ig "ing Foe rdaMy2t at81 -'l rn Tw al WANTE D quarett ast tie JIaJUC~.tb.FURMITURE SALE bcFOR SALE The estate of the late Mrs. J os epbl IAnice choce of annual floWers and M tnla erli e ec, Sveg etable plants for sale at William KEendal. Selling Saturdlay, May 19 at L ~ i Leme' Greenhouses, 'Station St, 1 p.m., "er entire household effeets.1 g LecrI Mo~r oOr-ono. Also a 7 roomed frame house wvill bel O offered for sale subject to a, resprve' Ron;r~ Open 5:~30 each evening and ail day bid. gSatturdayan odyth ildy emcs, g an Moday tl~e hlidy. TrmsCa.Jack Reid, Auctioneer 0W'indings, Switelhes, bearlngs alki14 Phone -L406, d-c BErushes, Electrie Tools and Small_________ __ g Appliance Motors - BE AIALMNU Wok uaraiiteed FURNITURE SALE Now carrying ail miakes of Alumin um Windows, Doors, Awrilgs, Rail- g0A Durham County Sale's Arenaý, îngs, Garage Doors, Prime Slders. Prono, on Friday evening, May 18 a t 1AIso Aluminum and Brixite Sidfing, B-droni livng ooniandkit re .abGarage and. Cottages. Ail at AI H agchnfriue ihs etssa c. best pos sible prices. Phoe: 1T6 Orno 0 Terms cash. For m-ore information addmn Jack Raid, Auctioneer ono ffRîs. 19-N We hv i... Ti eNcsaySupplis n hlodm ithen Orono Fuel & lumber Ltd, ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE ý148161 UNWANTED 11MB Vanishied'away with SACA-PELO. SACA-PELO is different. It does flot dissolve or remove hair f romi the sur- face, but penetrates and retards growth 0 f UNWANTED HAIR. Lor- Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St, Vancouver 2, BC l5 CAR-MAN PIumbi'ng & Heatinlg Many suitable older and handicapped childrenII are available for adoption. Happily married couples -who are interested in any of the boys and girls below should apply to the Miniister of Public We1fare, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Feddema Real Estate BOWMANVILLE $500.00 Down - 41-room House, 1 acre lot on Tauton Road near Bowinanville Low ta.xes, Only- $45001.00> asy- terms Red Stone Lakte, Haliburton, Stim- mier Cottage divided for two families. Eachi half rents for $25.00 a week. Furniture and 16' bo-at included. L4ýot lOOxlSO. Asking $3800.09. $1500 down. $2000.00 Down. New 1-bedroom! Bungaloav, all conviences, 2 car' garage1 excellent location. Asking $12,600,00 terms. Orono - Store, wvorkshop antd ga-r age, 6-roomn apaltnient, drilled \v(-, bathroomis and furnace. Good pro- Perty for numierous types of business. es. More information on request. High-way 2 at Bwavle 8-roorn bouse in good condition. Water on tap garage, large lot, $8,50,r j.OnIy $1.000. down, Easy Ternis, 4-room house near Oronio, largek lot. Good well. Only $3ý500j. Idea] taris. LIST OR BUY PHOTO CO-OP THOUGH OUR OFFICE Many other listings thrLloughout Durhýai Counity and OshawVa. A1ý. J. MoGili Phone 1407, Ororio Local Representative Ag j ANTi MG - ECORA7i7qG O BUILDIG - CPBOARDS ç Gl REPAIR1 AND FINISH Il Cal i phione 2O8, Orcno o The majority of Children's Aid Societies are. niaking a determained effort to provide perma- nient hiomes for some of their wards. Every attention will be or other children. given to requests for these ONTARIO RODNEY is a isatlsy affectionaie 3 year old Protestaint boy of' Englisb origmi. Ile is of average intelligenrce, has a stocky build with bIss e yes and blond hiast. Rodniey bas a hait Uip hich bias reecejved ts'eatment. A Ptotestiant bornet is desired whicre parents vill be coýntenited with the knowledge that