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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1962, p. 5

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~,< ~ À t- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES I1962 O4 fficers Credit Union for 1962 were appointed: cock, Chuch Hutton, Mrs. Angus L C L N W i il noi FoeOrn rPresklidet- Charles Cilkes Loucks, Mrs. Percy Werry. D ANCEs ni>,ýK F r'leO o oVice'President - Roybt. Allin Credit Comimittee: 'Russel Osborne, DAw pNEth UnonWellington Farrow, Alvin Blewett. Lîttie Jeanette and Linda Bryson of En O onoremateur D st it reti Tes.Maagr;Gu LucsSupervîsory Commriittee - Denl Scarb-oro are visitîng- their grand- ALI Guidesn At a receý,nt flirectors Meeting the Secrta - Aif Perrin Glkes, Glen Aluin, Mrs. Robt. Ha-mthrUrs. Milfred Sherwin. Sxgirls wiere enrolledj as GirýlAssciatin folowîg ofiersforOrno Dsrct Directors- Joe Walker, Bob) Han- coclt.Gudslthloa ouonTsayJMYfS R Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and fano- eeig pi 7h after having pas- and Ms orchestra ______________________________________________________________________________the___ Ây, ttawaspent he wheevd n heir nccssar testsqualifing ,i, Hal Mr 1. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor.te to be girl g uides. Those beisg Orono Iown ;' b&ng erollcdwere: Janice Jtthr î>(d, Elaine Forrester, Valerie Mer-i ! M=r. and Mrs. George Arrastrong cer, Wendy Partner, Janet MaartensedaA rl2 U ri L D R S ô Mr Pt N G, ï-E A anJi famïily,, Timimins 'are spending and arbara Mitchell. A àt0 EoinAsteroliasn ihg. oUe, r For, this occasion the parents Were Modemn and 0Old Time Danceing REVERSIBLE CAR COATS i ROSE SUEDINE COAT JhArson.inivitetiandi a goodly nme ee90 20 'le For girls, beige cord with cotton plaid lining Wýithnatchlng Bonnet, lace trim, peari buttonrsnt o bereth nrling wer- Admission:2.00 percouple 6batton trimi. Size 3-x.Pie$95fotsieSPrcda$75 Mr. anti Mrs. Eti Graham and 'Terry emionies. The Guides formeti their Lunch served spen Wedesda lbKtngton.Mis familiar horse shoe for thi.e ceremlonyý Cone and brnily-Fred MLýarlene Oraham returned home with,1 whlen the Patrol Leaders presented: Pro'eeds tb be usedf for Sumr, SEPARATE JACKETS 1 TERYLENE BABY COATthm the six girls to their Captcain, Mrs. 1. Sports In Meyerink suede, elastic at side, knitted With matching Bonnet, lace trim, lau11 gathered Ham1ttn ha hyhdpset rwo 050piea 04 collar.. Zipper front, linied with warn flannelette. back1, smnocked front with six peann buttons. Nylon Saturday a grass fire, fanned by a thieir qualifying tests. Mrs. Ham Tickets on Draw: 25c or 5j for $1,.00 Size 3-Sx. Colour red, blue, brownj, green. Nylon lined, will not stretch, slu'ink or lose brisk wind, burneti off portions of a welcomed the girls asgietad-,t_______________ Price $.95 shape. Will seldomi, if ever, need ironing. giead Size 12 mnonthis. Priced al $8.95 coeuple of fields andi als< a portion tflcomiýpleted the enrilolfinig ceremony., orchard north-east of the New Duteh The following six girls also receiveti BOY'S SUEDINE JACKETS 1vnRsarn f ilia 15- tlueir second cîass badges: Lyndi Thi gamen ismad wlh he tmot GRLSCARCOA IPropcrty was owned by D. Hamm antiPc-s, Patty Pastuer, Cheryl Cooper, care to give you lastinrý satisfactiont, -ailor-ed to "Polyester Foamn". Warmth withonut excessive R. Rienstra. Most of the tance poStS YynnMcakn Marilyn H-i. amm anti NE fi -ln earing, hanti washable. Styled for ap- welght r eenbl.Sap eaiîg ere also smnoulticring, catehing fire1 Margaret Mitcelli. Patty Partner was I pearanice anti coinfort. Colour green wvitht sand pen celledi" allows breatbing, cellar and from the lraging grass f ire. g1,rantet iher sw7imiming badge. flnnletelila. iz 3Ox Pic35.95 hlm ion, pockets ecutasii aterial Cpanfamitodct r.R . 