y he Net! ~Atv wîat seddesatenis b-~il trvelwhes a op tni slayr smshes if ov\,er the netl retween i20ZI) nId130 mlsan bhour. reports a sports aisian Il vou doubt that, rneem ber ithtie gýreait American player, Wilim T <"BigP Bill") Tilden once renched 1509 m.p.h., accord- ing o sports writcrs, la striking ýa bail, lis rannbl"srvice asa sensation. Table tennis?- It's reckonýed thnt Vie greatest speed at whidi a table tennis bal] can tmavol is about 50 miles an hour. Cricket?ý Estimates var, bt ai his lest, fHaroltI Larwood, Nottînghamshire and England fast bowlen, bowAledI at a speed of noV Iess Vlan 90 mi.p.hi. bis bowling.was sotuetimes driven Vo tie boundary by Vie grent D'on Badman at 120 mn.ph. Yet somne people say cricket is a slow gamie! WhaV about soeç,er? IV lias bceen calceula ted Vînat the fastest pen-. alty kicker rnrely exceeds a speed of 35 r.p.h. It's on record tint on. amazîngly swif t penalty ktick caused Vhe bal] o tra vel at nenrly 40 mp.h. The gonikeeper, a littie dmp who ook size four in boots, tes- tified o this. NoV onlyý did hoc faîl Vo geV lis hnnds Vo if, but the impact of Vie 'bail against lis Viody wns so great Vînt goalkeep-. er ai-d bail lnnded -,t Vie back cf the net. Great bal speeds are ach 'eved în golf. During a test in England a special high-speed camiera re- corded a velocîty cf 280 foot a second, or more than 190 mles en hour. The golfer Gene Sr vzen once matched his driving rpeed on a United States course zainst Vint of a hig-h-powered rncing car, A special camera disclosed Vînt bis cluli-heati was travellin.gat 115 mi.ph. at Vhe moment of imr- pact, while fIe ball's speed was 132 m.p.î. Another golf or, Alex Endie, wns filmed by n n.ewsreel. camn- eraman when ho drove n golf bal elean througlian 1,000-page tele- phono directory. The directory was placed four, tact la front of Vie tee and Endie drove with aillits rmigît. The hall net onily pnssed Vrougli Vie boolk but kept going for neaniy 100 yards. WhaV would you estim-ate es the speed of a billiards bail? One which wns struck by a liard hitter during a test at a London elub somne yenrs ago adhieved 22 Even Machines Make Mistakesl An editonial on Vhis page a short time ago voiced the dis-' pleasure of a consum-er atfi- ing a cereal box onlyv about hiall fild on. first opening. This gieemod a rather oxtreme c ýase of a pactice some consumfer spokes- men lad protested -- nnmely, reducing Vihe content of n stand- arcl lacpage as a subtie w,y of raising Vie price.- However, n grocer to wîomn Ohis was mentionod had anohe expînnation. Just once In a while, lie said, a package cumos through whicî for some renson dîd noV geV ifs fui] ration fromr the fillinc machine, maylbe a break between batches or somne- thing like fiat. Anyway, ho ook down a box cf the same brand of cereal and, sure enougli bhad a good "heff" andI proved Vto becornpletely f ilied witliout roonîi even foc a silvenware Coupon. IV la go,-od o find thauthVe Igifweigat iVte m repnesenteu chance, noV policy. JusV goes o ohow Vînt machines tiese days can do alinost evenything fiat, hurrans can -- even make mis- takes-fromn the Christian Sci- ence Moitor e a ln Defense 0f A Much Slançlered Mon Mun-icli is one of history's dit- iest words, and in the public mind a large part of the soilure has rubbed off on the reputation of Vie laVe Noville Chamberlain,. Ha isth tic rbling- old boy witli the umbrelîn, the queasy prince of eppeaýsem-ent. But now a power- lu] defense 'of Chamberlain is entered by no less a figure tlin lain Macleod, 48, ýConenvtive Party leader of the 1bjuse nf Commons, former Minister of Health and of Labor, former Col- onial Secretary, and widely e- garded as hein apparent Vo Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. The ibook, "Neville Chamberlain" by lain Macleod is bound VIo stir up ancient controversies oncemoe Macleo'd is noV defending the Munici p.act, nor talking politics, he is nrguing, with great force, that Neville Chamberlain's part wns the action flot of