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Orono Weekly Times, 31 May 1962, p. 8

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FOR ALL YOZUR B»UlLDING NEEDS Garage, Kitchn upoadslec Brick, block and cenentwok New uvork and repair cail JBEOKER Phon)Ie: Oronlo 34R19 or 51 CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciationi to friends and nigh- bours for their, beautiful cards andl flowers, during- my stay in Hospital. Also many thanks to Dr. A. F. Nie- Kenzie, the staff of Bowmanvilleý Memorial Hospital and the emiployeesi of Orono Forestry. a-p Sincerely, Sid Hughes. Rmusse! Iloney Speaks Toi Mîtlbrook-Cavan Liberals1 ,'Address of Russell C. Honcy, Lib- candidate for Durham told a joint eral Candidate fer Durhamn at -joint rally sponsored by the Mllbrook alïd ý,rlly of Millbrook anid Cavan Liberal Cavan Liberal Associations hield In Association hcld ln Millbrook on May Millbrook on May 23rd. Mr. Ho0ney 2,1962.) said that this situation has been "'Farmers were faced with their brought about by the scientifIe adt- ,jwn peculiar diffleuRties even when vances whlch have been mnade în ag- Vadaas a whole was propros riculture. "Su effient have farming hý, t,,nntiialP.,xnmvis me hod bconi, that productioni now DIED COSSAR-At tùhe Memorial Hospital, Bowmaninville, May 25th, 1L962, Jon Cossar, beloved husband of Maiy Tow,ýne. Age 69 years. Rested at theu Barlow Funeral Homne, Park St., Or- ono. Funeral service was held from the funeral home on- Monday, MVay 28hat 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cern- etery. DIED BRMOWN--At South Haven Nursingi -Homye, Newcastle, on Saturday, May '26th, 1962, Margaret Rose Collins, wife eof the late Thomas Brown, Ororo sister of Lily. Collins, Toronto. Service was hcld -In the Morris Funeral Chapil' Bowmanville on Monday, May 28* h, 1962 at 3:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanvifle cemetery. CARZD 0F THIANKS I wïsh ta take this opportunity ta thank alll my friends and relatives for cards and gifts sent to me during my stay in the Mem-orial Hospital, Bowmianville. a-p Richard Black CARD 0F THIANKS 1 would like to thank ail my friends for their cards and kindness sliown me ruhing my recent stay in the hospital. Ann Samieils. a-p NOTICE _____________ The Kontinentals Rod and Kustom Klub -ish to announce- that the \vin- ner of their recent 50-50 drai wa iva 1 ~ Jerry Glassery of 264 Golf Street ing Eiectric inutevi Oshawa. Thiey also extend an invita-O tion to everyone to come te 'Openi House' at thc clubhou-se this 9'coinxnglq p.m.yJn , rm1P..tl a - WndLings, Sitches, bearingsatiÎ19 BrseElectrie Tools and SmaUl COMIO EVNT O Applane Mo4tors Don't forget the Ontario Horticul-J 0 okGaate tural Society District Supper in the gI I.O.O.F. Hall on Saturday, June 2. ~ - Tour of the Forestry, dinner, slidesg 1 1I dU shown by Mr. Wm. Laird - $1.50.AI e r Tickets may be obtaincd fromý anyg Phe11,Orn member of the Executive before o D Satu rday, May 26th. b-c CoMqINO EVENT Canadian Old Tyme Caler's Asso-1 DANCE Newvcastle conunulty Hall Friday, June lst - 9 - 12.30 Admission $2.00 per couple. Saut MRVnarniel's Orchestra -aligtei touls remoeacteeceeds the demnand for food", lie four years of Conservative govern-1 ý ba i ever," Russell C. Hffoney Liîbe3ra1 said. Pointing out that ini the past ment the cost of everything farmers -buy bias increased 5% while.',e jprices of farmi produce hias decllnied 3.6,f,,, in the samne period, the candi-- j date added, "and the price dam is Ci vu Bave you ret~~irned ~ ust bursting." IcrsdPubn etary policy of the Conservative gov-I - - g rnnent resulting in the dollar being Who SeAIS, hsai ~ ~A S i E R S~AeLgeiat 92ýý,éMr. Honey stated that dgurnîeI i h nternational cxchange market. ,JPredicting that the government miay CRA LUIEmmflV not be able to mraintain the dollar ati 1%i 92.5c because of heavy expendituros ont 0f the foreign exhane sabiiz gation fundc, NMr. Honey said that aiig & letn This lis the fast chatnce to hielp (rippleýd Clldlrena attend CLamp o further- devaluation migh-1t be required ging toe el ftue. impat0 rices ta and promote varions activit1es.. If you have mnisplaced your envel- feen the erfuue.pao re ina~- F