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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1962, p. 1

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BUR~DAY, OCTOBER 4tli, 1962, ORONO, ONTARIO L o r:cal Acti re-.sGla',ys e, ii Awvard For Pa rt Iiie Orono PIay With l -ay, acting over, the fourth anulOrono Dramia Festivail has been clearly ntedt as achiievîng its hiighiest' standard in its brief history. Thei Fest- ival whicli ran in Orono for thrree igtslast week saw its larges t audi- en.ces and a selection of outstanding paspr'ov7idling quality entertainmenti Mr. Crainford, diao, pointed to t'he excellence of the Festival, not- ing it as the best which ine liad attend- ed in Orono. He commn-ented on the fine variety of plays withi Canadian, Amrcnand Englishi and some of nerw atithori>,;p. Sucli festivals and daais an essential part of any commuîtylie said, and it appeared 1,- hlmi that the locýal festiýval was goigin 'the district. Other 'than the excellent entertain- met ofre -uing th-e thiree even- is, the highIlighit 0f the Festivail caeon Strdyevening \when ihe -,ri udicator presented his award win- er.Locally, the audience, approved techoice of Mrs. Gladys Aslett as blebest actress of the Festival. Mi, Mis. Aslett's acting as a kitchen maid in he Orono play, "Between the Soup [li te Savoury"'. Mrs. Aslett, in the vor f thie adjudicator, played lier part fîrmily, witli knowledge and with ezactn(,hess -0f control. The Orono Play, althoug i not chos- en .for to)p position, was stated as richl en{iertainmnent and hiad the delightful air 0of old Englishi theatre. Mr. Gan tord credited the set design hy Mecsrs L. Aslett and R. Joinston for imnagin- 1to.4lie dC but a minor criticîsmn Lif the set which revealed living of, formier years. He also gave credit to Mis. R'. Johinston and Mviss Diane Gî'baVýt fortlieir part in the play and h-eld that tlie play was well cast. Mrs. Asett was presented with lier plaque by Mrs. E. Lu-in on behaîf 0fth ý-Ieathier Rebekali Lodge. The Peterboroughi Players again itouk top hionours in presentinig tho wmigplay of the Festival. The piay,ý is a recently written onie by a Peterbor ougli writer who also dir- ece 1h play.. J. G. Campbel, Tewriter and dli recof the wini- nîgplay, "Summîit Conferen.e-, re-ý cevdtlie plque for tlie esýt dir-P Mis . ooey r. Campbl)lell flso0i received theOronio Chamber 0f- Com)-11 mec rpyfor th(e iet playv. 'Th-e preenatonwas made1by AMr. H.i In commenti bnthe wnigpa Mi. Crinfordfoundthe playt hv styleenjomentand wit, otms ~ soha h clld ealJtheAtreTh audencs(-attet wion as eldmot o Snrly nles 0f the Pic-Ax foi.Lay- Mie. Th q es etdeiu asaaredt Han-y Chaman for s wr o h EVrs. M. J. Tam'blyn Elected Vice- President 0f Eastern Ontario Liberalsl The Annual meeting of the Easterin Division of the Liberal Association of Oni,-trlo met at the Emapress Hotel in Peterboriougli on Saturday, Septem- ber 29th. It took the form -0f a lunch- eoni party, hionoring- Mr, and Mes. Witermi-eyerý and Alr. and Mis. Honey. About 200 weie present. Mi. Winteîmiieyer, in a most con- vincing and dynamîc mannler spoke on the "Educational System of COn- tarlo" anid all were greatly imipressed, by the exîIsting confusion and need for reformu. A lvl panel discussion conductedl bv Dr.Pale Je'wett on "oe' plac(e iii Politics" was well received and ;introdlucedl oustanding speakers f romn Durham, Kingston, Oshawa, Prince Edwaîd, Hasting.