surgical tteatment and speech thetapy witlIbecnecesssry in the future. Rodniey wainst 1bc witb is adopt- ing parents when facing up to Ibis ordeal. * t *s DENNISI is 2 years id and bis racia! origin it Ijanish and Negro. Hie is a sturdy' well developed ba1by witbi blue-ees, blond hait, ighit br own complexion and rnegroid featutes. Ie tesponids >wel !gnd is a piacid and happy baby. Denssis 'Nvnuld be h-appy silli whi te or col oiied Protestant pa)rents. MEANETT~E ix a bealtbyv 10 year nid Protetant (girl of Ukrainian ant i Egl:Ih origisi. Sbie la Or light phiq'ue wthj brown eyes and biak liait. Jeantte Is lookLina for warl, udradngPrts tant patents wbo will not expect ton, nsucbi fttsm liet academieally, e* * s EDGAR-tis an) active 7 year nid Romanm Catbolic L bo nýi elsand Engisb origii and is bilingisal. lie bas an aerage physi- que wth blie eyes and blond hast. Thiss weU-anneedagreeable lad bas higb average intelligence and i3 iin excellent bealtb. Edgar neceds a homne wbere he cossid gel eniotionasi stimulation and te gs4ded accordiisg t bis ibility. WENDALL & WARREN aie Protes- tant halt-brtheras who have nevet been separatet andi wish to remiain together. Wendaill n a weli-bsitt 2j,/ year nid witb blue eyes, liglisIbtewn~ hait, turneti up nosae andi fait essmpilexion-a happy friendly ansd snischies'ous wee laddie of Scnttish assd Enigih descent. Warren is a lilkeable pfleassng 41/, year nid svho qsicly cosnpreiends a situation, accepta discip- fine and ilanxsicis te, please, 1He la talka- tive,inquissiive anti protecsive fWendall. His ancesty la French-Canadian and Eniglisb. Warren biat club 'eet, but bias receive-d gond correction. These bnys will be happîcat witb Protestant parents hao willbavereaitpleasure bringtsg up twosonis. LISA is a weaet nlatureti 10 year nid Roman Catbolic girl ni French Canadian anti Indian bsclcgrounýd. This pretty girl bias a sturdy physique itb btown eyes antidsrk brovan hait, Lias a is gond becaltb anti wouild be a cbatmling dsugblter For oltier Roman Catholic patets. LÂNNY la a bmr leader,.lie is a hanti- tomne boy, weIl mannereti anti doing excellent wosii a, scisool. Lanny la intetrestetIiniw susic andi takes piano leasons. lie gets aiossg wel itls boysins owýn age anti la a normai Pýrotestant lad nf il[ years anti nf North AmjiericLui Indian hetitage, OILdSt Protestant patents coulti open nip the future or ii ob ecm mng hlm into th eir lites antiacd sn i as tbeir sou. RAY bias flot hati any teil chiltibooti in bier 13 years ofni1edue 10 great famlly rsponii,,bitity. She bas lfait complexion, brow,ýn ey es anti igh t brown hait. Kay la beslthy, bias a placiti disposition but apeaks rapidly andtibas aslsight bt 51a- tractive stammner. This girl is bebint inh sebool but la now ptogressing vell. Kay ha an Anglo-Saxon Protestant in neeti of patents wih patience ant iuntierstsnding who silI aceept ber poor past school achievemnent anti love anti encourage bier -giving ber anmte fun anti joy wbich slbe bas yet tW çxperience. MiCIL&EL la a dear sc Catkolie boy of 3 witb an appeaing nianner and extremnely bright for bis sa. ,Fli as ligbit brosan hait anti grey attractivsly stanteti eyea wicb are bis beritage front bis grend- fathet, wbo la partly Chinese. Warmi ur.tierstantingCatholicparentsreneeded for tis bright attractive boy. SANDY ha a pretty 8 year nid Romian Catholic Anglo-Saxon girl witb fait curly hait antibisse eyes. This htale irl ix a