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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jul 1962, p. 5

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Cross ests i e hjeld for thýe junior! Lif e Savàing Society tests are different Intemedate nd enio swmmer. hing ovenedby tw'o separateor Thee tstswil cmmeceat 10:00 ganîýzationls. inlc t h mrig FRUIT-FREEZE PRESZERVES FRESH1 FRUIT FLAVOUR' EEPS FROZEN AND FRESHI CUT FRUI'TS AT THIEIR APPETIZING DEST FREVENTS BROWNING EASY TO USE 5 oz jar $1.OO STUTT'S PHARMAY CORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 168J COIN LAUNDRMY $14.900 TERMS AVAILABL~E Excellent Location r Dryers,, 18 Wasiers, Water Softeniers, etc., store ~ail 24 hEurlaily, seven dJays a week, very llttle time required. ge ndeendntcontact Willam Hlorner Ifer interview at ~28512. $,00. Dwn aymnent te epnio purchîaseýr, LLOY RELTV OSHWA)LIMITED, RATR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N. O-PEN EVERY EVENINO driver at the mi-eet. 1Visitors with Mr. and. MArs. D). iStaples and famýily e ver the ,veekenoi WODIEACTION wvere Mr. and mrs. G. 'Wi'gins and S'ne te ocnn- f te Od Wod-faily, Don ill Mr. and Mrs. W. bine te the treter 1S and pacers zmany'Waýt and Rox--anna of 4Peterborough om tor iV~ageare n atenanc atand Miss Ruth McLlennan of '.eoito. ' nighýtly mieets. Local herses bave Mrs. A. McGilI who bas been em- Hollywod Ricard, onevedbin tk u eBowrnanviile branch 0f mad apearnce onteecars.the Canadian Imiperia-,l Bank ef Reid plcedfirs 'i a racea wek erce, bas been 'transferred te the und a baif ag1o being about the only' Oriono branch and bias taken up hier lclhorse te get into the top w'oney dte eetî ek WVEDUN1iESiAYVS RESITS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dix, Liudsay, Last nighlt, Wednesday, Flash Rid- vis.ted with Mr. and Mrs. Milton (d1e. a borse oned(7 and diven by J. Tamblyn over the weekf-end. Reid sbowc"d te wa-,y in ils'èvent vhit Rev. and Airs. Cecil Allib 0f Oak- toppoiin Flash Rlddle set the wtn atini of .08-land, Ill., visited the %veekend Withi Virgini'5 Boy, i fast, compauy,, Sunday tbey visited relativesin came in second in a race witba 1im Kirkfied of 2.04. Virginia's Boy is ewned by A. Glenney of Nwate R-'bî)e Robin5on wîth Cbocuyet+eý Guy drove te sixtb posJ.tion in its e-i vent of the evenin.. Jack 'Wîlllams witb HaPPY's ,Mac will app7eari at the Woodbine toI-nigbt. Kendal Pîoving Difficuit for Oronol On iSaýturday fterneon of last wee the Kna Tyke basebaîl tenm out- scored the Oronrew by a score of 17-13. Bi',! Robinson was Gon th1e meu,-,nd for thie Kecndal teami with Ger-, ryTonpe catching. Bil Rolbîinson Mr. anid Airs. Gordon Silmpson and £aminly are helidayiug at Lake Scui- Air. and Mrs. Orlie Conlin, Osbawa, visited on Suiday witb Air. