AraIbianSheiks Cail This Sport A favor-ite diversion r on oi-ici Arabian sheiks is ilunt- ug the oryx, a swifh, çdouble- ilorneti antelope tint canrinove ah 25 miles an heour for long dis'- ,tances without flagging. Tic sieiks have ai len been sý,en chiasiig thie oryx acrossthie sand.s of thie Arabiuri Penî in j1eeps anti CacIillacs, siooting hhe-m wihh autornatiei rifles anti sub- machine guns. This is considereti great fih. But hi. oryx van'l reproduce as fast as hunters shoot, Sa o -nly a fewý oryx were ici t ah last counu. Th-e sport is dyinrig. A living legenti la ailso iy;in g. Wien an oryx is seen frian the side, itas traight, 2- foot-l1on g horris appear ho blent i m one. This profile apparent]y imelpedi ci-ente thie legend f thie unicoriu -tic mythical beash mentioneti in thie wrihings of Arishýotie anti Pliny thie Eider, anti velebrateti sinice Buhhical imes for ils fierceness anti bravery (mYiai1e oryx siieldt1ihicir females anti young fi-rn atack and have been known la charge icadlong inhoaa threaheniing car,). -Tic pligit of ile oryx-unicorn has arousedtheticvorld's animal loyers, inclutiing Britaiîn's Prince Philip, "Sorne Arabs be- ilieve thiey must prove their manhooti by kîlling an oryx sa tintt hey will inihcrit its leg-en- dary courage a n ti virility," Prince Pilip saiti in a -ciccnt New York speech.. "Now tu-ls may have matie a littie sense years ago. . wien. t-he otiis were a bit more even, but hoý-. day, wileri up ho, 300ca-on parties go out togehiîer hoe get- brave-quiek by -rnowîng do ,WI oryx. with Tommy gun, thie Ywhole thing becomes sil e r Early tuis yearthie Fauna Preservahion ,Society tai .Landau, wihhehi.heip çai hile Woýrld Wildlde Funi, ùrgani'zeti prýj ccl SBave tie Oryx" anti tispathiec leathery-faceti Ian Griniwood, chief game wartien oi Ken.ya, to the. Atie Prahechoral..After a teu.-week ilunt with noose -anti pole, tàwo maie oriyx anti one female were vaptureti, tien flown ho a Kenya gamne farn,. Tileir beneactocrs niow plan hto move tht tria ta a suitable e-l virouiment suci as Fini the ht low-liyiu'g New Mexico or }ai fornia deserhs. Fuir fi-arn i hie -heiîks vif Araby, the' oryxier of three may increase ho respec- table size witiin thretiecades or so. "Tien maybe we van ie hum same tothie Arab landis," Giimooisays, "if ihile Ai-abs have s-cen the light by tien." Tilere was al.reatiy ane gooti onien lu Kenya lasI monti: Tue femnale, conservaionists report- ed, may be pregnant. How Con 1? Uy Roberta Lee Q.How van 1 remedy some sReese Wek of. April 23,-19 62 casters on furniture that are per- mlstently falllng out? A. Wrap a plece ai adilesive tape aroundthie shani aif hie casher until itlfils inho its hale snugly. Or, f111thie ilole with zomrn melteti paraffin andt ten reinsert thie casher. Q. How can I makt my hanti- cleaning casier aiter a lob of painting? A. Soap or ci-eam rubbeti well' mb o he hatis prior W toyour paint jab. will. serve as Iln'visible givs"The paint mW111 wh;pene- trahe tie pores a.îfyou- Aîrin, andi your hantia wlll be eusici-ta wah. efler thie job. Q. What la a gooti moll-pre. vention treatment for earpets? A, Spange the rugs oýccasional- ly (anti vei-y ligitly) withlhot waher ho whîc«h a lifltlui-p>eu- ine has been atideti, Til treat- ~1 WHIRLY-GIRL -- Feeling as if she could take off under ber own po)wer is Mis. Rosemary Weidînger. She just won ber helicopter pilot's [icense, moiking heý member No. 41 of the Whirly-Girls, which is ain internotionul organization of quai- ified wonien hWicopter pilots. Water From Jordan for Christenings More parents are usking lihaI wvater from )the River Jortian be mvseti for heur babies' Ciristen- ingsIhiese tiays, a British. lergcy- myen states. Il ilas been widely believeti $Poy ven,-turies tilat wuter f rom th. Jordan. bas sepeial qualitiers which vonfer hblessings 0on idu]tà eg weill aschlrn who are bap.