iMajor And Thomas> o 212 f03 lb. Average t! HI _ g oI lb 35e g ~ococ~O~mC~D ~ LEG-xSi Qr B'lR4EAST;fS Alpine ChQppted Bee' STEAKETTES lb 55C lb 55C FROZEN EOODS Polar Eing rozen 4-oz, Pkg. for $1 Frut Punhchranige-PineaIpple, Grape, Orange, HI-CDRN 348oz 9 % tinsC BEANS with PORK 3 l5oz47 SWIFT'S PREM 12 oz t! Hot Dog, weet, Hamburg, Cor 41 c BICK'S RELISW 2 l2oz- 49 c- Fres No 1 rade- JmboSize 45S 2for 29c car(!nmo - Tasty No. 1 Grade GR A PES Santa Pî4sa - California No. i Grade PLUMS lb 23C pin% jeu OnrtarioOrw- Firsit (ethe Season No. 1. Grade C E LERY 2 fo EXTRA a total of $38iii Bonus Tapes 1RECEI1VE $10.00< IN BONUS TAPES WITHI CIGRETE .Poplalýr Braiids Ctn. of 24û REICEDVE $6M0 IN B ONUS TAPES WITH SURIF DETERGENT LScOff Glant Size KUIIENEX TOWELS White, Pink, 'Yellow, Aqua. P. o! 2? PEPODENT TOOTHPASTE - ]Se OffEenm Size RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WlTHî COR-NED BEEF - Fray Bentos 12-oz. Tin RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WI1TH FARMHOUSE APPLE PIE - Frozen 2^4-oz. Pies SLICED BOLOGINA - Tablerite 12-oz. Pkg. POTATOES - Caada No. 1 Grade 10-lb..,Bag Inger-Soil SPREAD Tulip) Colour hKwik MARGARINE~ 8 z 33c '1 lb pkg 27c reehs -oz. j'Ir Coýhoe - Red Seaýl MIUSTARD 2 for 29c S A L M ON 'tin 43c Spaghett 15-0z. Tins 2 for 29c Bieks Baby Dills PICKLES 32 oz 43c IGA Plus Deposi-t Ballet White ?kg. o! 250-M finger Aie 2 f or 25e' SERVIETTES 43c Hot Dog or lamburg DE MPSTER ROLLS 8 for 23c 'I Iii, Henderso-n Attend Seminar Ten studerits from the Osaw rea arw ar-ong 10-- deegatés ne the Quen'sUnieraity teohnîual1Un-A $19 0 O0 Puzzl e ,t1,aios einrfor High School MWA %td Ct bg held on th e campus F r D rigo The students and thpemconties they DaintnT nspcociha 1ill"rp re s sen in tem od( el Gene- probliem, what to do with $19,000. yi Asebysssosae (h rc The moaey ha, been in ,a banl, se, eteýd couintries will be"erewtd count since 1959 (ail $19,211 wortlh bv te siidntsdixingtheWedes-with council refuing to do anyteImp dayevein moel ecrit fonn- wlvth it. il)Leona Chesi lv (iUK), and Robet KamLaos(UA), o f The problemr began a few yearsao Oshaa Cntrl Clleiat; Eizaethwhen a land.separation tax was ýco- S~on, igr epble(USSR),1 le cted on properties that wvere betngý ~ Spnhn ~er-nac lPilinînes divided and sold in the township. ThLý'e (USA), of Dr. F.P. PDonevn C. T. taxý was $400 for every-piece o! ppýD- O~baa; Sirly Wili ms Pna, erty that ýwas affected in this wy Y. p :Dad Brent. Yenrl nd)l, Eut in July, 1959 the townshîpso- of CourtýiceH!hhool;Susn Mjor, ped collecting this tax. This waswie T~a0u~r1<Rnmn pi) endThomas counc(-il nmembers were facedwil Hîndcrso , unary(US R). h1t-011f the ,problemi. China (hn) adRnth oeilnp- Te a eea ugsin:G iln, CotaP3",ýý (T7Tý),-0f Pkeilngitbaintothe people wh1o paid tetx District UWgh Sehonol. 