1923 the huge bories ai a prehistorie memmoth. They were in an ex- cellent state of preservation. Q. While 1 was confined in e kospital reeently, my clergymanlI visited mie every day. flow caa f sýhow my appreciation? A. Yo Lu r sirTerely - expressed thanks should ho enough. But if you really wish, you cen gîve hlm somne small gift, something you know hoe needs, or some- ihing for tho church. POLITICAL POLI. - Lonip- past ir Ccutta con hordly be recognized because of mony posters cnd ,bcnners on it. Large numnbers of the peo- ple cGnnot recid so parties rely uipon simple symbols rother thon nomes in their vote- getting .ccmnpoigns. Further Word On Danger 0>f Smoking For 444 years London's pow- erful Royal College of Physi- clans has been keeping watcâ over the health of England. It led the struggle against bukonic pingue in the seventeenth cen- tury by condemning primitive crusaded sucessfully against thé consumption of cheap gin, thein a major kiler; in 1802, it per- suaded- Parliament to endors. Edward Jenner's vacocine and thus fought the war on sntallpox, Lest month the Royal Callege once again plaeed its prestige on the line. In a 70-page report en- titled "Smoing and Health," th* society issued an unequivocal in- dictmannt af cigarettes. "Cigarette smoking is a, cause of lung cancer," th.e societS' said bluntly, and reparted that Great Bitain's present death rate from this disease is the highest in the ý\warld. tlrging the governm-ent ta take "decisive steps" ta curb th* rising use af tobacco, especially cigarettesý, the pamphlet went on ta say that heavy cigarette smok- ing mnay well contribute to the development oi coroaery heeri disease as well as delay the heal- lng af gastie and du(-%ïnal ulcers. "Smoking and Heâth" was prepared by a spocial nino-memn- ber committee headed by Royal Colilge preclidclnt Sir Pober L 1t Platt. a 61-yeýar-oldC kidncy s3pe- cielist who gave up smoking him- setfelght years ega. The roport'â conclusions are hbased on more than 200 studios, Most!lyv drIa fran? British and Amorîcan scieni- tific journaýls. Anng the fýind- ingsý: Duiring thoelast 45 yas hl the death rate from other formi7s ai cancer in England hias de- creased slowly, deaths fram lung cancer have soarod. Deaths froma lung cancer amang mon betweeni the ages af 45 and 60 totalled M0 per 100,000 in 1930; 48 in 1940; and 165 per 100,000 lu. 1959. During aduPi 11e, nearly 75 per cent of! mon and 50 per cent of women in Br-itaîn are regu.lar rm-okers. Holavy smnokers (thaso who smaike fromn 25 tae M cigarettes a dlay) haîve about 30 timos the death rate froming cancer a doa non-smokers. "Lulig cancer kilis about ont hleavy smoker la eight," oaid Sir Robert, speaking lest week in a gilt-corniced College of Physic- iens lecture hall near Trafalgar Square. "Of course you may~ say this is still a minority, but sup- posing you wore affered fIight on an airpiene and yau were told that usually about one in eîght crashed. Yeu might thlnk again." "The pleasure ai smoking imuat now bo weighed ageinst its dlan- gprs," the report stated. To mnake these dangers htter known, the Royal College recommonded that the governmnent introduce a mas- sive education camrpaign ta dis- courage smoking. It also reom- mended thet the Ministry of Health, tl-raugh the National Heelth Service, establish anti- smoking clinics ta help nicotine adldicts kick the habit. Other sugges tions ranged from rostrict- ing tobacco advertising (mort thin -Cilmillion or $3.8 ii- lion, wes spent on such advertis- ing in 1960) ta strengthening the prohibitions on smnoking ji pub- lic places. The repart elsù sug- gested th.et more stringent ig- aretto t a xa tiocn would dlrive smakers ta "Is harmiful" piPps and cigars. (The British tex on cigarettes ia ever. naw the world'p, hihest,, amounting ta' 46 ce_:nts on a pack af twenty cig-arettes ,çelling for 63 cents.) Although t 1, e Minlstry cf He.