trustees oeungthe On>ono Medical Cenltre. dabtion 1, l. o R. Jack Ml"offat, Laverne Boyd], Dr'. A. F. McKýenizle, o-ffici ally %Wlliam Reid, Bob Rtenodanl Orono VOLUME 2 4, NUMBEIR 22 Vintage Cars BackaTo 1902 Visit VillIageI Witb thse Antique cars visitingý Or- eue one Tuesday evening m-iauyi resi- DOGm SAVES FAMILY dents were emnddOf thea day we % TBEH tbey"badone ýjulstlike that." ae A 1boxeùr aog med"Rfls"ha Mece ad Bi-1 rmsnon)wee ,,- een cnedited with saving th lives ol caing a ti-p "to Port Hope imadfe bu r. a iy e ou i etbiany e anl crsimilar 10o oa lin 'tisa parade. 'Mil- 1Monday imoruing after ýa ."arllllbouse ton rjTamnblyn aw a lmate t 1Q ou habumned-to Iheground. This i made for interest lu the R.t.h Soit aidbe, a waae parade et t pssde(l. b tie ratie barking (0f bis do' thie Village streat and ssemlïed a't ,uî4am.udswaedgwoi ise OCrono (Fair G-ounds. xfeJa u i w blnn Tble Antique cars ,are taýiug part l usn 2au i, a London t'o Bribton tour 12 adiBil, la beld anal.Tetour cmmucd Wj ary adtîa 0get (,Ut," on~~O Ivuay0his week wbtie:itrcallad IMn. Scott, "if it haidn't b-eetn sp-over baing ut Oakville on MNroui-"ofuu, wemnight rnot hajve wvaken- diay eeig Tedyevening ibe cd ;uimel tour stopped ai the D-)*ýina Motel fromn whIere tha'y left on WansaOor- Dmg f tle two uldns whicb ngfor, Briiston. They retunned to n"-udas a dnrivng sbied containlng a Onono Wednesday eveuing wb'ere a0 car and tr'actor bas been estimiated ai baqutwa eldlunHe 0OddfellowA" t ia eeual 1 save an,,- Hal toconlud th anuaijouney tgu iiithebue.M.Scýott said tihe Whila lu. Orono )tise cars toured thebu'dgs were pnily oae y V:liage and lined -Up aItLhe Fair iîsiirane, groiià wleromqi-ý,resdens o ilýý Mnî. Scott said be beliaves the fine area viawed the cars -0f yeara- ago. ~n.Ma ct n ietocid While at the Fuir g-rotunds, Mn. L. f%ý "t ndteLocid Chapmian eof4Poutpo, oraie f n speut the lnest 0f the night %witbi Uie Our exlailed he Irjos al-theýin neigishours, M.and Mrs. Noal th tor xlie ievnosa-Wood. iqecars as to makle, year, ownier- anddrv. Following the tour of the Village n lu wbcissomae tweaty-flveL w catrs 10k parvt, thay retuýrned to the rei nce hue-r w Diana M11otel whene a Bar-B-Q was providedC by the Oronio Chamaber Oet Tise oldeat car lu tise paraide was Ç w ai 1902 Nonthiernuowned by Len RussehL Oonotlita Cun is sthe set- Tis càr, aon-yidrvhil, a n a %wedding reenty wen11 lui exeele r1nition tth .a gleam--['ua o Cwa iwsunitd in ur iug pacint job. This ,ondlitioni existed ag .ibauncRoahri. for manyp of tise cars in the par.ade Ts b2e sli a'Ir no~M. nud anid It was quite apparent tisaItishe, Mrs,'. Brooks Cownaui, O uhe bride. owuVlers take conisidierable pride lu groom las the son of Mrs. Shej-,in thepin cars. Mn. Ernie Shiusten of Buf- j aud thea lste Mn. MilfredlSeri, n fula o17, U.S.A. was tise participant -in ono. j fartheýst distance. Rare again bis a)uto _________________ was lu ex,ýcellent cunchtion ndwa termied as a sports Fond roadsten fi aru isri, h wn amied1 a vintageclinthe early twenties. This 'in lu Oo uSaura aespeuding car, il was pointed ot was complete- 1!thalin ony oïl on tha t4p driving ly hut- by tise owuen fnomn parts. An- ter13 odl odCUmpe. Other otlher cair 0f intareal aa Mn a, V-01111KeOropesnltcaaM. nAd aogwith a Cndilac and Isumerous Iidiinbs193MveTFo; Fond.lniFedMrpy fRreua i nv- Thie majority of cana ,,takig part iin a193MdlT Frasoondby the LdotoHtn t our erehcf Admalf>~ Braal dnviug a1 frvomis district. ono w,- \as well rap-- 12 og;a'3yiWoa1931 resntd wtbfiva cansla mkiug 1teMoalA Frd1O, enO n crsjiue c iata tou Iis ye r. Mn aud Mr.