2-ic SISwihMthigTp zs4to 6X. Priceti at $5.95 is. ai, i î* rs. Bill Fouintianti son Lycett whlo is the istricCom- Col1ours green, tan, bine. Size 12-24 mnontnis Ptrbrugspnitewnkn wt soes0 hi re.Ms.Ham $nc 2. 95 M.at r Dane Found anti Mary. ormneti the meceting that a work pasty GIR 'SSUE IN C R C AT iwas ýbeing organiizedi to assist with 'ivgclorsu nltbrown, greHz I .~~-. n ui nifmiy »kl h C Gude ýCamp antifodnln BOYS P NT ETS - - te 2. rted u 695.oioto ntiMs.ant- Ms.Do,,g- fathers wishing to hclp in this workt Ela~c atwa½twthmalvfng Te~s -tI ~ ~mdoy isiiontheweeakend with W seinvýitert ao oso. This camlp isi Co!ra1 vun t necý,k tnimm ti thpaet ~ s.l-nGamsby.salsht ap AiliiHlbs Çn- ingreen, tan. Ss -3x.BQS -'E E STS -li nant 1i l eoeeitins yeas. The PKce $95 cv;icn Coti Pans üatnnïatcina votnwitocord trm Jisnh e hitw~h owtesie s atiMs.Alex Drummonti of scat api oainb Col. jUnso curved shapefp CIIILD EN'S OTTON JERSE S Z t ~- Clours i nav, tan Prieti at54.95 Tosonto spent the Easter iweekentitd cagln ay fiin loig COTTONrJERSEY Mss. A. A. Drummiiionti. Guideýs Judy Vagg anti Lynn Mc- FU-is Îe ;bonId for a good grip. Xl t ttrti pttrs e hos rom. Voar tYaknwaare seeking thieir bostee 1 ut nbc o chtç- ' -Ius 5roudncs Sze 1-6x. B YSSO T A K T r at s ak~bde took oves the meeting we wwr rvcs Prieti tam 5e -1.75s C-7kt ohwf rayon lining, size 4 to 6. I Pe- vnn' entertainmenit vwas pro-. Pr'etiat 6,9 j et saAylmasr, spent tise weekcnt det by tise guides wt a short skit, B L ' ,E"~'> ~"- nd(rsl good eïquality vIt- Mr1j. N.F. Porter. ogani gamles. Lunich was serveti - cotnbrondeloat,diern styles, colore - A YSC O IIG,[b ie -nides to the parents ateing s ~ n m ettng-cn bn, nyeliow. ae ot elcinlubbIlthnrMs. Robert Allun spent tise week- Pnicd t 5.98to 2.6. es S'~tcs, Bapes, ayo Binkes enut with Mr'. anti Mss. Carnlet Gamis- SENIOR CITIZENS Céarniage Sets, Es aend B>lak-ets, Kinkle by andi Judy, Kingston. AT Senior Citizens Club has beeni or- Crepe Romers,, Cotganand ti in Orono anti plans bave been 7 Ae Gr"RLS VELVET COATS CrepeRompery etn at Toelnd s niMs.Cr ihn Miss matie to hiold a social cvcning on May _____________ Wit mae fg Eune. as hlt Imffecelar mach g FceClotb, Rayon and Cotton .êutrcy Billings anti Mss. Heber Souch trid at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hla peanibntoÈ rým, baud wavshable, and dry- Bonnets. Others articles too isumerotis to viieio untiay with Ms. anti Mrss.asement. A trip to Port Hope Senior S SIZES clanbl. ohurs of tour1quolse and red. In n-ts Corne in anti sec our chlde'sCtizen's Club is also planneti for. in ~_ sizes of 3 and SXý. Ptce t$13.98. tIsly. oni are asways wcîlco mne. G"eorg-e Webster andi t aily, Bow nan- ie nx*e e k.