Co unclr Prefe~enc ~s T ne Tow c,1p c larke Cucl- ______________ V11et ïin the Cu lChamrbers of the Tcwnshp Hall in Orono a week agi and N M, Tuiesday chen teyconducted ,sïoii theiesrT re were18 peetat the rmest reguiar cfMp'sens and Exloreraun Tenders were opened at tSe Ineet- 1ij ' tswek ing fo)r thecnsrutof the Robin,»Tn sonandLeeardbridges alang vith.-Th roup enjoyed singing a numn- Saer -songaled b 'y Mrs. Drummnd tenders for crushedt stone andi equip-wh sopaidte cnhepn. ,mentlrental.1)1 i pa, . In nconnecction wththe construction11C Ilto WrsbpwS Ivenby Val of mhe two bridges four rmais~rc'~'réj i issonBat Hymal hati cbmitted te nders. The tender anti pupo)se er repeateti, the col-, of' E .Mrtewosruto as au; lecton qs taken Up nd dedicatin ýeptedm for -iatih bridJges. sung. Beavýerdale Construction received ese theeqipmntrentai tenders nuitb D. & Challie and Elaine ForM e five tenders being submitted. 0f tw'o ,a erlpurandti Dortta Chiai- tend,ýers in for cr;îuslied stone the tenl-Ilice read the prayer. The Song "'The dïer cýf Keens Construction Coimrpaily Chunch" was sung andi a choral reati w,,as accepted. ing wns given by joyce Long, Mat-, esr.E. R. Lovelcîn, Reg,. Love_ gareot Taggart and 1.Linda McLaren. 1dm and C. GuiksUmet with counicil tc A p) no duet !w Da1o at-i i oretta dýiscuss the transfer of the service Cliic)îýe vwas e-joyeti. road on. the south side of Hignvay The Messengers retired and -Mrm. 1'15 in lots 24 and 33 Of Concession McLaren spoke a f ew words. one. The Departmnent of Highlways 19 seeking ta bhave the TownsHip of The presitient, Valerie Mercet, carke take over tl!s section of road tuh the New Purpose of rEmç-plrers fremýn- the Departmienit. Counicil passtd a reoluin nthis connectionluin Callice.secretnryrend the which th'1ey hv elndt aeminutesof ,the preious meeingant co e tarond lewnnce until sucl M -Mcarntoli a star-y bringing- -,ime asithe OtreMncplBoaridth ietgtoacs. order handed down in 1257 bas been -_______ - fully -met by the Deýpartment. Permaission wIasý granteti to the P-eil 'Telphoie omf.nyta bury a cable, ta Cnces4~ thee on theTclne TIhe Rond Superintenident lu o ever- see tework. A letter wvas rece-ý,iveti front the On- tario Water Res;ources in whtch the final price of te3st drilling fer water in the Village qf Orono vas set forth lu the amount of $7,255.63, The Township lawyer. E. R. Love-ý kmi, ,vas authonizedto thlave the mn-1 icipal auditor present at the 1 Baxd! hearing re Infcorporation on Jne f6.1 Couincil Is ta pay the auditcr for hi., ture at the bearlng.1 A letter was received frDm the t>e-1 partmient of Hîgh-ways refern.- gte a letter re-ceiveti by the Prime Minister ef Outaria f rom Mr. Kessler et Clarkce 'Townsr:ihip ln wich was alleged that euncllors were receiving prefer- inties ia the matter cf having their ~rads saew-plowed anti aitaied A letter was ai3,se received f rora E. R. Lovelin wvritten on behaîf oet Mr.! Burley asking that couneil i net ai lte Burley property te settie the Bur- 4ey verisus Township of Clarke ques. taon. Ths atatter refers te the con- srcinandi grade level change at VIeBuley property. ÀthorizatIaa was given te ca-, fjr tenders for diesel fuel ail for the A reýsolution was passeti at tha meeting ceclaýring a hait holiday for, ail acoichildrea in Clarke Town- ehpon Friday afternoofl, September1 'Y. This request was submnitteti 'by thei Ducrhiam CnrlAgricltural