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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1962, p. 1

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OnWednesday, Septenber î9th, top mmi9ours in 1 bath the beef and daîty f' (IT Me b sbo'mnsliip compebtton went to, Dur,,ham iCouty 4-~H bliab erbers ïýo the., dairy showrnanship competi- E ottNew fl -toEdgar Werry, Hampton was- the A1iY iI fý,,qnri Cliimnion G.LT. re tili(w-svrean on the wi~me oM nde niglit, Septexpber 23rd. peua rah v h!le the runner 1 asGr'ant Down from Bow"manviîe P eoee ihth ....Pr T1he rn hapo df hwa ose folloWed by' the secretary's and was Rick Rickard, Neoasl ane tre-asurer's report. Everyone answer- Gste wLiner t,, tl7e Mason & Wvhyte el arlicî it i1ca ae InsuanceTropy whch a prpet-,-d as counited twelve persans hnd at al trophy end il be tGe property&o!tended. W agtobmscl~i the winnier .".-or nc yar.-Chuirch lu the Wildwaod" and "In the Garden." The Junior Section a! Lindsayv Fairý Newv siate of officers are as followsý iopen ta--H club n-nibersin fe eader, Mrs. E. Ouir oonie f Northum'berlandi, Peteýr- A ý,ssistanit Lede, rs. C. Arm- boagh uvhami, Ontario, Victoria,, stron, Haldiburton and the istýict of Musitoka. PrLesidet, týCarol vngg Th1-e top (ýalves in groups o!fourws are Sertr nda Pearïs ceeed frm the varims countiesrre can then go on ta fake part at the Traurr hilyShro L ndsShw. ms. Puiblicity, Ruth sharron. 1p the junior 1Hoîstein eierCl!f, Peggy Hancock has ofered to bel Larry Wels'sandl NeIlTinkin a the icusion:De ta nextC.G LE -~scon pizegrap.Li the Seniovimeeting being on Thanksg iving Diiy,ý lo4seun Hebfr CaHF Sectio,the cal-1 we wiîî meet at Ms E. ouirsn véýs co'Paul Tambl1ýyn, Grant Dowa h usnyfloig Othr9h "nd Edgar Werry were in the first Tegrswl ekitn itn~ pie group Wle Lynn Brown wvas1 in~~~~~~~~~ tu eodpiegop nteboo-tees, 1baby bannd setr o hothorn Huifer CIas, Waler 1ssionar»y %work. a" ad i ickardlwer ath c lsed vwith 'taps. %ghtAt_8JiSPen 34Night Orono Drama Festival r >he i~ghts wildira and. a.eexe k'crtain, J ri'setQni , ht, da i whch wilýdd Ërher to thi,ýcnnual The adjudicator for. the FestivalINgtCass A 8 :15 p.m. for the' fourtb a nua <)i a i, o epfVPt.. Wl b .LofadCainford Ng t Casss k Drania Festival for- 'olie-aect &t-W1Iatecoefai Tifestival wil i rufor three efIi_ usa vnn ~mnv1J a nfre er f secutive nightsý- Tii ýday,, Frdy BIrama Worklhop, the IHenry Street give his'ýriew-point 0nJhe- Rec;,ýti i StraSp be 2 9, H figli School, Whitby,' and the WliltI)y hsi on rya proved mostJ 'nS'-' be&Ca nsip se;ýntêd lad competition and for the, The Orono Elayers will head the year. for > applcatios for i- .gpt Sc',haoo au,,r-gi. ubi.o Friday along itteAjxDaq classes. Some o! the courses available With ibbt 3iays etitered ini the fest- Workshop and Pickerin-Ajax ?î y Saturay eveing th "Osna$" for the Drma Fesival Slwine warde ival this year il has been necess5iry ers.'-J The Oshawa Little Theatre and Daa etva wllb waddmerciaî, French, et, an.-Pdviin- to extend the festival dates to three, the Peterborough Players wiif Col- to the winnipg play, oi.standing ar-j enougli peopîea&eroeIi h Saturay 1 its ndathe'uttnndig dirctor - (Cnsnu _nights, Many new vtileatre groius clude the showing on Stra even- tit n h )isadn-drco.