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Mrs. Wmi. Bunting, is , patient ini the Oshawa Generq Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Simpsonl dai-1 gter and a f riend, ail of IngersoIl, visited bier aunt, Airs. H. Waish, on Tuesday, Mir. and I4rs. Bd. Milison and fani- ijy arc h-olideylng lanithe Minden ra Mir. and Air-s. A. J, Tamblyni, 0f Brampton called on friends in Oyrono on Wcdnesday. aborn n, Steveën West pîtc'bed for r Orono wM: Fred Eunting bchind the oNT2UCW c lt. Unit 2 met July Stbl at the parson- age. Theomeeting epened withbymui Tucsday vie Orono Tykes tavelled 490, "IA t Thine OLord". MrS. te Nwate hecthe Ilocal boys 'Tamiblynj's sujeet sthje LMEdS played te a 2-5 v C'yver toc New- r iayer,stressing the nmessage of castie ho s. Steven West and Michael' earnstinkig, a short disussion Cwa pdhed or he ocd annfoliowed, adtce Lord's Fraiyer was Barry Hzlo rvdthe heay bt rcpetcd u unson. F Aiv'CL rvIt l ior n I Ope;n Ail Day Wedntrday CLEARING ALL OURI SPRING AND SUMMNEK R E ES If you are Iooking for a bargain, icerne ini knd sce the-se dresses. Teeis a godsee ot choose lrem,îl Sizes 9-2/. SHIRTS Aju Teryýlene and ArelA, also drip dry cfieck cten.Size 12.- SALE PRICE$59 GOTHIC BRAS AND LONGLINES 4dthIc Banideaut, cottoil oc etb Lastic at 1o>wQr edge for breth-asycmnifort. Cerdte-x inserts wmder butst. White size 32.42.- PuICE -S.7 iG-othic Longhlne BrasSivre~, batck fastening style, upper Liust seci ls Ower ectonshave Ciordtex. iniserts foûr addd ulift Coler whte.Size ý34-4! . 1>RICE $.i Daisy Fesh preentsàapretty andpai' ciwa!eaciv fahos sim lo.The long- iegPanltie Girdie witdip waist, ern- bridrd atnlate ront Épanii conlked gA ýartrs. size Mt. L. PRIE $.64. AS 5Iirtie Leg ",PRICE $5&OO. Datsýy Fresh Gatrter BisS. M. L, FBJCE$19-25 Side Hoked irdile - The crstlta gives yen1 the suT-pOÉ yeon need plus the co(mfei't 'Yen want. Sie 9-3 aîst. PRICE $8-.00î SARNOGIDLES-The girdlle thatwa wffithyou but nyrrides up. $ize S, 1M. L. PRICE$50 SARNO IRDES-vit sJe zijpper. Sýi5ze LAàDIES SHORTS AND CHILDUENS SME WEAR S-'ELLING AT REDUCED PRICES, Beautifuî Bguttertly Nylons, Sem-FeeAd fuit fashioued, stretchy tops. AHi new sýhades PRICE $.0$.9 Store Opea Monday Thie mnte e enad apprved ofcigtaken nd m oli eau iîanswer ed by 12 prescut ith a verse of srp turc. eýVisite te the sick and shuýb-,t-in.s wce r 3. Airs. T-ambly1,n tbafflýeOMru. Barow ndMrs. Glbar,.t for <arran- îng refreshments aih t geucra neec -, ingC adothler business was cdiscussed.l Airs Long tck the devotionai on "'Those Talents 0cf Yours" aud verses 15-25 rend ocf the 25t haptr f Mt. the pa ol f 'th-e taens, followed Mrs, afly cdsoe iùterest-ý ing portion-s fomth-e tudy B~"Sg nais 0f the Sxis.Bible study was very intercestlng, tak-en by Mrs. Bar- leYw, fnsigtesudy kMssg es and iiosquestionirjefol- cdl witb miembers taklnýg part. Themeeingclersedý by aIl repjeatlug thC-e bnedic(tion, Refreshmen-ts were, Wedncd cy-verig erdal wber thc defatedthe reno Pee- i W e , s bï3 a s ec o r ee t 3- . T h e K n d a i club ar-e an aciv 'cubrd were iii the gamfe ail the way.ý Pau] Jones, Ric1ky Neal and Steven "West perfoir.i- cd 'tee pltching duties for Or-ono. The wiu-nnug -pitcher frKendal wjas Bi 1 Roisen. Neil Allen, tee- Ore;no cat- ch-er, 'hit a triple during tlhe cou-rse ofi the game whicb wvas the JOngest biti UNITED CIIURCH Orano Pastoral charge M inister Rtv S. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY 22nd, 1962 Orono - 11:00 a.