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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1962, p. 3

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THURSDY..APIL 26, 1962 Savie. 6v - Moniarch pra This Wieek TEA ýLBISK zg 2f or -$r Il oz btl eSave-, 30e - Regular or Chubby Facial Tiss!ue Dol-)lar Feature! - Save 9e - Brighkt's Faney APPLwE SAUCE Dollar Feature - Save 5e - Culverhouise (Jhoie D"*ESSERT PEARS 20) llJar Feature'- Save g PET EVAPORATED MILK Dol)lar Feature - Save. lie - Spaghetti or CATTELLI'S MACARONI Dollar Feature!- Save 16c - Red & White Homo PEA I\-U T BUTTER 9 oz tai Dllatr Feature - Save' 18c - Burns' DINTY MOORE STEW Fresb Picnie- Style (For Roasting) "4The Eeonomy Park Roast" S HOu",UL DE R Special1 This Week 8eilThis Week 7 for $l 1,5 oz. Tins 7 for$teI oz 5 for $1 lm. TaH TinS 7for $1 2 lb. Cello 3for $1 4for $1 24 oz. Tins 2for $1l PORK pouiid37 FeaturTe - Save 1,3c - Choice PI 1NE A PPI"L E Qualit'y crushied 20-oz. Tins 5 for $1 Feýature - Save Ile - York F-ancy 14 oz. Tis KE..NEL, CORl.N 6 fol $1 Featuire - Save 25e - Clioice Quality 23 oz. Tinsý TOMATOJES 5 for $1 Featurü - Save 85e, - H1einz Faney Qnality 20-oz. TOMATO Juice 8 for $1 Feature - Save 14e - Faney Quality liA key 'A ýTins SALMON 2 for $1 2jb iaThis Wei! Featuire - Save 17ec - Red & White JeIIy Powders 13 for $1 Baby Powder Sav ýe -16v - Haîr Dressing BRYLCREAWvi Sa~ 34e- Cre>st - Giant Size Tooth Paste Tissues - Safftiwhite or Colourcd White Swan 2 for $1 2 for $1 2 f or $1 RoIls Save c 8 for $1 10for 4cJ X<ORONO, Ontario PHONE 11 21 r Thie -Kendal friends of Mr. Ansün Gllroy are glad to know thiat lie has etumnied homne from Oshiawa Hlospit- 1 feeling much better. M.and Mrs. Win. Hoy attended fier brte-n-a' uneral, in Port M'Nre. Wn1i. Cobbledick. The fiftieth anniversa ngiii teCity of Oshaý 3evdon Saturday, Mt Local eThompsan of id Mrs. Hubert' and Robert Of! ay visitors with; 3ay for Scout- .wa wili be oh- f ay Sthi. Hopeon aturay.Thirty friends and nieambyý neigh-. fbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mr. Ross Eliott camie from Brock- Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn an Tuesdaty e-- ville, ta spend Easter Sunday with his enîng ta greet Mr, and Mrs. Russel parents. C--. Honiey, Liberal candidate for the Robrt all i hote ortheEaserriding of Durham county and Mr. and Robet Fais i hoe fo theEastm lMs. Harry Wade, president of the vacation with his parents, Mr,. and Liberal Association for Clarke Town- Mrs. Len Falls. ship. Mm. Honey explained where the1 We are sorry ta hear that Mrs. Ir- Conservative gov,,ernment, in his opin- ene Mercer is ta have another oper- ion, had faiied in their obligation tae ation. the people, He outiined the Pension Plant of Uic Liberal party aiong wîith The Sixifi Line was represented at vocationai training, seholarshîps and the presentation ta Mm. and Mrs. Wm. loans for University students, etc. An Lewko at Campbellcroft on Saturday informai discussion ensued followed1 evcning. They lived on thc farma now by a social hour when a deliciaus owned by Mr. R. Manning on the lunch of tea, coffee, sandwiches and sixth line. Mr. Lewko lias liad ta givej cookies was served. Mr. and Mrs. up farming because of his cyesight. Tamblyn were duly thanked for open- They, are maving ta Buffalo. ing their beautiful new home for this Mn. Fred Winn visited in Orillia on important tapie, of the day. Easter Sunday. Tlie Orono Athietic Association',i The Kendal Women's Institute met showing of Wait Disney's '*The Littie- at Uic home of Mrs. E. Cauroux on est Outlaw" in the Oddfcllow's Hall] April 18. The ral cali vas the paying )n Wedncsday afterntoon proveci a1 of fees. Mrs. A. Low reported on the hutge success with a capacitcy audience workshop helid ln Hampton on April of dhildren. 