Pkgs. D. Smitho Iueberry Jam 9 oz jar 29c EX R attl ff D. Smith rawberry Jam 9 oz jar 31c $48 in BonusTae hnans ew Im roved$6.00 WN BONUS TAPES WIT JI ila Desin 16ozja 3c 0 TREESIVEET JUICES Blended O"raefrulit Orange 48-oz. Tins g nârch - Lemon, Chocolate, Caramel, Apple - 9-oz. pkg. g FANCY WHITE TUNA Gold Seal Solid I'aek 7-oz. Tli1 ponge Pudding 2 for 43c gi INSTANT COFFEE - Chase .& Sanborn - 12e off reg. price 6-oz. jar t Dares to be unown [ LADY BETH CHOCOLATES 1-1b. Boy lie Tea pkg of 60 '79c ROYAL GOLD ICE CRtEAM ½. gai. itie Feis - 5c o!!f RECEIV-E $2.001 IN BONUS TAPES MWITH ýquid Detergent 12 oz 37c g FRIOZENý, MORTON PIES - Turkey, Chiekeni or Beef 3 8-oz, Pies of eh Seoff- baded fiTABLERITE SAUSAGE - Pare Pork, Smiall Link 1-1b. Pkgf :aghetti lb pkgs 27c f TOMIATOES - No. Grade l4.-oz. Cell Pkg. [ CALIFORNIA NO. i1(GRADE STA W B E-nR RI S 1.0 Garnet 1Rîckard. "Most o! themn are the resuit of carelessness. It is unfair to the men who have to take time offl work to go and figlit tliern, too, and eould resuIt in serious property [oss if fire occurs wbule the fire figiter", are out at a gr-iass fire." Mr. Rickard said he has -evýidencte enough to convict a person for setting a grass fire ini contravention to a. townsip iby-law. ,"There 's no sense, havingbyas if wer o going to enforce them,"' said Mr. Cornish. "If you have the evidlenee," sýaid Counoillor Fred Smith, "give it to the 'town71sIlip soIicîtor anid lot Iiim Prose- ente."e tAt Apdi Jwasthe geatest selling t the pyrevious all-tiine record month. June, 1960. Round About Us COPRO1UÏ 31MAN BEST ACTOR IFESTIVAL1 KigtnDomino Theatre's presen- tation of The Dumb Waiter, by Harold Pntrmn the Ottawa Little Theaýtre Trc4hly for the best production o)f the flasterjn Ontario Dramia League's an- nual onie-act play festival lheld last week -i Dee-p River~, Ont. The winning, group, directed by ,rdon Robertson, also received a, $75 cash prize f rom the Deep River COommunity Association, Co-sponisor,, (if this year's festival. John Wentworth of the Cobourg Op- era andi Draina Guild won the bestý actor award for bis part in Hello Out There, by 'William Saroyan. AdjudAlcator was Mrs. Ci. D. Stew- art 0f Toronto, a coniiittee memiber of the central Ontario Drama Leag-ue. A total of lil groups, including en- ,ries frro Ottawa, Kingston, Cobourg Smnith Falls, Brockville, Lakefieliý and Deep River competed in the four- day event, whîch began Wednesday andi ended with a Saturday eveni. performance. HOPE TOWNSHIP PEOPLE INEED FIEE PER-MIT Hope Township re(sidlents wili bý c harged $50 for each time they start a fire without first getting a permit, provided the fire gets out of contraýo and thePot ope- Fire Departmnent has to be called. Township ciouncil passed a m-iotxit to this effect after Councillor Weston Banister said ie ,was aiarmed at the rising costs of fire calîs in the town- ship: This year the Port Hope brigade has been called into the township 16 Lime s. This will cost the township in the neighlbourhood of $3,500. (Counicil agreed that in a number of cases, the fire department was called when it mas not needed. PORT PEREY MA1N DPtOWNS IN LAKE A father of three w,ýas drow\ned a another man rescued after *the1ir boai caszdSuncflay nighit in te frigi wa"ter ,)f ScUgog1, 600 feet froin Pine Point shore on Sdugog Island. The ,,výitmms3f-ya-ldWlin Haley'P of RR 3, Port Perry. Ris