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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1962, p. 2

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01fONO WEEKLX ri1S HEDY luOýRONO WEEKLY TIMES Ahuthorized as Second Glass mail, Post Office Departmeflt, Established in 1938 hy R. A. Forrester xtoy C. Forresten - Editor and Manager Suilisciptioni payable inadnç ini Canad& $it iUý uj PabllshedcvenyThu-raday a, t ttoffice of publicLUtiO ottaw. 1 Fram The Editor Tin tis wek'isu o the paper is printed a letter to thr--e edtor ýIrz which thle witer obý!jects to) an article whicb appeareci in last week's issue re "Ornos 1Future At Bottom 0of Wel". This pairticular itemn wvas a reprint of onle appe'aring in thle sawa Timies and written by oýne of their staff memibers. Our critic also takes exceýption to oui, edi to3nal in conner'lcinwith incorporation accusing thîs press 6fpren m,-gimisleadingstemns 0f Uthe first obecionte Oronýo Times bias n c,(ontrol over the style used by the sbaa ýL3witer ior thlat it should appear in the Osh- aw ae.On repiniting it wve were llaar hat it wvould be found- burusby som--e 0f our readicers and possibly rýesenitedl by othiersý. Thris, appare(ntIyl hs ben he case. In eferig t teirobectonto the edtorial the "Towvnsb±.'p Resident" claiiims I.tatwomaig could bie tak7en from our state- ~nen that: -theTonhpra budget is$8,O and that this amnounit would pay for thre instaillation,. of the water, systemnl in two years." Theý "Towniship RFesidlent mt s tat tis eioilsaemn a a dûf _itemeanng wen te say that it coud mean "just wliat it says" wiiicb is ail that it was initended(Ito mean. But bas not thle"Tnsp Resident" read inito this 'sýtatemient" and "fact" a meaning wbhioh, liywishi to read into it or, to uîse for, their ow%,n puirpose. We wold like to refer briefly to numbiiler ,tbiree. point 0ýf the 2etter to the editor, especially since we havjýe been acduseýd of pinting1'1 xisleading statemients. This point, althoughi posed as a question is, in o-ur opinion, miore miisleading thait the statem-rent of fact wich wTý,e coted in our editorial. The "TowTnsliip Resident" writes ' (3) Fine De- partment - Does not part 0f the revenue for its upkeep corne fnomf the residents of the Townilsip" This could casily be ternied mlisleadinig -as it reads as if aill townisbip residents pay towands lielping to tupkep- thie Orono fine departmlent. This, of course, is not true, but it is a faýct -,hat some Townsthif residients do payv to the Police Village a y7early, amiounit of $11.00 for, fire protection service and this mlonley could qu7-ite eatsily find its way to hielp) upkeep tbe local depa îrtment 'and to assist wvith paying costs to give this fire protection service. Often we have rewd and heard that people .bear-, only those tnings whlich Uiiey wish tp liear and clojse their cr to those things hihthcy wisb not to hear. IfthÉlis is truc e i-n it could also be 'Miue tilat peopie read and interpret whIat they read as tbey wvish Ui to lie. TIhe press, the worlid oven,i always open for crîticismn and the use of words mnean nothing until thcey are intcrpreted and t1l~s interpreý- tatidn can vary as nigbt and day. We are quite aware that due to the human elemient, reporting cannot be letter perfect but anr effort is certainly made to be as factual as is possible. It is thre policy of this paper to report thie rewvs as a(ccuirately, as possible and that, tbrough our editorials, to express our view peint witb as mucli fact as is at our disposal. Johin F7. Flliott, assistant ccl. itor-in-cbief of The Free Press, states at the Ontario Weekýly News- paper Association anual convention that it is the purpose of the wýýeekly press and thre editoial writers to help devclop their commlun- ities. In supporting the xnove for Incorporation and the Llove for water la Orono we feel we are coing this very~ thing an'd we funthc-r feel thnt neither wouldbave an adverse effeet upon tire Township. Letters to ftie editor are aiways welcome, whetber or iiot they approve or disappr'oveý