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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1962, p. 2

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_____________________________________ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, APRIL 26,19O62 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Ciass mail, Post Office Deparirnent, Ottawi Establlshed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester rtoy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advance la (Cna 4L1jlu A <& PS Pblished every Thuisyeut tIm offkice of publicat" Time To Be Progressive The Village e! Orone lias now caine te a point in. its istory wîhen procects must be undertaloen which will consume a considerable emnwt o! moiiey. This mloney le not available from yearly taxation and thus int corne frorn the issuing of debentures, This e a procedure 4hat lias seldoin been usad lanGi-anc but new faces the Village if they ïntenid te do work which je tLhouglit necessary. Projecta before the local bcîard at the presant time includa neCw ..tetlighting, which presently in Orono le falling behind and whicli woild cost in tha neighboui-hood o! $15,000 ta $16,O00. There ie also the prajeet of a small sewage systain which could cost thosa it ser- vices a simillar amount. Water, is no doubt ta become a reality with- In the next yean or two and luere again large suie would have te be e-bntiirad or neceived fi-rm the OWRC. No progresdan ha made wlthout the epending of money and oui- Village can not, progress un- Ies we are wlling te spend this money for more miodern and better 1acilities la the Village. Sema mMunicipalitias are te-day even planning ahead their de- berture issues and recaiving approval for a five year debentui-e plan issuie. Like every phase o! business, Planning plays an important part iza succees and~ it would logical that hare ln Oro.no a five year plan of iniprovements financed thi-ougli debenture issues is the only means of pragressing. The Ontario LMunicipal Board apparenitly approves o! b-Lch !orecastng and wiil give approval o! advance financing through debentures and it wouldl give a mnucli greater control over caste in% a development area. For the Village o! orono it would ba a simple matter for the Trustees te draw Up a five year plan o! imlprovamants and then ta seeIapproval f rom the Municipal Board for financing sucli a plan. ýncIudad ini the liet would no doubt be the street liglits, water, eewagc -Wmd a ncw fire truck. Stage dleveloýpment o! the planM would hae nconon- ïical and woulallow more accuu-ate foracastng o! the financiai pas- ton o!f the Village, O! course, witli sucli a plan, close co-operatlon, Woul1d have t0 exist witli the Township, if incorporatign were not granted, for the Township eould upeet the plan by introducing pro- j0tS, O! their- oww on whicl ideben-tur>es would be issued. At pr'esent the Village is picking at loose etringe, dabbling in wnesewage and Street liglitlig and not havng sufficient funde to î-eerry-out ally o! the pz-uýjects Until a definite plan is set-up and inoney Mrade availabla prog-se and mýPrOvem-enits wîll hbcliard to coma by. FIeIp Needed ie yearIyreut is Out f-ýrm the O-rono Amateur Atlletie As-. soiion a tht is for, men to coach the varlous bail teame whlcli wiIcomie under their sponsoi-ehip this year. It le qiuite possible that foUr clubs coui-fd ha entered froir the Village o! Orono in the Mlinor Lakeshore leagua for thene is no doubt t'hat the boys and girls Wlll be rout tC pia.y. Witli both tlie boys and girls teames there could heaa iieed O!fsm'ive Or Six Coaches along witli assistante. There- is a great deal o! work to ha done and lieip in this area is urg 'ently neeCed. Those itaeeted are askad to contact Roy Foiraes. tanr as soon as possible as entrias in the, vaiious league muet'be-a-lae' asonas Possible. Atar the first weklc i May entries close in the LakeShoûre MI'nfror league. AnoGth-enraminden, in the sporting field le the Atlltic dance baing- hdintha O0rono Town Hall this Saturday evaring. Plan to attend. Advertise in the Or'ono Wé,ekly Times Fashion Show Proves Smash Hit With amily Fashions For 1962 Spring Fashions for 1962 with1 also on display. topper by Marie Lycett while a ihrght spiashes a! period fashions proved a red coat modelled by Dereen Wood, most antertaîning outing for close t<, Period fashions of the 20O's brought took the ladies eyes. The teenagrs 250 on Wednesday evening, April lSth aPProval f rom the audience and 2uuch were particularly taken with a party when Unit 6 of the UCW held their entertainment. dress n shades of blue modelled byr shwin- the jam-paked basenrt of aoreTrl ndwt GyeB the Orono TUnted Church. Thrisa i4ature M . eanne- '&aples and iRoss G<l-MarorieTyrein nd wof th ayle'sri provtng Most successful, was Weil T-va- diplye 1th centiiiy costuiés ct .'Tere were practia' dresses àË ceved andI thes-e attending wee 'rmwhle dahmng the Mtnuet. The tempo. Orono, the surr-ouindlng area,, New. ste~ped Up When the roaring 20'0 di-dy CPttons,,.axid cotton knita caste, Nwtonilleand owmavile. aeto vlew wlth Don and Jeanne wlicb are se o, corforta&ble for travell. c a s t e , N w t o v i l l a n d B o w a m i l e . e m i g , a m o n g t h e n u m b e r s s h o w nj . Colorfu SpingdecratonesettueStaples as the "Flaypers" fashionlng A shaath dresa in beige with niatchinig Colorfu Sprng ecortlos s tth he dress of this era while dancing three-quarter length ceat was an out. back-drop for the show and were in the Charleston. Ross Gilbart, Kay Ly- standing number for the mati-on. Tlù,s thernacîves a credit te the group. cett and Don Staples furthered the eni-wsmoeldbMs.Gdy m- Sprays of flowers covered a trellis. tertainment when thi&y displaved the t. m dledb rs ldy as surrounding a bird bath and with Eas- ter bunnies and chickens outlined thie flood-lit stage and ramp on which the forty-eight nunibers in the show were presented. During the showing Mrs1 Everett Brown provided the musicail background adding greatly ta the tempo and atmnosphere for the num<ý erous costumes and fashions.! nhe fashions on display at the show were provided by Arnstrong's Store, Orono; Breslin's anc.1 Chartran'.s, Bow- manville. The show with forty-eiglit numbero displayed the lateet fashions for ev- eryone n the family. The openlng- numiber was a f anily group on their way to churcli with the closing num- ber being a fashion af sleeping attire wi*th the models expreesing "GoodL Niglit" wishes. Fashioni centred on suite, epring coats, car coats, rever- sible coats, dresses and sportwear 'f mnany colours and styles for.kthe ladies whila interest for men centred on suits, sports wear for the golfer and fsherman. Childrieni's fashions were rage in bathing' suits back in the 1920's. Other entertainment was pro- vided by pupiAls of the Harvey D)ancing School ini Bownianville wlth Baton twirling- and dancing. Those modeill. ing the fashions in the show were: Mrs. Eileen Stevens andi daughter Denise, Carma Corniali? Donniie AM-1 leIn, Mrs. Adele McGill, Mrs. Marie Lycett, Mrs. Marjorie Lowery, Miss C ayle Wils, Miss Margery Tyrrell, Mrs. Betty Colvin, Mrs. Doreen Wood, Mrs. Gladys Gamsby, Mr-. and Mrs. Don Staples, Mr. R~oss Gilbart, Mr. Kay Lycett, Mrs. Eleanor Shetier, M~rs. Nancy West, Mrs. Lois Coxf, rs. Joanne Hutton, Mrs. Anne West, Mrs. Georgina Harness ai-d Mr. Doug Pow- ell. Eleanor Shetier» and Georgina Har- ness were the commentators for the show and were equally capable in des- criibing each feature of the attire wvorni by the nmodels. To mention a f ew of th'e styles; a, very smart bleck and white coat mod- elled by Adele McGilI and a navy FJSHERMIMIFINED $45.OO Three men who jumnped the gun on The April 30 nomination meeting tri the fishing season were each given the Orono 100F' Hall will serve a dual fines of $15 and costs and a reprinand puiose. A provincial candidate wilU by l&agistrate R. B., Baxter in court'also be namned. Well known NDP in Bownianville on Tuesday. miember Han-y Aehlton o! Pickerlng Beach lias announced thàt lie will Ronald Phullp, 26, RR 1, Nestieton; stand for the provincial nomination. Keithl Fletcher, 36, 282 Lasalle street,': Oshawa and Fred Croweils, 28, o! Verdun Road, Oshawa, pleadied gilty Mr. Ashiton is the NDP provinciai to the charge Of fish1ing out of seasoni. YflOr0f1 ewrt cus 1o Conservation Officer Dougla s P wl'oth ,Durham and 'Ontario Ridings, ello 01Q0o1o told the court Ilie found ?1 nd repi esen1tecl the(serne at tli.. the trio with poles, lines and baited 1DP fud- convention in Niagara hooke fishing the Fleetwood Crleek in ai'ýls iast October. Manverse Townshiip. He said there were no fish ini siglit. 1 e S agrdutein buiýness admin, Magistrate Baxter said, "By dis- stration,' a formenýr civil defenca e regarding the regulatioüis you ýspoil ;t ordinator, and was elected twice tû for those who obcy tliem. These reg, ':ckerngTwsi council. Mr-. Ash- ulations have to be obeYed to give ton lias also, been DSaster Chai-nian eyeryone the camne rgts"of thie nd Red Cross Society anid This is the iiret cnito f this samebr0f Br1anch 511 o! thfeý type in Durliam county this yaar. Canadlian Legonin Diba ,dFi. THEf PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA 140ONA Durani County IS PROUD TO PRESENT DR....PERCY..VI..VIAN AS TIIEIR CANDIDATE IN THE NEXT ELECTION For The BOUSE OF CO-MMONS JUL'NE lSUa, 1962 Perey Vivian was first elected iIDurham for tIhe Bouse of Commons in 1957 and again in 1958. Blouse of Commons Coinmittees - Estimates: Exterifal Aff airs. Delegate to N.A.T.O. Parliapientary Association 1957 (Scientific and Teduiical Comnmittee) Represented Canada at the United Nations 1958 -a).d 1959. Observer for Canada',IJ.N. Economic and Social Council, Mexico 1959. Observer of European Ecoeiomic Comnmunity 1961. Resident Of Port Hope: Married: Three Children: Anglican. RECMMENDED BY ABILITY, EXPERIENCE, INTEGRITY,PESNLY for Re-Election June 'I 8th, 1962 ROBERT SISS"ON Presidenit' Durhamn County Association Hampton Womn To Seek NDP> Nomination A Hamp~ton housewife annouxnctdý recently she wilI allow her uiame t stand at the Durham riding New Dem- ocratie Party nomination meeting L-, Orano April 30, when a candidate Wil le cbeepfor the June 18 federal 1 ection. Mrs. Elleeit Cttté is noestrange*r ta the political field. She is now »ecr~- tary te the NDP Durham ridlng 2aso- ciation. In 1960 and 1961 she was pmres. Ident of the Hampton Homne aaid Sehool Association and fer the pgeqI -elght yean hlas been a member ofth Durhiam .brandi of the Farmer'o t'a, 1

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