- h oa oro usa vning. Newly Weds Travvel I1nleeoe t1ise tolepant etf 1is d Mr, -and Mrs. Laurence SherwtnMs àe7û e, ciUi-rhny (nea Giendla Cowau) journeyed nintishe' Ssrnwrao iei hny Antiý,-CarTou, Lodonto ri, moon and made ihe i'1ý- np ntheir Mod- AutqneCarTor Lndo teBnghton ai A Wrd coupe. Tunes ONTARIO. Booth IDesroyed By Fi, es Last Tbursduy anounid rmidniglsit a tracton trailer being dnawn a long Rgwy115 at Enlterpnrise ut the 8 nr,.i 115 inerecio sw otali1y cde- aloyd y in.The drver tIhie pont ntiadtiaitisa traMier ha was draiugwas5n ineand benaesc ýon i t is iwaly visea il u oui~ ~ ~ ~~~ýîl etcnrllnvu nyh tee along with a separate examrination 'o0m. The 'Office aindl the exýaminatio)n room 1are separaýted bya aV alldis pensar-Y. Botb offices 'are smla.A thir'd large n'oom-à cani be divided luna simîlar manner as (lhe present dec- tors quLar'ters ousea Lthird docton. This room at the present time %vill be used as a nercover-y roomn. A large parking aren bas been pro- vided botlu infront 0fi the Cnr u alonig the eat aide i)'the roperty,. Those practicing aitheCnn as weliU as those wonking Lthere wîlJIl halbie t use an east etan *1 ) bidig Patients viluse to Lrntrntaues thie eat for [the doctons ý _nd the we,7st Hoe~ a sThe Medical Centre also bas a large Aiea;a g type 0 wo iis room lin iithe frontno e surcbChisopdta P of the building, west of the docto's oua kVi11 soon be obtainablaý. Dr. 'c At indayi 2h ara e vaiting room an md across from the Keuzia, baviug neuted dAtctond'y offices.a aCentr'e, moved buto the building 4oit Saturdazy last and is uow condïucýting The Trua Blues Juvenile Lodge, A louïnge room las also pnovided for bis pracice rus,the Orono M edical Pridae of Hope No. 46, SPort Hope, and tihe doctons, deiatcptionat ,ndCentre. Coboung's Ladi es Maple Leaif Lodga, LOBA No. 351, won firat pnizes in lue C their respective lodge groups lu the! anuual Oranige Walk, beld this year' ln Lind:say, Saturday. Î Tbe Cobourg Lýýgioji Drumu Corps - waS iudageu thphe eInimpet band--e rd -U~ Tisa maiten mus iddwitpaintrou prade, as thay la ie LOBA M p soaa udotisa mtril upails. lodga, p-avýeent Whch lbad to benplcd i, se hat, roin tisa fine melted tiselM No i- fiaquipient atendes tishe Unty ifauudDru Bad fou ~Oii5nneduuubatedj. Tise trailer Toruto ld tise, Port Hopý1-e lodgesou %pas ouaetofTaggart's 'rmansport, prade Suuduly ev-ening duning tiese ator The panade wllbe lu Pont )Hopel a rîefas eiut booiti qt Mospont lin 1963. L,'ai k, nortis of Onono was dastroyed by fine. The bluze apparently WventýTisa Oronio Brasa Baud led the, '~ noicd fr em lme.Potyoo Lodýg&luintise parade on - Tis nareismat oos wa lseSaturday witis thnee rmajerettas fromf io-l ons oots %viicis stood nonth of the!Btsay TliseKendai Pife and DOram -stntin buldig o. tie nrti- ai~oo! nd was aise eut in fonce e-ciaang he tie traeL Beaides tise basset the local Orange Lodga. boothcosidlerable eqluipme.nî went Up in tisebl-e This equipment icluded a fraezer, cdeep-fnyens and otiser amuil- e man