(oknd on page 31 VOUE21, NUMBER si THURSDAV, $EPTEMBER 2ith, 1962, OONO, ONTARIO N N N - t N N '-t t N N ~- N N s N N '-t N N ýMcMcîhon Pres. leahrRebekah Lodge Grjegory, tA T fwo-Time LOCCI T ý 1Theeglri meeting o! Heather Re" bekahi Lodge waa Ire d Tuesday, Sep- \ /n e \ Vos o tP r An orýgamiizýit;oal meeting of the eber 25t1., at eigit p..DSister Em.li n r tM s or a k ClrieDitrc Taces.1scto1 n Lutin, Nobleý Grand, presided wt wasbed o Sptebe 17 a Eaer jSist0er AlOice Hloaey, Vice Grand as- A espuckled, Masten Gregorry, an af sstEg.Amierican living int Paris, was pre- ing treacheous for tne drivers ;rurhe; prsescpa1 sentied with the Pepsi Cala trophy last prliminary races, but lap timies in- adr hepleasantrles Ral aî shweetaewoficrs h "Cluray at Mosport, Gregory driv- faif'ed and the bp aeent drîed ýýacquaintances and nmeeting new Secrtry ise ac A1 ll, ahi hour over a wet track -ta wýin the Oa ' Don Gurncy 'o! Riverside, Califari_a ons ve scil u a cffe the were n pproved by t, N lCGiradi dan Grand Prix befare som--e 20,00U Lun 3Lous !9,set a newu lap record floiglisI o! officers, was elected:; A reparit wns given by the Ca)mnen a 'fasThswsheecn wi!r0f1mut,3. eod. Presideat - Mr. MûMahoni ViePresidenlt -Mr.recenwood Secretary Treasutrer - Mrs. Martfxr Press Reporter. - Miss Armlstroang. A sketchy aenao! meeting -placesý ho)Stesseý, etc, vwas also o futýined. t! the Visiting Çommi-nttee, Sister AI-1 ice Hnooey. Annual rprt er edby thec !ollowing Coaveneis: Sister Betty Newman, Wardent, Prap)ferty Commi,-iiteeý. trtprize -roup wvith Francis Rick - Attention wns sooni- broughtt a itrCraCnrlBnvlu aï- ateScndpiegopan 'ua us spealker, the charïning Dr.Contee lu "' ithe third prize graup. lYui e Carote oner, Meical Offleer o!, TeBaby Bec! Steer Section, Jimmi-ly1eat for the countles a!n Northumi- SIster AMic .Doey, Vi«Sitin-g ohm- fiawas- secb)nd with Roanie PBake, â-JD U brnd.adDram h dressed mite. sevenith, Johin D. Allia and î) il 9rn-e toyu a -fe hegrupcocrhaing therepoad il Son's sclewre ilu the e 'con0 pîz jitesanjdteso!5h M- utie Sister lia M1arprtdo e grlt1 ~n ha stwetu p ila moke pubic ealti nur!se, and 1t1-12lass- vîi t ja adereeti hec inCutc ueday mruig a rom1tealher as pertaiaing t thý FRIýTFNDS1-1P NGHT was beld. Sis- lu thegroupsectins, Drhnm lameus ripped tlhraugh a arge star- mental !and phiysical ,vellcn tr rm uronOf iticsfl~ placed second -lahithe DiySenioqr ,,tnoadb lxMi.the office-s adexemipii!icd tfile De- Ial Section, seco)nd la t're ByB ee gebinane y lx ur l cool chld, re T erewr prxmtl ilterSetinund first in theSor- Abu 8,000 bales, oilhay and str aw I at the nmeeting wihpoe exceed-1 bou0 ifrl!vcion.50ushzýJels o! grain anid a seed drill nî ntrsig Agicutural ehbiswere showjalsj were desilyc.therewirdinog-E e d g S rvc.omncton eern i osdl iebulig ei wt.TedyOctober 9th willi !rom ]uram County and the 4-H11 Bowmian-ville Fire Ch-ie! Thomnas S '4 eIsalto fofcr.Sse :PutyCu n h - heep Club' Lyle attiributeýd dthe cause a he blaze: Nios. BlDsrc Dpt rs- wtere luintihe first prîze group w-,h!ltý, H0sotnas obsin e said FoseBiDsrc euyPei Uhe a'ipple club was in thle section' eewsn inn ntem. Th-e specialJ Sunday evening i. r-dnfroOswandtffwUp- wasno irig- n ie bvicesD spoQetl byvtire ILC W. off -2 lr irese dulies. 