oekly TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER lltMi, 19)62, ORONO, ONTARIO S.Aluin Wins Counflies Plowing Compctition Stan Aliin, RR 1, Oronio, won the ---e .r,*I 1(Itieb -s8o Champion Plowman Award at ~uenernI~ -\eieLra-the United Counties Plowing Match held Tuesday, Oecber 2nd at the tionAt Oonofarm of Howard Allin, Newcastle. bon t (ýo,,oThis award includes $15 cash. ~United Church The Simpson-Sears Awàrd for 'the ueýýt WnrI, dunnp uy n Jirk y v. Unn The Centennial Celebration at the Orono United Cburch is to be beid rhuring October 26, 27 and 28 in ob- serPvance o! the establisbment of the ýChurcb in Orono in June o! .1862. A Centennial Supper wiIl precede the festîvities on Firiday evening whe(n the U.C.W. are proviina Smogaoordsupper witb turkeyHa= and fish casseroles,, scalloped pota- tosand pies and cakes. The Suppe1 js Wo be served in the Sunday Scbool Auditoium ý,Yand admission bAsbeen set at $1.25 and 75c. for chiildren. Saudyevening thle Orono couples Club aure pr'oving a variety 0of enter- taini-ieni including ý,acts !rom their own variety show,, along with the Or- onro players presenting their one-aci daimn at the ecntDramia Fbestiva-,l. iis also deiîe tht eniertainin frmyears gon.e by and by local res ,dents will be s (1e relatinig to an1 era some ten or twenty years past' The Couples(Cnlb in their first efort 0f providing entertalamient thiis srn were imojýst sccsfu nd wýill no dtoubot provide sc ntertalaeta gain featuring locailtae. TFwosevcsowospwilb e- on Sunday, Otbr28tb wth ib Jte A. E Ebustc, freryo! rnt now ,minister of Em-precss U ntedý Cýhurch, Lo io , belng i gc v speak-er aý)t the ýIl -am1. srie The Rev. J. E, ri th 4ow o Dunsord Onarl,wil le e eae r for, th firon eviea 4pm After tbie 1morniîg ervie e pon geainis ivtdto sla fora 1bu! petitor went to Gordon Macklin, Co- bourg. The T. Eaton Company Trophy for contestants under 18 vas wýon by Hugli Allin, 13, of Newýýcastle,, who was coached for the maiitcb by Ibis father, BillAln Hughi bas been plowý%ing at home for, the past two yeairs, but this year was the first time he, concentrated on competitive quahity. Judge for the match\was Joe Tran, a weill knowvn competitive plowman' Further evicdence of the passing of horses from tbe rural scene was the fact that only one plowmran entered in the borse plowing classificýation.ý The -1-H tractor d1riving contest baUý theý ,,inners o! ibhese prizes, in order five prizes )f $25 eacb offeredi, and 0fp, cng4wr as follows: Paul Steart, Bigbon;Peter ,Stewart,! Brghton; Don Tiey, Cobourg; ý o ,relad, Brghton and fHarold Yellowv- esBowm1anville. Tspning match is an annual affirhed y heDurbiam and orh- 7, M-inlP wen's Ass,ýoci ation. and ftie site is, alternated beiwveeni the f e lucben hich w'villbe prvIided b- the, Oronjo United Churcb omn A hsorclreview o!