Or~oiwimming Elxj ORONO WEI pc%. jrj ~EKLY TIMES THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1962 ToUOpen On June, TheOrno Park Board .at a mre'-raphasiz turn, is dependent on the ngon Tuesday evening, May 15 pas- r p asz Forests are of particulE eda motion to construct a wading r L * ~ Ontario for this province pol ths Orono Park. This under- P ote ctio Of ~ est block of forest lands Vaig is ta start as soon as possible r ern hemisphere, next ta with the object of bavnig he new wad- Lo rests the undeveloped forest Jng pool in operation eariy in the suin- National Forest Conservation Week teUSSR mrfer, This proijectlhas been under con- May 12 o 19, brings annually Vo pub- 0f Ontario's more tha: ,eraion for a number of noniths lic attention in the sobools and else- mile area, ths Dspal'tmi new po- olnllbea r n ea y wbi ethe importance-0f the devel- and Foreasts manages ' ne- col ill e oýrealty pi Pnent, protection and wise usof square miles producing sere. nenin fth oad this valuable resource, / as weîî as vast quantities &f pulpwc IV a aso hs ntetio ofVhsBoad rsoucessine they are interdepen- Of many kinda. To ensi Vo have eswimming pool open o dentoe oncteohr n al upywl otneV Vhs puVblic on June lat. A motion es-deton*onteohrad-mnIsupywlcniueoJ - onevain f l-rnwa1 natural manda of mâny industrii tabiished this date as hs openîngcosra1tnfai ewbl partîy dependent on wooÉ daïte for future years. The pool ia be- cut la regulated to hs ing repaintsd prior o its opening Vlis a loaa of $500.00 Vo hs Par k Board placement. Whers niatur ysar. internat free. The boan wvas accepted is insufficient, the Depar Admission charges o he tpool at-sibv té-Rana iif if---«. - 4- Vo remain ths same thia year as hey hat ths Park, Board could noV_ give- wers last year. A single 'ihid's Ss- a note Vo hs Chamber for hs $500.00. Êon'a tcket will coat $5.00, Vwo cbild- ren $8.00, hrss or mors children in The Park Board is o meet again oas. family $10.00. The aingle admis- eariy this conîing week wVhen a deci- sion will continus at 35 cents, son may be reached in connection A letter was receîved by hs Board1 with intalling an underpass under froin Vths Orono Chamber of Oom-, hs road Vo hs swimmng pool from merce ýn which hs Chamber offered the bath hous. series produce millions annually for reforestation. Forssts must be protect ease and insect infestatio froin fire, also the resp the Departinent. During fire season, April lsttVo Departinent aircraft, -mo lookout towers and trai lSt ým ail, lar concera to >has the larg- le inhs north- oQuebc and resources 0f an 412,000 sq., ient of Lands lumnber and >od for paper surs that ths ksep the de- ies wholýly ori ), the annuiai erate of re- rai rs-seeding Lrtment's aur- 0f seedlings eted f rom dis- ,n as wsil as 5ponsibility of ig the foresti OctoberSst ors than 0 ained ground 0Ontario P.F.N. 2463-61 t THE ONTARJO MU% ENICIPAL IBOARD- IN THE MATTER 0F Section 10 (4) of The Municipal Aèt, R.S.O. g 196, c.249).o g and t) gIN THE MATTER of an application by Orville Chatterton and othera for t hs incorporation, 0f hs inhabitants of a portion of hs Township of Clarke. in hs County 0f. Durhan, as a village to be known as The Corporation of the Village of Orono g APPOINTMEN'T FOR HEARINO g THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hsreby appoints Wednesday, the 6th day of g June, 1962, at hs heur of Ten o'clock (10:00 a.m.) in the forenoon, (local ins) at hse Council Chambers, in hs Township of Clarke, (Township Hall in Orono), for the beariag- of an application for incorporation of hs inhabitants of that portion 0f hs Township of Clnrke descnibsd in Schedule "A" hereto as a village.g Ln ee ail persons inteÈested in support of or in opposition Vo auch application theng anghý ted DATED at Toronto, ibis 3rd day cf Ap--i, 1962 C Sgd. "~B. Vickers" O a B. VIOKERSg g BSEALg g. Ontario PF..2468-61 (J THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARDg c SCHEDULE 1"A"g ÀLL AND SINGULAR that part of hs Township 0f Clarke in hs County of 'Durham