~ Opn IeDa President of tha Senior Citizens isl OeiAlayStore Open While visiting thleir Christmas Tree s .Bwn c-ratrscs l we-Jnesday A I~ X '1S tI'O flg Monday O. Wrm n dlpcamt ee upo n dst fU s. rdTulM.Ws.DvyM1t t fasm anc dp alstewck, Msanti Mss. MYary Morri's. Progsam coimsttee U lrI lC E.Fi-m. Phonle 168,1 Orono PONCqHO SKI TS B'oys Wash ani Wa Button Downj Collars, long tai,"Vl Bottons. Size 8-18 can ha worn luiiior ontside t rousers. Large seleetion i o"lors.ý Teshrtlo ok ,shtarpi for sehlool. Priced at $2.98 t g t- t- IIUSII PUPPLESinen'w aulSpr he Pair for -$7,95 TUIE NEW.BROAT-NECK JERSEY Size S. M. L. Cotton Kuiit %, length sîceves. Orange, Green & Bine, GIRLS SUM1NI Girls Ctton GIRL'-s CPJST rolse. LADIE' SMRT CSUALSIIOES- Price at 395 L4Î9 and $3.49 FasknStore For Men and Women NEWCASTLE ONITARJO Mss. Hassy Baiiey anti Wayni-e vis- itetil on Suntiay with Ms. C. A. Cum- ming in Wlotae Lynni Bailey se- turneti homne with them Mifes spending tise wcWekend with iser aunit. Msr. anti Msrs. O. Fagan anti tam-ily, Masha spent thie weckcnti with Mr. antd iMSs.F. O. Cooper. Msf. anti Mss. Robt. Cooper antison suthtie weckcni with thais parents Msïr. anti Mss. O. Cooper anti Ms. anti Msrs. C. Teunant. Little Lynn Cooper seturiineti home witis thcm ttr hoElay w-ith lher grantiparcuts. Msi. anti Mss. Wmf. MotfLat anti tam- ily visiteti with lhes parents, Ms. aisti MIIss. Evan Quantrili. Mss. Jack Gibson Sr. han returneti ther homne in Orono attes spentiing tise, winter with relatives in Toronto. Ms. antidMs Carl Fliutott anti faily, Elliott Lake, visiteti the form- es's miothes, Mss. Os. Cowan last treekenti. Gregory Wgis Don Milis anti Ronnie Strike, Bowm-anville are spcnding theis hiolitiays with Ms. anti Ms.Don Salsanti tamily. Missî Sa1Ily Stapfles is visiting withMsad Mss. G. Wigg-ins, Don '.lU-Us. Michael anti Kren Fa1gan 0f Mar'k-f hmare setigthle;is Easter holi-ý tins wth s.anti, Mss. F. O. Cooper. Re-ta antiGog Glanville of New- casile bai iuer with MsP. antiMs Fvestt Saplton n Mndaynihtly. i w. ~,e", -t~- -c' - s--t' Charq Miniiter Rev S. E. Longc, Orono -il am Leskuarti -1:45 p.. Rirby -3Sp.m. SUDYSCHIOOL Oronlo - 10 a.mn. Leskard - 1:15 p.m. J Krby - 2 p.m. J ihate this yearly bazard. THIS WEEKÂAT Misses Moccasins, Foaim, sizes il1 to 3. A discon- tinued uine. Reguar $1.79. Clearing prie. 13 I o'Denim Jeans, 3 pockets, fuli boxer waist, rein- for-ced at points of strain. Sizes 7 to 12.years. While they last ..............pair $1.53 Boy's Sport Shirts, cotton, long sleeves, two-way collar, perma stays, assorted patterns and colors size 8 tbo 16. Each........................ $1.98 Jeans, Boy'ýs zpper fly, 2 front pockets, blue deni-1m, s i ze s'3Èto 6x.E ach.......................$1.00 Lies' ottn Blouses' sleevelesg, -assorýted stle, hite and pastel colors. Yurchoic'e $1.00 I lLades'Brifsraon lae trimn, leg-bndMai ed cooswi t eaqua, Pink et(ýc. Sizessmledu and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SSO lage Picdat............3 BrsieeLai e s' CottonAl, IFo p-mrbbrcus adju20table sholdr taps, szs3 ~8.Ea810 Per.enniafl Pklnts Th1eyblomfori- r. ag see ho o chloose frm-rcd......e Peonies, red, pink or white and Bleeding Ha Pried at.. ........... ý. ........La h 37e,ý STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINOS N N -t- -t- 4- -t N N N 4- -4- '-t --t N N N -t t, 's N 4- N N '-t THURSDAY, APRIL -26, 1962

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