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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1962, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Class mai, Post Office Departmeflt, Ottawa Establishied in 1938 by R. A. Forrestei rtoy C. Forrester -- Editor and Manager Subscripticn payvable in advance i-blished every Tli- ... office of publictts e icana&a 1J in 023A. 022% HeaLd Pritectors For Hockey With the hockey season soca f0 open in Orone, if w'as feit that now would be an opportune time to comment on the lack of player equipment. Al tco off en a boy, enters thie sport wifh littie protecton against body injury. Athough improvements have been noticeti there s still room for a more consclous effort. The O.M.H.A. this year at their annual mneeting passeti a ruling, thaf ail boys f rom Pee Wee age te anti including Mitigef age must wear 'head helmefs before they will be allowed to play. This rpling concerfis ~only thie play.off games as these are the only games thaf ceme under ife direct jurisdicf ion cf the O.M.11.A. Thie ruling wats brought into force solely as a safef y factor and receiveti a gooti majority of support. A Peterborough delegate in -epeaking in favour of thie rule ouftlineti the view that a boy puts on a pair of shin pads to profect is legs, siiouider and elbew pats to pro' tedt his shoulders and elbbws but has nei protection for bis bead 0ff course, protection for thie heati is .very bit as important as is pro- leetion fer any other part cf thie body, It was noted at thie rink asf year fhat somie boys lacked any forin ocf protection and wvere, oïnocsos playing the game With bareha.nds. For thýe sake (if th-e boy W shoulil ot be allowedl. Enfhusiasmn to play rifteni rules ouftAhe boy in preparing himiself properly. The sport of hock,1ey ýin the miner, groups bas beeni advancing over the past f ew yeýars and greaitur speed is certainly dleveloping. Even f0 the Atom group ,3e ggressive 'hckey is qjuite evitient anti ability te shoot harder and skate faster is mnost nioteable. If your bey ,,ýis to play hockhey this ye-ar we wudsgetta i be equippeti prepeýr1y and tAnt aL)ýrt cf fAoequýPipm-enti' nclue heall er.Tis couiti be a tbiougýht eýn for Sna Our Puzzling Policies Trying to pin down some of -tbe policy lines of the Diefentbnker goverment is like trying to grasp quick silver. For instance: The Canadian government bas been bitferly critical of PBrit- aîn's mnove towards enfry into the European Economic Community. Mr. Diefenbaker andi is niinirsters ]have been saying- that net tnly would suclu a miove beo a Leavy bbow t thie Canadian eceom.y Dutit would serioýusly damage and perliapis desfroy the Commonwealth. Thie Cormmonweali.th bas faileti to provide Britain with thie trade if, neetis .ri cure ifs chronic trouble wvith exchang-e reserves, but stili the e nt- bers of the Commonwý-ealth; wýho matie a great to-do about beling in- depender.t of Britain, seem petrified by tAie tou o f Brîïtaininin some menasure cf indepeildence fromn the Commironwealth. The impression we get le that our mninisters at Ottawa, along With' some of their colLeagues iin other Commonwealth capitals, re- gard the Commionwealth as a fragile, mystical structure that must be profected af ail osts. But then thie impression is shattered lby thie impacet of events. Tie Qoly bonds of Comýmonwealth, if seenis, are only to be accepted when i's in our commercial inferest f0 respect them. India is a member of the Commlonwealth. India is being at- tatiketi by Oommunisf China, Therefore, w-ith a great blare of trump- efs, Caniada ralies te thie aid of India; we'll do what we tinn - fof a price, of course. But China bas become one of our very best customers for grain, anti we can't let ouar goed cuitomersdon So we will keep on selling wbe-at f0 China. if thie weather tin China sas bati, andth Ae Indians keep fighting t-he Chinese, our export picture sh'ould be bright indeeti. But what abocut ~prncdple, or consisfency of poicy? Do we cherish thie Commonwealth or don't we? Whyi l it ýbati for Brifain te join a non-Commnonwealth bloc andi gooti for Canada f0 h elp thie aggressive enemny o a Com- mionwealth nmember? We're puzzled - but nef more se fAiýan a nuntber cf Caadias abtps - The Oshawa Times Township 0f Clarke To Close Portions 0f 5 Ro)ad Allowances IUe Council of the Township of a cmlt sur-vey should be miade. 