- *xed iwith 1. The Duke cfKent, rince mt- ward ciwhen le -%vu baptiJzeti ii luwas sprinkied witi Jordu.n wxter iet htlit 1dfont lu thie pri- 4t. bapel ah Buckinghum rnPa- o red f Prinvesa arna $hien DuIcheaS o f Kent, huti dsent àer afbatIe fuil cf île wuler forâ UcChrlst.nlng. Fifhy years a.gothie water was 5ar more pôpu ar than na(w, Iu 1910 il waseiling ilu Engiaud tor 7s, 'a plut. Belief lu its ppevuliar spiritual gilayis ah, bush as old a us he aofVile Crusaties. Then -m ay pilgrims w,,ere o,wued while rying iho bath. in 1h.(. Jadanturiug very rougli weather.1 A canon oince rîsket i is lii. by elimbing thie steeple of a vilurci in Nortilamptonshire ho spriuikle a new weatiler-vane weith water wvhich had been) brougiit spccially for the purpose from Jordan. PAPER, DRESSES $250t, Borne ai thie classier shops arouind thie country wlll b. of- fering a tidress lin. of unusual possîbllities - anti Impossbili- hies - tius f ali. l hwlll be avail- a.ble in 35 mnodels, itarting ah $89, but îhe on. aown last montil bY Bverly 1His (fwhere mse?) de- signer Louis 'Maîrg).iano was a skintlght bluck numrber pri.ed,,fai ,$250. Ailthe ie mdeis are sul. tuireti" lu folda, and If thilefoldu came oui, he- dress bevinesu transparent;, lt's 90 per- vent zccl- lopilane (lie other 10 per cent la satin lining), The fragile fyrk van be warn ocniy unhil 1h nIeetIs pressing. Then the sculpturie carnes Out of thilepaper."Tu, says Margtilana, "is a line maiuly for people with mvoney vhri waui. ho imnpre-ss ýotiler popewlth money."l Polities were more popular in the days when candidates,,haixd- eti out cigars instead of promises ofUtpa THE WORLD'S LARGEST ANNUAL EXHIBITION OPEN AU.G. 17 TO LABOUR DAY SEPT. 3 *'The Showcase'of The Nation" CAIAD1IAN NATIO MA EVENING GRANDSTAND SHOW "CANADIANA" '62 yý GIGANTIC FIREWORKS FINALE ** WIN A NEW CHEVROLET BEL AIR -- 14 FREE CARS -- ONE EAC H NIýGHT AT TH E GRAN DSTïAN D TH E TH REE STOOGES STAR 1IN GRAN DSTAND -MATINEE FU-I- FEST" . NEW "BETTE LIVING CENTRE" QUEEN ELIZABETH BUILDING AND THEATRE ** VETESCOPE '62 ý WORLD'S LARGEST AGRICULTURAL BUILD- ING INTERNATIONAL SHOPPER'S MARKET * SPORTS EVENTS AND DISPLAYS ** SIG GREAT LAKES-TUG BOAT CHAMPIONSHI1P RACE ** MAGNIFIGENT 90-PIECE NOTRAE SAND ý*~ WORLD FAMED 15-MILE C.N E. SWIM SKY-HIGH THRILc$- ON THE MlLE-LONG MIDWAY!' -CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Toronto, Canada Fri. Aug. Ilth ta Labour Day Sept. 3rd (Not open Sundays> WN. P. FREYSENG, President HiRAM E. IycCALLLUM, Gen. Manager Boys CAMPS CAMP KAWARTHA BOYS 9-14 YRS. 2-WEEK PÉRIOO, $50 JUjLY 1-July 14 available. July 15-July 29 fulliL11uY 30 -1Aug. Il avalable,' Complete Y.M. C.A. camiping' experi- enice. W-ite for brochure to Camp Dl- rector , Y.M .C.A ., Peterboro, Ont. BOOKS OUTSTANDING BOOKS! Ca2nadia Travel and Adventure Stories. Fret Ilia on request. Guardian Books,.'Bo-x 700 , Adelaide Street Post Office, To- ronito 1, Ontarlo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTEL on Uwy. Il,1, ¾ mile fromn Coch- rane hb 15 modemn units newly bulit, well furnished. Low down paymentf ideai for voung