Societyl wiýth thIe veiw of ntmaking Fiiday chulti- ren's day at the Orano Fair. ro VOLULME 21, NUMIBER 1,' Senior LitiznsT Visit Port Hope Clb The Oirono Senior Citizens met l Tro o wn Hall on T1uesday ev- 'nig, ay3rd uwith twcnty-six pres-ý - ent. Plans were set-up for future pro- jcsby tHie group along wvith every- euie enjoying the entertainmnent pro- vîie CI, e.Ba si l Longl- spoke enthustast- ically of týhe Senior Citizenl's club ani offereti a prayer cf blessing, Duiriýg ithe business 'portion (cf theý meeting the Club tiecided te enter in- to a orjc f prepar-ing a istn, a hoO o e h V oag f Orano andi~r ena. Mie gr>ou'p are te alsa assist withi Red Coss ork itb such projeet's Mrls. W. E srnamm cf the, Rciof olmsin bw The Oono l s to visiýt the Port" A~p. Seor itiensClub sometimeü n 'o :iar utulre. x'v~. ~cotrn sr irst-',iass w ay To Start Life Right"e Fift ty Cubs anti Scouts ef the Orona teplonitite by Mrs. L. Aslett; Presi- Scout group aloag mwith their fathers tient ot the Ladies' Auxiliary. a'tténded the annual father and son <1î Irs. Aslett, on beliaif of the Ax- banqu,,et helt intathe <rno United illiary theli presenteti gifttateite Churcli on Wednesday evening. The leaders anti others who hat aslsted fathe-rs anti sons were serveti a turý in scouting tiuring the past year. key dinfer by the Ladies' Auxiliary, Mr Bain et Beowmanville, tateti - that lie was interesteti n SCeUting as During the coiurse of the evening a citizen anti feit that wUt sueli or. Mr. Bain oet cwmianville, anti chair- ganizations mucli ceuld -be dtieste man cf te Bowmanvîlle and Disticit builti character of young boys. Hel Scout Council adâressedth ie meeting saiti IV was qute apparent that oUb-. pointing te the importance of sc<utig ng ', nd scouting was quite active in character building. la Orôno. He stressedti he neeti forý Rev. Basil Long aoteti as chairiua*. n active Group Cemmittes for ile for 'the evening callitng upon Oub &,,,di that cubing andi scoutiiig ceuldj Daviti Mannintg te say grace. Fni1l>w- net exist witliout the- intereet of the ing lte, dinner Mr. C-l4sonl, murie jparents. He welld lke. tO 559 a rep-I eacher at te Orono Public School re8satative from Orone on te lead the group fer somnespo*rited i ang- Bûwitianville anti District Council. tng. --- Wltiiboys, h~e saiti, if the d4ésfqre Re.Long welcoiedth te tathers can be establisitetifor them tot live asweil as the scouts anti cubs. He {,Coitinued page 8) saiti that it meant a great deal to te b3oys te have their tathers along on tiiis occasion.4 Heýat table guests were titen latre- duceti being L. Aslett, former scout master, Willis Barraball, assqitant scout master, Johnt Bain, gtxsst speaker, Mns. Nora Adams, assistant; cub mnaster, Orvilie Chatterton, cub master, BuLd Manning, scout master. Absent leaders were Russell Major anti Gary - Cooper, assistant cubins- tel-S. Cub Michael Carmait propeseti a toast te the fathere whicli was rpit to ")y Mr. Wm-. Bunting. Gordon Dent thien preposeti a toast te te ladies, Clarke Township Shows Consiclerable Assessment Increase Theý total taiabIe assesmnent iante $2,881,271 ($965,094); Seymour, $, 'Caiteti Counties fon 1961 reacitet $79,- 538,600 ($417,496); Haidimanti, $,2 118,991, Titis represents an increase,087 ($3,684); Cramahe, $2,184,597T ,ot $2,850,238 over the 1960 otail t $1047) Manvers, $2,119,226 ($11,-l $76,268,7-53, 151); Cavan, $1,951,620 ($10,544), ýr'1e new total comprises lati as- Percy, $1,870,860 ($22,536) ; Brighiton, ssnet$18,512,322; buildings, $55,1$1,712,069 f$46,033) ; Cartwright, $,- 851,336;~ anti business, $4,755,333. It is 678,140 ($29,197) ; South Monagitan, on the 1961 iassessinent that te 1962 $8,ý77,650 ($20,125): anti Ainwick, $723,- 1,axes are levieti.