op, en yu cntibtinc/ Bnko Mnt~a, o 20jBo- ingt d ea Real Estate g1 creases ini food, lothing, construc- aýps nd ou tito n c/ueouranamfe and re ss su we ca, n ow tiOn nmaterials, nmachinery and equiip-1 BOWiMANVILL.E Ï1 anville g csr oicieyu nneadadess eer ment which wiIl further pusli Up the ~sexd you a receipt for Income Tax Deductions. ~cs ffrig h aea twl Pasture Farm, 200 acres, creek gput up the cost of oarrying on any adsoyme bush. Asking$60,, Sothe-r business, as well as the cost of jTrs DON MORIS, gliving in thie home,~ Chairmian Easter Seai Comimittee, . Liberal goverument wil take 5 acýres, 6-room bouse, good wl,V-1 gimmiediate steps to accelerate our water o)n tap, near Leskard. $5800).0O,) Bowmanville Rotary Club. ono Py'asa whlole, anid this will Ternis. g haedrect benefits to the fariner a o,,,:Il as to) otheri segmetnts of the e- 4acre lot near Higflway 15-od onomy. Ila particular, hie said, a Lib- garden soul. Only $2200.00 eral goveramlent will implement ils 14 aicres ,vith creelk near Hampton agricultural. policy which will attacký on new,,, HighwVay. $2800.00, only $500, the probiemi froi several fronts. don., F'irstIy, steps would be taken to ex- pand the. markets for food produce $2000O.00 Down. Ne-w 4-bedrcoomi abroad. This could best be done býy Bung-alowý, aUl conviences, 2 car garage making available to Canadian farmerls1 excellent location. Askîng $12,600.00 'LOU R KhOH I e maîk tin the NrhAta-tens tcTrading Aeaproposed Hihwy athemavie,8-oo beral, Party, A second stcp wouldV Oc h,,a t omnvle 8roi te re-organize the Industrial Devel- house in good condition. Water on, ',,- opmnent Banik to provide long terl garage, large lot. $8,500. Only $1,000. finances te) fariner co-operatives. He doWýn, Easy Terins. .,sid that flexible price support'Is withi the goverim-ent providling adequate LIS-T OP. BUY PHOTO CO-OP s--~~. ,~.. .... defîcicnicy payments where appropri- TOG U~OFC ate wou>ildl be implemented. Other HU OR FIC planks il the Liberal agrlicultural' platform described by Mr. Honey Mnny other listings throughout wee pto) vigorously promote the sale Dur'ham County and Oshawa. il: f dairy products, including a nation- A. T W ~ al policy to provide mýi.Ik in schools. A . . YJcG7llL S*~~.*/ A 1s'o1.h e said, steps would 1c taken ta.hn 47 rn mpvethe supply of farm redi for thle development and improvemeýnt LclRpeettv of the farm, to case the transfer of _________________ farins frein one generation to another, -.-[~ 4'~"and to provide better rural housing. "Iic nunti nwith the p oýi icè * 57a iea goverament wl be ready -ANTN DECORATING The Necessary Supplies and te operate, if they wish, ither ce REPAIR AND FINISH J'Ian Books for the Most operatives or producer m~arketingj FU RN ITU RE Moder itclhen boards on a national basis" the Libý ~f eral candidate stated. 0 aI Oron Fue & LmberLtd.The meeting was under the joint Orolo Fu l Lu ber td.chairmanlship of Gordon Trick, Pres- DOU SIMPSOlN ident of the Millbrook Liberal Assor- ~8M~~ ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 14816 ciation and Eric Pallia, President of hi 2,Orn the Cavan Liberal Association. ORO-PNOJ WEEUtnI ~SHAs 1-R ENED BllSatr, R. 1, Ooo ee Saws machine sharDened- hand or -phone Orono 18R19. a-p) circular. F. Crowe, 102 Elgirn St., __________________ Bowmaville 18-pALCTION SALE COMING E-VENT I h.ave rcceived instruction fromr Mr. AnulMeeting, get-to-gether and John Lycna- (Country Fair), Millbro)k salad supper of District No. 4 Horti-'to sel by Public Auction his surplus cultural Society in I.O.O.F. H-all, Sat- inventory of new and used furnish- urday, June 2nd, 1962. ings at his place of business on Satur- Registration at 1:30 ýpni. at Hall. diay, June 2nd at 1:00 p.nIa. Brief business session follow,7ed ")y1 New powver lawn mowers, new and1 Tour of Forestry Station. Supper at used furniture, ncw toya, tielevisiori 5:30 p.m. Nature sldes sheo'n after set, garden toola and many other ar'-1 by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laird 0f Maple ticles. Grove. Tickets $1.50. a-c Terins cash. No reservç. _________________________ R Pane. Auctioner. Urno Weekly Tlimes ) pBoNi, >rl ORONO

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