-lth was net sure last wýeek about stops it would take, rLabor. ieM. P. Kenneth Robinson aif- -fereI his views.' "I thiaik a tex boost la out," hoietold a reporter. 'There m.ay be a certain contrai of advertising. But net much can be ddane about veteran smnokers- thce'r-e beyond redemptian." Germon Women Beaten As Witches Innocent wamoen in somen vil- lages af West Germany are being beaten Up and insulted by ig- norant villagers who believe they are witches. Witchcraft is growing so rap- idly in these counitry arees that 10,000 sa - called wvitchmaster5 have set themaelves up lus busi- nesg there in recent years, says aý repart ai the German Medicel Silly men and womooeî- who are rnot satisfied with the treatment they receive fromn their doctors visit these witchinesters whio have persuaded them that ail1 t.hEir ailments zare causedib *The witchmîasters even namet îllage women aÀs witches. These wdmou a re _usually too 1p oor te take egal action egainst themu. A wtcaster îiten chargkes a Zoo of $25 Or lmorê ta poriorlyl a *oremony and pro-vide a cre' According ta an ancient Ger- mn egend ail the counýtry' witches h-old carnival an April 3th - the oe o! Mayý Day. This is kntý,wn as Walpurgis N.,ig"ht e u BABY CHICKS BRYhas good verieties, lncluidlng Aies, Sykes and Cornet egg, speclalista avaliable, prompt shll,iient, day'-old f0 re-o-a.Reach thie besf eýg mar- k'ets, order inow. Also mixed clckelýnd dlay-oid cotkeres. Requeat price liat. Sec local aàgentý' or write Bray #latch- ery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCI USIVE 1,rý,chises Open ln varionas parts cf Ontario for I.P.11 Factory Bujilt Humres & Sumt'nn Cottage displziy court or Sales olitiets WAe M11 helP y ou get started ind provide major finaincing. We <an finance aIl1 aes no dowvn pavrnenit necessary. iNTERPROViNCIAI. HOMES 113 Ferguson N., Hramilton HIGI4 CLASS HAIRSTYLING SALON Hranilton Ow,ýner rettring. Good opportunitY for slilled hairstylist. Equipment at de- preciated value, stock et cost. Batten. 5 TIuird Line S., OakvilIe, Ont. ATTENTION MEN WNITI4 INITIATIVM AND DESIRE TO GEl AHEAD. SIMALL investmrent required to get atarted in s very profitable huai- nosa right in your own homne town. Li n i1 t e d nurnber of dealerships aval.iabie it ow ns aod cit ie s throulghout southern Ontario.. If you have the required desire te aiucceed we may have the oppor- tuntity you have been looking for. For fuiil Information contact BRUCE SMITH, SU#4-OLO PRODUCTS LTD., 2 VANCOUVER AVE., TORONTO CATALOGUES CANADA'S MOST WANTED NURSERY CATALOGUE Over 1,000 guaranteed selections. PO page all-color catalos- featurlng the newest and the hast in roses shruhs, trees, flowers, evergreens, frù lts, bulbe - f rom~ Canadâýs largest gro<ver to<îoi nursery. Write today: McCONNELL NURSERY CO. LTD. 65 Nova Scotia St.., Port Burwell, üOntario COINS WANTELý ÎYOUR old coins piay he valisable. lgh- est ps'lces for Cànadiin and American. Illustrated Catalogue 5ic, Coronet Coins. 