()'tbe cburchi's patis being cmie n ilbe, of inresi to 1tIc many who willake par't î1-the enennaiof the'. Orono UtdChiurcbh. J oan Lu~seCowing rid Cf W llJi RonLd, Su tcliffeî la the Orono Un.iteci lu on Sat- u-day, September i e 29t1, 1962, Joanl Louie Cwiig, aughîter o! Mn, and 2ýMrs, Hanley Cowling, Oooand- Williamn Ronald' Sut-liffe, son o!)M and Mns. Russell Suiclif! c, Leshard,t wene unied ita maniage. The offici- ating clergymian waus île Rev. Basil Eý L o ng. Tic weddliag -musie Wvas pînyed by MIrs. Richard Morton. The bride, given li n iniagi,,e by ban, ftnlooked lovlla-'a ulilenî -whitegononyoserannln and irayon lace lîtt..d brodice, lcene pe cnteI n panlls'ýon rt and a cf h oulff'ant skirt. lioagsievs uioac ai thc\wnî,si. T'he bride's veil, mdeby tic rie -)f red v'oses and wlii carnatios iss Caro!,IlynTnabu ,Bwm vil, cusn !lleId u'v; mde '0le bride and 'vfs. eg lack es u itro!tcgom MisT inaBre ieaad ec o!f ihe brid.,egrOoniwas Flower Girll. Tie mii i o! o o urv a3ndcibridesý- mlds wene dressed Dlk l rang cenlnsheergwnwihdpe bodyices ani] fui il sirts andi white ne- cessonies. Tie !lower gil was drýesa- 7c1 la d-eep aqua wiih a full shiLrt and embroiered bodlice witi htho 1 -essones aniD se wore a halobat. TicWandants al caryRic osegnys- o! 1( brneni wite clrysantbeaium5, Mn. illVm Alenfr nindo! île gromna st man andîleaushers r <iee Mr Gon o Coliag?, brother o! tic~~~~~~ brdtadM.,eadSlcl!!e,l nrolhero!ni COgrom.pMaster Kn vas ninileare 1wornesma greendrea o! nnel, ii leige accesxores and a corsage o 1 ec'o ae -if pak oses, Tîmes ,Pqnty pool MianlNew Canadians Cet Mi'ows First Place Job acco (Georg-e Van Dam of Pontypoel, won first place in the 26th annual to- bacco competition, sponsored by Can- adian Industries Limited at the Nor- folk County Fair at Simcoe. This is the first time for a grower in the comparatively new tobacco re- gion of Northumberland and Durhanm to take top hionours in ibis contest wbich bas been wvon for îlte ast quar- ter of a centur.y by fanmera la and around Nci*ý,orfolk Counily. Mni. Van Dam wýon thirdl place i the comnpetition last year. Almrosi 70 en- rries were received from ah tobacco grwig neso!fthe proviýne. Seco)nd prize ine was EUVa der Spiegel (If RR1_ 1, Otte-rville. Third- prize wen'. to Theodore Brinker o!fR 2, Simco1(,e. Judnges were L. S. Vicýkery, directori of thle FdealTobaceco Expeimiental Statioýn at Harrowv and R. S.- Haslani, eaU f the tobacco section o! thle Federal Researl Station atHarw Judging took place at tLhe fair grouinds. TEntries consistedf of IF, to 20 leaves o! flue-cured tobacco tied ilaa neat band. Take Legal Steps i DariagonTownshiýp'5 y-awen- oreetofficer was giýven aj"pprol b y council to talke legal act 'ion in the caise o! a mian wb3o built a garage -withiout a building perit'. Thýeodo(re Leiffers o! Kingston road east, on- the outskirts of Obw is al- leged to have rebulît a- garageý aftei b is fomrbidigbre own! A lett'er fromi Alan Srktwsi solicîitor, reported that itlws is op,, inioný, the towniship would)escesfl in cbarging tibis man unider both. the bidng and zoning Ivby- bt-j comml111-en4ed ïthat 1the -alleg"-dïinfrac- tinudrtebildigb-a be the i rst sep coni or nlot oinaytiag about theý situaý,ti on 1when -it kaiew ',Mr. bei!