1P'î- t -!sfr i-e th'rise Las, thé n'ul eo ir adLes-kard -rid hý-eld f- cA omrfttee wnv'ame 5ki 6. -HSheep Club Fieeve Comapetition inerzdmnyyns.Ls1pingleO1ono United Chureh vwas w el!at- 1th0 nextmetigwitir Sister Gladys pcmn til %a-sors laý -rge umllber ii? ebar dstryin telided. Thre service was held ta pxo-, Gnmrsby as Convenor. lh i YL UV "d . NA BusinessI '- "~"~ - -~ '-t -edI this year by the Canadian Co-op-! 'era-tive Wooi Growers and the Ontiar-io' Deparme~tof Agriculture for ai! 4-H1 5f-heep) Clubs in the Province. Tenl outieiýs were o ntered with Perthb County winning first prize .vith aS zocore of 92, Wellington was secondr -imcoe thircl; and Durham fourth,1 ~other counties in order of standingr wee rant, Lanark, Lincoln, Temisk- i imnHaldimand and Carfleton.r The members of the Durham~ Couna- cy 4-H Sheep Club were eacb askelto bring ln one fleece to the Depart- .ment of Algriculture. The top fJeecesL were selected tid sent ta the com- t O*)r o no r.%L"br ai Pubi -The Orono Police Trustees met on, ,Mouday eveffing when tirey dlscussed tie pligit o! tire Oronýo Library wth four meinhers o! tire Llbrat-y Board, Mre. W. Ccobblediok, Mns. -H. Dean, Mm.E. Hamm and Mrs. R. E. Logan. R. C. Fart-ester, in opening tire dis- ,ecu sion, said tint tire Tntutees md asked for the meeting to ind out if thre Library Boar'd would be agreealble lu) haviug thre Library Board set up as a Public Libtrary. As a Public Libnany a3 certain suai would 'be levied in Or- Sfor thre Libmat-y and a Provincial ,,i,,to! soniewhiere at-ouad !l!ty pet- e-ent woldaiea 'be obtaluable fantire Ltbrary. It w~as fet tint tire yearly 'budget for tire Board could amauint t around $1000.0. Mrs. Dean I4ointed~out t tirai due ta i tire Jack of funds tire board iras nlot, -been able ta ircirnse bo)oka in tire past six montha. Tire ueed for Irle Libnary lin Orona was aiea p)res-ented - but Il mas feit mnucir mare sirould be done la purclrasing îuew book-. Mns. Eymm~ said thin th ie past few years reue Liirnmy iras opcrated maialy on -gifi. Tire Ilibary orvebr p prvdtire. sugestion o! settiùg tire -OooLibrary up nas nPblcLam flnanticed froiublic funda. TireQ- aio-toPolie Tutesare iv arrazng'e rý mneeting wh - Ilinomtn a be obbed lu oprating sucir n Li- br-ry. Tire Library Board rmembers M.lEirF r ýrHarold, Wh' cosed corigta tire situai afterý lîves next door, said tire fine %vas firat i] ,hîch za socIll h our Was spent. spotted-bhy a motonist 0on Bighway 2 . AfilmMid East Profile" sirowed , "He drove into the yard hiaking iis 1tire need for f ood and clotiring ruinet- horn and wiren I saw tire flamyes ecm ca-utities as weîî as n spiritualJT Hoîd Plo'wing 1 sirotng out o! tire roof, 1 called the need. Mn. Jin Rickaby epoko on tire o dgl fire departmnt," ire said. oplee responsibilities a! Ciritians tawards M t h C co Tire Muirs just recentiy tire M. and M. and ite wonk at homeM a c trbe--2 building a new barnand werle pan. adl trrcutreAdicos meigo uhn uing to move thiri cattie fronmtire1 A ietr'i-eblofD ha range. Special mnusic wns provided by tire and( Northumberland plowmieu wns "Bu t now ';tint tire winter !eed 15 Leskard Young Peoples' Chroir under hl t ir ure Cutres building ganie, I do't know wirwat we'll do," tire direction o! Mn. Jini Poliard and'- at Cobourg. Plans for ir 196 l said Mn. Muir. tire "Country Four" Quartette. ing match on Oct. 2 at ir fni a Tire barn was a lin building lield up- How,ard Allun soutir o! Orono on Bigir- tire buildng aI abou $5,000. te sB.iLou g coad fengtire prer. cusedth ItenaoalMacha b y wooden famnes. Tie builderwas at Mr. B o g c n u t d ie s r e w y 3 ee discusee. the scene and estlmated tire value ofj.