-s, Peterboro, Kenora and Toronto. Interested Liberals included 40 from Toronto in many cases headed hy their elected member. Cars from Or- o rono Fair t>ays Out Over $6000 In Prizes Tic Direct ors of tic ]iurham Cetral, Agricultural Society met on, Tuesday evcning vwien ticy reccived nmost rrav- ourahle finci'reports in connection with flic Fair îaf Orono flic pasf Sep- femiber. Tic payment o! peize -moncy fo e,,xhibitors at tic fair fhis ycnr was up $60000 to a total o! $4696.00. Tic Ilorsemien were paid ý n-um o! $1600,00 for their part in fIie fair. Tic *totl,-i pnymcnnt for prlzcs for cexhîàbits andA co(ntesfs wns welI over $6000.00). Tf wns noted at fie rme e ting fiat mannyo!flice classes athflicair saw,, an incrense la exhibits and fils was feue in miost o! tic caffle classes, taý tic boise classes, poultry and vege- table classes. onn E1V Ne aiLI SUV ±ao In cýhecking with the Clerk of the an' ohergurondig res ejoed Mi. H. -Beât met with the di rectois Clarke, Township has flot as yet giv- the edlucational f east. o! the Boardl an'd on behaîf of the Or- Township of Clarke it was found that The election of Officers conducted ono Amnateur Athletic Association ask-- en its final approval in joining the by is Davidson of Toronto resIIjted ed for approval for the construction four-commrulty set-up. It would thus iMisRogers of Colbourne as Pres- 1fawiîgîo ooh' h otî appear that the Bowmianville by-law in Miss ~~~~~east corner of the arena. Approval in i oehtpeaue ntefc dýent; Miljs. MU. J. Tamnblyn, Orono rniabvsgvnfrteirj(t ssrivitperaue Mte'c Vice President and CIMrs. D. Jolinson ofprinial was iiv e te proiec.of including Clarke Tow,,nshiip in the Peter-boro' as Treasurer. With final pasi1sexetdta schemie. Clarke Township council at final approval will lie given. its recent mreeting o)n Tuesday discus- sed the amibulance plan and are te, ds gîve their final decision on October Many At uaringtiu The Benefits 0f Bjrs!2h Park Duck Hiunt to theVýom-nt i enrlsse phasizeil in a scientific study 0jf their Darlington Park Sup-erîntendent, O. diel. ., inects, wveed seeds and a- G. Irwini, reports that the openling dlay mong larîger species, rats, mice and duck shoot was the best since the pro- other pests. "Should we have, a migra,. gram o! controlled shooting oim1,11--tion ogrshppers, we would rel1y ed two years ago. Tet-ixhnesgrea t1y on bleds to help control them, slioting from 15 blinds wvere suc-ess-ý putting- nature to work for uis, as ii fuI in bagging 32 bacsmalrd, ersays Conservation OfiC)_er- M. hadpte, lue--winigeci teal an1ren . Martin, 0f the Ontario Dep7al-tnent. winiged teal. As an indicat'i of how poplal.rh f 1StomcÏ,11ana lss f arou seie spjort lias becomne and the e(agernleýýSs f ursIpitsou, (ev Ïldthe with whicWhunhiters l10kfowrdtofllwhg openling day, )1oecar aw aitig by one ilîee dthe remaiins 0 f 7 a.m. Fidyfor the sýhoot which dd30msut ave ihhw a notcomene ntî oe hîfhou le-destroyed 31(0 graý,sclioppers, 52 bugsý for suris Saurdy mrnig. y 9three beetles, twowap and a spider. A starling 1had eatei mnpome300 dffer- )_m. three cars were in line. The long, etInso a w-ai' etain paid off handsomelv n id fisct.Apeaat1a certaind ye-'dîned on ,0 hckedseedcs and a as 22 of the 32 ducks bggd e 1vL ld shont'by thlese "ary irds." imournîni ov a'gteed70 unigisaloe at Darlingtof)l Hwsadol a ag ubr aod Satuîda3 from open.ing day 'un,_ke h oetpouaini hr De~~~I)j1' eme 1ý itenblnc i L)ciin nAmbulanc Sevic Tic Concil f Clake Township) met 0 teirreguar