EbRùWfl WUiU~KV.V 'i'nMEg TUTTRSRAV MAV 01+ io~o V*~S, *4flW - tfl.~.fl4~4 ~ v I 5 5c 7-o. Vii 47c A-os. Bis'e 49c Feature! Bave 6c! Sugar granulaled 101hb 85 Feature! - Bave 16e! - Red & White 9-os.ý Tumblers Peanut butter 4 for $1 Grade "A" Pre-Dressed - Oven Ready 2 - ,3 1lb CHIOKENS m r 20 oz. Tins 4 for 79c' 15-o«. Tins 5 for SqgcI 3 for $ Large Packagesi 4 for $1 lb . Packages 3 for 79c Save Be! Gardent Patet Whoiê Kernel 14-os. CORN 6 for 79c Save 25e Choice crusihed PINEAPPLE 20o.Tiu 5 for $1 Bave 17('! Cholce Quality Goldeni 15-os. Tins PEACHES 6 for $1 Save 6c! Red & White Insta*it COFFEE 5 oz jar,69c Save 20c'! 10e B-ise"3 Chocolate Bars 12 for $1 Bavec 8c! AUl Popfflar Brands Paeks id 20 CIGARt.TTES 3 for $1 lb U "L4ean MUeaty" WcIl Triumed Loiý%n PORK%. CHOPS lb 6di5c IFreshi Cllced" "Always Tendker" PORKLIVER "iFor that Boiled Dinner" Lean Meaty BR mAISNRB lb 25-C lb 49c STORE HOURS MONDAY & TUESDAY 8.00 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. OPEN AIJL DAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY &, FRIDAY 8.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. SATURDAY 8 a.m. - 6 pan, CORISH'S ORONO, Ontario PHONE I1121 Pbe.st Buy! - Sa ve 13t, Birthday Sp>ecial 1 - Deep Brewe 1 BE ANS Libby's Best Buy! - >Save 9, Birtbday Sela!Faney uality PEAS Aylmer Best Buy! - Save 17e- Eefreshing. Ligorating, Cooling UICETREESWEET JUICEGRAPEFRUIT Feature!- Save 32e - Man Size or 333 Tîs3suea4 FACE.-ELLrEm-% Feature! - Save 10e - Ail Vegetable Mfargatrine MARGENE Feature! - Save le!W-b.*akae Carnation Instant 89C KENDAI NEWS1 Orono Intermediates Hit We are happy to s8ee the sixth line at Mr. Johin Korýgpatwa's being under-i drai ned. TIs was always a bad *spot1 For Third Straight Victory How many people of Kendal have XihWs a h inn ice everKeitveWest washttehwln? Tgepiteher ever dvenoefr that Besuhre an pitching the first five innings. andI tan adeure fin o i you sreand in the sixth gaining relief from Kelly get stuck in the sand you may get Ornehurers tchser. h tafoh bogged down in the mud at the top et Ooohresti er the hili. No one lives along the road Aa atdotfu is ls se you nmust walk out for help. Surely oAJa inathedfioultwfor bitsofhe a sign should be put at the bottoni of cmngnthfnatwtr est U thehil sain "Nt athoug rod-ga me. Orono on the other hand re- tUehil saing"No a brogh oad celved seven Ilits and a number of or Kendal with an arrow pointing walks to start their runners on the South. (bases. M.Jack Stapleton received a card In the second inning Orono scored from bhis mother who flew to Engl'and' by Jet last weeýk. She entoyed the trip. -n Mr. Wm. Geary is quite il1 in Bow- When staking, be sure to use stakes manville Hospital, that are large enough for the j',obU, n Som ofth toacc, armrs re8 foot stake sun-k 2 feet iiittoe gru through planting, others will finish thisisdal week. The rainlhas helped te give all To get the most from vour plantq, Another big advantage of staked tomatoes is the ease of cultivation along with the' easy-to-find, clean. frit. When planting your tomatoes, you- should add some fertilizer to each hole. The easiest way to do tlis and avoid burning the roots is te mix youir fertilizer with a bucketul e o n add a handful of thiis miixturQ4. Be ;sure to use a complete fertilizer such as 5-10-5, 41-12-4 etc. that is 10w 1in nitro- YOU CAN BEGIN CAREER TRAINING SAT ANY TIME The Oshawa Business College f is open ail year and Our 0 IJmethod of individual S instructon permfits