U1<ONO WEEKLï TIMES N i i I I 4 i I I J i IL I I o g g g g o g g g g 'J E ( s Best Biy! - Save lic - Solid MWhite Meat Clover Le-af p %UN "eA FI1SHI Dest Buy! - Save 9e Qjem Marg arine 16-oz. J'ar 27e 7-oz. Tins 2 for 79e, 1-11b. Packages 4 for 85c Best Buly! - Save se - Pmlocehio Balloon Deail - Mi) her -Park'er's TEABlXGS pk uof60e7-c 1es Nu à'S iAvMe 10e1,j JOHNS4 ~'SPLEDG .est ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - --A-Sv~9 hteo ooue ei ociZitc~t 'Z7 '0, SmokedHàs i G (rade "A" - Tender, Plump T UR KEYS Broiler si-,.e Swift's Preiumn "Sugar Cured RUNDLESS BACON 0 Switt's Premium Mulid Seasoned", FRANK$ ih h Beaver .Lump CHARCOýé 45c Gol den Ho' Candies Combination Pacld Ors Lemons Slices - pepperf eye - 78c Value - FI 2Ibs 59 5-1b. Bag L SSo)lid, Sweet, Jiy-FIoria- Good GRAPEFRUIT t]Garden Fresh - Good size No.,1Vs iur CTJCUMBERS t] New Green - No. 1 Grade ane ndGREEN CABBA4 Pounds Feature! -Clean, Gotod CoÔking, Qutai ýc POATOg ORONO, Ontarîo 3 fr$1 '4 for 49c KENDAL NEWS IDistrict Fire-Fighters To Meet MrU John Go-rdon and fUm y have ilnoved into the homne forrlil nd oF r e on t at o býy th.e late -Mr. John Cowain on the .lln rono Fo e r ns at n Sixth 1ime, Wýe welcom-îe John back to ________________ lhe sixth- line wher.e he lived beforel ie was marrieci. The Northumhberl and -Durhamn Pire - MisCatherine Stewart speut the Fighters Association will hoýld a ont- s,,eekenci with lier ccusinis, Miss Mar-,side practice at Orono on Thursday, ni McKelvey a-nd i r. John MeKel-1,M'aLy 24th when a demonstration wifl vey at their home on the seventh Une. 1be given in the control of gas fires.2 Mir. John McKelvey has been off worik Superior Propane have agreed to sup- for ten days with an infection in bis ply the propane gas withi containers knee andi foot which bhas be'en quite and to conduct an exercise of instrue- painful. Miss Stewart is stlusn tions for the firemen in combating her crutches, gas-fires. The lRev. R. C. Witýe baptizeci the infant dauaghte~r of Mr. and Mrs. E. The Orono fire ehief, Ross Mercer, le Couiroux and the four children of jMr. expects close to fifty firemien from andi Mrs. Orville Zealand, at tle member brigades of the Association, morning service ink Kendal United1to be in attendance at the meet. The Chiurchi. demionstraton will be heid in t]he Or.ou We wvelcome Mr. ai-d Mrs. Zealanci ono Park andi the general public is in- 1 Jicen-sed Pilmbil,,& to te Kedal illge. hey aveviteci to witniess the demonstration. ehiialCnrco mioved into the Wm. Turansky boUse. It is e-xpectedl that the meet will1ge,1hoSAIS, instails M4arion, of course, lîved in Kendal tili underway at eight o'clock. nurnte she was marnieci, with her grand-an !1 miother Mrs. M. Luxon. _________________ The Sunday morning service was nmas trees. ÉL well attended by visitors from Orono 'nie school children are al excited and Bowm,ýi-anville w%,heni the beautiful about the basebaîl gamnes they are memiorial winclow "'I an the Resur- having between the schools this wieek. rection", given by Mrs. Sybil Snell kn mem-ory of hier parents, Mvr. andi This is the driest spring we have BURINER SERVIC Mrs. Daniel Comist.ck, \Vas unveiled I oi hs at,ïegani ;)yM. Leslie McýGee. Mrs. McGee st ot growuing andi the pastures; are get- agrandauiglter of the Constocks. tilg bare. Re.P. C. White spokce a few forcis________________ bftngthe occasion. He read f,ýrm onie of the record books of the past, ___________________________________ an itemr telling of the marriage of - SyilCmsok othe Rev. Mr, Snell Bowanill ln July,ý 1904. The bust man %vas M". Manison Comýstock7.0 YL Mrs. Jack Fonk sang v.eny sweetlJ T58 Beodthe Sunset.", accomnpanied byv Mrs, Elva Swarbrick, h ra : f~ Ànu1mben of younig folks went lort "*l .m to try acm the pich-erelbuit hac M.Allen PFoster begaýn pîantn TROY7 1 obaýc co ron iTue sdîa y The othe rs ar 4siarting this because, the piants -are1 1so large., This is eaier th-an otherl yeair, and, cthere is stili danger of Mr!is. Allenr otrbruh e mothurMrs.'Mrlotte bc rm Vir-M GU E g~nia ilst Ynday Another serfie was rrwyNO N aVertud Ilast week o th clrLe-Ape51 il virap')akn cos h ili Later a"fr spag .Tïitsis was acroCSSterac J h' The forestrýy felows irushied to ~ fro te re r wa . IVtl! scene ihtheir tank 0of te b anj were- able to ký2ep it tn-om gettrng 0 into thj-e -kg timber beyond. It des- royei some seventy acres of Christ- lb 69c ' Orville Chatterton fi Eteetrcal Contracting0 lb 4I 3c lu Electric Ileating 8 j and Service Phone 1031 ~orono, Ontarito GABLES 1 YOIJCANBEGIN fi ~ize g CAREER TRAINING 10' for 49c'~ ieA N T eOshawa Business Clec is open ail year and oir O each I 9ctgod of individUal t Pi start at any tixue. GE lb 9c 8 Day-TSchool Courses from g rie t) which to ehoose g 50 I 99eTUESDAY and THURSDAY c>o>ococ>c~oo< ~7:00 to 9:00 p.m. o Choice of Subjecti j n Special Classes for J ~ Housewives - Shiftworksrs TenAe yit FREE LITERATUR& AVAII-ABLE PHON 1121()i Simeioe Street North P H N 1 1 il R . -3 7 Aduit Enitertainrnient - prices - 75e and 50e Holiday Midu'Nite Show May 2.0 at 1 2.05 "Invasion of the Body Snsatchers" »1uebeards 10 Roneyuu oons Starring George Saunders AduIlt Enitertainrnent rO'RO 0N0 T 1INSHO' ù"PI USED SINK with Trap FOR SALE R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 lest Buyt Sav vSeet Mixed 'N N. N N 'N. N. N -4 '-t N <N N N. <'N NI <4 4 'N 'N 'N '-t <N N s s s N 'N N s N 'N N s s N N N s' 'N 'N N N N s 'N N N 'N N s N 's N N -'t N 'N '4 N 't' 't N. <'t N 4 N N N N N N N. N N N N 'I N. n N 'N 4 N N 4 --t Orono, (Ontario