- 1 011 ($18,2251). Meat spectacular et al the increas- 1tanlis report VoeVite- couaties council eswas tat ef Murray Towaishiplat Cobourg, Assessor Carnet Shieldis where n are-assesllent anti iaturiti, saiti that te population ofthVie Unitedi growth cauiseti a jump ofe $965,091. Cou.ýnties lad increasedt o 80.,30, att Cobourg leati the own increases increase of 1,251 aver te, previeus8 with $577,887 sanie of whidlt w5.5 Ca-8 year. These populations figures, hew- sti by te newly promuigateti assess- eyer, cieo net include tose residing iii mieats in lieu of taxes. public institutions or an Indian res- Greatest increase ameng te vil- evtos lag-es was titat of Colberute's wliese I assesmet icreseitby sî,50. There were 252 appeals against as- A brealcdcwn by towns, villages sessament duing te past yenr la the anti townships withit lcreases aver -124 municipalities. Etght nappeals weu-e te previaus yean ln brackis Qlwwihrn previeus ta court sittinga; TOWNS: Cobourg, $13,570,728 '$577,-1 621 appenîs were redaceti for a otai ~87 '; Port Ho,:pe, $1, 243,602 ( $81.066);" etof$10,475 whie 167 were confbrmetit BeDwmnnville, $,88,687 ($200,378); five w ene ineneaseti by the court * Tea Canipblefotrd, $2,827,291 ($51,999). otheir appeals were concernet i wth- TotAal for towns $34,330,308 (911,230).- changes in scitool support.. VILLAGES: Brightona, $ 2 eCI34, 6,54 'otals includeti in te preseut as- 42 8,852) ; Coiborne,4 $1,225,931 ($51,-1I sessmet report, Mvr. Shieldis saitd, SNewcastle, $1,105,040 (020,039) ; sitcweti that, as compareti wit 37 ~i~n~ings,$718,344 $5,522); anti Mili- othcr countiesla inte province, sc bro,$627,2;3 ($5,843). Total for Vil. cludlng el-Viies ani separate ows lae,$5,651,181 ($11,606). that 'Vie Uniteti Caunties are seventht TOWNSHPS: Daringtaa, $6,500,040 n1 population; ent-h la total taxablei $1721;Hamilton, $4,600,054 (1, assesameat, second as Vo otai mlle-' ,75); Clarkce, $3,831,030 ($189,705>;'I age et ron'ds anti fourtit as Va total H e,$3, 308,849 ($28,098; Murray, 1acreage fer taxation. Mr. H. Duvail is sho,,wn above pres, n Two Orono Teamns Ente red On Frtday evening ef last W~ two tennis from the Village of eue were- entereti in the Lakesi M'ihor' Base all Assoiation a nd1 compete with other centres -of a1 size in a regular scliedule. Teanis teneti were Bantaxns and Milgi Oa0ly two boys negistereti lu the P -Wee division front Orono thuis team was entereti fer this groupi Ini thte Tikes division ne schedule -ta be drawnup as only Oreno Newcastle showed- any interest. ,1e bias hati fS-ty-one bÉoys s for tais grouplng whi*h is il ye I landi under. *Coaches are stilî baçlly zieeded it le understooti thati up te date one lias offereti to look atter any Fthe tennis. will en- ,ets. >ee- ming. andi Or- iga, 3ara no of Ororio UCW Units UNIT NO. 3 UCW briaging the devotional te a close. Uniit 3 meeting was held at te!Mr'Lancaster spolie brietly son1'- hiomieof Mrs. Tyrrell. Mra. Lcogaxn cerning thte Building Funti drive anti e)peneti the meeting with a cal te' asketi for volun.teer anavassers. Onlyý