fish- i-g companion Edmard Leahy, U, R.R. Ï, Port1 PerryI, was rescued when twVo Lakeýshior'e resýidents Iheard hhii cries 'or heýlp. BILOOD DONORS CONTEIBUTE 367 PINTS The Bowmnanville brandi of fth Caniadian Red Cross Society lias a lot of blooci on its hands. No one mas injured, but a sizeable contribution to Ontarios urýgenitly needed -blood batik" mas gatlhered. The local-branch collected 226 pints of bloodi Wednesday from its donor Comibined with 141 p)ints donatedte Study Bnook, "Chiurcli in Cnd. Mondy a th Godyea emloyes~This nas ost interesting. Mrs. Cr- chinie, the total adds up to 367 pints of foon then rad p e"nk o for th Churei."uas Alen idclui1 the precous iqul". He study peio(d, teliing of thie m of the church Ir- the lifferent at DARLINGTON EGRASS PIRES ofCad. COST $2750 Roll call was)a!z"n aswrig -.tî People who set grass fires received la spring, ur n men1r s a public reprimand from Darlington wvere peet l eceayad'h township couineili Thursday. teauer eports were g-,veP 1, ~ ofeigpreýsented. Iiiappovng hegeneral accounts Kay Chl amanm(), aV'l s'~ totalling $8410.44, Councillor Sîiney thanks to M'rs. F. Lcetandi Ms, Cornilih explainecl tthat of this amount Be-st. Kany closýeu ilth <ut nLg, - $2750 mas spent on grass tires. mhi1h1lnh aa ýýsu, ea1. DJ,1 MUS'T BECOME SSME~N< TO ATTRACT INDUSTRY FOR JIARLINGTON TWP. The importianee of a uited effort to attract new industry to Darlingtin Township was eirlpha,»ied~ at the meeting of the 'Darlington !ndustrtI, Conmittee. The Darlington business people present were told that they miust be.' corne salesmen for the township m order to assist in bri1iging tLax-bea., ing industries to it. Don Kingdoýn, Peterboroligh, of the Lake Ontarjoïç Devel-opmnent Assoeïatioin made a firxm appeal to the business people Af the area, who had been invited ;,o attend the Meeting. Acommýunity without serviced land often loses in the competitive bacttie for new industries, Jack Delaney, Toronto, a menmber of the Industri al Brandi of the Department o!f on mlerce and Development, stated ei?-. phatically7- ý2S,116 JUDGEMENT FOR PORT HOPE MAN Judgemient wý,as given in favour 3f Albert W. Collins of Port Hope in th)e amilount of $28,146.70 for damages aad injuries received, as a resuit Df & traffie accident February ï, 1960. "Theý rionourable Mr. Justice Walsh sy this decision laist week at theCoog Sprinig sittings (non-jurys of thleSup remle Court of Ontario. MrL. Collins, wif e, Bernice, Wa's - Sadd.2,000 judgement resu!lt'ng from shock in connection with h Oddfellows Attend ChuchService The Oro(-no OddI(fellows LOdIge a- tendled Divine Service at St. Sv iour's Anglican Church i n Oronc m, Suinday afternoon when thie Rev. D, R. Dwnywas the guest seie Fifty member-s of the Oronoad neighl bouring Lodges attended the The(mmbeo f the Independen-,t Orcler of 0Oddfellows paraded toSt ~aviur' chrcl hededby theOrn Band Follo Illte chur-ch servIc lie odg rnrchied to the Oro Cenotaph where a brief service a edhorour-ing those w'ho ha")d t ther lve deendngfreedomn. F'~ Edwar Yougmangave a shorta- dres t -lhe creon ind Ithe Ls 1ost(and eveille was souinded by7, a1t!the Orono Oddfellow"s Hall. The Ma-y 1mreetinIg of Unlitl'c1 U.C.W. mas held i at)the homie of Ms F. E. LYCUe 1t. Mae Allen oehdthe dvtoa with a scripture reading foilowec:.i.v two verinpirï,lýiing poemns. Two h i were sunig, closing witb. pýrayer. U