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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1962, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES TIWURSDAY, MAY 1'7th, 1962. Stock Up Now for the HOLIDAY. WEEKEîND 1Pries, Effective lWay 16, 17, 18, 19 We reserve the riglit Io limît quantifiles Horaes - 16-oz. Bujtfle Barbecue Sauce 39c Swýif's Pr-eiumt Smoked- Ready-to-Serve Spaml - 12 oz. Tnins Luncheon Meat 2-89C 2 tns 89c Rose Brand - Sweet.Msxed PICLES16 zjar î25&-C Mason's Canned - 1 oz. Tins BEVERAGES 12 tor 85,c Q PICNIC QSHOULDERS " b- 039c MARGARINE Goodness Mle Frozen FRENCH FRIES 10 oz $4ý Heinz 6c off -Pg of 6 lO-oz. Tins Tomato S<)up 69c Minute Rice 14 oz 43c Hardwood Charcoal Surf 37e off Detergent 5 lb bag 39c king 99c IGA - 12 oz. Pkg. Potato Chips 49c Tablerite Sliced Vacuum sealed 6-oz. Pkg. F Coeked Meats 19Cg 11affle Leaf lO-oz. Pkg. IBig 8 Weioeers 29c Devon lddessliced side~ Bacon lb pkg 59Cg Putre Porkal, likor Colintry StyleQ Tablerite Sausage 49c 1 Grade AWBE RRIES Round About Us PAVE» ROADS TO MOSPOUT Harold Hunter, vice-presidenit of M'osport Limited, widh operates a road-racing course at Orono, m0 miles southwest of Peterborough, said tine paving of al access roads to the trla.ek will begin within a week. PARTY LEADERS TO VISIT The leaders of the two major poli- tical parties wililibe in Cobourg during the current election campaîgn, ït Was confirmied recently. Prog-ressive Conservative caidate HaLrold Bradley said that Prime M,ýinister, John Diefen'baker will Visit the Northumberland riding June 4 in the afternoon. He is also expected to tour the Durham constituency whlere Dr. R. P. Vvian is seekingreecto and then go on to Peterborough. Liberal leader IIest,ýir Pearson %il 1lbe in Cobourg on1 Junie 14, four dlays before the general election. This wil] bie his second visit to Northumber- land on behiaîf of candidate Paulîne Jewett. H-e will also be in Port Hope that LADIES SOFTBALI, BE4INS JMAy 23 The Durhami Ladies' Softbafl League wilI Open 0on May 23r-d w~ gamies schieduled inMillbrook,' New-, castle and Bowmianville. Trherýe à&re sixý teamse entered In the begeti year, Port Hope, Millbrook, -Newton- ville, E'owmanville, Courtice and Newcastle. Or-ono for the sýecond year in a row lias no entryi h league. ORONO'S FUTURE AT BOTTOM 0F WELL (Continued f rom page 1) On the other liand, wliat does Oron'> get for the $10, 500 that goes to the-- township?ý Well, it must share in the administration crosts of the townsh3p, but aside fromn that, iluet two things, roads and wvelfarýe," Pierre explained., He told the old mnan that only one person received welfare benefit for- tWO wleeks and that was let year. NO REPRESENTATION "How mrany me-nbers of the town. sh-ip Coiuncil corne f romn Orono?" Pi-ý erre asked the old fellow. "Nonle,"' was lis answer. "Adthat's about the extent of considleration for be-tter serviýes yu villag9e gets too," said Pierre. "Vifwsighed ouýr exper't"al this talk lias made nmetisy;wa 1 cOuldIc go foi righit now ie a nlice cold1 glass of water. DO you kaow whlee I cau get one'- Pierre askied the old gentlen. "Nope", he said. "-Why don't you corne into the restaurant with mie and have a bottie of pop like the rest of lus do around."l "Do you mean to tell me that yu asked Pierre, trading inîformjationj with the old fellow. "Not rýeaLly," lie saidj, "there ie one of sorts in the village's only subdivi- sion but it just services seven houz- -'What about a well, thien?"ase Pàer're." Surely you have plenty of thernaround?" "Sure we do," said the old cha, "but Dr. McKenzie says tliey're pol- luted. H-e cdaims that many ,f Wlis cases are attributable to the ba a-1 er supply, the old chap snaid, srrs ing Pierre with his intellectl-a vo- cabulary. "Why 1I know one chap wl-to lias weeping tile léds in his back yard0'-I, lie continued. "Doc says he's spent monretia $2,000 for filters and chiorinatr9m since the last vote for wàterws turn- ed down and sayq that if horses con"- tinue to lie stabled in thec village titS contamination willl &et worse. $175,000 COST Pierre learned later that test dui mng las been comipleted for twowes that will give the výillage an adequate water supply. Cost of the project, lie found, would be an estimnated $175,- 000 and be poaid for by thie village tax- payers, Pierre asked hlm if lie thouglit Clarke township council %vould eveIr approve sudh an expendture. "Not too li«kely," was his reply., "Then what better reason to lus corporate!' said Pierre, confident lis, had the old man colwinced thitt Ift- corporation would be a good Idel. Ris next big- question wae <'wli t'.! Ontario Municipal Board feel 'Ile samre way?" The decision won't be handced dw ijune 6, but that's when al tlie e ,- I epro and con îcopraono rtevilla- ge %Will be lieard. One merchanit com-par'ed thel'a- ing to a trial. And hie eould be right. Not aboUt the eain itselIf but the verdict in is whaIt will either rele-ase or condenanIIr ORAY BROWN 1 StrigBARBER 2t Rainey's Barber Shop, mai Street, Orono. Will be open full time bu.siness,. hours. [J We invite you to ÔCone in and try the New Bare Il * A ~URNERSER~ *Remindere about your O NTA RIO HOS PIT7A L FUR ANýlCE Alaskeep yýour K E EP i 5MSUlléF-17'Pi Spaae prmium re i.ircPad for yooer isrnc rmnow 'on. Ota -ru R apiainf om paytir banuhs- ilaec, i the mis ~KEEP INSUREPI FOlIow carefuly the instruci ions on thie b-cck ~Of theý Certificate Of Payment Formi 104, which your employer ie required to giv yu. ONTARIO HOSFPiTAeL ~R1E OMS 2-.95 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Cioverla oie s- &EMON -W.-" 1 ý

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