the editonial stand of this paper, and "Townisbiip Resident" we arc glad you relad our, papen and editorials. Sýtucients Are Not Sellinig Magazines On Wednesday 0f this week we received a telephone cal from the principal of the Oronio High Schoýol, Mr. A. WVitberspoon, to the effect that salesmen were soliciting magazine suliscriptions ini the aârea and posing as students of the Orono High Scliool. The principal was fast to inform us that tbe school was nlot solciting suliscriptions for any magazine and that no puipil of the school was selling such suliscriptions. Apparently someone wishing to. ma1e a bettper bid for tbe sub.- seription dollar was posing as a High tSchool student and supposidly * slling magazines for the school. Tis is flot the firssVbirne sucli a pitcb b-as been used in this area as well as in other areas and residents are war-ned. o be cautious of patronizing sucli saîesmnen. The school has on occasions sold m-agazines but are net doing s0 Rt the present tifne. Plain Talking Could Help Thus f ar in the federal electien campaign we have heard a great mnany promises fnon i al parties tbat involve the spending of nioney buit none that wouid mnean a saving. Yet sober examination of Cati- ada's economie condition surely indicates that we are alneady trying tsqueeze too mucli lutce out of too littie fruit. It would lic refreshing, tb' ougb surprising, if a leading party Ispokesman declaned: "'As a nation, Canadians have been living bc- vond their means, buying too mueli on credit. If. we budget oun ne- ,sources now, we cani s'r-aighiten out our finances, but iV wili mean ,-Qing without somle of the tbings we wanit for a wbile, until we are ni a better position Vo stretoli oun credit. Se we can't promise you any- thing except efficient, cost-cttting goveinamenit." That, of course, is noV in Uic tradition of Canadian election cami- pýaigning,. The fostom bere is for candidates to promise the moon, in thec hope tliat they cai convince aiggullible ciectorate that tbey cari ut least deliver a few beams. -ti1 f-c anddat wflga e Ucvtepiq lain facts and harsb 1 L e te1 hito Ô Ke ads, feet and loose clotbinga Lete. to heE.iorPOWIEU M1ýOWER NO CHILD'S O a-way from ilalli movýiing prtof the, Dea Mn Edtor ITREI&T IT WITH CARE, CAUTION 1oer lDear \1r. Eitor:If the grass dîscharge opening be, t Thatt a reputable newspaper sucli aýs It wvill S0011 be timne to stant mowing colnes clogged, neyer trl to dlean i F The Osbiawa Times publisbed the hn. the lawn again. Horticulturists wîtb while the motor is stili rnining. lU's a tenview rcpnrinted in your ncwspapei' the Ontanio Depanîmaent of Agricul- sure sway to lose fingers. last wecký betwývee its mIytlhical cx- turc suggest that you checlx on the plit Pierreand a retîred farmer liv_ conidition f ou1pw'-own lep ciYidrcn out of the areato le0 I ng in Orono on the question of UcDotlev t tilI the îast jrmiutemwdadevroc u f ne incorpor-ation of Orono strikes me as'when the, evc enrsaebusy.tHe grass dlischange opening. Tbey tl an unnce(ssary slunshi on tJe intelli- Ihe chances are that itll ;o ,cecd the -'-l canh easy targets for flying stones f goeenot only cf the-"nube"1,in (ques. rnjcoýni idand thielandes ;haipened and oher objects.d ion but o!f many other gondinb-Dot owteanincefe. tants of the village. No wond er Pi ee"Wbn Ly!uire uhing the powYerl i 1 on!001sbould appen te cornet wSu upised atntos fmmiend's tîîec mwc this s>umrin , don-Lt for-get ii tha' otc ibtebae,1 ilbv tuai vc-,ýabulary bu[-t even more mi-,r-t an cut youas wellas Etlegas ioeto btovn prîisin-g tVo me is that a person wý%ho SI) treat it with respect. Hene are a htovrt kneiw nt on f the alsiove Vo io- f ew suggestions Vo keep in mind: aiNecrct clown a siope, cut along poaewould know a mrucb aPs l Il 0 local(affairsTat Picrn's in- foratin cme ro thse ho o1If you are ge)ing Vo ror-k nound sa the lansoieem te lbased 'noruailsJcrisser.t 'oadMisinette spark pu i In coing, I ask for a mor.e ob- wîre. Mowers have been knomwn 10 ohpi . opnion is o'bvious both fnom ini