worsip, anti we sang itymn 488 'Copte mne lady nespneadt. Let Us ýýing et a Wonderful Love. The After sonie discussion it was d(ecli- devetional was conducteti by Mrs. c d te work on the project of à Birtit- Cornisit whe spolie on the Churcli ant iday Calenidar for 1963,-ns a means et the Commun-ity. Mrs. Cochrane led making moaey. Another suggestin uis ;n prayer. was matie whsne Vhse Unit is ta leie i- Thte minutes were reati antithe vitiet into 2 equal groups, snch wîth tauerareport given sliowiag col- a leader, Oas group "The Suashine", lection ef $12.60, memnbership tees g-roup is to, put aside a penny every Se.» Qult money $-1.5(,' fo Apil. day the sua shines at 10> 'clock iante Theýre w7as ne business arising f rom miioringii,. The otiien group -The te minutes. Mra. Coraish ten spoke -, loomiy" group lu to put aside a pen- on bier visit ta Five Oaks. ny every day iV is diili or rainy ai Bible study wns taken by Mr". 10 o'clock in hs miorniag,-. Thte pen- Drummniwite took as lien subject nies are ta lie broughit o eac i month- "Tite Birtit of the Chiutch of Chiist." 1y nît meeting.- .She lias agreedtio continue With titis The Beneàdiction was preneunceti, nsixt montit anti lasaketius o rend bign uitrsigmeigV at lenst twice te first four citapters -c1osè. nanitrsngneig;oa et te Bok etActa ta preparation for the ncxt meeting. Marguerite McLaren thein slowed Mr. Lancaster then spolie for sevy- (Coatinueti on page 4) cmai minutes on te resuits efthe ca,ýnvasa Vo, date, anti nsked fer ena- vasa volunteers front among îUie wvomeni. Collection wns taken, andthie Po1om e i is roll calieti siowed tweive atembers prtesenit. There were 17 calis macle in thle past nmontit. The next meeting is o lie at Mvrs. I r n Tnggart's home; Mrs. Armstrong I r J1 will talcs hs devetionai. q em f r1 r- uiilp The meeting claseti with te miz- pait benediction, anti a deliciaus lunch wns serveti. UNIT NO. 5 110W Edna Watson apeneti lier comifort- ibisI ite for Unit 5's meeting on t'Uestiay eveaiag ef at Weec e JIsabels Challice, te leatier, iwel- '-,ometi 19 ladies. Ater the ladies gatitereti IsabeIleý 2-ocedeti witit the Devotional. Al joiined in readtngite 28tit chapter ai Matthew anatiIsabelle gave te -medi-ý ation. Betty Newman led la prayer.j eerllovely musical selectletis iwere hearti on te Hi-Fi: "Biessa Titis Ceuise", "Thte Love of Cati" anti 1 Waiketi Totiay wiere Jeans Waiked'I. Cladys Mof fat deait with te etudy booil. A skit "-He that Loseth His -ite" was preseateti by Betty Majot- Lnti Dorothy B.iiey. The "Lori's Prayer" wns repeatet inlaunluan, 'U x . J. Tmln ha scroil B.oard Hire~ New Teachers The Orono Public School Bcard bas hired twc new teachers whose duties will commence in ýSeptember IYeats of service and Ileadership -with the Orono band was recognized last Thursday evening When Mr,~ Mil- ton J. Tamiblyn was presented with a ScroIl by the Orono Chamber cf Conr- mec.The presentation %vas macleý at the regular meeting of the Char.- berheli at the Ontario Tracling Peet, with the presentation being macle byý MrI. Hi. Duvail. The bandwa repre- senti a the mueeting by fîve of its Mr. H Parter, resientff th,, Chaimber cf Commerce calleti uponl Mr.