you to 8 Day-School Cour'ses from which to choose 1 EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY and TH-URSOAY f - 7:00 to 9-00 p.m. Choice of Subjects ~ -Special Classe s for u h lousewives - Shiftwork.srs Teen-Age Typists FREE LITERATURE AVILBL 10 Shncoe Street North g Dial R.A. 5-3375 thiere are two jobs youz must do regu. larly during tUe season, nameiy prun-~ ing and tieing. J CallyVour Iicensed Plumbing &. Mechanical Contractor Who seils, insta Ils and guqrantees LICENSB» PLumIâo8 ROYAL Bowmanville MA.3- 5581) FRIDAY and. SATURDAy - JUTNE 1 - 2 - IN CINEMASCOpl ANo MEIROCOtOR "The Day They Robbed The BlanIk of England"l Tirne 7 p.M. Last complete'show 8:-30 SUN., MON., TUIES.,,WED., - JUNE 3 - 6 One Complete Show at 7 :30 THE YEAR'S HOTTES T COMEDY - MI ORONO TINSHOP * USED SINK with Trap FOR SALE R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario I N N N N N M -I SIJUU at~urL. 1-1- 1 110W TO GROW 000» TOMALTOEB AS GARDEN FEATUBE If yen have a tew square feet in the garden, you can't go wrong put- ting in soute tonmatoes. It's sui"prîsing how many tomatoes you get f rom hait a dozen plants if you know how to go about it. To help keep you straight,, here are a f ew hints from borticul- turists with the Ontanlio Department I of Agriculture. Unless youi are lu the extreme part of Ontario, wait until at.least the third week ia May before putting eut your toxnato transplants. Plants about 8. inches high are your best bet. What kind should you plant? For the home gar-den where space is often limited,' stake tomatoes wiil usuallyý fi the bill. This type is planted 181 to 24 inches apart in 3 ft. rows. Plants that are flot staked need a lot more1 roomi - 3 feet apart in 4 to 5 foot rows. 1 .1 RI me in a wet -Ille. The Orono Intermiediate Baseball four runs by Ronnie West, Don Merý Club stretched their winning streak -er, Charles Armrng ndJi A numiber of girl friends mnet at the on Tuesday evening- at the 0Oro11 Beaton. Ronnie West again showDv7_C honme of Mrs. Jack Fonk on Fridaty -park to three straight games. It was the way in the seventh when five rn ~vening, May 25th to honour Miýss1 also the second time that the Oronoa Were scored by R. West, D.Mrcr Carolyn Foster with a shower. Club had met Ajax and rang up boUt L. :lDa et n rcCr encounters as victories. The Tuesdayý ton. Wills and Dean West comrp1ete.ýý Mr. E. Lapp and his mother of Van-, win -was registered to the tune of 12-2. the scoring hn the eighth. couver Island, were visiting lier neice1 Mrs. H. Barlow in Orono and the1n dStn ichdteeniegm The next game for Orono wllb8 planned to visit Mr. A. Thompson, Te1 tn ice h niegm played 'n the Orono Park on, Tu.esdýay Kendl. heylef Orno newng hatfor Orono -vngu few hits to the evening, June 5, 6:30 p.my. when poýrt Kendal was forth east. There was no Hoapeplayers. TenAjax crew gav sign at the Sixth line, no0 sîgn at Kirby- Orono little trouble as shown by the eposibtnianotniv.te p f0 ignat he ighh ue. ruxy wntscore. Most of the Orono runs camnepsto on and on. Finally they asked a far- llî woinnings when Ajax found mier, He said go back to the Eighth trouble in downing the Oreno boys. line and turn east. They did and keptl going east Up over Finley's Hill, an In Ajax on Sunday Orono came almost imipassable road. through with a decisive win over the - Featurýe - Bave 7c! . Lyer Style Cake Mixe* Pillsbury 2 for Feature! .- Save 2c! Copper Kettie Boneless Chicken Feature! - Bave 10e! - Borden's - Dutch Chocolate