a weakling -but of a brave, honorable, dter- mined man who liated war and Hitler, who passîonntely desired peace and genuinely feit Vthat h wns acting for the pence of Eu- rope. -And Macleod bas great stuclents of the situation on ils side. Mvost eloquently, le fhas Winston Churchill, whose vale-. Ofctory in the House of Commons for Chamboerlain, af er lis death by cancer in 1940, is one of the most mnoving of' ail the Churchul- Î lan utterances. The majot- part of the booh- ex- hibits Chamberiain's character througli an accounit of fils career. Hol was Vie son of the famnous Birmingham indus rialist an d Liîberal statesman Josephi Cham- 1beriain. Neville's mnother died when ho we as a chl, but haewe, up in a W7arm relationiship wt lis older haif-brother Austen, lis sisters, and a famnily toeming with cousinis. Ail lis life lie found his chef pleasuires in famnily affec- tion, music, and, in laVer days, fisihing. A tremendous wiorker, le becamie a great cvcfgr and public-minded Lord Mayor of Birminghiam, devoted Vo its uni- versity,-hlospitals, orchestra, sav- ings banks, industnial relations, laboir conditions, own planning. Re.édid noV mnarry untl ho was 42, and his union wiVh the miuci younger Anne Cole was idyllic. Chiamberlain wenit on Vo great- Iy ad[mire-d national services as MinisVer of Health and Cliancel- lor of the Excliequer; le was a famously industrious and reliable gervant of Vie state. As early as 1934, ln a nation swept wvith pa- cificst sontiments, lie was exit- pressing i.is hatred of Nazism and eagerniess for British rearma- ment. In 1936 ho declared: "I arn horrified by Vhe German beliavior to the Jews." In 1937 h. rose te the Prime Ministershi, and Win- ston Churclilîl saluVed bis prev- ioun? efforts for rearmnament. At length there was Mý,uiicli (tlie fui] pnct is quoted ini the book). Macleod observes tînt "~Chamberlain must certainly bear tVie chief resposisibility for tho policy of appeasomient." But there was inoV muci alk about anneasement until the wos'ld, as Com,,imons and said, in1 part; "It fell to Neville Chiamberlain Inl one of the supremne crises of the worîd Vo be contradicted by events, to be disappointed in b.is hopes, and te be deceived and cheated by a wicked man. But what were these hopes la, which he was disappointed? . . , They were surely among the mpost noble and bnvoetinstincts 0 f the humaxi heart - the love of pence, the toi] for paP the strife foi peace . , even at great peril and certainly to the uitter disdlain 'Of popularity o0camr, from ,NEWSWEIEK. Mountain Garden With Lttie Water It is nlow seven in dhe L\eening and Mariano hias jit returned from the wheat field. With lis sons. Would I like to accompanýy hlmi up the mountainside, he asks, for there are somne plants there that need tending. in a corner of bis house lie finds bis hoe, and we walk, out inito the village stIreet. The torridi heat of dlay has giveri way to a cozy warmith that is accenituated by the reidlsh, setting'sun. Almost at one w. gRe walk- ing uiphili; soon, the gray, grani- ite homes of La Colilla are ble- bind us. The path up the moun- tainside is narrow ai-dtwsig aRt first r-unnin.,g along smail fie1ds separated by stone fences. Thon there is nothîngý but boul- dors, scraggly weedls, and brush. Through the thiclc soles o f my sloes I cain feel overy peblile, and 1I sometimes slip on the loose stones. But Marianio, nlmnost 60 Yeat-s old, walks with strong, sure'-footecd step,. As we climb higlier I cajiisec moat 0f!the, vil-j lage below us, the cerrugated roof s shnrply etche-d by the liow WC, are quite higli now, and my cve travels for miles over the level'Castillan plain where only the dimi, toriiedg,,e of the Grader- ros Motaini breaks the hori- zèn-. We have been climbingl ste-adily for almost haîf an hour, yet al] I can sec uip ahead is a rocky mountain) too desolate Vo grow a7 nythin-. Where is Mýa- riano going, I woýnder. Finally we arrive at a amail resel-ývoir wliere tlie drippî1ngs of a mountain spring