à Kirby - 9: 45 a.ni. SUNDAY SC1HOOL Nirby - il ar. 'w~I~ n Tets T Be eId Driver Dies Af te AccdentLOCAL INEWS tWell-known in the harnessa borse The Bryson family Pienic e ws beld~ Tf-is C -,rný-ing XVeek A t O ro no field, Frank McNal y, 32_ of Oshawa a 9t the Orono Park on Satuir4lY' u lidîe&ast Thursday, Juiy 12 in the Tor-1 14th. over one bundred were present L~hs crntg wekthe swmig Mrs. Baxter will test the Beginnrerýs to G.en(,ral Hospital. Mr. Mcaly irm Ktchener, Oak'ville, Eurlingtofl, d atrsafety testsq under the dir- on Tuesday and, Wednesday and the was injued i af il from a suI.k TorontoÈý, Oshawa' rltn Belleville lion 0f thei Canadian Red Cross will successfuil swimmers will pass cinto during at2- ib meet at Sunderland andf Kingston. beld at the Orono Swimmîing p)ool. the Junior division -for 19e3 Tee on Saturdy, Junie 3Sth. r' the pa-t tbree weeks well over ri emnyi b egnesta After supper was served, games ohnrdcIldrený of the area and will be necessary to bold the tests for Mr. McNIv landied on is bead ,weladanpresgvntte en from adsac have been talk. this gronup over, a two day period, when he was flipped f romi the sulky.':childlienl. intutin nwae aet n At the lime hie seemed uininjured instmion n ery m ring comend- Arneet "i doeaohr es naît Mrs. Evýei ett Couvia'r returnieci. coiec'Ai ,rinsare also ûhderýwaiy ha.Tef oîg udyh Ihme f rom MNemerial Hospital, Bo- at rn0 n oUun uijrti -ovlI:eSvn lanviile, on Tuesday of this week. 10 ;00 a.m and c onnarngUfose Rya L. eSavngSocîe-ty plaine f ansi is head and e- 1:0 .. in rora asbentests whlen sw¶nmners wýill try tests mnainsh ow ed that lie was suf- Mr.and Mrs. Harry Stevensen of rnisred bte Ono Rgied s frtei rnz n treda fering from a Drain hemorrhage. H IDetroit are spending this weel< at ~h instructinbiggve yMs etiiae.Fu swimmrs-ar :to ws thei- n mved to Toronto where af- t.~ armi, souLh Orono. zrYy Ann axeran Miss- ni try for their Bronze and six wiItrte'woprainheddonJl12 Il t1Mrs.teilfied dhedwin apent la1t vrl.for their Iiitermiediate cer:tificate. r.MlrdSewnsetls Mr. McNally bas often raced iw 0ndwthMr ndMr.Jack" )n Thursdav1 TliOooCltcryJlY2t h Red .e Cross tests and the RoYail and at 1the first COU as Bye and famnily, Toronto. Regarding diseases, coniderabie leaf rust and mildew bas been pres- ,cnt, but stem rust, ,wbIich was re- qponsible for- a beavy less lu seýveralI areas iast year, seems te bave passed Lis up at present. Howyever, the dis- caIse which bas perbaps gîven Lhe miost trouble in the past 4s loose smutj and this disease scems te be on the increase again. Twenty years agol Dawsons Golden Chaf used te cýarry jbout 10% ,;of loose smnut, but withi the release of Dawbul, Cornell 595,1 Gýenesee and Kent, this disease secm-1 cd te bave almost disappeared. A-1 bout four years ago loose sinut wa.s feund on Uaw,,bul, and iast year ome, fields of Genesee carried several smnutted beads. Again this year, mariy1 reports bave c rne te the Ontario Ag- ricultural College regarding loose simut ini Genesee. It is possible, says Professer Waddell, that new races of loose sm-ut are appcaring and Gene- see may neot be resistant te the.se newi races. The New