couple. Apply, West- wvay Motel, P.O. Box~ 1369, Cochrane, Ont. BUILDING for sale or [ease in tow,ýn of Forest. Sultable for alinoat any kin-d of business. Approximiately;,200 samie for storage. Air coniditioned. Will remodel to suit tenant. Situated. be- s1ade post office and acrosa thee lireetL from new IGA supermairket. For miore infornmation, contact Ted Roberts. For. est IGA. Ont. COINS AND STAMPS JUST. released, June 6 edition of "Cash for Your Canada, Nlefoundland, Great Britain & United~ States Coins". si pages, 5N~. Now pa'ying9 $11.00 for Cdn 1923 cents; for 1925 c ents $7.00. For Cdn. 1948 dîmes $4.25.Cones others The Gudebook of Cdii' Coins 224 pages, 2300 full Illustrations . 2nd Revlsed Printing, April, 1962, with latest prices colcos iIpy for Canadian coins in ail conditions. $1 .50. REGENCY COIN, 157 RUPERT WINNIPEG, MANITrOBA COUNTÉR TOPS FRE-FORMED Formica COU NTER TOPS Red t nstall. Idleal for KITCHEN COUNTERS, BATHROOM VANITIES, etc. Any siïe in your choice of pattern and colour Pie. per run- ning foot............ LUMBER- GE 2-1161 MAITLAND AT THE C-.N.R. LONDON, ONT. ENGINES _- NEW & USHO WISCONSIN Heavy Duty AIR Cooled Engines For New Engines For First Casas Parts Service For irst, Casas Repair Service 1for Used Engines E. P. ABEY Limited 444 Wharncllffe Rd. S., London GE. 2-7597, FARMS FOR SALE $6,O. 20C, acres, drilled weill. bycroý sotise andi ban. Write T. F. Wilson, R.It ?, New Liskeard, MI 7-4777. 10-acre farmi for sale, good buildings and water; 1 mile sou th of No). 7 ighway In Hastings County. Marmora Townshsip. Apply Charles U Leoniard. RH 3. Marniora, Ont. Rociming Th-rough An Arabian Bazaar Araýb ladies did flot as a i-uic go to the bazaar very oflen.,.. How glad 1 was that I wvas free Lo ioam t hrough ýlithe bazaars whenever I liked. No supermnar- ket, hoWvever fabulous, van ever have the chai-m for me of those long aisies of open shops, with the high valuteli roofs, and the occasional shaft of sunlight fi-rn a high window.ý in the ceiling- cutting across the lhade. The grocers' bzaaar had the most fascin-ating compound of s-mels, with the spice shops, and the stalis with thle baskets Of lentils, rice af ail kinds, dried peas and beans, grains, and nuts--walnuts, almr.onds, pistachio, hazelnut.s, and mnelon seecls. Here were blue-green pottery bowls f illeti with tomrato puste, for tliase who had run a ut of their homemade zupply .. 1 was astonijshed when i 1learn- ed that there were ut leaSt forty diliferent kinds of spices andi herbs hoi be had in our bazaar. Andi how pleasant ta see. whole cloves and nulrnegs, sticks of Vaplla, anld large pieces of in- namnon bark, instead af uniform rows of ssmall vans, orily varying ln, their 1laebls. The fruit bazaar was a delight to the eye as well aus ho the nose. a M PLOIDA- PROPERTIES FOR SALE FiMORIDA Orange brove NEWLY planted, $1,150 per acore. ½'ý djown. Capital gain opportunity. Excel. lent for retiremn-ent lucomne. H. SNOEK REAL ESTATE BROKER 4«36 VONGEfST.* WgLLOW.,DALE. 'ONT. 222-2581 FLORIDA REAL ESTATE ADD YEARS 'TO TOUR LIFE IN NEW LUJXURtY CO-OP? APTS. Deslgued for Ca refree Floridla living. Spaclous "41/2 & 4½- rooma wth 1 or 2baths, froni $9.900 wltb fulI montbly maintenanceF£romi $42.85. Price.bel central air conci. heat wl.ovacar- peting, -1i-eectric kitche.ns with mica caibi.nets, simn pool, puttinig green, shuifleboard. Fireproof aoundproof constructions, 2 elevalors, gardens and watervlew. Deirable residential ares; walk to largeat sbopping center ï,, Ylorïda. Ilouses of %wwsip, golf, ,ce-an nearby. For free brochure wvrite Flor- Idian Aima Co-op Apts.. 1490 N E. 170 St. North 1Iam1 Beach, Fla.