14%arke myet on Tuesday with ail me- j R. C. Forrester and H. M. Mercer e'spresent. Council at ten in the represenited the Trustees. morning opened the meeting wlth the In support of closing thie road repýre- hearin'g for- road cosings. 0f the six, penitatives of the Litle Charitable rçads t-, be closed by by-law five were 1Founwdation were peet Messrs. W. iucluded in the by-law t0 be closed. neo f thle area forpakn for theý A sith was wîthhield f rom the b-a Reid and Bob Riutherford spoke of the On i Mo)tion cof Couincillors R'. Foyster Ornoe Medical Centre and also for aînd R]. Chiaetc e M 'lowýing roads are' possible expansion. B&>fh members to b~e closed; between lots 34 and 35' stateti that lhey weTre of the opinion ;e the fi'ýfth concession and also be. Liva,'t the rond hac been closed. They È-Aeen similar ots in the ninth cýonces,-al.1,o statcd th-at they werè wiling to mo.The road between Cie 8th and --r2ant services being run downi the .th concesion east of 115 HiglW/ay tou inopened road îifilf were cosed. This *i.e production 9ýoutherly of ther east w'ould include hyclio, drainage and lImit of lot 23 in the ninth concession, water. pe.rt 0f road allowance between lots On -motion of J. Stoite and R. Foster 12 and 13 Lin ther first concession and Couricil gave tenltative approval for ~aleo part of road aU<f»vance between the lssuing of debeniures in týe -,o- ts 28 anjd 29 in the fourfh concession inount of $80,0O for> two 21.r0on1 ati- An unopened road in Orono be- ditions to public schools in the South ýmeen obedk Street andi Station larlington School area. Wtreet was the only road bjeted to On motion of J. Stone andi R. Fos- bjeng closed and ýfas not included ini fer winters work was approved for ihe -final irdad closng procedures. Thu improving visibility -at bends and1 ODronof PoliceTrs e ob ecteti te tYernarrow sections on portions of the ckosng of the ol stating that ît vwas Towns>ip roatis. piexnature te close fuis ronýd. A study Consideration was also given at the Wvms now being oae f . ýe etrances meeting on two)-way radio for the bnto tie Village and t fcoulti be desir, Townsihip gFaders whirch was felt &ble to have another south and iiorth could be an asset during the snewl roncýd in the Village fo:~ f thie en-i plough.Liig season. Further consider- trenes were to be closeti' by the De-' ation is to be given this matter. ,parfment. The Trustees aise fet that A special meeting of council was Ifresidential develtipment opened iniihlio ensa vnn le tue utur onthe easf ide cfthe tAe necessary by-laws were passeti 'Village fliat ù, coulti reasonbly be in order that a vote for municipal -tbe thte ivad1 $ioild be opefleti. TAie j uer coulti be held in the Village of -'Trustee --qalso stated that before aiiyitOroýno. i-oa4 tinte Village was lse t4iatThe vote is to be belti on Deceiber G. Introducîng Mr. Wintermleyer, thle O nt rios utu e W ths-'aker saiti -thaf Liberal party hai 'etîýt solidly andi was not a parfy t Wiritermeyer jju-rharnM i States grasp tfie straws of political expedi- Thie future of Ontario is identifiedl week. "We have been in business for a wifh Liberal Leader John Wnter- d>We can have no doubf s about the 'ong tîme and are going f0 be in meyer and nfot wvith -thie dec-ad en t, future Mien we have John Wintermney- )usaness mucli long-er." he stated in tertn d seiCorrMP forryef"'n7s Mr. Honev saiti. The Dur-ham ipredicting that his party sfood at the tain RuslC.Honey, t il Ppeie li upr hres'boldcI f a great victory. Duha obia ierlprvnca M peigc1h -spor finwl r. Honey praised Mr. Wintermiey- Or lasfachien- crovncialonann Oeron1 i orfoer"forcinig the governrnentt fo ap- nomnaingcovetio ~l ~ rxerandi congoatul ated hlmn on his ponint a tRoyal. Commission on Crhie. Abov ar tl cadIdaesshon wli t~ L~P Leder.,'o.w seekng tieNom -j,,itin at b-e erlonvention las5t week ir- rooFrmctandaeWetnBa-:nster and Glen Jame, LiUberal -'l JolýW tre)r n .Pot joe Guide 1-1W MANý,Y WENT TO A BANK FIRST? r < Probably most of them / Experienced travellers have learned that a chartered bank can add greatly to the enjoyment and contentmen.t of travelling. Here you can get answers to currency questions, leave valuables in safelkeepizng, obtain letters of introd.uction. Travellers Chieques are ideal for day-to-day expenses. 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