- Duval whe ma-_Ie lite presenta- ton taMr. Tamnblyn ho ormany year "'bas beenband mateof thlm OIroba 11. r. Du vaIîlfelt that w rel,.djst how,, much! the Oroaco _1 nd contribujted te the Village -anti !ilat this origaisation has given free- .yof its timie anci talent wîth tl egntn.He stated that-Iý the proïr- ietpart playeti by the baud in an,, ;ut of Orono was ne doulit due te at great degree ta the leadership givea- b)y Mr. Taniblyn. It is -very seldorn thiat a Village the size ot Orono is able ta maintaiin a band sush as Wec have anti the Orono Band, saiti H, Duvali, lias a very long htstory. Mr. Tamblyn was then presenteti w!ih f ramnet Scroll. at the urono Publie choflol. Botl Ia replying Mr. Tamblyn eaidt1i at 'trethisyea attntiig Vte Pter it was a great pleasure to recelve the 'ýorough Teaclier's Coilege ia Peter- scrol.-Ind te be lthhnoured. DUrý- barougli.1 ing the pagt years iniauy houi sha Miss Barbara Ana Aldreati et NeW- been spent witl te baud, but, h43 Mid castie anti ~MissJean 'Penmbertona ii u asaso pmet Part,-Hope have sîgneti with te Or- Mr. I. Menton, pr' 1ent of the oaa Board. >Both teachers have titis Orôno Band, speke briefly thýqmiriu year tauglit luinte Orono Sciteol as the (>reo ditamnber for te 4vening student teachers. anti stating, that te lis knowiedgeft Wit the hiring of a new prirleipal was te first'turne that tee f&se te fili thte vacancy left by Mr. A. Mec- thte Orene -Band lad beensu 'recog- Il ee, the staff will number IlX. nizeti. Mr. Caries Tamblyn then Ont- S linedth ie histery oetheb Oroae Band wvhiclt dates basck Vo te nansteentit i i¶Ik til, R(tarH sentury. Ia 1903, lie sald Mr. A. Kno<x, &WutFor Grand t h111 a weli known- musician was leader The 2~1-year-oid driver, Peter Ryan, i i t In 1924 thre'baud Joined the Dur- tramMout Tiembant C~me.,intli i' Regiment ani>freni this tlirme E jromMon Trmbant Qu., ritntuntil 1938 attendeti suxamer camp. -)n one diay scaling the racing ieigilts During Vhe latter years of the band occupied by Stirling Mvoss anti ,Jackcj saRgmaa at iednad l3irabitam, signeti a three-year con- ,je-an to maunt anti the banti returnl- trtw h ou com-pany and cd teits former statue andi beca.Me noris on boan ta a team rua by Ian konn heOoeRnd-gt,- Wnlker, whio describeti Ryan as a at periati in its history the 'bandi youg dive et"grat otetia." urchiaseti their present instrumffentS The contract calîs for Rya ta cern- w iemv eaglnkt ym peettsyea r la whv tre 1cnawn aýso the citzeas of the comni-iuïty. 'formla jle eents. The hope is Mr. Tamiblyn stateti that the bandi Iba ini a year or se lie will lie gooti'i been ia conlinueus opDeration,, meuit an he ig îmegrad p i i(c its iniceutios> anti is self-support- On airriving in Britain shortly e-1 fore Easter, Ranlearned lie %ould have to build bis own car. For the last three years Ryan has worked "fromi April to Novem-ber - learning about diriving-. He says thei only wayv is to spend 24 hours a day at it, every day of the week,.' H4e vwen the grand prix at Mospo-tý Park iast .year, beatng a field that! included AMoss. After Silverstone, Ryan will go t M\,onaco ind to other European cen- tr-es. H4e will probably return to Can- idu June 9-10 for, an event at Mosport and be will '"almcaot clef initely" g ~ack in September for another shot at theCanadian Grand Prix. Vaccinà-tion )n Masy l6th -,1 i wil alo zt the e~ffect of aoster Iýf 1 werkers wîll visit every sditool anti reinforcîng dose. If ne SalkiInjections m-any cemmunity halls la the 'Unitedi have been alisate oral vaccine wJl Couinties May 14, 15, 16 anti 17 te g-ivec give protection, but titese