jectve peetto ffus i inW h eysiho wcuacies in the aricle iasfand peetto ffcs i >a~to nytevn lgts fo satm nand reports Ith1at your per.orim'leprrn iian riclea rn 0fthe blade. bave -appeai>ed as ncws in your new--s-omi aino comet part (fom a l-Th oc s ntý W paper n thepast.dependence nf Orono is mo gve the toy. il luchold only be used by respon- heeare som pohits and qsimrs ion tht the reîiarks in itl uA people b appreciate its bd tions thait cimc Vo ty minÈ us I reaclare truc. Funthermore, I am sure -n d Angers and treat if witb the Ucarticle. ,that ai!l thepeo-ple of Ooo r, t-, c1 dsrve Orono HIydrIio - Is it niot a sepan-' in f (avo-n 0fawat1er system or n n eer leve he oto unc ing wth ate self-suppoýrtig pojcie nd troubanl Vo e xestion 1no one Vo lookafei. 2. G'arbage collection - Are noV the views ua your papen? n,ýesiets of Onono billed for, tis as midrgoinlg V1 rîae adonr a sepanate itemi? But t'hen perbiaps A Twsi eiet o s swindbreaks, shelten beits this docs not cover the wholc cost. 1. Fine Departmient - Does not paxrtý of thec revenue for iî'sts pkeep) conec fnm thle resi'dents of Ithetwnip 4.Representation on Utic Townsbip Counicil - TwýNo yeans ago thc 01-o1o /represcntaltive on council lest 'li seat by seventeen votes wiýth twoX cotsats from Orono. The highiest; voteanycuncilnben goV on c bat occasion was 765 votes fromic hewhioie twsi.Could rot Oron- pull V- gethen enIougli with its nlearly 60() voter'sVo elect one mian lich neaxt year, if only tliey, forccd an election? nýnd bow rnany police trustdees, with tHeir 1knowýledg-e of Orono's pnoblemis, have rua for councilor la the ptat f eu years? 5. Municipal Waten -Il 1960, 328 voters cast a 5-1%, vote against it. That w,ýas close but many 0f the no's I have no doubt weré cast by pensons wbose reiremrent incomie s fixed and limtcdl. It is truc that the Township council nefused o siga thie debentune nequest madle by the pýolice trustees, but at VliaV time nec date was set for tue incorporation0 b-eaï>iag, and Vthe present counicil, influence bý,y V il negtive vote and feeling that there m-igit lie compli- caions if incorporation wenc Vo lie iastituted while Uic water yse was liing installed, gave its own answver tote erequest. If lad'ioý iglit Vo com-mit future councils Vo any course of action. BuV fhene is ne reason te assumne that, if incor- poration does noV corne about, even this counicil would net then give its consent. After ail, it represents Or-c cao as wcll as flic rest of tfhec own- ship. Orono voters helped electc hem. Then, toc, accord'ng o y'our,~ paper, a letter was linouglit to pub-* lic liglit during a hearing of a dele- gation te the police trustees wlicreC a similar situation of incorporation. and water installation coinciding badt anisen, Why was noV tis letter and thc othen nequcsts of Uic Orono cifi- zens linouglit befone council? AffeniL al, a council cannot acf on inforn- aion that appears in Uic press. NoV al Uic blarne is Voelie laid at flic counci's .loor. And that everytbing is couni's fault secms o lic the hobby-herse of more than one pen- son la Orono. 6. Stablinig cf horses a n d on-, tamination of water - Somre timc ago your papen carried a report of r thc Hcaith Dcpnrtmnent saying there "vas ne connection lietw;ee VIle1 twe la Orono. After aIl, apant fromê one group, anen't allich horses stablcd at the Fair Grounds? If the police tunstees feel that there is a ceanect ion, couldn't a by-law be, c lic passcd ? 7. Ronds - IV is truc that Onono Ilpb pay for some of Uic Townshipc rond work, but don't people use thcsc sarne noads Vo geV o Orono ooc do( thein shopping? NoV bcing a nesdent of Orno,' 1 have ne1 personal axe te gind ns fan as incorporation is conceraed. I grant that 'Orono lias a iglit te set flic pattera cf its owa future,. But I do object te mnisieading state- ments anld implications as above. Thea, toc, your own eioilo last wcek states thaf thc township rond budget is $85,000 and thaf hs amount would pay for Uic installa- 4tien of thc water sysf cm in Iwo years. This could say fwo fhings - Ijusf wliaf if says, or il could give the imprVossic on nhlp e4cl pysr $8'c,0impreio nsiap Onono pays espccially Vo a carcless reader or an- opnionatcd one snd noV Sî0fl A glance at a topographic,ý,k.'