- FOR SALE -- MISCELLANEOUS $$$SAIG $$ 25 different Americanî spin esat flshînt lures $11 95,. reg. $22 70. World ne- nowned battery portable transistorized tape recorder$4.5 reg $49.50 Bat- teryles rechargeable flasbligbt- 55.95. Superb .,attery razor $14.95. Amazlng new pocket Ulgter, meni, ladies $2.95. 7 day money back guarantee, Postpald. Dealers interested send $1.00 for par- Itculars Ontario resîdents add 3% sales tax Send cheque or mnoney order, Trans Canadta World. Traders. Box 217. St aioniO. Torcynto 16. HEARING AIOS CANeT HEAR WRITE "CANHEAR" REG. Order direct from wbolesaler Aide de- signed to sel for tbree, cost youY less ihan one bundred. ONLY $39M5 FOR OUR SPECIAL, One fuol year written guarantee. Write Dsow, we'll belp youl If we acan. We have nio salesmen. Canadian H-eariug Elec- tronies "'Canhear", 24 Catherine Street,, Smlths Fanis, Ontario, HELP WANTED MALE CONSTABLES AND CADETS MINIMUM QAIIAIN AGI 17 TO 35 HEIGi'T-3'9"1 WEI1GHT-140 LS EDCtIom GRADE 1W A0PPLY IN FPERISON Tro METROPOLITAN ' TORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STrRITNS OFIEiOIJRS: Monday t ndy & a.m. e4pm HELP WANTED X-RAY TECHNICIAN ' Position open after Auguat for Regle- Iered Teehniclan. Consideration given to studenit graduating this falil Fufly accredited hospital. Attractive location. Write now for detalls: Admniilatrator, Leamîngton District MemorlilHoýsptal, Leamington, Ontario, MAIL COURSES CAREERt sebool, watch repair and golcrimtis worIc, barberlng and haïr- dresslng Ask for prospectus and transportation allowance. Trans-Can- ada Beauty Induistries Ltd., Moncton, N. B. MEDICAL DON'T WAIT - EVERY SýUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SH-OULD TRY DIXOIN'S REMEDY MUNROis DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .23 Express Collect of the inecssant pounding xas deafenirig, ant so was that ,f tbt, tinsm-itils' bazaar, Here they madle every imaginable hause- holid utensil fr-r the ubiquitaus Not far off was the section where 'quilts were mrade, Thte white callon uised. for was fluffed up by a primitivE- whirring instrument wîhh a haut string. We sent every year foi' th, nietdaf who did this wark, ha corne to aur baçk veranda anti fluf f up aur roof mattresses -for anohher season, a prcess Which( eneha-nhedl our childrei, when they were smnall. Ordiniary quilts w-ere covered v.witlr brigýit red vaon rcloth, but there were also silk- andi satin-coveî-e. ones of every colar oaithe rainbow. 1, g - MEDICAL PosT's ECZEMA SALVE BANiSII the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping sldn trouý.bles.L Post's Eema Salve wvill not diusppoint you. Itcbing, scaldjifg and burnIiig ecze- mna, acne, ringwormn, pimples Lnd foot eczemna wlll respond readily wto h. stalesa, odorle5s ountmrent regardiess of hew stubborn r oýr oelesq theY eemra Sent Plost Fr.. an R-celpt of Pr4ce PRICP $3.30 PUR .JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st. Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSES WANqTrED REGISTERED NURSE, -AND Certified Nursîng Assistant WITH l962 regi5trattion,,for active or- thopuedic hospital. Please phone MRS. B. CARTER 921-3-106 43 WELLSLEY F, TORONTO OPPORTUNITCIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DE A HAIRDRESSER' JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunityý Learn Hairdressing Pleasanit dignified profession, good. wiages Thouisanids of-suecessful Mlarvel Graduates' America's Greatest-Systemn Illustrated.Catalogue fret - Write or Cal Marvel Hairdressing SChooi 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hlamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PEPSÇONAL Recelve Big Maili Fret Simples, Cata- logcues, Magazines, 15e. Get listeci. P.O. Box 296, Snowdon, Montreal. A. modemn way tr help you reduce. Eat 3,j meals a day. Lose pounds and inches fast, Clinically tested Sllm-Mlnt helps aati-,fy your cravjig for food - SDrnm1Mhnt plan makes reducuflg .25er thssu you ever drearned ponssible- $200, 2 weeks' supplY. LYON'S ORUGS, 471 CANFORTH, TORONTO PROPERTIES FOR SALI éR yST-rAL Beach, 7 roorn bouse bath, ges furnace, possession ime4;àiteIy. erilce $4,995.00. M Lemonit, 285 Lai%- ~cster W,, Ktchener. SHerwood 2-5355. SOUTH AMERICAN PROPERTIES FOR SALI On!y $1.00 Per Acre e00-ACRE FARM, $500 LANO where vegetables, coffee, rite, eotton, vheat, corn, or airnost anythlne planteci Ibrives. Excellent cattie coun- try. Streamts tbrotlgh eacb, farm, plenity of grass. Vrirgi ilaiid, New un- improved roada bo eacb faran. This territory just openeci. Located 300 mUfls nsortheas.t of Brsila, ich lN siewest and moat madern capital zity înworld - In, State of Golas, Brazl, Sîouth America. Not far fromi new bY- dr-lcreplants, Tocantins River Basin. W. have 250f)anrm10 OSeil at $,500 ,each, 0 discount for cnas h or termes, $50 down, $20 mionth (no finance charges), Ail landf surveyed an stakeci. Titles guaranteýed by Go- mnapa Abstract Ltda. Send down psy- ment or full purchase price to Sellg Bros. Real Estate CoiPanY lcensed Real Estate dealers by State, of 'InCIË- ana, members Indianaipo;ls Chamber Pf Commerce).Reerecerost anY Ii-. diana bank. Address: 42 W. South St., Indianapolis 25, Indiana ME. 4-8329, AT. 3-1"56. 10 Acres Lond-$75 NEAR TOCANTINS POWER PLANT' 10 acres of fine farmnland ln Tocantins River Basin nearbY ont of world'9% largest hydro-electric pow,,er Plants (1- million kilowatts). Located In State OP Goias arproxlmiately 155 mienorth Of Brasilla, Brazil, Sôuth Am-erîca. We htave 3,000 farims at ibis location to sel wblcb are great industrial sites but, for the p)resent, are belng offered 010y FIS f aim lands at $750 per acreý ($75 for entire 10-acre farmn) FllIY surveyed and staked, registered aI Federai Cartorlo Office,- Belo Horiz- onta, Bra7il, South America. Titi., uaranteed by Gonapa Abstract, Ltda.! You get comoplete title for only $75. Taxes less than 50Oc per year Send ebequ'e or Money order to Stanlev Selig9, Sellg Bros. Rteal Estate Co (mnemb1ers1 Indanapols Chamiber of Commerce, llcensed Real Estate dealIers bv State, of Indiana). Referenceq, rmoat any Ir.- diana bank. Address: 42 W0. South St., Indianapolis 25. nin ME. 4-8328. AT. 3-1256 ________ STAMPS ROY 5, WILSOH 78 Iichmond Street, West, lTorenti NEW ISSUES CANADA - B.C. & FOREIGN RAIPKIN -GIBBONS - ,C('TT - MINKUS- HARRIS & GROSSMAN iALBlJMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO PURCHASED SILOS CANADA SILOS Acid ResistaýtSio Lazy Susan Mngers Automiatic Feeding Saves l'im-e and lIard Work reed Mechanically With The SILO-Mk4TIC UNLOADER ';cru -Feed'r Bunik Conveyor And Pro-mnet'r Concentrat. Dispenser. Proven Rqulpment Guaranteed, Free Pictures N N N N N N N N N N N '4-' N N N 'N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N "'N * N N f N NI N A ~- N C;LASSIF1ED ABVERTISINO- N ,ýl r