1611ý Church St., Toronto 2, Ont. OOGS SAýiIý.OYED$, .St. Bernards, Scotch Col-. Iles, German Shepherds, Fox Terriers, etc. Ail purebred and reglstered. Agents for ai breeds. Torma to 20 rnonths available. Jerilon Kennels, 47 St. Pauil Streef, Broekville, D1-2-3441. LAB. RETRI-VIIR PUPPIES CC2Regîstered Excellent 'show eand field stock. Pedigree furnlshed Ilealth guaranteed -Whelpedc 17 Der., '61. The wvorld's hast Retriever and cormpanicn. dog Also sanie trained' pupa, i9 monithà 0ld. frani champion stock. . STUD SERVICE H.AWKRIDGE KENNELS Reg'd I110 Le keshore Rd. ___FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES excellent state cultivation. 4 acr~es in mapie bush, spring creek, ,goacI bouse, bank ba -n 50x60, hog pen, oin pen ahove, 30x5O, water, hydre throughout $17,00W. Apply Irene Gil- lies, RR-2, or Milford Dowllng, Fergis St., lPh. 491R, M4ount Forest, SALE due te, linesa, l100 acres good land, self dreined. Modern 7 rocomsand bath, haîf new 4 years, ail new elunt.in- um isiding, and Storomnore storms and acreens. B~ank barn 35x75, upper part new 4 yrs., other buildings. Schoot buses - mail - millk routes pat door. In Warwick Twp., Lamnbton Co., 14ï mile No. 'I Hwy. Injmediate possession. (Ywner Wm, Wallace, 43 Wig:le St., Leaiington, ont. Reasonable down payment. DAIRY FARM LARîGE imilk base. 186 acres dlay lain witli stream t'hrough propert.y. Large L-shaped berna wvll accommnodate over 100 hgs d cettle, steel stahling. wator bowls, 2 silos, 42-e Delavalcolr 7-unit Delaval pipeline millcing systeni, etutoniatic washing, excellent water sup- ,y.2 good brick homes ,with baths. is laran excellent dairy setup. Prlced, af only $35,000. Stouitt Agencies Ltd., Realtors, 10 Coller St., Barrie. Phone P'A 58-5901 How Con I? By Roberts Lee Q.14)w cen 1I meke e curled cerner on a fiber rug ie fiat? ' A. One way of. remnedying thiis rituation la ta insert tostraight lengths of coathangecr wire ail the way int oc rug hems. Q. Hlow cen I soiten a stiff es- àing hairbrush. A. By fiving it a leni-gthy rînse br twa qiuarts aof lukewarm ,wa- ter ta which a tbliespono!io olive aillhas 3bee'n added. Q. flow eauIt 1menti a brokoni A. Air zou haýve ta do is bea-t the broken endIs over a gi miatch, orcgaee-ghr.lm uil iithey lmoît ,enouglu /-o ad- wuere vwhen you press th,,Iem ito- gtr.Thon doýcn't uethe lhp- sicuntil the enids have 1hid enIough lime ta gt tog-ether ýA ndcl Q., flw ca Iremove colokuredl oanloaxstaiua frs ntable linons? A. Ater scra&ping off nLs much o! he ecs wax aýs you cen., p'lace the siedPortion be- tween tw[-,o piec-es of blotti'ng pa- per i, and presa wîth a warmr iran,. Mst tof thc- grease will ho ab- sorhed cjby the2 blotting papo->r. Thoen sponge ù h eatrtia- cobol tao remo(vo the dcye. FARMS FOR SALE FOR sale, $6,500 cash, 100 acres HiI land township, Grey counîty, 90 miles niorf boff Toron ta. For f urf ber particu- lama apply Wilnier Clajrk. Routle 1. Berkeley 354-ACRE farni In Northumberland County, Ont., 180 acres top producing work land, tilecI, balance gaod bush and pasture; hemn 50' x l'Yi', ail steel, mnll contract, 950 lbs. per day, stan- chions, watcr howla, stable cleaner, pipeline and bulk tank for 50 cowa, Other buildings. 