have been capturecl by a dam of rocks and earth. "Little wntor," hie tells ~me. "There lias been almost no rain fhls yens. In the past it was muci botter. We grew miany string benns then." Dippinig lis hand deep in the water, he scoops out the plug of mnud and stone, nllowing the trapped wa- ter Vo gurgle into Ea carved trougli. In a series of four tiny waterf ails it tumbles dowvnhill among the bou-lders. We follow it and 1I discovecr at last the point of the walk, for tberp, scrajtched lovin.gly from flihae ot sec rouind, is a tin,,,ve7getablo grdn ith sad little plants sagging, in neai rows. Thc old man, works qic(kly with bis hoe, clearinig twig a n d dirf froin the furrows 5sti' thc wntor cari move freely and perliaps bdng l-somielife Vo fie plants. So)on the flow stops.,. there is- just enouigh Vo allow a littie mDisture Vo readli the ,last; plant, but nüt as mnucl as is needod. "Thon. was littie wnter th-is year," lie minmles haif aloid. "Vrery smnall potatoes and few beans. Il is a diffleuit tln-g." Hoe dams tee mou1ntain spning again, and we walk dcown Vo the townm. It is danker now, anid fan in Vlie-distance Vieh.- h' if Avila twinkle llie n clu-str olf i-e- flics. Closer, i tthe bý,-,,e of the hlI, tie st1-ef. ligits ofT-" CoUl- la flick on. I can 1i :1,'- , 1 in BABY CHICKS 1,000 H & N Niek Cbick Laghiorns, 20~ wvcs. May 18. Vaceinated, dfubbed- de. beaked. Order pullats ahead, ayae Cal] 261123, Shakeaspeare. Lotuis, ibi jKR!1. Shakespeare, Ont. LIUAL. purpose, moat varietieaa- able prompt shlpinent fromn Bray. Day- old., and 3 -4 wek od tarted. Aise wýrite Bray Matchary, 120 John North, Halmilton, Ont. BPOKS Educational books, Dmawem 188, Fort Eria, Ontario. English Gramrmar and Punctuation $2.00OYour Pan and Your Voice dJeals wiftb Banquets, Toasts, Public SpeakilIs, Judging Speeches, etc $2,.00 Spesech corrections inînirn- fac 31 l00. BOYS' CAMP Ailsow New Noiturai Science CaMp seys 7-15 Conï,rvawtosi a nmis oet Ais4S mIpg Ond Sports5, etcý. 9CALLAIS AVE, D'OWNS.VXEW,, ONT. CH. 9-4517 BUSINESS PROPERTIEZ FOR SALK SNACK bar wltli 3 badroorn apartixient iiialn corner, Year round business. $50o 01 equivalent dewni. MomIs Snack Bar, ýort Dalhousie, WIS. 4-0013. EXOTIC TiASf ITEAPOT luinch Te-al Elight delicios Iand different bienda of fine tees, herba, and epices Send for free sample. Ten- jpot Ranch. Box j43, Fa Ilbrook, Caltor. lile. EXPORTS WANTED EXPORT VOUR PRODUCTS TO US IN WESTERN NIGERIA READY made \vears and asjorted cloths hardlspring, wbeat fiour. causatic sodaz. rice, potatoes. onion.s, eiactrie fansý, ceramics, and ilumninum wares, tomiato peste, sardines, olive and yod- liver ou B1P., gold and silver wares, %vrist watcbles and clocks, stationaries, mnusical instruments, portland cernant, motor batteries. plywood. camieras, hot wter botties, vactuum fasaks,. lhoes, leathergoods. toilet soaps BP., aawlng and typewrlting machines. and Hepra. sentai-ives AIL enquîri.as are to be diraetco te West Afriçe<(Independence) Cov. Po. Box ý, febu4-gbo/Nigei-ia ENGIN ES GRÂYMARINE J)v-tr 30 New and used oinesmavail able from stock. Installation and rebuliding LABCO EQUIPMENT LIMITED 44 Chauncey Ave., Toronto 18, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE NEAR Owen Sound, 300 acres eanly land, running water, brick bouse, al conveniences, bank barndriving shed, 100 acres bush. Price $2,000. W'rite or phone batween 7-8 a.m. Hen.ry Ituhi, 11E 3, Owen Sound, FR. 6754 112 ACRES clay 1oan- farmn for' sale. .12 acres good bush. 9 room bhouse. bank barn, etc. Water in bhem & house: hydro; weii fenrc. Situated in thriv- ing farmn ares 50 milIes west 0f Ot- tawa. Offered with or without fuli lina of machinery. Appiy Thomas Horner, Box 271, Shaw ville, Qilabac, phone 133. 100 ACRES, Sheiburne district, good dlay loamn, 3 acres bush, ail worKablù wl-h tractor barri 100'x70' good stables with water. Impiemnent shed, 9-rooni brick bouse witlm modemn conveniences, '30 rodl from hwy.1 ihr. from Toronto, Thïs 'arrm bas averaged over 100 bus. graii to Vihe acre for past 12 years, and ls outstanding farm in i-ha district. Closc to iown anid achools F'rst tme I.offered forsae For furtiser paric-i- lara contact D. S. Tbompson, 22 Royal York id., Mimiico, TFor 14 CL 9-2137. 