-, fers was starting 10 bijLld aain1:ý. 1Ree-ve G(arnet iekard -fsaid le didni't see, bpwý, it wouid :1haýve ýclanged teituationl. "Couacil did't 4tel hlm lý e could SCitizensbip Papers Forty-four new Canadians received their citizenship papers in Cobourgi recently from Judge M. A. Miller. Welcomiing their decision to becomel citizens, he said that be hoped that tbey would in time join some of the iuany organizations and take an act ive part in service work and the, like, Following the cerenmony the new Canadians ,vere entertained to lun- cheon in the rotunda o! the 'United dounties bilding ,vhere tbe 'y %ere, welcomned by members of the Business anïd Professional Womnen's Club of Cobourg, eaicb lady being presnte d Wth a brillant mraple leaf pin. Those receiving- their papers f rom this area were: Jenean I-Ibaýbet!I Bandstra, ýEg- bePrdi Devries,Maiu and Froukie Kuipers, Gerrit Kuipers, Otto Pfeif-ý fer, Gerrit and Diuwke- Rekher, Wil. 'emn and Albertje Byl (Bowmainville); Vernhard and Gertrud Dabins ',,iRiff S-hneider (Newciastle); Corneiýs and GerriaDeMooy, CrelsDe(Mooy, Theodorus anid Dir-kje Viogt (Orono); Thyý,s Hoýgeterp (Hamipton). Cham ber ,>" poses En ter- i ng Amrnb ula n cee cSc-ele Juior Gardoners To Invite Senior Citizens To Xmias Party, arnesClub tiok pla4e la the Or- ono Mncia Bidn onSeptemiber 27tb ith210 membens presoai. meumberis back adeseiallcn gtuedtbem o(n the excellent show- îng o0f Junior xhbi i the flal show, hield :naAAugust. P1n'ze .mIoi-eys were ý,'then pýaJl toai .the sýpecianl nt-okclasses for al -memibers under 10 yef-ars o! age. Mrs. Farbohe ade somne very lovely and initere-sting fail and Thianks- givng lowr aranemets. The leader ugedallimemibers to make an arrangemient and gîve to a sick or st-nas a lti gift for- Tbaakisgiv- ng. h wsIaso decidied to send a letter to rie olîr eiiosts a, ou Chritnlasi ia Uisssg futureplans for Our Paxft i De mr7 - clU Mr. Firbnýothier inrformied the, mnembers of the critical :Financýial Our ne1P xt meeting will be Octcler shape ofoutrany Withi littie uor 25t1 at sevea o'clock. no funds to wor wtb it is bcmn ncresinly iffiuli to0 carrIy Onn A surprisepeettinwste club. madâfe to -Mr. and Mrs. Chiallice in bIon- Or of their brhas Mrs. Fairbroth- sem oo baU thai in view"-o! thle en- thjusinani aýnd ibhe exc.elle-nt training giv"en to our chidr, acubscba ibis is turaed dbwn by- vlocajloraz- 1 rons as to financial ail., 1The eblîdren were theiafomedO! Ourn meeting cosedwith the repeat- er. We would agin urg parents o! members to attend our mneeting-s. Federation Poipoes Dc:berBaIquet The Dinectors meeting was held on' Octoben 411 lan tle Agriculture Office, Bowmaaville. Due to complications it was de- cided tînt the annual banquet could not be December lst as previously stated. A new date willl e set. The delegates for the O.P.A. annua] convention to le hbld on November 12, 13, 14 were decided. ]Bruce Taylor is tp c le ememiber for Durham in 1962 and 1963. Representatives to at- tend lie Zone meeting la Stirling were decilded. Fine protection for farmr people was, discusd and the secnetnry is to write Donald Middleton for funther information. Mn. Bob Moffat spohke on Co-op Mcd- ical Services and ouitlilad the cosis aind avaiilabIle services thait coulc le, ob)Itaiaed. He stateci thc annual mbet- ing ia to lebe lci on October 30 10 1wbice ery'oae ta inviteci. Les Pritchard- reporîocl on tle Ia- sunance Committi eeting lelci Sep- temben 25. Mrs. Sadie McBaian e- sigacd. as an insunance agent ind iHowand Folcy, James Bannes, Bi Marvin and Dalton Dorneilllad thein iceases renewcd for one, yean. TIc Novemiber meeting -will le bielU t 11elionne o! Mn. anciMrs. iRobent Moffat, Oronio, iad a s 500,00 for the