btigbt alett chilti viths above average in- telligence ant isl arlistically gifieti. Santiy needs a Roman Catbnlic borne where sbg- wilI bie stiisttidanti seceptet. lier patents sboulti be capable of keeping u P wih tIbs tieterniined ebilti sho bas s sttnng personality anti mucb cbatmn, as Pel as certain diefinite emiotional anti psycbioIogical neetis. Sandy likes fun anti standing in a iamlliy witb oltier chîltiren. s, s, *1 DEREK neetis s Dati, like ail1i yest nids, lie also needs the guldance anti sure- nea-s of' parents' love anti a permantent place in a ianily. Derek la of PoUahn- Engliih parentage ant ibas the fait coôinur- in o i ca 1OUdepe. Ite is smaqltbut in excelleint healtis.You wNlti fint i im ,shy on1 fitat meeting but not onlce lie goite1 knnw ,ynu. Derek ila mepeting CGrade Iv7 tbis yesr andi feels baly about il. Psyclio- logisa tiknk is wort, wouild ikehy i- prove if you didnp.t pressuce bimi about il. Derek neds oa Cathiolhc parents to giehiniscut indiffctinntlbrougtil'fe. SANDR A neetis lntlniteiy patien, adopt- ing parents, because eniher special problems. This )eslthyv-lnoking 6 year nId lbas poor muscular anti motor co-ordination anti there is a bistory nf epilepsy ibler family. Sandr-a la very active anti talkiati ve anti tries bard to please. Sbe ha qulte tall.fait- haiteti anti brnwn-eyeti. We're lonking9 for warmi-bearteti people sabo coulti gel bappiness irnm watcbing bier tievelop - t sahl be at a slower pace than tbe average cbilti. Sandra would gel aiong bet in a sail-organizeti Roman Catholic homne. ARCHIE la a 13 year nId CanadianP Protestant boy witIh brown eyes, ligbt brosan hait antis fait compflexion. Hiu a betlthy Grade 6 stutient, inclinedtet be passive. Arebie finda it difficslt to talk te adulîs anti becomes tense over examina- lions. This boy wants te seutle down witb permanent patenta anti have bais osan identity. Older Protestant parents who bave non ntellectuai presensions, anti who crinbelp a son to a satisiactory life, -int necessatlly an acatciicone, wýiIl belia ppy svthtiis boy. s ,s VICTOR & WILMA-Victor, 3, anti bins sltet Wilms, 7> are Canadian Jindians, Eacb is oni amibuilti witb brown eyes ai black hait. Tbey are beathy, anti intel- ligenit. Victor ns bighly strung anti Wilma a placid, poiseti, very pr-ery chilti W1it. pleasing personality. Prolestant parents, capable nf ghving thesecbildten a lnving homne, wNill acquite an initereitinig son anti a maost attractive daughier. DIANlE & JUNE-Teensagers neeti a Ire- nious anount of love anti guidancte as, every adult knows. Diane a1nt Ji oc are Insubyunset 0ises f13 anti 15 who camne into rthe are ni a Chde' Aid Society as older childi'en. Thicy coulti still become a p)ermnanent part ni your Ciamily tbrough adoption. Jonc la a tal, fait, atbietic girl ni tends lo be dominee- ing b'titbiî la oflen tise qcse lien t youngstes- isn't certain som-eone cares.- Diane bas bIne eyes, lighit btown it ýanti gooti festures. She tends 10 be quiet anti testacti anti depetis a lot on lune. fhese clulrenrered~yomoveinlat l'totesant borune now. Wouli you lu interesteti? STEPRANIE neetis a lot nfi iividual attention, buitie cani be avery rewarding chllt. This 6 year nid la sturtiy, blue-eycti anti fit-comiplexioned. She bias round, even festures ant i la ecidedIy attractive. Stephanie neetis Roman Catbolic parents. understanti ber deep neeti for affection. Slie is ighly sensitive, cries easily and fis new situations very figbtening. 