13-rooni frama bhouse in goed repiir with ail mnodemn con- veniances. School bus et door. A, neyer- feling spring crack supplies water te cattie. This creek la large enough for irrigation anc bas 2 large traut ponds wlth roomn for marc. This famin is the besf farrasot-up withln -nany miles. Write Doug I3ouiand, Hil1ton. Ont. P13ont Brig'hton _1112R3. FARM NELP WANTEO -MALE FULLY experienced marricd ïmeus for purcbmad Holstein Daimy Farn. Sapa- rate bouse. Write. stating wages and experlenca, in first latter; also refor- once frorn a praviaus employer W. Wesley Wcrmy, RR HIampton, Ont. FOR SALEà - MISCELLANEOIJS VIBRATIONS REALLY ARE GOOD FOR YOIJ. Be in theaven SLEEP ON A CLOUD I{elp yourself RELIEVE YOUR TIRED BACK Look fomwamd ta hadtlme RELAX ANI\D SLEEP DEEP end Friands Wakc up more rafreshed than ever be- fore. No ridiculous prices, just a good product manufacturod wth a 10w over- head s0 as ta mnake It avallable ta on* snd aîll Budget Plan if nocessery; for furtbem Information. vwrite EXCELSIOR AeENCIES 5?2 Hamilton Rd. <Rer London, Ont. GOATS & LAMBA WANTED PALE-ITA BItOS. M IEAT PACKERS LTD. - WANTED- Baby goats and spring Iambi. Iligbiest pi-Ies accordlng to quai- lty. Write 600 MOUNTAIN BROW BL1VD., HAMILTON OR CALL, FU .1-7474> GRASS SIMD GREEN PASTURE SCARCEi SORGHUM GRASS MAY ANSWER YOUR PROBLEM Nîina foot growfh lu sand and gravaI sail. Faranar at Enderby, B.C. pastured stock calvas In $orghuni until snow fall. Daimy fanmer pastured bis cw. on Sorghum w,,han bis other pasture failod, tbrough drought. Prove ta yaur. self what this grass mnay dIo lu your ares This annuel grass la good for pestura or hay. Easy te hale audeure. Ton pounda dellivered, for $1550; Twenty-five paunda, for $3750 deliv- ered. Requ>ras about two fa tbre., pounda p r acre for row erop. Place your order now. Ail No. 1 sýeed. C. iF. KINGSTON DIST. CO. LTO. Box 424, Kamloops, M.C. HORSE SALI Quarter Horse Sale APRIL 14, 1962 3rd Annual MICHIGAN STATE FAIKOROUNOS For Catalogues Contact Sud Leetch or Tom McKinley Fenton, Mich., U.S.A. LISTENING DIViCES INVESTIGATORS! Write for free bro- chure on latesf subailniafure lectron-. ic lstening devices. Çlifton Electronle DevIces, 11500 NW 7tb Avenue. Miani P0 lorida. MAPLE SYRUF MAPLE Syýrup - 6 gallons $29.75; 4 gallons $20,00 - simaller quantity $5.25 gallon, F.O.B. Made hy lioward Hlasiar, KneOnt. MIDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY FOR NEURITIS AND RH-EUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED. MUNRO'S DRIJG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWÂ $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAINISE the forment 0f dry eczeema rashus and weeplng skIn troubles. Post's Eczemna Salve will flot clsappolnt yau. lcinscaldlng and bumniag eczo- me, ne, ringwommn, pimplas and foot eczomna vw,11 reapond readily f0 the stainîcas, odorleas otl entrgardîo.sE of how stubhomi or hopelesa flaey seana. Sen, post Free on .Recelpt of Price PRICr $3.503 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES '18<65 Se. Clair Avenue East Toronto MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVE BigMal Catalogues, spocial offers, honcy-makins opportunitica, gift offers, sampces, 40c. Cet listcd pcrmanently 25c- A. P. Enterprise-29), 1652 Dolunron, l'hiladelpla 40), Pannei. S S MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS àloney available for inanediate .os3 on pirst and Second Mortgages, fAn Agreemients for sale, on vacant an4 limproved property, resldential, Ind- trli, city, suburban and couintry, ffl sumrner cottages. Forty years experS ence. SUMMEI&LANO SECURITIES LIMITrÂ* 112 SImncoe Street North OSHAWA,1 Onteàrlo *Phone: 725356A NURSES WANTUO WANTED: Two graduate nurses for 60-bed hospital. Good salary rchedul&, Generous fringe benefits. State date o graduation and phone nuimbe-ir. Admint- strator, St. .loseph's Genieral IlospItal, Lttic Current. REGISTERED Nurse reqirýed for thep Arrow Lakes Hiospital, Nakusp, B.C.. fitteen bed, standard wage rates, hoU.