adPoicofOtrimoeparticularly desaribed as follows, that is Vo say:g uParts of Township Lots 26, 27, P8, 29 and 30 ia hs 6Vh Concession, te whole 0f C Lts 26, 27 andl 28 and part of Lot 29 in hs SVh Concession and part-;, cf Lots 26, 27,- 28 g gnd 29 in hs 4th Concession,'al lanhs saîd Township of Clarke, and the sald loeýa1ity being butted and bouaded as follows, that ia to say: ON THE NORTH By a lins drawa parailel Vo and at a constant perpendicular distance of 150 eest north of hs southerly lmit of hs 6th Concession of hs said Township of Clarke;g g ON THE SOUTH EAST By ths entire Eastsrly limiV 0f Lot. 26 ila'hs th 1Concession 9f hs Township ut Clarke and ths productiéo f sucb unmit botIt Northerly and Southerly; by a lins drawn through Lot 26 in hs 4th Concession 0f: hs Township of Clarke paralisi Vo and at a) constant perpendicular distance 0f'150 iest Southsrly fron Vths Northerly limit of said Lot 26 in hs 4th Concession cf hs Township 0f Clarke; and by a lins drawn hrough said o Lot 26 in hs 4th Concession of hs said Trown,-hip of Clarks parallel Vo and at a perpten- dicular distance of 150 teestEasterly f rom Vhsf Weterly linit of said Lot 26 la hs 4Vh Concession of hs Town,,sbp of Clarke,- g ON THE SOUT1Hg By a lins drawn hrough Lots 26, 27 2 nd 29 inths 4th Concession of hs Townà- g ahslp ef Clark paralisi Vo and at a constant perpendicular, distance of 2084 test South- t eriy fron hse Nortberiy 1unit 0f hs 4th Concessioa 0of hs Township of Clarke; Oý'N THE SOUTE WESTg * By a lins drawn North and South througb Lot 29 in hs 4Vh Concession of 1hs (J Township (,f Clarke paralîsi Vo hs Easterly liaut 0f aaid Lot 29 and forming hs lÉimi bstlween hs EasV and West Halves of said Lot 29 in hs 4Vh Concession; by Vhs prssst .Easterly and Northsrly limita of the lands now ownsd by HER MAJESTY, QUEÉEN __EI4ABETH 11, la the Right cff Vhs Province 0f Ontario, which lands are aow ec- rJ iped by hse Ontario Deýpartinrent of Lan,_ds and Forests; and by hs Westsrly lirPit Lot 29 in hs 5Vh Cneso f ths Tow-ýnship 0f Clarke and hs production of sucha ~1mtNoriieriy. rescombine in fire detection and PCEELRUDU suppression. I ERL ONDU Ontario's pulp and paper and lum. Smaller crowds than usuai ushered ber Industries employ avine 26,000, the idgtoengcfhspicker- person, 21,000 in pulp and paper, wjthel season last Saturday in most of the salaries of about $110 million anu popular spots, accordiii.g to observa- ally. Including industries wholly or tions made by Conservation Officers. partly dependent on Wood, some 80,- The probable reason for the decrease 000 are empioyed with salaries of i the number of anglers out may some $315 million and with an annual very well bave been the crowded ait- output 'valued at $600 million a ysar uiation around the dams on, opening for.fuel and elect;ity and bave sev- night last year. Diacouraged by he eral bundred million~ dollars invested tact that tbey had to stand shoulder in plant and materials. out cf hesin to shoulder and three deep on the dustry every year cone factory shin- dams at Rosedale and Bobcaygeon ma ments of pulp and paper producta forder to make ineffective casts, many valued at approximately $443 million.i anglers may have turned to other Ontario's 200 million acres cf forest less-crowded spots. land represents 15c: of Oanada'a for- Reports on the opening of pickerel ests, two-thrds of it productive and 'fishing range froin poor to good. In 90% f i owsd y th pepîsandthe Hastngs - Healey Falls - Crowe managed by the Ontario G'overnment, Bay and Bradley Bay area Conserva- Among Ontario luanufacturers, pulp tion Officer Reg Mcçullocb reports and paper stands first in employmentanerhdfirt godscss wagea, export values, capital invest- However, in the neighbouring area of ed and in the value added by manu- Rice Lake Conservation Officer 'Vic facture of the original product, Wood, Harris reports poor fisbing. In newsprint alone, Ontario pro-.1 ducea am-ost a million and a haif tons Elsewhere the angling was fairiy annuaily, supplying one? of every en good. The