esson-n Tues- day lid amulace ervcerond ou dua"ug 'i-tQc er or s Road la hiciifpiyscmpced irneti athorizcd te mt winu cISWîiMm Fetialwih iemaorty-povdigSliitrI'irE. R. Loeki, f a- - gref en~rtanmcn. Me ranfor, rnge a ,sefflement. Ir ic mIost Capahle and wifty 1manI- Tic finaci- omi -) fcu- ner, appraïise(I -- te 'productions, "11 tîorFstrand Perîn.uit were f0o artists and set desig, os, 0uetir add foim a final decision re ic pops to flic fliece vnigLoIntraimntabul'anIceer i or fc four OMMn Financinlly ftcheLstival appears f0 icipaiities and f0 prec uýt tfus proposai, have climbed above that o! formier on or before Oc-tob)er l2ti. A meeting productons. Attendance on Thuiîàay veas -also f0 lie arrangcddof0discuse about haîf fillcd fihallU wil an hota-is proposaI, with flic Orono Polic crease on Friday nnd a packcd bouse Trustees prior f0 finalizing adesi. on Satuiday cvcning. GeneraLpdhlis- imcocei, H. E. AMihso, was au- dýons totalled a suLm of $325.00 for fie tiaorizcd f0o prepare ftchecssi tece cvenings-. Lacking, liowcvcr, frois for brushing along tic Town- MAveS attendance by local résidents f0 sh-ip' rondtcs tfils nfer. Thec worký is f0 cnjoy tic fouth peesentation o!flihe lie donc * under flic wintcr %work pro- 'Orono Drama Fcstrval. geam.i Mrs, S Sam.uel, c(3nvciior o! thc Feat- Final arrangements were completcd' ival, spoke bricfly welcooing foein flic passiag of a-on'0, ig y affcnding and aiso in introdueing the, law in which six ronds and portions adJudicator. IMof ronds are f0 be closcd ia fhe Towni- slipo! laîk. M. W. K. Lyccît, Or - 000 lShanlig te hga asect c theroa cisins.or. yetas spoke tocouncilOn bhaî 0ftu Trustees in wWdh li es-Aed ielý- formi a ýpîrovaI and askedthtCui cil tak'e o action f0osefi eto sit does, appear, however, that a trong indication has been gil to Irncludes ClarkeTwp. A by-lawlins been passed by tc Towen 0f Bowmanville cstablishing a ncw amnbulance service for Bowman- ville and flic district. Town coundil gave flic nccessaey flirce rendings to a by-lnw nuthocizingl an agreement witi Owen Sound ambulance operatori Donald W. Harvey. Mr. Harvey will lie paid an annuaýl fee of $1800.00 for this service for four municipa lities, namely Bowmnnville, Dnrlingfon and Clarke Townships, and fie Village of Newcastle. Tic four myunicipaîlties, accoeding f0 flich by-iaw are to siare tic cost in n proportion f0 flicir cqualized asscss- ment. Bomanviile is fo pny ,,$719.00, i; Dailington $620, Clarke Towvnsip -1$362.QO and fie Villagl-e 0f Newcastle ia, sum o! $99.00. Me.r Harvey will charge $10,00 per cali for service within fle ic imifs o! Bowmnvile.On calîs outsidle o! tic foven and adtoa charge offft cents peu miile will lie appiied. Me. Harvey agrees f0 esta-bhisi and mainfain onc ambulance nlong wità a sfandby %with qualificd attendanits drivers, Tic service li-10 lic avail- able 241 louis a day, seven days a "W e are m,.os t grî-atified w ith the high cibre and ni umber 0f men in Durham vwho lhave ind-icte thei wilignssto contestte net pro- vincil ecion as c ddte or tlie Liberal party." pio,,,ni(lal leader c0f thie Lir ýa riaty. Memberso? th Cii netng corn- mltte unde chaimani. Wadie, ~ W. Uwe Claîke; J. Tames, Bw maniiville; E,-Scýott, Hope;, and D. Lamli, Port IHope. These- were the 1introductory re- Tev edlgte rm Durhamc marks of Nomninating Commrittee ,, amed by the Durham County Chairman, IH. Wade, Nwtn in Lral Associatio xecutive to 'at- his report to the exeuitive of the