individuals Snbiun polio vaccine ta infants, p)re- a re stili ativisedt o get titeir injection scitool, scItool chiltiren anti aduits. of Salk vaccine, witich will continus A clinie wili be heiti at te tiiel o lieuseti. losHall, Orane on May 16-ewe The enly peusons wito siteulti net 9 a.m1. antilà p.mtlike te vaccine are tose acutely Dr. Charlotte M. Hou-uer, Medicýal 1i, titese taking antileukemiie drugs Officez- et Healtit stateti that becauise- or corticesteroitis, titase suffering, Sabin vaccine la taken 13i n me Vit i ram a neurolog-ical disease auits produces local imniunity of tVbe di- mnultiple scieresis andt hose wito w gestive tract aîs well as antibediesalu bave oral, thu-ot ou- dental surgory Vhsýi blooti atrearn. Iu titis iV dif4ers within te 2 weeks before ou- te tw o fuom Salk vaccine which produces ,veeks atter te chii date. protection anly traugithVie blooti. A second dose of Sabln vaccine la Therefene, if everyone wvere te ake ecessary anti a second series et 'lhe Sabin vaccine (whichi t lariesa, 'ni wilil be lield in te mli. Dr., anti astes et sugar) it would lbe pos- 4 urstresset te advisability of! 'ible toe diminate poliomiyelii is. --e, -wery member et eveu-y famiiy uit avnif a persan lias lad Salkc vaccine, teadlng oe sof te 241 sciteduleti dia.- île sboulti taie te Sabla vaccine la. ic centres now, as titis ia hs only ix-er co gîve the communlty a itigit tmie te vaccine will be a-vailableelie leved of protection. By deing so lie fors the fall ng. Duingits itstrylits nmembersbip bs numnbeneti front 25 Va 35. Mr. William Reîdin su peaking on liColt Derby statetI that nlready - seventeen colts have been entereti l'n the aninuni event anti this i15'f ar a-. head of obier yeavs at Ut ins rn. Mr. 1. Duvali reportetil that the dLr- ecters lad passet te student lana puta g-ive financial assistance to those la neeti upon eaitein.g Univers- tty. Tiis, lie saiti, coulti coslt !he C mbr$1000. a yeai- andt tat it set a goal for te Chamnber Vo geVttis maoney when it w;as needei. 1He also pointeti eut that te Oronio Chaniber waýs Vo meet with te Newcastle Obanmber ta sec if te Newcnasti group would work ;n conjunctioni with ýIbis studen't ielp plan. Mýr, Duvaili nio stateti that te ChIýambJer lins offereti- the Orona Park ?onrd a lban -et$500,00 aterest frec -ortier that te Park Board mnay ýontinue witit itsprecs Preseatly -uic Orono Park Boarti awes $500. an hsconstructon of the new pool lasf. yenr. Mr. Ibuval pointeti eut that te park was a moncy makiag park anti tat te lan grantedi by Vhe Chamber coulti le a mneans for te Park Board ta continue wîtli its plans for te year. Tite president, Mr. H. Partner, stat- cd te neeti for public wçýasitrooms ln Vite Village anti aketi wiy the roins la te Orpito Municipal Buildiýg cnild mot -bc openeti for this purpe. ,le recomaten-ldtiat signa lie pins- ed on te Main Street iaformiag lite tact titat te wasitrooms exîst. A mo- tion was passeti recommiendtng Voý the Orono Police Trustees titat sigils be erecteti andtihie *wasitroomns open fer, use by the public. Mn. Ray Diclisen commented> on te laVe delivery ef mail in te Vil- lage anti asketi if anything- coulti be dons Vo improve mail tielivery ta Or- eno. A lutter is te be sent fromi te Oltamber te te Postal Department seekiag Vo havé ma-il delivery mlandx eut et Orono imapreveti. Milton J. T -a byn Honoured For Musical -Lceadership With Orono Band 1