- days, semi.,annual Increasýes, etc.,40) hour week. Rooni ainahboard avallablo rât Hospital. Adminlafrator, Arrcw Leke3 Hospîtaf Nakusp, b.C. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAS LEADING OCHOOL Great Qpportunlty Learn HairIreqssIng Pieasant dignified profession, gooà. wages Thousands of auccessful ~Mrvel Graduates America'a Greateaýt Systerfl lllustrated Catalogue i!ree Write or ef Mervel Haîrdressing Schoel 358 biôor St. W., Tôronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 RideuiStreet. Otva PARTY GAMES PARTY Gaines! Adult',, Chlldrenaig Both 64-page ho oks poatpaiad 50e. Ar-, cane Boolu Mart, IiverdaIle station, goy 529-C. Dayton 6, 0h1o. PI RSONAL HYGJENIC RUBBER GOODS - Tested, guaranteed, mnailed in plain parcel tu,- cluding catalog free wflth trial asort nment. 36 for $200 finea;t qualltyIý - Western Distr1ibutors. Box 24T, ê gina. sask. 0\(ERWEIGHT? .A safe, effective reducing plan Wlit4 #eWay-Les" Tablets, elc ypprove4. L mont'a supply $7.00. Lyon%8 DruÎt. ept 12, 471 Danforth Ave., Tornt., PIOTOGRAPHY NEW ROLL OF FILM wlth each filin developed, prlnitedI or mouinted. Black & White RolFilm 8, exp. $1.00, 12 exp ?,125 35nn2-0 exp. $11526 exp. $2.85 kodacolor 8 ex. $373. 12 ex. $4.75. 20 ex. ?5 75 Anscochromie Ektachromne 20 exp, . $213 Cet 8mrn Color Mlovie Film mcl pro- cessing $294 Mloney order or C.0.D. Photo S-ervice, Box 10, M',iland, Ont. -PROPERT-IES FOR SALE -MARKET Gardener'a Opportunity - É, acres, sandy oain, 16 rooni house stone foundation, newly decoraited and land-. ucaped, paved road, bus fr-ou gate tr new central school. Selling for business .reasons. $7,000 or best offer for quick sale. Apply R. Mullen. IR.R. No. 1, Cold- apringa, 6 miles north cf Cobourg, via Ontario Et. RAZOR BLACE8 100 GIJARANTEED Double Edlge BladIes $1.00 postpaid. Write for Catalogue. Samnpie !Or Walter 'unk. Melhopac 6 New Yiork. SHEE3F FOR SALE KARAKUL FOR SALE: Içarekol (Black Persian) larmbs nd ewes bEdwvard E. Dickey, R.6, Brampton, Ontario. SPORTS ATLAS FRETE Information about exyciting, new, "Sports Atlas cfAerc" Guide to, good Fishing, llunting, othier outdooi Sports in Canada and U.S. No obliga- tion! Eîchenberg, USVA},Lvs mnore, California, t.S.A. --STAMPS 100 DIFFERENT stampa .10 To Collectors Rtequestlng Apilprovale Winston Phllpott Box 306 Botw,ýood> fl.,Canada TRADE SCI400LS AC2ETYLENE, electrie eidling ?a-i Argon courses Cnd Welding Cari- non an-d Balsaiýn N, Hn 1.Shop Li 4-1284, Ras. Li 58-283 - TRUCKS FI SALE '53 MERCURY tow tucrpowe r winch-, rear controls, smlisteam jennyv with sma]l repaira. E. Lloyd, PheloýstonpOt. VIGIIEST Prices Paid for oi)d Canada, 1Wite. Joe AMorgen, Dultýrk, N. Y ISSUE 3-16 GOOD SKATE -- Eva Uppstramet performs difficult mpin on roller skates n Stockholm, Sweclen, called the "Germcai Twist." Attemptinig th-e feat is (j wides2pread fad 'n that counltry. r*LASSIFIED ADVERISINO'

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