~~~1'I A t? TTTT 7V' -1'> i O~Q O)RONO WEEKLY TIM.ES iv1'~ .'~ ~LAEHRAST chuieider Pure f Sinali Link S; PARTF-TIME lb3c 'Shoft Rib Cross Cut Rib Boneless Shioulde ROAST ROAST R( lb 47c lb 53C lb, îos*pitaliy APPLE PIE special 39c 1' b3C I Prices Effective JuIy 11, 12, 13, 14 - We Beserve the Rlght to Limit Quantities GodM Seal -Solid Pack ( WHFFE TU NA'7 oz tin3m"5cO(J 1! resh Strawberryo AYLMER""' JAM '24 oz jar 39c g Freshi Wafer Pal:.'s~A~e SPICKLES McLaren's 32 oz jar 33C g GAEANS wieth PORK 4 c.o c Soth African - Easy te Peel NAVAL ORANGES good size dozen 39c No. 1 (,rade Delliciole CAINTALOUPE 2 size 45's 35c SUNKIST LEMONS 6 for 29C -No. 1 Grade Crisp FRESH LETTUCE 2 f-r 19c Mlix 'em o r Match lem Sunkist roe -aiflv rs 6-oz, Tin g onrhClor Qik PUNCH for. $1 Margarine 2lbs 61c, EXTRA a total of $28 iii Bonus Tapes REFCEIVE $6.e4 IN BONUS TAPES WITH LYONS TEA BAGS kgof 100f RECEIVE $1.001 IN BONUS TAPES WITH COLOURED TISSUE - White Swan 2ý Twhx Packs - IWECEIVE $.4 IN BONUS TAPES WITII BEEFARONI - Chieb Boy-ar-Dee RA'VIOLI - Chef Boy-Aý%r-Dee SPAGiHETTI - Chef Boy-Ar-Dec with Meat ERails IGA CHEESE - MflId Colouired 11 COOKED 31EATS - Tablerite Sliûed FROZEN CHOPLETS NEW IPOTAT4iES - Ontario No. 1 Grade 1 5 oz. Tir. 1,5 oz. Tin 1.5 oz. Thn 12 oz. Cut oz. Fkg. 8 oz. pkg. lOYjb. Bag Gfiant Size aDETECRGENT - Tide - 12eCo&f r il i _q _ llarley's Moto%- Sales R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE NIA. 3-2301 £IES. MA. 317218 1960 Cadillac Convertible........... ý. ..'$5400.00 1960> Ford Coach, 6 Cyl. Aut., Radio - Sharp $1845.00 1959 Buick, 2 door, Rard Top ......... . .$1895.O0, 1959 Ford, Galaxie, 4 door, 8 cyl., aut., radio $1650.00 1959 Ford Fairlane, 8 cyl. Aut., Radio .... $1650.00 1959 FordFira, 8 cyl., Radio ....... 'i. $1395.00 1958 Olds Sedain, Sharp. .-............ $1395.0 ,9,Î70lO.s'%Wagon, 4 door, liard Top....... $1195.0iO 1956 Mleteor Sedan - Sharp ý.....ý.....$ 675.M0 1956 Pontiac, 8 cyl. Aut., Radio .. .$ 79,5.0W 1954 Meteor, Wagon - Sharp . . .$ 650.01, I19 53 C h ev, Seýýd anf-S h arp.......$ 3 715.00î 1955 Plyniouth, Sedan............. $ 495.00 1953 Plymouth, Sedan, A-i.............~ $ 325.00 !1953 Plymouth - A Car........$ 150.00 1952Meo, 2 Door, liard Top.....$ 295.00 TRIUCKS 1953 Mercury, '/2 Ton 1949 Chevrolet, '/ý Ton_ NO, DOWN PAYMENT UP TO 30 MO4NTHS TO PAY IENAN*-,CE MA-N ON LOT WVEAS TAKE ORDIERS FOR A-É USED CARS laIAR -1E'Y H A Y ESf OjWNER, AND OPE1'LATOR .4 'OrnoWinI TwoCfThree-ý Ïa tiîon, on three occasions. 0f the threen p' es he oca sqadias raýng UpIL two as vicries, both against the( ~xconit;lýinet and lost one to the Osawa entry. On Tuesda(hy evening at ithe Oron(1 Park te Oro"o tea tooký a 5-2 vict-, oy over Ajax.,- Orono werealet capitlizeon teir oppor-tunities te Win eut over thLleir epponenit. Ted Stone pitched the entire gamec fo rogiving un eighit scattered i1 its in the--aine. On the other band the victor'y. Three baggers wven trto RonieP West, a consistant Oronot bat- *te, ad rDeaIn West. Single bits went te Kell-Py Lane anid Ted Stonie. Sthe first i1ming Ronie W- est an-ilI Kelly Lane walked te fir.ýt, Ronnie West stole a numbér of bases Ute scr.Lane Mcre iwen Dean Westý Porclubbed o t a trile it. This gave >ork 1lb pkgoeno two ceunts in this inning. ChIarlIes Armistrong adIded a snl ausge 9ecount in the second wli~e reached f irst on a walk and scored following a 8 oz. ühubs scifc bit by Vince Vanstone and CIIUBS 21c an Ajaxf errer. i h Cliff Godridge scored i h oit following a walk and a triple hit by - Ronnie West. Jim Miller finalized the eri Ormooscoing in the sixth when bhe Stonse h plate on a bit by Ted jA S The final scor~e was 5-2 for Orono.! rw I I ORNda19inAjL the Orono and Ajax i BOUGH.T RITE - CUT RITE . RIEDRTE A LL R.A TRLRIE MEAI AR& TRIMIAlEU FOR THE TAULE WITH ALL EXCt$$ FAT MIlE BON ;ïEmoVEo. 1< NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB ANNUAL CA RNIV AL WALTONA PARK Saturday, July 2Ist FEATUR ING PETERBORO ORNAMENTAL SWINIMING CLUB, WATER PANTO-MIN<E LIONS INTER-CLUB SWUMMING P.ELAY RIDES - DRAW BlNGO0 AND OTHER GAMNES MM S Ï LIICENS-ED PLUIMERS, itermedate , waed a higb ch n vme wth Ite Cend resuit of 32 ~ng s~ored The ictory went Ti :,,Iig scuorin.g game (also ta ther feturecs wbicli were as fr %acng astescore. The Ajaxtem e,,tted a total of six home runs in thI- n~~ inn'ngs. ToIjome runs eal ~en teDawonand Hill and e a 7 ecetePop ad Bewr.Both te ama.L, n flc tng de partment banged ont ecVenteen iliits (fora grand tota. cf ýil