Or1ooParkç 111c'ymove that these do(na- A Better Lite For Our ChildrnGrancc ilcrer ions gatd t h etn ThereaoasbiltY s ytlr 10pre Osawa "Ithink il is up to your resi- Atisudfoth betterment o!fieh one, stuldent is beîng asaisted iiî paea Ie rntfr l ftr frde- l lak Twsip 1 ttempit b ommniîiy. -hi y atteading the Sehool o! Dent' yorcministatedi the speaker create saine form of! a binle priai for Mr. ConU stated that m-osi commua- Isty. rprtc htth hme coininty i C, 'meepth ftreof!h Mlliip"ItY" ,1ýities can attraci residentiai growth lws eprdththeCa br ai the Orono Cdambero!CmecthfuuefteMnipaty"e but how can youi tell without -planning baUmi reallzed a sum of $555,00 froni mýeeting on ThLursdaY evenng lo! last saîd. wee. n.LaryCon, ndsti5l youj could, within the thinking of wbether on not this growtb is going 10 the two games operated ai tie Oronoa comissof !tîe Town fl !WiibOy 'Qneen'.s Park, b okn oards burt your conoyHer h c tedFî h1ear.I'n.IFoaid lo ae spoe o te ipotane o pannngRegional planning iîî Bowmanvilleý, Ithat the town o! -Bowmanviîîe may ob- ta l habrbUrise mora, pok ofÎh jnporane o &trje [r ne il taiin one or two iundusinies whicb onythis year tiban liayote laan cmmniy ndved intoî11e0Newcasîî'ýte and C1k o oe~ya and thaakýed those -who laid co- fuuewinnuin !aesff- fetîeohrliîe future. You pla] ea - rowtb and ibis resîdentia1 planing eeme plusibe. 'dayfor your chlidrenan yourtgwh conld come 10 Ononio increas- oeac aii civmn.H e Mnigselepluil.gran dehildren 1fo set a pattera o! cmý*- inig capital cosis alic debenitures. If that ibis money should noýw be put wr aîecmuiy Pnortocoin 1 WityMr cmaanesaa abete wy ! lf.these cosis were to nise out o! propor- vrýi hecmuiy C o waoa m mber ! Cocilo ! îl Thstais da ro t o!plnnga nof tiontenOoo oldhv 11et . Asleti nformed the meetingta aonbpo!Tagr ad lo 'ihn n eaelawig,"b ofrany induistr'y thait nay wisî f0 îlO-cl fteThsi tth 10t fpanngad te Honoun Student ernigwould ne memero!ib plnnngbad O iS taed. lcatnoiîin ts lmit. nila nîhelci at the November nmeeting wîicî commflii - e alU igadlie Ton- Te seae satdtht fyo lani tough planning anid study la aywouîd eitler be leld la île 0OdUfel- ýeojtcommufithecan guagehîle aviable low's Hall or the new Clarke igh- empaes n panin lti oum Thk~ edgeo!îl pemi a ou len ____________________te_________ j , >j an d Il t S h o o l. el-lplpsi panin, ff he prblms to be Sulb-division Coaitrol, stated he_ tary, fn ilS l [fl pîysicaîîY faced )acd being aware o! ibese prol- p ak r --sc un i t e 7ow r f thjat due10tîe ex-lmstie.y will lereduiced. if unware cnColsu Iidrsan 1nake en- e - b t 1 ý"eter- wahis feelin1g , speakr, giiivs cilîepwciilng n~ tenisiVe planning taiTrafalgýi'artntof the rbem ifente i odition pon lie developer's. scfisas FrDpaeand In- 10aise wîich wii roecoîy. Mn fîeneswec tnatc t lcaewitl- boited zoaiag ,as,îlehe anis oîee l pekrsaia Mdtrlla and it .wa--bor Huisecn) in tîcir boundanics~~ No lange iadi-ist planning gsadtîtotimranlaIcdtos fW ry anafordtomae mitae nd ~c lgîlatoncoph -o e anîg pnigasldiiinbestotl a~~~~~~n cîieo oatacnO emd iog I oa eaîeto ealbfr prvli iead ,lti fcma G. Ne onre wiliy-ally, fr iadusrY is ae o! îe i-iLith asibe ontbaestîieth aso ite h îe 'vcpî ietclrgsnu rOen 1'inie bgettxyes lsposbe1Pocigatitysoldpy e l m-ciaît ast a ee receîvdfo le Ensi-Centora chagefo cai otdeelosd Ts ntaloChainsb oswttein Slow pien~~~P yon ebatr ad aptl ir zeke leMtît lak r o -a piogrlu ovr a log penîd o! ownshi baU orningound h te rve fn obl2uii hc ilb el iPtrooo dm n tsws ocl Taagasggse o l rooCarIro ult 1 ciîl iin oiso r- rdy.Otbe 2 firagra e Com erc tn tbey onni a lnning d'Jg' graten sevics orlui- o wthgod ,eaai's b'ite Day' , iiooîe ct !Tiet vl î Poic Vp,-i a e ! Orono Whue d e Thoul lanig en hve a Ici- Lf Tub il be ee n, 0ti tenîy-fbu '~il ro ogtera bsWhitby ai ae eeîeus !l ning ol elf ein, he salU.cinrdnio -. - .., .- , -Zmm-,- 1 1 1 'on Thursday of Iast week took eep ,ýon to the subsidizing of -an anlbu- Sservice to 'be centred in tha Town ,-f YBowrmanville, by the Town-. -'ýl'p of Clarkel. The president, H. Partner, brought the matter before the Chamber for discussion. Action 'ja participate in the liour-centre am- bulance service was immediatelIyd- nounced by a good majority of the members and a motion to send a jet- ter to the Township of Clarke oppos- ing the mnove was passed. Messrs. R. Forrester and L. Lowery stated that they had met with the Township of Clarke Thursday atr notai wbýen thle finance comm&îttee out- lined the circumstances under wvhieli Council f elt they shouild join the ser- vice being set-up in the Town of Bow,- manville and in which l)arclington, Bowmanville and Newcastle were ai- ready supporting. Clarke would pay an amount!0 $36.Ofor, a sband-byam buance with the quarantee of 24 hour, servýice. It w-as also pointed o)tt o Jý Police Tute t iCaun il h jad on two nocaýsions with MAr. Barlow, >f Orono when ambulance sýervi\,ce discussedl. Mr. Bajrlow, it wassatd will continue aslhe has in thepat S. B. Ruitherford said that thle lcal- ambulance service baU cigivýen fine seçz- vice to thecmunt and woulçl no dlouft contin]ue to (do 5ýo. H-e f elt 4font as this was.agnocd servicre lt'a tY Muniipaiityshouild not beasssti wý,ith another outside of the Commun,~ ity. Mr. H. DuVail stated that thaý S362.00 should stay in the municip)a- ity1 adthat Clarkýe should nut bu sub- sidizing an ambulance service ia-1 other centre. Hle also pointed tote fine service providied by the- loca-l businessmnan wbich sholil obtainth Chamber's sup)port A motion by P. Mt. Lunn and D. Fo)und lpassed ia that the Cai bris to write a letter of protest to the Court- cýil 0f the Clarke Township). in the correspondenice a, letter was'i received from theli Orono Tele-phone. Company in reply to a requliest îfor better service to' Clarkeè. The Telýe- pneCo. has asked to meet wt theý Cabrat a future dkte when the: Compa),ny hias com-pleted itsý plans _nl the direction of provid-ing this servie. A letter was received fromcth Dur- hiam lCentral Agricultural Soci2ety ina wb11ic!h a sluni o $15.OOwas bfldto the Ch brfor, prizesawre o PulcSchools ich 1had takýen ar 1n te first day oF the, Oronio Fair Tweve cholsentered the, parade and, oi f tbe ,tw,ýelveprvddet- taaetbefore tbe grandstand dr ing tbe afternoon. The teasuer, Cas. rmstrong, ra- Oortd thtlte CabrofCo- rnrcield a balnkbanc og $740 Tbe repo-rt of the iretrsmet reotdthe payment of .2.0to tn Oronio Girl Gidsand alsoc 'om'-~ miendedl that a ýýsum o!$500flObe ai- otted' forý the construiction of ar-