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Orono Weekly Times, 10 May 1962, p. 6

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- P. C&~ UIso last week thlere iras enty of exciteusent aliotimI l.. Hocke-y - espece'iaIIY )-ut those tWCeaUnpreictabl* mýes ir Chicago, a 1r i àTO-ironto. 'er-yonle iants 1<> kueirwliy L~ e Lafs do so liadly in Chics- go and play scch a g dgaine& on home ice. Partner lias an idea' it -is becauase TIorcinto ice' ig twenity feet longer. 1 say the Leafs neyer play irell in irbite sweaters! Anyway, by the turne' this colum-n get.s in theenmail we niay k no0w who has woan the coveteti Stanley CuP - andt îe» 111e suspense will be over. Another littie matter, o01 quit& ,a different 1nature, really'ba3 Yi-e puzzled - purely on a' domestie basis. It is hils. 1 often ironder about the unsettled lives 01f sO snany Young married 'couples - is it a gooti thing, or ïsi't il?I am referrinlg 10 the numnbe'r of famillý-es .w ie re thie father is awýay froin home so inuch - calling en clients 31l day anid getting hom-e late at night. or working ta a differ-ent distrî,Ct entirely and just getting homre wieek-ends, 1i notice isuc1r cases- Daddiy mrakes a practice off bringing hoine somnething fo)r thre ciltdren e ach week-end. And 1i rather fancy, bc-cause hle sees, so littie Of the kiddies he is inclined to be a little lax 011 discipline Chltiren zdre quick tO talke advantage off sucli a situa- tion 3o il generally inais that miother gels left with mOst Off the traiing tp do. Atter aib a Truih Slow To Overtake A Lie L1ke many another companyv, E.1. du Pont d,- \Nemiýou-rs hasi beeni dogged for years by a danm- ag .ing rumior about (one off ifs products, As usual, the cnr nacrt.Thre fiction: "Telo, a tough, ueas'ly filola ia tic [used lu a vaiely (oit hadm-uq irben ieateti. Tise riimior giedcua about thre Aime «Tu Fnt starit-cli srsirmg, Tlfon as a lsAè' Iu ii7g gzereI'ess fèiigpana. Thoe' conurpany introduced the pans in L'arrOpDe,. ie'Tayec selîrg thLnivimul thse IflSi v.hiie-tllee YPrenclirlahr oratoies,. iinsep-arate scienitific striue,cfecited out thre story ani fo'unliil iîhaseless. Even so, Aihe rim-nors3 and' tthe frying pans 11frt the dians'e6tsVii arket simiul- taneou-sIy. Unlike most victims, du Pont rhose- to léap out offthe fryving pan. liin a pamphilet if was distri- buting to customeiý--rs and news- papers, là.t imonth, the company outlined tire history off thre rumor and its owAn dogg-ed, fruitless 1effoýrts to scotch it. The story apparently started Lin the mid-1950s affer du Pont warneêd that under extreme heat -and poor ventilation, Teif on fumes coulti produce iid efforts similar to symptom-s off flu. TIre fiction spread i-nainly thr-ough miIitairy and industrial safct bulletins--usuàll,, with a grue- somte lutile anecdote abouit a me- ehinist wlio allegediy diedl after smoking a cigarette contaminated j uth Teif on. In every case, du Pont got a retraction. As one case history' shows, the retrac- lions neyer caug-hl up with tIre' ruinors. .An Air iFbrecepublication' in "Yexisspririteci 1the, nun'or lJst May, Il apologizeti a monthi làter, but the' May story" was picked up in the' frudetils of ani Ail I1TOre base ti MI.ïchixgan; thle-base>s fire, chef took thre sliory to a tire mafli must go vclie 1l his v'Ori takes hi!m and hm, matusalhl -Wants ta make inp form basA tisia. wi'th l iï bldren vwh'le gel home. 1 melrtînni is jlst etus ii may not have occuirretiLO, Daddy that lispoiling àlis < ui di-en over tht weel-k-eaxdi e' is making it more druficl.t for hl wife during is hiabsence, l* ever, Iliere is oe tbig a»Y' y0ung mather appreciates, and that ir for Unddy to, take' th~e- chiltiren off lheu liauis for awhile.. Do I1 hear a chorus of appr-ovail?ý Wei,. we are alnm.ost te, th.e e'Lad off Easte'r Sunday - and wie liadI our 1aster Bunnies - thre'e of themn. OQ u l igrowmu anditis junmiors haïinng a grand cld lime' on eu back lawia. Noir rm igçDng to wiatch the' hocky -Siyth gaLnse unmia finairýý Next m~arnhg. Well, e iratchet the' hsxkey all rig0t - aniwhat a gane' at ias! LeUfS linally wen in C:Iiaao-sIaQrIter ice, ir-hite Sireatels andi aIl! Thres> cheera for the Leafs . yes-, and tIie -Hawks lxo' hwas aq irel fought seideLS from be- glïnning ta end. Bt of curse we are glati the Leafs iwn. chi~e1's convention lu Detroit EVffl IX KWSI* -. Mody, oe lLe1m";a1gp-,ad; facshi>i mrnaazine, shows at sketi&i becîringj a fa.- Kemiedihcquelit tAiîi jiust ibckat ha# uf Ry Afme Asmey to, er s Lsv-mcated,. way )bfr ower- ty seat Mmsdl,fxct te hIaw. oris. flic seat? A, lHe' shlasuldcrtaixü]ýy show 4a re'arby -om'an te take, 11e seat. Q.. Wheu î'Li t jp>er NOT te iffake jtffetiorre, A.Wheia you pass fxLienc1is Oa testreet,, yoi nL(eed'nt trOdia(me the ersiririhwfroeu Y-0're waIùa a le'ss ytlt"re' gOJng tc> stop and chat At a laarge party, wve ussually don't bother to ita- troduce a sftranger toa ev'eryc'n*k iu the- roons - just t oee groulp of persons wïth -whtom iihe eait ISSUE 19 - 1962 àuiortly thereafLer, te rtir Coivmr)mbia ire ChI;f Aý ,cato printed the ,repo, anýcl ad etr in Kitmnatr B.C, woe bmi t in a letter to the, Canpadian -Medi- cal Association Journal, Wistfully, a du PoInt official said recently Abat thie pamnphlet wýas issued iu the belief that "people are essentially fais', andi when the'y know tihe' factsn, theyv wxill give Telfon f air playý. John Zapp, du Pont toxicol- ergist, was less "ararie.'On*e e'ýmmpany' quite reCýeràtiy «opiedi fire story," Zapp wrute in the i -ya n p l i1e t, " ,-rrd r x ',1 7 T c P i E off its version taoeto s i've U'nit'ed Sta-tes, Canada- and Mex- iý o. Ai-rd: tascmpu rîtates tjuati ni of thiese locion has S-insce' aeceived- a retracti on,. one «an' predict ItIÏ tt:11e original3ii ,wiillilve lonrger t'han> tlie retracý tîion."

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