Dur- tend the annual mneetin g of th ,e Ozi- haim County Lilieral A,ýssocýiaion at tario Liberal Association- in ToirnXo, their meeting in Newcastle Septetuber on October l3th The delegates ar%3 23rd. Mr. Wade ana his comimittee Ni aclCr~rgi;WI.cr have spent the last two months inter- rutersMalom an-vic; RgeW irk- veiwing-- candidates for thie Liberal patrick, Port Hope; Wilf. Hawkc, party candidacy. Names of those Cak; .R ovkn ewate seekinlg the nomination will bie releas-- Thomas White, Manvers; Westonz ed by the committee following the Oc-' Bannister, Hope; Gordon Trick, MiR1- tober l6th meeting. Tink, Darlington; Harry Wade, Clarke The Provincial Nomination Conven- brook; Bob Kent, Bowmanvllle; Bruce tion and the annual meeting of thejadJonursPtHpe Durham County Liberal As sociation içJon:usPrElpe will be lield at Orono on ThurIday, Russell C. Honey, M.P. for Durhamý Novemlier lst, Ouest speaker for thje and Tedi Woodyardwiu ccmpn occasion will lie John Wintermiýeyer, the party as ex offficio members. Coniservative Speaker Sees Econ- omic Changre Over Next i1O Yrs. in spcaking at the Conservative Con- symipathy for the Primne Minister at vention in Orono on Mdonday staed the Commonwealth conference. It waa; that frankness was a nreed at this timie lis joi to look out foi Canada'inter- Ha-i ney On in Camadan history. Na matter who est, hi(- aid. The pressarad oppoLsitioni cformed the governmnent in the next fèet lie shoud have cme forth WitlrI 10 or 15 yenrsltheevas toelie a gpiat an alternative. -Here the speaker 4 Lonmitees ecd of reappraisal cf oui elconomcic clairned the only alternative %vas a prolen 'e have to understand fiee crade aijea. The Prirre Minister, Russeld. Honey, MP for Duriýliam oui ceconmie way of bbc", lie sil. he said, was not opposing Gýreat Bt coutywil gie cosestuy t th]Wh speaker was introduced to bisau ain entering tLhe EOM butwa only-, Domnîo'sprohdemson oohs ,PmdieCe by Ml. Alex aruhrs LA ig f0pet theIbe'st deal forCad. emiplymnenteactern iicutureand Th speke expla(ined the Liberal Mir Camplieli fpeh tatGreat Britaîn helth, lielias announed. 1post-ar boo as a esuit of a desti &Wuldon the EÔM as it provîds -7 ThIese sinmnswregvn i ue uoe n aan W old hoîIýpe 3or ic uure Honrey following the L~rlprysel anything we make, lie sad, anld TeCommon Marketgroup wl proý- meeing inOttwadurin]g the pas 'no1onlselîngahrad to nations tha1t vdI tidfoc etwecn the roles3 weelk. He wil Arryeu te ivt i,- oeerbldatre war,0Cao- hf'tie Ur0ted States and Rsi. gainsdrigth uret esin~ dan eî Lso on asp gsîe Fedvla o f the dllidur- pariaen. hi boug aou Cnaa'ugrntogehrfio Lie'asdscrbenb Mi. oney le servig is first fei KranWîad hog lrecp-to. to~h PotHoeSauda, i ai ody e re ivng n dîfeentaf Mi. l4oney was apaelmer aa Cncrvaîve fund thatthey m las icn povdedf0necndry b- isuîîsiion on "orniiin pîtelf(e eut awstdlerit'age. Foi-dustries; forign iimpoîfsare more Orgniztin."Dr.Palin Jcet, egoapti wnd51 pýelrcntof Ca1li-epnie aaa oejb n Norhuberan inth Jue lecio paîn on mllo0f dllrsIn ingoode c aoline soildmoren, ai asthe pnel modeýIrator. Tihe dis- tebrest. The nVited StatS also cut-Off alroad (giving them a beter con- cussion wseldasta eatuve 0f teth Mporting of uraium iiand sucilirn-pttv psto) CenralOntrloSotb ome's ilit n sSoutb Africa vere producig HeM, sid y ugn aain ciaiAsocaincmeetinga fi m-ed ta mjucli-owrrcost. This com- f0 enpoi. "Japn anmi ie Unite p)ress Rt h jpifo lasbrtCnain raeKigommst tmortf0 iver. We vomicl