*' -1 Mrs. N~orman Bairstow reading D:stricet director Howard Henry dis- j ___________________________Belleville. It was painted out Jby tire treasurer tint only $120 o! thea $300 available wae; needed for local prizes ry Ofier Appove at yens. my O f icersApp oveIt was decided ta ask a ammitte ds compof1o,,n 111b, arçlua engineer for tire United Counties, Ap'- ic Lib ary T Gain Fundedrew vpWaton, assistant agricultural c L bray Q G in unrepresentative in Northumberlaud- and tire Police Trustees ar e ta meet cement. and John Ingratta, fruit and veget- jointly athIis mleeting, H. M. Mercer eubmiîted quotations aible specialist for Durhram, ta con. Tire Police Trustees then met with ff-aur Iwo finals for laying an aspirait dOlt a tractas driving comp tit'onfo Mnr. M.' Brown, Bownnii-ile, wbol gutter on MillStreethntr a! ilî.son 4H uime eratre ach i presentcd tire Trustees witir a survey Hill)nrive. Tire wark was given to tireIbis activity' ta be featured at 2 p.l1i. a-id analysis af Cobbiedick Street lowest quotatian, Bennett Paving of lan the afternoon.Il witir the tiraugirt o! rebulldixig tis Oshawa. Tire secretnsy was instnilct-ý It was pointed out tint thre Woriâ street from. Main Street to Higirwayý ed ta have tire quotatiait signed and Plowing Match wauld be ireld ln Cal- 115. Tire survey gave grade ley'els to give tire .go..ahead- ta have tire wonk edon Township nantir a! Toronto, iu aloug with other needed information. doue. Thins wns appnoved on motion o! 1963.1 Tire Police Trustees approved the L. Loweny anrd H. Mercer. Tire Golden Plough la front o! tire projeot. TIhe project la to be iîrspected A letten7 was al~s( eceived !nom Mr. home at Cobourg -was tire cairn la by tire Departinrent o! Higirways en- mnemary o!f th ir £iri atch ireld ou giner n Wdnedayandupp W. K. Lycett statiag tiraItire purchase nenLrby land lu 1953. Since it, was de- approval.work- will be stanted tire of!land frain Ms. and Mrs. McGee 1sired tis eirould be in goad shape ta latter part of tis week. Tire street is md been completed. Tire !and was, visitors and 'because o! tire new rond » ta be wideued and new grade levels purcirased as il was a site fon n Mua- building la tire area, a commlttee set for tier un-of! o! surface water, ripal Suippiy of water. -camposed a!f Mr. Henry and vice- Tire secnetnry, G. E. Simipsofl, ne-1 president BruLce -Eng-leson xas nain- A letter was received froin the portcd tirai nll except anc fine call1 eji to co-operate witl tire agicultural Counties Eng,-ineer stating tirattbe c hebad beeSr paid. commnittee o! county 1council and ail Counities Rond Com-mitîce will m--eet OOOHDOfgop intercsted tira tIbis might be ,ith tire Police Trustees dunring tireir tir rooHdo1eeig nEa pci ant for iplowmien visiting fail rond tour. Tire Trustees have re- fo queaed ire haning ! astopaig Dent, mianager, submitted tlie <d-I!o thrcutis nlang wt alcra nMI i Uon"s report for tire firsî eighit nionthe1 Oroo Sgnaon he ortrui crandMItahie end o! August. Tire