200 ACRES BUY OF THE YEAR IN ich larming district on paved high. way. Modemn milking parlour, 5 mtilk. ing, stalîs, afftomatic feeders, large hulk cooler, etc., costing over *1,0ü00. INew maitai barn, cernent yard, 614 haad purebred Jerseys, couid ha purcbasad ,wit or wýithout stock. Large stone bouse arranged for 2 familles with al jconveniences. Owner will sacrifice. basA oui oCftown InÉemasts. Céli Andlrew Nemnesvari at Si-. 5-6146 RepreSenting W. L. Bitier Ltd. 26 Ontario St. S., Kitchener -FOR SA-LE - MISCELLANEOUS -P-ARMA-K-E-LEC TRIC F-ENCERS- New C.S.A. appmoved eiectric fencers, 110V, also battery modela. Repaira i-o Parmak fencers. aiactric motors and power tools. ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 480 Maitland St., London, Ont. Phone GE. 0-2051 Wa Save you monay on bundreda of Elles of marc handise. Wa list a few «f our mianyelines: Men's work, sport and dresas hirts; wo-mk and drasa ocks; BIg B Brand. drili abits and pats; Pyjamas; Glovas; Ladies' Nylons and hobby socks; Foam.-let alippama; Girls' anikle, Poodie Puips and Twvister socks; Five-yeam guarantead Light Buiba; ail amaill electrical aippilances; Portabl e Water $oftaners and Purifiera Post- age Paid. Mone y.back gularantee Fre iilustrated ctlge and monthly Mýoney Saver. TWEDDLE MRCADSN COMPANY FERGU il, NTIARIO BIG DISCOUNTS O1N THE, FINEST QUALlT3Y [RAND NAME Pl UMBING MATERIALS FOR 11O1R, FARMH ANI) COTTlAGES CRA NL irxtores IEURO soltenera,, MUELLER brasa, JACUZZI and ïVe. DOUGAL pumnpa and pressure systems, INGLIS bot watar heaters and HYDRO- THERMU gas and ril firad bot wter haîgsystars. Sec us ioday. PATON BROS [152 ftrydges St. -- London but the occasional bi-ay of a burro. 1It is a scene of delicious tranquil ity-From "A Spanish Surmmer," by Joseph Nettis. "W bat's the surest imtthod t o falIig- asleep?" asks a, reader,, Tvigoff the aiarsn. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES! 296 economlcaliy rmade, oid faisloned wlnes, beers, liquors, ail kinds soit, thealth, lnvalid drink, fruit syrups, biters, only*1.00. 'Margart Enterprises, Trevilians, Virginla. rX HOMES FOR SALE BEFORE YOU BUY GET THE FACTS! MNanufactured Muttart 1Homes Save you nmoney Consider some ot the featuires: Mlortgages Life-insured at no addlitional charge. No mnoney do-,,n for mnost modela 10w monthly payments. Easy i-o assemble with pre-built wa - Zan engineared roof trusses. Many mnod'els i-o chocse fromi. MUTTART HOMES ARE DELIVEED AN'YWHERE [N ONTARIO, MANITO- B3A, SASKATCHEWAN, ALBERTA AND B.C. Write for frae iliustrated brochure te. Muttar Hmres, Box 395, Brant-ford, Ontario FOR sale o)r trade, on beef cattie or kIlsteIns: Reglstered quarter horses. Three show mares well broken and. gentle. In, foaL. One bay yearling filiy, show prospect. Six-horsa van. Apply to Wiibur ilaggina, ruthvan, Ont . . R.. 1. Phione Cottami 120R32, MORSES AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2-yr.-old Palomnino registered quarter,. horse stallen. heautiful color and con- formation. 1 silver nnrted sadie. excellent con- dition 1 Neas-iy new German ilver aaddIle and, parade attachments. 1 3-yr-old Palomîno Americen aaddte. hred galding. This is an exceptional horse, registerad 4 ways.Tihos snaY be 5een etIMarkham,. Talephone Unionville 69, eak for Mi-ss Rae FOR quarterborse and asaddler contact Bo 321, Bellaviili. Ont., or cafl] WO. 2-4034 Belleville MEDîCAL IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS AFTER TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEtJRITIS MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN4 OTTAWA $1.25 Express Colleci- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISI thse tormeni- of dry eczesn. rahes and waeping sisin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve wili1 not disappoinit you. ituching, scaldlng and burning acze- ri)e, acnie, ringwormi, pimrpies and foot eczae ill respond readily i-o the stainleas, odorleas ointment regardiesà ofbhow stuibborn or hopelesa they semî. SnPotFree on Recelpt et Price PRiCE $3.50 PER JAR PQST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue Eat Toronto MONEY TO LOAN jMnyMORTGAGE LOA?4S Mnyavailable for nmedliate ioaa, on Firat and Second Môlrtgages, and Agreemnents for Sale, on vacant en~d lmproved property, residential, indus- trial, cii-y, suburban and colintry, anld apmner cottages. Fonty years exper- lence. SUMIMERLAN]) SECUREIiES LIMITED 112 Slmncoe Street North, OSHIAWA, Ontario. Phone 725-3568 NURSERY -STOCK GO)VERNETcertified fLatham .isec- ond mýar raspberry plants $60,00 per thiousand, $7.00 per biundred. James Radbouraie, R 4. Tara. Ontario NUTRIA ATTENTION NUTRIA PURCHASERS Be ssoiaiadwith the oiy organîxa- tion in North Amnerica which offers a .knilown PELT GUARANTEE Yes, han. in your paît market witIh quaraiiteed floor price -on ail pelts. For free book (On how to rais. niutria), write to: Canadlian Nutria Limifed, R.R. 2, Stouffyie, Ontario. OPPORTUNMTES FOR MEN AND WOMEN CE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learnlilairdressing Pleasant dignifled profession, goodj wýages. 'housands of successful Ma1rval Graduiates AmayLrica'a Greatecat System ]laustraited Catalogue Frac Write or Oel Mai-vel Hairdressing School 356 Eliror St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamnilton 72 Ridieau Street, Ottawa a a PERSONAL OVERWEIGHT? Try the effective "«WaY.Les" Tableýt, Reduclng plan. I month' s supply 17.0 Lyon-'s Drugs, Dept. 32, 471 "Dan forth Ave., Toronto. ACQIJAINT yourself with m,'y Weely News Letter Becomne aCoubier Write for details,. Department XI', j, N., 1023 No. Havenhiurst Drive-, Hlolly- wood 16, California. SAVE 15% ON ALL DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL including Vitamiins, C-osmeties, Per- fumnes, Patents, & InJectables, etc. En. quirifes invited. Lyon'a Drug. Depi 34, 471Daniforth, Toronto. TEACHERS WANTEO schrelber Searai-e School Board r«.- quires on.e lady teachar for Septum. ber term. Salary achedule Ir, as follows: Level 1 -$3,200 te *5,000 Level 2 $ 3,400 te $5,200 Level 3 $ 3L600 to $51500 L evai 4 -$3,800 t. *6,00 Increnients $200x5, then $300 par yeïa tO maximum for ail levais. Previoum experience in Ontario $200x5 for ail levais. Applikents piease write te o .G Mullint, Schrelber, Ontario, Statlngk quabllcafions and mne of previouz Ins.pector. TRACTOR PARTS Tractor Parts for Czt-. - A.C. and 11[HO Tractors, ail models. Speýciai Sp ring sale prices. Ail parts new guaranteed. Lab)co Equipment ttdJ., 44 Chauncey Avenue, Toronto 18 Phone RO0. 6 2401. SPIRAY[NG EQUiPMENT HAHN ALL PURPOSE JET SPRAYER covers up to 50 foot swath ilncliuEes band gun and broad jet. pressure head and hoses. Coniiplee with Hahn 15 gal- Ion per minute self-priniig puip (15(j Ib.Pressure). For use! in field spray- in", fence roWvs llvastock, washlng bildiiingsetc.-*îio.oo complete. spra2y- ars for every purpose. Write: Central Sprayig EquiPment, FRR. 4. London, Ontarlo. VACATION RESORTS AUGUST and first twNo weeks July, vai- cancies, Saubie Beach. inside conv,ý_- îencea. Accommodation for sIx in eichi. Good locations. Mrs. C. Mylas. Dur- ham. Phone 42-41VI. PAIGNTON HOUSE Motel and Cottage Unift; Lake Rosseaiu, Muskokca. OPen~ June 23rd, For çOMPlete informlation on supimer vacation write for free colored foldrJ- Phone Port Caring, 7653155 TUHKONEYMOON IS FOR LIFE Neithe cf yo w11iever forgeýt os bevnyhneym)oon days t Ga Rok ni tnunm is, ivars, Lakes anrd trees; warmth iald tinus ail about you - o petprIvacy "hen you lsh Tha guesta you ii m)eat ,It ma eocks Inn are p art of its chlarm- one Of its deligiste - informiai but sýelect. e.vamy Sport In Seasonl: Golf,Tens Wre for raduiced joncym0oorate anid al particuLars. GRAIYROCKSIClU St. JvtPQ ISSUE 21 - 1962 CIASSIFIEO AOYERTISIN6 N N N N N 'N N