Sncoriprant to lisec ounfry. nciust cpi m t i et, rond atWCý1 t fim. 7Council lias set 1Fiee undred aud!fity votingdele- unomince. He waus tianlifulfor fCo- uaiictin and rc!crrcd to wliat fIle liuro!fenoc uc n Nvmbrgle fticDurlaiam unyProgres- port1uifies give1 n him 0 il hs conîr , n aldascmpepobmsfin fieý six- lvencsincludd mi theiciprsent Monday evenng etticoustUe Prime Minster and hoc desire fs, tic ovrmetmu1sti eiesaidî, hy4lw. 1Tuern Hldl citern Mi. CretRcar Mev eeicpeepeof WbS Waaand ou towaruds nity and pîosnerfy with aý A let ter was receîvcd by counci o1; Bwýnmn"i1e waccisen as thîeilicnation.lHe spokýe co! i uaif- qlual distrliution ! ouiNatona from E. R. Lovekin asking tint tic caendidate te contesf fie ccx Federal cationjs since serving on tic council neatt in e.Wladykn spoire 'A lichem- C %-tryby-law be amended Ato elcin.i ludas reeve 0f the fstcst going cent Commwealh cynfcce and omnit flCF.B. LekiîîCcery. Cuna- Tic iAhIEwas Packcd forfilS or- comrnnity i0 tic Unitcd4Counties stated that tic Prime Mînîýjhjster was cil is f0 re-ise flic by-law leavingcasnon wif hevien te aseen ben3 dingîton Township. Hs W(110 duY bondf0peoteet Canladfian mr- ths cemetery out. utilzed f0 carry the ovcr(iow. Mr.1 malyny acutual organzatios bl ets as tis imeant fthc pro)sperity o! oui, Approval was given by council for Mlichael Wl1adyka o! Port Hope. Me.-aso given hlm a Uumranig in fils field, countrY. HO alIo stated thCat Great werkef0soc ntedo h anebigFikad cv ! aitnTown- aridhad given him flice opportunity o! Britai utlcalwe 0ciocle extnsin n te Bokn Fonto!theslp cntete ti cadiacywph Mr.vising ery ProvnceinCanad aown course in joiing tic Market and Townshp. This extension is f0 lbe com- REUkard w .n ove. bis opponent 3e3 f0 witlithe exception o! Newfoundland. i at in 'ioiinig flic arketpotca plete.d at a cost of $178800. 202. Mr. Riekarýd stated fliat Canada stabilitY Could lie achievedj in Eue- A letter was eeceivêd feom Mi, .E. 1Fou cnddaes' were rnminated I niust now, acf in a positive mianner ope. R. Lovekn lrfring f0 particulais!at tic coý_nvention viti fwowtlea- towards an economy of full emapioy- Mr. Riekard was- nominated by Ha- in nking an, appointment wti a re- ing il ae.Tis h-c vn ~îf e nusre n o ese-Old Balom of Hampton and Mr, presentive o!fie Oommunity Plan- were Reevc LloYd Hooton of :Cava- ous farming. -Tiere is a challenge Hogo f Millbrdook. Me. Wladyka Wy ning brandi. Me. Lovekin re!ereed to an r.Crman Davies )o!'Hope and a tnskc ahcad", lic saidn "f electcd Keiti Johnson o! Port Hope and John correspondence eeceivcd from Mu. Townsip.aoecniaelesii. "1 ,iîîCaetwrigliht of.Cartwright. Mr. Hooton'1 Arreli, chairman for the Ont ario In. addressing flic convention Mr, sfart immediately aad dedicatc my- by Me. P. Hamrilton o! f ,lbcook ald Municipal Boad at the hcaeing ln Or- Riekard stated tiat lie hcld flire cea- ýi self fo your cause." Reg Fallis o! Cavan and Dr. Davies 000û ce incorporation, Sons f'or havinig bis ranme placd as a Mayor Wladyka aiso pointed to bis by Mr. Victor Wilson, ceeve o! Hope Township and Mr. Jack Reid of Oronu Mrs. E. H. Samuel, direcýtor ,-f the awarri at the Festival. Airs. Aslet Orono Drama Festival, is hiere con- played the part of a kitchen-maid iii graulating Mrs. Gladys Aslett (riglit) the Orono presentatton on Fridayev on her attainment of the best actress ening of last week. Liberal1s Pr epa reo Conventon Novel C4

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