waters below hs dams at, newsparper pages printed, throughout Bobcaygeon, Rosedaleý, Fenelon Falls, the world. Buckhorn, Burleigb Falls, 'Young's "Conservation of our fore8ts Îa xm- Point and other spots such' as Gan- peraivenotonly for tbe forest indus- non'a Narrowa, provided some limitt tries but also because our fish and catches and soins fair sized fish. Sev- gains, pure water, erosion prevention eral five and six Pound fish wers ex- recreation and many other activities amined by staff conducting creel cen- are dependent on thein," Lands and SUS.t Forests Minister the Hon. J. W. Spooner bas pointsd out. "At, fld5 According to Conservation Officer ine, they are particularly vinerabîs Bob Dyke, several good Catches were ta fire. I urge everyone therefore to made in Goose Bay of Sturgeon Lake, use the utinost cars at ail times in the although the fish tended to be smial USe 01f ire In the Woods. Remember (up to two pounds). Canal Lake near that a.Chriatmaa trne may take ten Lock 37 was anotiier popular spot for years to grow and poles and posts 30 successful anglers. Ail in al, it was to 40 years, while larger timber pro- one of the better openings with the duction may extend, well over, man's weatber and water conditions adjudg-1 Proverbial thres score years and sd to be just right. ten. Hence the tragedy when'forests are destroyed through someone's momentary carsîessness."1 PARKS HEAD FOR ANOTHElI BANNER VEAR Blessed by good weather campers and picknickers were out In fair numbers to take advantage of Vhs re- >7 opening of the Linidsay District'$ five Provincial Parks. Tudging by the op- W E E Kf- E NLB enng weekend sales of permits, a AH EAD were at4tratd t th Parks as a base -J for fishing operations and such wat- Stop in today at your .-Kodak ers as Rice Lake and Pigeon Lakoe equimen heaquc[ýtý,s the facilities for easy access to thef Stut's har acy big lakes. Stut's hariacy FORtEST FIR E TOLL MQCUNTS j Plions 168J Orono Over ths tast wee. fre suppres- j. H1on.- Johým W. Pickersgili wllk spenk in Bowmnanville Town Hfall 'at a Liberal mreeting on Tues 'day even- LADIES' and GIRL'S C DLRY SE Green Cheeker, Gold Cheeker, Lilac Check- f3 er and tapestry. Sizes 4 to 9. 9Priced at------------.... .. $2.989 GIRL'S and LADIES' COR-DUROY SIfflES Io~d, black, green. Size 3 týo 9. Preed - $1.98g g ~ gu CHILDREN'S RAINBOW RIJNNING SHffES 4 ~Size 4 to 1. Priced at ............ 9 g -~ ~ A BOY'S DAtfRIJRNNING BOOT, black, gSizes6 - 10,11 - 1and 2 -5...$1.40.-$1.79 MEN'S BLACK RUNNING BOOT, 6 - 10 . 19 g MEN'S CORD SIOES, Rubber Solès, colours fi MEN'S CASIJAL SUEDE SHOES, Style - loafer g Oxford, colours green an~dblakSze g 7 to 11. VISIT'OUR SHOlESý DEPARTMIENT f Large Selection Available for the Entire Family Toms and ons Ltd. Fashion Store for Men & Women NEWCASTLE - ONTARlIO o g F o g g t); o g sion crews were called out to ex tiag- uish four forest fires. -Fortunateiy, early detection by lookout towermext and quick response by fire crewe kept the acreage burned to a mini- mum. In ail four ýcases, people were re-. sponsible for starting the fires and three fires were attributed to, care- less campers. The area burned for the week a- mounted to four acres bringing theý total n the fire district to date to over 190 acres for 23 tires. Again ail peop-- le frequenting the outdoors - 'especi- ally- campers and fishermen - ar& urged to be careful with camptires and smoking material and to Iielp, keep Ontario kreen. ON NEW SUB-DIVISIONS Sixteen new cottage lots have besn,- made available on Ref en Lake fn, Sherborne Township, Haliburton- County. Notification bas been received that- the plan containing these lots hB», now been registered -and applicationg mnay be accepted. Further information may be eecur- ed f rom. the District Office in Lindsay or the field offices in Minden an&ý Gooderham. As new suib-divisions are opene& ,they will be added to the current ligt of available lots which accompanies- our "General Information" letter. 1 EEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 1