flTP~IMfl ~ r 'rflYTR~TIAV .TTTI.V lflth 1~I~2 -----M Tener, l'oung, 1'lum7jp Gae""For Fyiijg )n Banbecuinlg CHI "CKENSe lb 39c LOOK FORt "TREND", at Vour Neanest RED &WlIT STORE!Re & Whlitels flwn Familjjy cf Fine Ment Produets! SOLD ONLY AT YOU'R RED & WlHITE STORE "It's Tnýend at Red & Whit" Extrat Leant We1i Stncajkedj 'TRND'BACON IRed & Wh itew:pciaily Saond-Tasty- 'TREND' WEINRS Red & MQuat' ll ty Conltnolled" Mild Seasýoned 'l lb. Fiat Pkg. 2 aaPkg. lb 45e- Rcd & White's Owni Family of Ltuncheon Meats 6 oz. Vue Pack J'T REND' Luncheon Meat 4pkg89c Macaroni and Cheese - Pickie and Pimento - Du tch Loat- Mock Chficken wff Lîbby Relishes Best Buly! - Save 9cV! - M1elimSmail - G;reeil i anjt Green lP-eas 12 oz. Jr 4for 9%W1c --15 oz. Tins 5 or 09C Best Biy! <'Savýe 39e! - 15(. Off Fae - RBcd Robse 6-oz, Jar INSTANT COFFEE 8:C Best Buy! - Save 2e' " 32 oz. Bottle Javex Li quiçFBleach 2Ao3ec Best Buly! - Save 31c - 15e Off Pack 16 oz. Aerosol Bfomb SPRAY STARCH Ge"ilide 53e- Best Buy! - Save 7c' DJELSEY TISSUE 4 for 59ce Delicous as they lqok 2 Ibs- 29c Sweet,. Tender - No. 1 Gradei - Garden Fresli, No. i Grade Corn on the Cob duz 39c- Carrots 2 bnhs1 9c Extra IffldSweet' No. 1 Gr. Spanish Onions Feature! - Save 21 Walk.er Saltines - Feature! - Sawve gel-'PlaiR Bravo Sauce " Pk, o!moionâ 33c 27c 2 for 49e Veature! Savë 8i1i l No. 120-; No. 127;No.Q 620 An.seq Flnlris 3 rois 99c Featuere! - Sae ý"c P~r (leaner qt. Size, Sirnonize Vista 99e ,Feature! -1 Save 'Be ý - Fainey Quality SoÇ keye 3Salm-on 's Tin 53e lb 19c Feature! - Save Se Bcd & White Evaporated MILK 6 tail tins 79e Feature! - Save ief! - Sunspun Pt. Brickis tee Cream 4 for 89e Red & White 16-o3z. Jar Prepareul Mustard 17c Aunt Mary's 4-z Loaf Slieed Bread 20e, Fresh Baked 1 Sunbeami - Pkg. of 8 - Reg.,8ne Chelsea Bunis 35c CI RN ISH 's ORONO, Ontario PHONE 1121 DURHAM COUNTY l%,xPICULTUýRAL CALENDAR KENDA NEW Wednesday, July 2,9 - 8:00 pin. - Mr. and mrs. Ralh MeMackin l'ad Durham 4I-H Dairy Club Meeting. tleir soni George, his wife and oldest! This moeet'ing will be held at the farmi ooy Michiael visiting them last wveek.'of Mn. Gordon Berry, Bowmnanviilel Thave now motored on to Mone- antid the programme will consist of fi~n NewBrunwick taing' Ms. judging and -a talk. M~acu , Lynn ind Allant toVit Thursday, July 26 - 9:00 a.m.,11 the cildren's grandmtolher.,ura Land Judgi;ng Comipe u'ytitiori n 1lt h Bcksïtock area. Thiis comipeti- Mrs Egee antn asben tke' onis dlesignied for: youing farmners -elie Martli jnd 4-H club m -embers as weil as the to iowmanville Hospital suifferi neýo tecony ngsrto fromi poison in her foot..n faen 0ftecut. egsato wvil take place at the farm 0of Swain's Seed Cl;eanilng Plant at Bur'keton, at Thýe ladt(ies of the nal Woen' 900 .m Please bring yurunh Institute wenit on their ainnual pcic;oft drinks will be provided. Thistim toSerentMoud Prk. Thursday, July 26 - 9:00 a.m. - Thedaywasfin bu wewer a itThere will bc a m-eeting of the Dur-, disajppointed in, that al relics bave :ham 4-H Potato CIiub-, North and' ?eenaemoe totifue TiootoMuselum. South Durham 4H Grain Clubs, thej Thee i a eauifu shw case with- 'Durham 4-H Apple Club and the Dur- out even n ianrow head on dsly We~~~~~~~ di oious, e teg -1e-ha -H Silage Cern Club at the Land pent mof ours'e, wentheon et sPer- Judging Competition ini the Black- bor iough 10 e e totokpwen'r stock area. This will count, for atten- to se te l t lcksw an c on your year's work. Bring sixplasreboats w-ent thnough, a your lunch, soft drinks will be pro- boeaitiful sight, anid also ai ResçIrvoîr, videcl. Park for a picnic lunch. Four carsý Monda"', July 30 - 8:00 p.ml. -Mill- wer'e in the party, alI hiad a pleasant rok4HCafClbMetn.lie outng ~ jPlace and programime te be announe- l is stili, at tlime of wnîtîng, ver y 1 Tuesday, July 31 - 8.00 p.mi. - Dur-1 dr.Farmer-s are buy:ing waten, and liant 41H Swine Club Meeting. Place! the pastuies and spring grain, as ,vell and programme to be a1nn-ou-nced. asthe garens re suJffeinig ,roniM Wednesday, Aug. 1 - 8.00 p.m. droughlt. ______________ i18, no larger than 18 X 24. A new road has been buil-dozed Captions: To hé donc, in BLOCK through frnm the ninth line lon e APITALS. Low's Corner. This is a fine pre-1 Labellinig: on back of sheet wvrite vention road. There was a strip of pupi's