1,x ail likelihooti, Stepbianie 'silI bave diffi- culty 51 sebool. TODD la a 4 year olti Protestant boy of Scot'tish anti Australian deacent. lie 's oif sligi buitti, a baiue eyes. anti light brosan hait. tua bealhb la gond anti belbas a, Mae itelligence. This affctionate sece d n aentasalin are relaxeti, easy going anti capable of handling an active 4 year olti boy. HEU' WANTED Lifegirards and Gatemen to tiake in money are needed for the Oronio ýCommnunity Swimini-iig Pool. ,MI ap- plicants should be at least. 16 yea9rgl ,)f age by June lst and lifeguards, ,hould have their Bronze Medallion, Apply to M\iss Mýargery Tyrreli, phone 1682 Orono.a- HO1WSON UATCHE1êY Serving satisfied customers for 36 years. Baby chicks, started pullets. )Leghorns, Hylines, Hamp X XF.ocks, Rhode Island X Columbia. flocks. Other leadling breeds, Phone -19 3a;lieboro. -13-p gWALTER FRANKg D» W. McQUAYg Q R'ALTORg 177 Churoh St. g Bowmnanv;ile MA. 3-3393 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TAN'KS Bert Tounpkiiis Phone Newtonvilie 4721 Box 183 MO, 8-3552 Staffard Brothers 38 Dundas St. E. lvhiiby, Ont. Manftute.rers of Ceme-tery Memonials Dealers in Domestie & Foreign Granites and _Marbies - Inscriptions (Jut and Cei-ùîtery Repair Workr liamiltonsg SInsurance Serviceg 0Insurance in ali its Branches0 OAtito, Package and Composite SPolicies, Fire, Farm, Life, 0 'Burgiary, Lia billty, MAarine,g fiAccident and Sîcknes, Wisid, Boiter, Fidelity BnEc Sadie Hamilton 0 Phone Orono 1R1t6 0 FRSTMORTGAGE LOANS Building a nse?' oe then contact FIoyjd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono A, F. -MýcKENZIE, IM.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Off ice Hours 2:06 te 4:.00 pým. 7:00 te 8:00 p.m. Saturdays and Wecinesdays~ by appointmAxits only PHONE 14,71 DR. R., TAG( Phon.* IBh LBL À RT Lawrence C. Masou, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Hoen MA 14-55$ gW. KAY LYCETT,0 A Rarrister - Solicitor g In the Offices of O R. R. Waddell Q.C. g MAINX ST., ORONO g FITelephome 118 <fronc L. J. 'KAIF Saturdays amd by Apitin Main Steet 014N0O ,) Box 63 Tel.L;88 IN S-URANCE"b General & Life S, E FREID LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 R es.' 117ý14 JACK REID Oroiio's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Oronc TED JACK"rlSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail uIu and at reasonable rates Commtrnicate with film ai' Poil PPMï' Ontar7io. monumets and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaven othing to ý desired Ask'thenperson who bought from us. a neighbour, frïendï or re1à-tve The. RUTITER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Onitario Street PORT HOPE "L.argest Di5ilay in~ Southern Onitario,, Orono Electric.. PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR PARMI and IIOUSE Free Estiam A1PPLIANGE SUIXES Promlpt and GuWariateed Repaire to ail kinds of Electrical EquLýpment and Appliances Such at Metors - Water Heatrs T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Ironc .CHILDREN AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION i 'j a 'S y lA. ~ec~~4 4a pe~ma~ise4 A.me ~ué44 pa~ie#daI Iote cu«i c~e t~ 4&2~4oo~ ~ede~ n.ed. 6I.i4~~~e#. Iac~s9 ~%~e 10.wd G ~aiist49e4 a~. 4oayAt to yoa~ a#.4i.#~ M.,a<~4 ~ ac4.~tide##wdd, DEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC WELFARE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO