ORONO WEEI<LY TEMES THURSDAY, OCTOIBER 4th, 1962 - CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0F THANI{S Jean ad AI Heard,, wish to thank We ishi to thiank al our relatives, eveyoe hoset ars ncleqiedred and neighbours who were soi akbouZ Ellen following hier recenit opier- 1hkind and thiouighitul during the illniessI a-tion aýt the; Hospital for Sik C imac death of a - loving husband and re ourind thoughts were appre-fthr aiaed.a-p A special thanks to thie nurses at ___________________________Bowmianville M-âemorial Hospital, Dr. ~DIEDMcnie Dr. Hubbard, Rev. B. PAKRAt Memiovial Hopia, ogte Barlow, Funeral Homev and Bomnilon Thursday, Sept. 27, ail1 those wvho sent flo:wers and cars. 162, MAary Ethiel Pariker,, aged '73 Beatrice Morgani, Eileen and Carl yer.Beloved wif e of Frank 'Parker, Ritchie. a-p Neuwcastle and dear mother of Floyd -7 CARD 0F THANKS Browu, MNargaret (Mrs. Charles -,ý'isli touthanik everyonie Who has T-haçAkery), Velmia (M4rs. Cordon Wat- bee 5 kind and thoughitful to mie and moa) Hilliard and Milton Brown. Ser- my fam-iily while I was in the Haliblir- vIoe wa held at the, Morris Funeral ton' and Oshwa Hospital1 and since re- bae.Bowmanville on Monday, turning home. a-p OeWbr lt a 2 .m.Intrmet OonoMrs. Maiý e.~nyour oldiince. And when the Urne cornes, make sure you get an efficient, hard wO rking Esso OH Furnace, the furnace that stays ,y'ounger su rnuc ilonger!i ONLY. A LOW DOWN PAYMENT 0F $300-001 $30. êo- Partner PIumbing & Heating' OBONO, ONT. PHONE 19 it' s limeo to trade "ANADA'S PNQ1 CHAIN SAW - v- WEALO AVE' A LAR,,GE SE LECITION 0F DEAL DAYirSSEC GOOD FOR PERIO"D SEPT. 15-OCT.3 Pl WANTED Raine's Store an1d Barbler Ghopj A small Wooden irockin]g chair., wllbe fclosed M-onda, uedyn Phone 1409, Orono. a-p ensa0fntweka-j WANTUDNOTICE Riesto South Plant Bodly Shop, The Senior Citizens meet in the hone 1021, Orono. b-p 010roo'T'w, H lihrdy c~e ____________________________ 4th (tonigh1t) at 8 p.mn.PctrsWl FOR RENT be, shown,a- Anartment for rent. Main Street, Cemetery. a-c Orono. Available Novemiber -Lt. 'y Brooks. Phone 11815, Oronio. a-p OTTAWMA VALLEY CAPITAL SALE Offerinig 140 hea*d of Registered Herfods.58per-formianice tested buils, 69 femnales - cows andi heifers, 13 calves. SellI Nov. 3,rd, 1962 at 12 Noon Sharp! Richmond Arena, Rich'mond, Ont. (15 miles west of Ottawa, Can.) Write Cornish Auctin Service, R. No.ý 2, Stittsville, Ont., Catn. -sl manager, for your Free Cata.logue. NOTICE No Mk Deveryin the Village of Oron, Moday Octber8thi, Thanks- givin Day.a-c FOR SALE 1 large size Siegler forced air 011 ete.Will hea:t up to 6, 1oom1S. PhoneOrono1021.a- AUCTION SALE Thie under-signed has received n qtructos rmjohnMainwsiLot 8, Concssion 14iClarkeTownship - Firs-t farm northif Croolted Creek Ste. eling Strdy ctober 1311h valuabe livetock, achinlery e. Ternis cash.i No rsre JakRiAutioneer. AUCTION SALE Qiigup[) rmn 10 High rad FOR RENT -- - - i mikersandsprige,trc Roomis 0or Roomns with Board, lar'ga,, oi ber, dairy equipret, traco alnd brigh, fornt. machinery'Ietc. The property of Roy Phon 152, Oono.a-cNichiols, Lot 1, Concession j, Brokei Froi-nt, Cak Township, two miles BEIL AIR ALUTMINUM east and onie haif mile south of New- Windows, Doors, Awnnigs, Railings, lrime, Slders, Carage Doors. R, Pelletier, Phone 9R15, Or.ono,ý d-.35.p APPLES FORSALE Mlnitoshi Apple-, for sle $1.50 a bus. andc up. Also sweet Appfle Cider. Albert Pos. Phone 2237, Orono. WVANTED Housekeeper, middle aged lady of good character for eldierly wvidower,) Comfortable hoe. Apply by letter to Box 93, Ooo b-p FOR SALE PIrincess Beth Cook Stove -.wth oil b-nr.Medim size. Exelln for cokngad lheating. !,]o(,e Orono 18R3. b -Yp SAWS SHARPENEDil 1Saws sharpened oc odmmar inery. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St. Bwm has wrm cofral -acmoa tion foýr bdadd ains esn PhoneOrono1308.51- C, UXLMETN Orn maeu Ahlti Asoiaio Orono 6 rooms, new fu naego well.Oiy .v$6500.00. Terme.- Hampton - 6 ros emdr> ail coinx aniences.Oly$50.dos Orono district - -6 roims, watcir onii 5 acres. Only $580000. TermsjIý Orono istrit new, mode.,3bd roomns, firepliace, double gaae trout stocked pond. 40 acre.sk, n $16 ,900.00. Terms. Te-rrific view, 100 acres, ail1 workab,hI' good soil, well fenced, goolt- bara, spring-fed pond. 3 bedroom bose1 to)p shape, modemn bath, newý forcedi aýir 011 furnace, many xtrs.Ask- ing $2,000.00j. Terras. Pasture farm- - 89gacres,.oodsupplyý of -wa,ýter, some ard-wooý_d 1bush, bouise and Lbaru on property. Only $6500.00. Terms. We, have a good selectioni of 4 and S5 acres lots in Cîark!eTonhpwt 10w .vdown payments, LIST OR BUY PHOTO CO-OP THR.OUGH OUR OFFICE - 'Manyv other listings throughout Dur-1 ham C'ounty and Oshawva. A. J. McGILiL Phione 1407, Orono Local Representative tonville. SeI'ng '1uescIay, October ~ at .1 p. m. This sae)ffers a choice oto youni-g hoIsteiýn cows vwith 15 head renngthis ftali. Termnish;no eere Jack eidAuctioneer. PHONE 123 CONTRACTORS FOR FAIRM an.d HOUSE WTIRINGF Free Estimates APIPLIAINCESALES Proimpt aind -Guarantýeed Repairb to ail kinds of Electrical Equjipmnei and Appliances Such a t Metors - Waýter Heaterýj TX. -Ralios -Stc'.'es - Ir-ins Call] your licensed Plumhiin2 Mýechlan.ical Contractor who selis, instalis and guoirantees ~NFR 5FR L!UI3NSED PLLMBERS >0 (?oQzo~zi~ - o0 O l J1- FOR PhoNTne, - DEOATio p P o g P PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WIVITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompkins Phonle Newtonville 4721 àýB1-1 s aid Byam PLTMBIG nfflHEATING g Sales and Service f 2HOUR BURZNER SERVICE o -A FINANCING Lou, Interest Rates uJ Liphones: O Hampton -CO. 3-2288 Tyrone CO 3-2650 g Orvi lie Chatterton I Electrieal Contracting 1 Elbtric Ileating aýnd Service jPhone 1031 Ono, Ontario Stafford Brothers 1Limlted 318 Dmfndas St. E.' Whitby, Ont. Ceme-tery Memorials Dealers in Domes,,tie & Foreiga -Granites and Marbies- Inscriptions Cul and emîetery Reýpair Work Insurance llïService g OAuto, Package and Compiosite Policies, Fire, Farm, Life,J g g q1)'o g I g nu oRONO MEDICALi CENTRE A. F. McKENZIE. M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 186 Res. 117 MARIAN A. KILPATRICK, Rveg. Phone 19', OFFICE HOUES 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 pm WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGC ART 1VETEMRY SURGEOtP Phone 1,#46 Orono, OM. LUGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.Ak Barrister and Solicitor. BOWeMANViLLE, ONT. phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-51l g In tle Offic-es of R. R. Waddell Q.C. g MAIN ST, OPON() Q g ele-phone 138 Orono g AERRILL D. BROWN (1 SPROFESSIONAL ENGIFNEER o <(Civil) g Ontarlo Land Surveyor Q 12 Qileen St gBox l1656 ( g Bomanvlleontario g lephone 623-7251 Mai SteotORONO P.O. Blox 68 Tel. 138 AccientandSickness, Wind, I U N C Phorie Orono 1R16 F F iCEL . MA; I 0 T i,0ORNO, SPhone - '-2516 e. 11 FIRSýT iMORTrGAGE LOANS __ ___ ______ o -DO>0OcO~O~CO~OO& P'ho'ne 29 r oi(J ushs, Switches, bearIugS anid0 ýBuieElectric Tools at1ijSmaiiý O Applianice Motors g AI. 'H"eard g (J Phone: 1176, Orono JACK REID Oroýno'sLicen-sedl Aucionerand lValuatior Speialzein Farm nd Furiue Sale Cosi E frtm Phone 5 r 18 - Orono Auctineerand auao Conducts AuCtion Sales dof ail si,.. a ai reasoýnable rates Communicaete with him- at ýPort re Ontarjo.- Our quaýli.ty andc service ieaveu nothing ta be desired Ask the persan who bought f rom a neighLaur, friend or relëative , The RUTTER GAI~~ COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "L11argest Display in Southern Ontario" This coupon is worth $10.00 on the purchase of any new Pioneer choain sciw. Trade-ins cire accepteci on this oqfer which exp;res Oct. 31, 1962. $ ~ k mm» a L::::m