equimeiit nîong wv5hsppie.K elirit Furniture Matriuifac(turinig Exrterids iBilding IL ha tioughit tisa iltung couidl hav stanted tise fine. -,i jn, Glenida n Wecl In Oronoý at the double ring ceremnyný. Mr. H. Hayek, at the organ, aý-ccompanie-d die soloist, MUrs. RaymnondCapa -lio sang "The Lord's Prayer" ani T Il alIk Besicle You." Tie bride, giveilnl mriaeby hei father, wore a fulil ength gown olf ni'ylon over taffeta. The bodice, with a modified scoop nieckline and long sleeeswasdesigned with aà, V al, the, walst, and large bow at back ;waist 1ne A-row of large Alençon lace api' pliques, eac- edged with a snmail bo,, donthe entire dress gave aýdded beauty. A tiny cap of silk itfieta With maciglace trimnmed \Wiltbtiny pearls and rhiniestonies caught Up an, elbow lengtb s;ilk illusion embroidered v( i. Shie wore tie'groomr'a i et,!cul turedý pennl necklace and earrings, set in- tiny g?,old baskets. She caried ïa whýlite Bible witI3 white ore-hid and stephanotis. Mrs. Robent May, theý bride's sistt:r an nyattendant, wore aset dress 0f Romantice blé ilk organza, ovrtaff eti a with Sw,,iss embroidery and, matcl-iing bleadldr-e,sandcrre p~n canatonsand iy 1,1r. Jack Bryson 0f ÈToýronto,, brother-ln-law- of the groom, was best mnand ushers were M-. David H5ýee- son o, ',,iManiam and Mr- Beverley CoaDf Oronlo. Following a reception lu the 10.0.F, Hall the newly »iarried couplelf il, thleir 1930 Model 'A' Ford Coupe to Join thie antique car tour fo London to:wngtn Guesis attended fromi Toronto, Ni-ý agara Fals, Markhamn, Peterboro and PortHoe A telegram was received MrI. and Mrs. Don Chapmnan from) Englaud, seading best wishes, alsoi Mvr. Raymond Chapman recorded the whole wedding including Mrs. Cbap-1 man's singiug and speecýhes at there- ception. This tape will be set'o hir son Mr. and Mrs. DonakI Cbapman ài England. Pacilities lForlVan--utac;turi'ng Stacking Fuýrniture Kilrit Furniture manufacturing bl- space, in or'dcr to keep pace with ex- oig f their products. Thei additioa cated in- Oronio has comnpleted an ex- pandîng ~outo n ae.wssatdi pi n opee tension to their factory just east of TheorgPnlpln had 2100 s quae the Village. This industry ba.s been, feet off i r,-spae 'jtli -f iitmnfiuesakn hains in operation in, Orono for a year 1110 creased w\tv he adto o 10asaickingables 0f r ou jsz es a hiaif and bas with the recent addi-1 square feet. Th(- additional space i3 Theýse produ"ctsý are sh-e I'art tion dloubllc its mnu'facturing fb0oo,'being use-d Cor storagýe and asserilb. 0f 2000 ua week Il ov iCnad.Thue maýjtorIty of the chairs tre 0f nturaIî n ý ýets ai bacs ~ 'eil ;el i The chaiirs are3 mlteyasm bld uT1Kert)j pln heethe tub ngs bent ibmdm eurst p)rodcjI-e thie ramne. The ramesare aIssembled pyoon eaI adbaI wlharec auatre, uvl Wood rdot t.,Ooo muKeliemiradRuyRt b late mhil lati rn i -t plnt Toro,ýnto h" eyeare upholsIered car orofcsand. ho te' igtae oweplyd tte Heiet ellmelr, nd udyllîz eploeesin hc-eary at 0f j1960. R-çural ulcSho Po oinRsItL AINTIOCH S.S. NO. 8 REPORT audff Wayne (qa) ýspellin1g lI euaiDon, Richardý To Grade VIII - lKennetis Blewet (i, (qualj; 2d alMra(qn) Donald Blewett (H), Richard Bluck,. ý To Grade VIT - Cisyrnell Ceatisam (R), - POo'O EOT0 E ric Duvaîl (R), Wayne Brough (R1) o Pautl Geary. -LCHITSSUO ITo Grade VI - K-atbryn Ceatisam, Nmslsa uapsbtclodr rRonaldj Cowan, Robent Taylor, Rec.reirRo Cary BlakGrade,8 to Grade 9 Bevanly Gibson. To Grade V - Marie Yeo (11), Jane nteJogu) H, neSnn Davali (R), Stephen Black, Sisuron en (),JasSoan,îu e e Bairstow. Sap Hn).