name, addn-Less,* age, grade, trees between Mr. R. Elliott's and1 and sehool. .Mn. T. Stevens' with no road ia be- Judging %vill take place durinig the tween. The fonestry 1fclt that this was finst week of Septemben when. the a fine hazard. winners' nam-es will be announ(ced.' Prizes are, of course, being award- Mn/I. and Mns. D. Oak ai-d family of ccl and arrang-ements have been Los Angeles, California are visitin.g macle 10 display pnize winning and her, father, Mn. James Hoy. ('Mrs. nunnen-up poster laite Lindsay Cen- Oak was Pearl Hoy). tral Exhibition. Entries may 'be addressed to Mn. ani Mns. Earl Smith of North District Fonester, Depa>tment of Hollywoocl are visitiighnohn Lands and Fonests, Oakwood Road, Mrs. C. Thonipson and hien brother, Lindsay, Ontario. Mn. Arthur Thompson. _A new private noad has been puj thriough w %est of Mn. Mvartin Mander's fainm. We understand th.at this roav a to lead fromi the sixth lnn(rth4ROYALe the big creek whiere cottages aret- o ile built. POSTER CONTEST E dES INVITED Thie 1962 Departmnent 0f Lands âand D'orests Lindsay District Poster Con- test, lhas attracted to date, approxi- niately 2125 entries f romi elemnenta.l' sehool pupils represeInting 30 differ- ent tchoo1s. Represented, are schools in 9uch centres as Minden, Lindsay, Peter- borough, Uxbridge, CamJbray, Caî-ý eron, Fenelon Falls and Gooderham, as well as rural schools in the townL- ships -of Fenelon, Digby, Snowdon, Gps, Clarke, Stanhope, Maniposa, El- don, Smith, Galway and Manvers. Ail pupils attending an elementary sohool within the Lindsay District are eligible to submit an entry using one of the following topie as the theme. Obey Our Game Lawz Keep Our Waters Clean Be A Considenate Camper Soil Erosion Can Be Pnevented Keep Our Borests Green Othen specifications are as fol- lows> Mledia - Temipera, India Ink, Cray- on, Oul Pastels, Waten Colour,. Col- oured Paper or a combination ot these. Poster Sizes: no smaller thin 12 X August .12-15 - Sixth CanadianPo tat Industry Conference te, take place at MacDonald College, Ste An de Bellevue, Quebec. This meeting wiil dêal with merchandising- and e- îng table and seed potatoes. The reg9- istration fee per family is $5,00 and fadIvance registration must be sen-t -t P1-rofessor H. n, Murray, Pegist.ra- tion Committee, Sixth Canadian Pc- tato Industry Conference, Macdod-1t, Mondlay, August 1lSth - There wiflr be a Durhiam 4-H Sheep Club meeting Place and programmne to be announe,- Wýednesdlay, Aug. lSth -- There will" be a Durham 4-H Beef Club Meetingý Place and programme to be anrnouinc- ed. Thursday, Aug. I6th --.A etn will be hield for the North Durham.a Grain Club. Place to be announced. -Friday, Aug. 17th - Junior Farm- ers' Bus Tour to the Montreal die, nect. At first this tour wasscdue for Friday, July 27, but the date laim_ been changed. August 20, 21, & 22 - Oshawa, Faýl Fniday, Aug. 31 - 9.00 a.m. --C 'N.E., Toronto - Annual Juniior Farm, er Judging Competition, Exhibitioýn Park, Torlonto. Bowmanville m <MA.3- 5589, THURS. -o SAT. - JULY 19-21 Matinee Sat. at 2 p.m. "Blue Hawaii" Elvis Presley, Joan Blackan Two (Jomplete Shows- Fritlay and Saturday 7.00 k 9.15 .m NEXT SUN. to WED. AT 7.30 "Valley es the Dragons" "Devil at 4 O'celoclk" Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra ÀOROlNO TIN sH 0OP FURNACE PIPES DUCT WORK AND FITTINGS CEMETERY VASES ETC. MADE TO ORDER R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orone, Oatario, Snappy, Fresh - Green or Wax Beans N N s N N NJ N s 'N N s N N. N N s N N . N N N N. 'N N N N N N N N N N N N. N 'N N 'N N N 'N , 'N 's 'N '.4 s s N N s N 'N. 'N N s N 'N N. s 'N 's S 's p PI B' Hope 4-H Calf Club mneetIng. Pla - and programme to be annoulncd. Thursday, Aug. 2 - 8.00 pan. - Dr ham 4-H Beef Calf Club mneeting. Place and pr.ogram to be announciýed. Tuesday, Aug. 7 - 8.00 p.m.-- Dur- ham41-H1 Poultry Club xill meet- at the Ontario Department of Agritud- ture office for judging- and films. TuiesdIay, Aug. 7 - 8.00 p.m. - oc 78, Ontario Farmer's Union will meetz at, the home of Otto Elragg, R-R. 4 B3owmianville. Wednesday, Aug 8 - 9.00 - Jun 'ior Day at Peterborough xbl tion. This day is cf special interea .ç. 4-H and Junior Farmer Memiberz- Thursday, Aug. 9 - 8.00 p.m. - There wîll be a Durham 4-H Silag-3 and Grain Club Meeting. Place and programme to be announced. optaxo