13th which she attended with Mrs I W. H. Foster and Mrs. G. Cathcart. .Rwadisaptetl l We cauld have a programme about. Bowmanville Meinorial Hospital. Uic north, she suggested. Baies of good used eotiat1lg were needed in the north. We have five institutes in Radio news of Stirling Mass, the Northern Canada and we need more. famous car racer, announices that he The hellFil Libary illsuppy astili is in serious condition after an film eit lm L"op rarheCowinentu.'iaaccident at races hcld recently in Eng- filmenttle "Tp o th Cotinnt.land. Mass was ta be one of the con- We weme asked ta bring aur pennies tenders in the "Piayer's 200" race te for friendship to the District Anzl'ual b e held at Mospa--rt Raceway early ini this year. A motion was.passed thati Junie. we take $3.00 from our cheer fund1 for this. This maney enables inati.1 The Consumer Gas "Paris in the tutes lu couintries like Ceylon and Af- Springtime" cooking demonstration, rica ta carry on. held lu Bowmanvlle Town Hall on A letter fronm the Northumberland Wednesday night, was well attcnded and Durham Health Uhit asked us ta by Orono~ ladies. Two of the lucky Or- hcelp with tle rc-enfarcing dose of vac- cieagnt polio, date to be decidcd winsfobasfgrcreJ later. The same officers were ficr t he coli-in-g year. A tasty lunchi was provided by our' hastess Mrs. R. MoMackin and Mrs.j E. Couroux. The meeting closed byl the singing of "The Queen." ,Orville Chatterton IElectrical Contractingl Electric Heating and Service Phone 1031 Orono, Ontario OYOU ýCAN BEGIN SCAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIMIE 0 saaBsns olg Teis open al year and our O miethod of individual f S instructon permits you ta f U start at any time. 8 Day-School Courses from which to choose fi EVENING CLASSES oTUESDAY and THURSDAY f (J 7:00 ta 9:00 p.m. o Choice of Subjeots R Special Classes for . 1ousewives -~ Shiftworksrs O fi Teen-Age Typis fi -FREE LITERATURE AVAILABLE 10 Simcoe Street North f3 Dial RA. 5-3375 ~ à KENDAL NEWS I The farmiers in this area are, very IMr. and Mrs. Lamne busy putting in the seed althaugli as Blackstock and Mr. an this goes ta press everlything is very Cabbiedick, Margaret dry and dcusty. l ýin-ti eehod1 weme Mrs. Norman Aluin Roýss Gilbart. and Mre, Callyour j I icensed Plumbin q Mechanical Contracior vwho seils, insta Ilsf and iguara,,t," É2~ T:ï~7. 8lmOÊlRn i - RUOYAt -Býowmarivil MA3 - 5558 9 THIIRSDAY Pt 7:30 - FRIDAY, SATURD.AY, 7 & 9 Matinee Saturday at 2 p.m IMA gef COLON y ELUEClEScP *MONDAY TO TIJURSDAY. (l days) APRIL 30 - MAY 3 One complete showv nightly at 7j:34 p.m. "The Hustier"' Paul Newman, Jaekie Gle-ason, Piper Lawrle Pl j1 Aduit Entertainnment vice 75e ROUND #TINSHOP uSEtD SINK with Trap FOR SALE R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario I N v N i N N N A, N r N N k N N I i v4 N j A. N N A N A. News TAKYOU Unit 6 of the Orono United Cluirch Women wVould like ta express their appreciation ta. thc fal-iiig pep-c1c for their help in aur recent FashIion'X Show: Mrs. Lyle of Breslinis, Mr, ul of Clhartman's Mrs. Armstrong Sr., MUrs. McGill, Mrs. Gamnsby, Gail Willis IMarijorie Tyrrell, Rass Gilb:amt, Dcn StpeKay L.ycett, CarmanCo- ish, Doug- Powiell, Donnie Allen and _Denise Stephens for mdiig Mary Mî-,Illerý for miake-up, Jackmaa i Por- ist, Stutt's Pharmacy, -and Mrs. Pïg- att for gifts, Orville Chatterton fo ligltng, Glenni Tennant fortrnpr tatiïon, Mrs. Fred Cale and AMrs. Fred. Kraip, Bawmanville, for period co3- tume-s; Glad Brown for her enjoyableý music. -Thank you" ta aIl wýho hclpn- edmake aur show a sticcess. Unit 8, Save 5c! Aylmeir Tomato CLT SU Have youi tried Steak-oni-a-Btm? - flefllous, Ten 1er, Flavorfl BEEF ST1EA KETTES -1

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