York v.riety, Aven, is more susceptible than Genesee. lit the past Kent has been thee-nost re- sistant variety, but even some ICeut heads, inocuiated with boue ýmut take(n from Avon,- have showin soi-e of the disease. Even dcoser attentionýr willi bave te be given te the new races oflose snut ln future breeding pro- gramns. teers. The Keoghls are well known rogotCanada for, their, appeare- ances on such i C.B.C TV series a M"aggie MgiFriendly Giant4 Razzie Dazzle, etc. This latter ghfow, apparentiy appears on. TV at n ptn.ý f ive days weekly. The show at the Theatre 15isir two, parts with an intermission. Outlsidte the tent theatre puppets are on is.J play anid one inay try- their talenlt in this field of ente rtainm-tent. Jlicensed Plumbing& Mlechanical Contractor who seils, inistalls andarate PLUMBING & T-IEATING Phone 143 Orono TiLtS WEEK AT OR ONO c to $1lSTOR JULY 9th to JULY 21st Priced at miore Values a ded to last week's'L'ist assorted colorsrden, blue etc. .- . . - 5for 88C. ICoffee Mugs............. .. 4fr8e Men's llappy-Foot eat Socks, cusiocn top 'by McGregor. Regular ....... .. , 8e fr88c. Foam Ci honCurlers with giplock, gdevice, soft as a ciishion to sleepi on. CPrd of 10 mith comi-b fr.........,88e Iron-On Patches, package con-tains tz wo patches Sale price........... 4 pkgs. 88c. Face-Ella White, regular 33c. Sale price 3 for 88c. Wallets, several niumbers to chdoose from ...88c. Batteries, Standard Size, Eveready or Ray-O-Vac Sale Price............ 4 for 88c. Wrjtjng- Pads, 200 sheets, Kid Finish., 4 pads for 88c. STORE OPEN FRIDAY JEVENINGS an eci be Fo tw ev 'ni Inf fil Sp' wi Ty r p Arms trong's N -4 I N -'i o- N -o' --o' "-o' N THUP.SDAY, JULY 14th, 1962 ORONO %VEEKLï TILNILN Canadian Puppet Theatre Arouses Local Interest _______________________ It bas beeni reportcd te us that a T~1Ininherý fromt the VIllage bave found W ' -CLt mucb dÎelïghIt in the Canadiian Pup- pet Theat 're near Broolur. This ap- At teis time of yea~r many farmersý paenly a rnew venture wilacoln- are thinking of their winter whcat' olecte Ppe show bcing- put ou lu a op. ndatosactath pr- tent. The calibre of the entertainni .enj duction of wintcr wheait in Ontario s ii' and iont onlly dielights the this year will be much lewer thant younger set but aise dcligbts the-i o)rmnaldue te wiuter-killing lun the patrents or aduits. estern part of the province, sayýs Te htr slctd) ih professer, W. H. Waddeli ef the Fi'eld Tm heteisled ofHigowa, ,isbanidry Departrnent at tee Ontar- 7 oro iemlsws fBok îo Agricultur-al College. An estirnate br w hwnsarc g-iven lace prducionah aout14 illon very Saturday and Su-ndIay. As ail ,ucs- ;seme 5 million bushels be sât are reserved it is advisable Lc ,,\ norm-ýal. The briler price set by' write fer reservations or phonje. ýI)e Otario Wheat Producer'S Mar-k- -This unique theatre, 'tee first pro- 'ting Board will compeusate to a sloa puppet thieatre laÎ Canada-, onideabe dgrec fer tee less lu has been designied and created by yieidl. John and Linda Kcoghl and represecnts 11 ter in the game clriving . pw a ýiuïLiqc 1 a 8-

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