report Duirinrodnotl o teshowed n surplus !rom operatWUoU o! Dt wnanreportd iatte iYpartg 5,0 ra ei addlac tL O e 'a' TI 11ntaiHghw h ave 1:tnkcp no' 45a c - vorks th ie systers iricir lett an de- 1 ~1UV. 1 linlire h-connctoý- f mpon[fctof n ua ltIle avn 19000O. W a eevdMonda',y evlenr.ilg tire ettacinta tie Villagýe.Tir e Comisin n oton is t:tj fie xcuie !tire irrirai Tie-,wsdeal.la-,,s ea asotke apart la tire unsriepro. bcaiAs oc, ia t io n ra7s plaimed a an,' Jat. a aeLaf) cvean em'ul- moton or eect i-,ryc. laIb is orratnmeigtaiooeac-a aJ-,la tapeett'o iipn u apooio ieCmiso iîaa-' iaet 'coutreat tire Dunham seIt 'Cl saîd'f la tire- wintem. Tieluo air e lu îpov,iing na free electric blanket tienx rovincial electiair. Tire used la beiig u "Dbyftire TDepaimnlt wi t tireurchasýe o! a new drem ur- dingla'tabe el l'nano Tw a! Bigh 1yotapreven thtie acalirrg o! i ng tire pîd o!tir-eprmto. jBh nNveb lt reoy thlis year at Mospart having won tlie Player's 200 in June. Merico's Pedro Rodriguez, inaa Ferrari, plnced second, two mi-inu.tes 1beinid Gregory. Taran)ita bus dîriverý Francis Bradley, also driving a Lotus 19 camie ini third and by so doing woni the Caniadian- drivers' C--ham--pionip,,ii foir 1962. This was held last year b, Ludçwig HIeimrath, Toronto. Gregory overcamne a anc-miinute penalty assessed for having a Il four, wheels a! bis lime-green car off the track at the start a! the race. A mn- jor fca in bis mwin %was the nmechan- j cal condition oa! bis ca li e 1,ad fao pit stops. The anly driver ta omnpete the 100- 1,1p, '-46-m iile CIourse, GeoyWas! cmcedi twoý hours, 46ninuites, 28-.Jý iYoung Pedtro Rodrig-uez lu hi s VS verrar wns at n disadvantage o)nte corners in his hca&y machine, but cammi-anded the stlnilght str-etcheýs, Bradley, the flrst Canadian to finish received tne Peter Ryan Mlemiora1 Traphy in Peterborough Satturday nighit.' This tro)phy is in miemory o!É thie young Canadian W%ýha won the first Canadien Grand Prix at Mosport lat year and was killed carlier this :ear in a formrula junior race in Europe. Ready For Church School Architect - *. ~~ 'l 11-114-g omî c -tr u iLudwigFHeinatir o! Scýarboiro, luna-Cnew CnsinEdiuatian Bilding .a-t PrceR560, wvent into thre race oillyf the GOrano United Cirurchir lenaw pre- ance point bebhiad BmEradley, la thiror paring ta mneet withr an arcbltect ta pons race for the Canadian cllam' discuss tire dnigo! plans for thre pYiunshiýp. Although lapped twicc, by buildling. Whien plans are preparad Gregor.y. Ileinatir was lneyer wÙorse te congregation wiIll be given an op- tran seventir and !lnished fifli. He partunity o! viewing nrd consideriag, wnas second lan Glass 1, behind .Brad- tlhem, Work le expected ta start oni biam for cars under 2000 cc's. 1-tiebuildminlathe sprinig. The race was started Dy tire b1ggest The foreparIt of this montir threcon- binme la motor racing, Britain's Stir' miitteè visited Agiacourt whene, they ingl Mass, whio dropped the Canadin inspccted the Chrnistian deto Enisigui, ta sendl 30 cars roariag- doWfl Centre at Knox Presbyterian iucr the straightway. Be! are the race, On WVedncsdlay o! last ,,eeèk theco- Mass tilled there crowd by driving mnittee met ag inl Orono followed the pace car around the circuit. by n visit ta Laite!ield on Sundlay The raiu-drenched tracit made racý tvhiere two buildings wvere viewed. Recommends 'Fhe Word £Aniiid The Way' For UC Wornen Tire United Churci Women beid "Te Word and the Way" writteri their Septemiber meeting lan the Sun- ')y Dr. Mathers, onre o! our oiutstand.