-,iapo tbc area shows a broad bi ring eastward frnom York County-ý. ý- Prince Edwvard County. Tbis offert a-ý clue as te why the nur'sery 'Wa"S lcat7- cd at Onono. 0f glacial origin, iuuýcbl of the soul on thc ridge oiiat ,grew fine pine forests. Aftcrclang, the ligbter soil provcd unsuitable fn Earming and m-any farine wereab-- iloned. For, this reason, the founiders of COni tario's reforestation pnegramr choýseý tbis site bec-ause it was near theca tre of the area, enjoyed goodmi and noadl connectonis and adequafoe;, waten supply. WEEKu-ENI0 AH EAD Stop in toda y at your Koda.r e quý apimenl hedqucitcr Phoe 18JOrono IN THE MATTER 0F Sec-t*(in110(4 fTe Mniial AtR.S.0. 190 .219). -and- IN THE MATTER of an application byOrvillle Chiatterton and others for [ -, ic incorponat on of the iabitants1 of a portion 0f the Towaý-sbip of Clarke, n the(Coiunty 0f Duha ,as a village Vo be kniow,ýn as The Coprtof th(, Village of Onono 0o APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING oTH-1E OTROMUNITCIPAL BOARD ercby appoints Wednicsdla, the 6tb day of Jn,96,at the bour of T enoclc (10:00 a m thneli forenoon, (local timne) at the Concil Chambecrs, i the Townsip c f Clanke, (Township Hall in Orono), fon the hearing cf a appicaton or icorpratof th(,inhabýitant s 0f that portion of the Township cf CIanke escribed iii Sehedule "A"ieneto aavillage. Lei alilpensons interested lan support of ûo n la opposition Vto sucli application thcp-r andý thene attend. D--ATED atý Tonontýo, hs Srd day of Apnil, 1962 g Sgd. "4B. Vickers" B. VIOKERS 0 SECRETARY g Ontario PF..2463-6y1 g ~TUE ONTARIOMUIPA BOARD g, SOHEDUJLE "A" g ALL AND SINGULAR that part of Uic Township of Clarke lanflic County of Durhamn 9 and Province of Ontario more particulanly described as follows, that is Vo say: Parts of TownshipD Lots 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 in flic 6th Concession, flic wbole of Lots 26, 27 ai-d 2_8 and. part of Lot 29 la the 5tb Concession and parts of Lots 26, 27, 28 G and 2£- la the 4th Concession, ail lic h said Township of Clarke, and the said localit'y belng buttcd and lioundcd as follows, that is Vo say: gý ONr THENOT g By a line dnawn paralici te and at a constant perpendiculan distance of 150 feet CI nonth cf the southerly limit offlice 6Vb Concession of 'ic said Township of Clarke; gGON THE SOUTH ES g ~By fthc entire Easteriy limif of Lot 26 in Uic 5th Concession of flic Township cf < 0 ~Clankie and the production of sucli limiit both Nonthcnly and Soutlicrly; by a line drawn g ~uirough Lot 26 in fthc 4th Concession cf hse1Township of Clarke parallel to and at a constant perpendîcular distance of 150 feet Southenly from VIhe Nothcrly liait of said fi Lot 26 n Uic 4tb Concession of he Township of Clarke; and by a Uine drawn through said Lot 26 na hs 4tlh Concession of Vthe said Township of Clarke parallel to and at a perpien- dicular distance of 150 feet Easterlv from the Wcsfcnly lirait of said Lot 26 lanfIle 4th Concession cfthe Township cf Clarke; ON THE SOUTH By a liac drawn Vlioughi Lots 26, 27, 2 and 21.> il e 4th Con1cssion o!f the Town- -shlip cf Clarke psarallel to and at a constant perpendi»cular distance of 2084 feet Southi- crIy from thc Nortliçrly lirait off thc 41l Concession of the Township cf Clarke-, ON y a lUne an North and South tlirough Lot 29 inthe 4th Concession of thc bctween tIle East aad West Halves of said.Lot 29 lan the 4th Concession; by thc present Easterly and Northerly limits o the lands nw'we by HER MAJEIS'Y, QUBIEN ELIZABETH Il, la UtceIRiglit of tIle Province of Ontario, whicli lands are aow ace- j cupied by Uic Ontario Dcpartimcnt of Lands and Forests; and by flic Wcsfcrly lhait of Lot 29 in Uic 5th Concession off thc Township of Clarke and the production of sucli 2 limt orhely

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