's ttoad he townsh,,Iips share o! theBowan1 V iIle,\le Q 1-eori 1al o1 &a The amnr snr n1dpahVear addýition $4,O0;or putlt twl l t eesion inavthanth0fex-tofeL'teAe utf nh seprvice (club or ont!1rco mni or- i . o h aeay"'Asca~n Anmne the topies that wMl be dis- cussed duhiring thefourdayseminaris " the impac9-t 0f the end 4fc,1 nalsmi Afria and the relatonshp of France with the United Nations. The stý1cdent dielega7tes, an averageý 0f two fromi each of 54 high schools liE ~n Ontario, wîll considler sv ral o! the current disputes, under ar-; bitration by the UN, and speculate on the futuire of the wvor1d Organiza- tmon. During the seminzr, the students, who are miostly in Grade 12, M11l live on campus ln residences occupied by, Queen's students dcuring the reguliar University year. According to the Director o! Exten- sion at Queen's, Dr. H. W. Curran, the purpose of the seminar iis to bring t'ogethier a group of high sehool stud en1ts f rom- Eastern Ontario and give them a chance to sludy anddis- cu lite ipotncof the UN i'n the lîveýs oo!"a0l o! us. address he studets durig thea- da esin.They lincIle Peter TrumanU crrespond1ent and syn., dictedcoumnstw'110will lead ! grou disussion on ther topfic of "The2 Unitd NaionsT,da1y"; amnd Wlo Woosid, eecuivedirector of the "'The Develop1(ment and Future o! the Wednsdayaftrnoo megoroupwill ho)C taken on' a tour ..of Old Fort fer and teRylMlitary Cleefl oWuedby aPswim linthe RMC pool and dinnr a RMC. That n,' ight the group w11 id p it a series 0f model Seýcuritýy Councils. At these sessions eahstudent wl be exýpected1 to be prep'ared to "rprsnt , differenit country than at the modlet General AssenMby. Directors 0Oisume' ena are( Prof. Sý. F. Wisefo!the Que'en'sý histor departm-ent;Prf E. Cappa-ý djoc-ia, 0)f -the MC history depart- ment; and LJ.E. Tibala repre- sentative of the fe-deral depart.ment of external affairs. During tli eson rf Cpoo The caseif Roy Cri fCourt4ce won jchosn as a test case. Hle ison 4 tMe mmy wo pad the land separ- Mr.Loen says thlat "htvr~ d icde tins case *wvillset a pe& ~nt -or ohr. hudaJuly 5 Pif, caise cre foi' discovery in the Torwiotoawo- fi s o f Feigmtan and Chejnos.,13 Bay Stree. c x ilil speak on "France and Mh United Nations," while MIr. Thl"bault and1 Prof. Wse Mil outline the on- ganiza-,tion ndu procedure of tbe Se- Purity Counceil and the Genera- Aý-~ sembly. Wedlnesdaiy morning Dr. A. M.- Tanylor, a visiting professor atQue' will discuss The "Dutch indns Dispute Over West New Gie, while Thu171nrsdiay mrorning a former SoýutLh .African, Dr. A. M. pel Jones, Af te Queen's history depart~- men, w11speaiýk on "The Enil of Coloniain uAfrieca." LICENSD PLUMI.LS C, am 2 rw m ý---ll-- , Rainley'sCofcinr «R.ý-EETING ',CARDS LrSng playing RecOrds Neiton'sIce Creami FOR YOU PICNTC Paper Table Coveý-rs, Paper Cups a4d Plates Agent for ~ Bowmanville Cleaners Opien E~veanngs (Excýept Wed.,) taxi19 COMINAIONOFFERx - No WASTE NO LEFTQVER pkg of 8 W EN E RS Tabe'teail5c pkg (Af 8 RQLLS DrpteHtDog f ori