- day Sûhool Auditorium. ing theologians, a f ew years previüuns, Mrs. Drummonid canducted the was guest speaker at our anversary s!nging ,o! sevemal appropniate hymns service lu Orono United Chuncir assisted by M4rs. Staples at thre piano. Tire bighlighit of the evening wai Au nsjîrug ~vtioalwas given Vi ewing ooue pictures preseuted- by MsVclma Armstrong selectixrglby Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chapinar,, tire book o! Psalmns lb her t1jeme,. tallen on tireir tour of thre '"oly She stated tire book o! Psalms bad LSird." been coliectel oves a period o! ane An interesting- and eduicational colu- hundred yeara of wirich seventy of! mentary was given by Mme. CGir.a n thefie had been made -famious by Dav- Sire stated lu Romie tirey attended à id. Psalm twcaty-tirree "Tire Lord is Protestant cirurcir 5ervice, we saw my Shepherd" possibly was- one Ive the prison where Paul was tried and~ repeated and sung inost !requently. kept, vt,,eweç tire bridge acsoss tire Mrs. Armnstrong made reference to Nule river. A picture was shown o ?salm one hundred qnd 'twenty-one the Cirro whene Christ taught tho. -1 will lift Up mine cyca unto tire disciples "Thre Lord's Prayer"', an&L hils." Ia cbosing-, Psalm 42 was rend lut s wmitten tirere lu !orty-faur langu- Irom tire Bible anrd a prayerwa ages. Getirsemane the stone where thce rend froi the irymu book. disciples prayed while Jesus went on. Tire President, Mrs. Lon,, xtendedJ Courtyard wirere Peter denied Christ, wonds of welcome., Duning the busin- The sepulcirre wirere Christ was but-- cas minutes were rend by Murs. Car.- ted and we viewed tire tirree tombs. son and appnoved, Mis. Long an- The mountain wire Christ stood and nouinced the joint meeting service w,*as tempted. Jordan riverwhr on Sunday Septemben 23rd and that. Christ wns baptised. Bethlehemn an excellent film had been secured. Churci o! tire Natjvity. Mns. Gilbart brougbt cent-a-meal O hi eua1eyvstdIer jar avilale o eerynedesiring aud many picturesque places wens3 thein, contents ta go towards Mis.s- l'n hesceen., ýiinar ad MinenaceFuidAn appropriate vocal solo wasgve ianry nd aitennceFun. y Mrs. Raymond Chapman "I Rev. Long, aschrm , introducedled taday wbcrciý Je.sus Walked" the study book for- the caing year, ncopae by Mrs. Sta-pies at tire "Tie Word and the Wniy". A rail play piano. was conducted wii)thtie flow. rs .Potr1xrssdtan)t nssisting: DMr. Sic.kson remesetcd n.and Mme. Cbiapmn fan taking the "Sesio";Mrs. Dickson, C.G '.I.T,; tm apett tire U.C.i. irese Mr-S. Gra1nt, Su1nday School;M's exelnpctnsspiarfmec Po)rter and MtacLmn UC . Mr.Loucks, Y.P.U. zcommniitnry, ns xnse od lTlirey dfi scu,, ss ed tie que1('st ion -!o! oprecintionn taia',baasSisted, batsnresulting inmnyvnn-ied op)- wt iepo m lui-ns. Tlicre meetinig closed bythe-slngiag 1 'UeV . Long stesed tire !fact tato!n ym.Rerebmntveresev icaci anc, purchase n copy o! tire cd by Unit 3 and n soc;d>ia time enjoy. boo)k on tbey wrýouid be out o! tune,jcd illâm i silim. . - à,.,

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