<E To Grade IV - Lloyd Gifford (R), rd 1t rd RgsAli'() Susan ikorison, KarenColsn, aiAln(),ColGboov -Sully Staples. Ni li HCrlGbo To Grade III - Shieila Bairstow, Dale, Jong'ensen (R), Jamqes Kent, "Jo hnt Evans; SaUly Staples (R), MichaelSatn Mornison (nec). Grade 6 10 Grade 7-Jaube Aluin (R), To Grade Il - Sandra Taylor, Denise Keitis Aluin (R), -Lloyd Gibsen, Ron-' Stepisenas, Wilfred Gîfford, John j nie Raynard (R-). Coathans. 1 Grade 5 10 Grade~ 6-Anlene Aluin (H), 'iealtb - ist. 'Kensetls; 2nd Don, Erie Lois Burchard -R), Thea Beekier Techan: Mr.5G-ldy Geeoo aet Gibson, -Barry Haýzalden, David MacýDonald,Rag Sonensen, Steveni West. Gýrade 3 te Grade 4 -Dehbie Carveti, G-uy Gibson, Doreen liazeldeas, Chni s Jongensen, Peter Obrist' Marilyn West. Grade 2 te Grade 3-Dean Cox, Diana, Razelden, Joan Sorensen, G:radle 1 te Grade 2-Irene Allin, Ar- tisa Becker, Patsy Gibse (Ceon.,, Wendy Gibson (Con.), Wayne'Hazel-- dan, Virginia Laing, Michael Obrisi,. Teacher: (Miss) Rosensary Mc-C Murray, Shwuabove are thE y)f -che utile -h-aritab)le Oron-o wbo are this Satu] Public Invited To Officiai Openîng O f Orono Medical Centreî audu The L tie oudaio of Orono arîe can be used to ucmeodate ýurther nre.Tis room jis butmdwyl to '1o1d 1eoffcia opening of the new ;ervices ini theý futuire as well as stor- ',he bidigon the nortbsd.-as Orono MAedical Centre this coming a ge. has wsro aiiis baudy ulth hiebidig a At the present time two doctors 0f-ý The dentist's quarters are ai tie oftevi e obereetrSLt t ho ete ices will ha put into use witb onei west enilof the Ce.ntre where kth 0f he at Eoer S.Litie wo lftlarge reception room for both doctorsý.1 doctor's, a separate entrance is po fýor charitable work withîu tihe Villag-e TheP reception or- waiting- roomi for vided. Here aga.n two roomas are po 0f Orono, -a considerable amnount 0f t he d0ctorýs la located lu the east end vided *.fon) the dentist wbiere two chairs,, oney. She eilnre ocated 0-v f the Centre and is ipanelled l inrcu aube installed. These noomis a. e .- -ou nledikSreti rnoi Wplywood. The receptionist's office iýs so divided 1with a mtal dispensary, om Led and the public are invited sipaclous as is ail the roorns of the to view bts many features this coming Centre. The dentist wil'l also have a The 32' by,90' bui]lding bIas tiwo pb Saturdav. waitig roomn witb a smialler recep- lic wasbiroomns. Il is fully air--condt- The Centre is faced with red brick tinist's office at the west end of the ionedf and is heated with bot waý,,tcr snd angel stone witb the first floor 0f building. Botb waiting roomis are ini heating. An intercomirauuication a 'y- the building' belng able to accomimo- the front 0f 'the Centre with the doctor stemi is anothier feature 0f the Centrai dlate tbree-doctors and a dentist.Aau dentist'offices off a centre hall11vith doctors and the dentist being aibla competebasmen wih acenre ailrunning ea5st and west in the buldng contact their nurses witbin the bud-. îng as well as placing calis outside th Each doctor: will have ai, office building. M, ,t'leel