THURSDA~, NOEMBER 22»dOTAIRIO _______________ 1IEXPECT ELECTION IN ORONO Nomninaiv-on For Townsi Villagm-me, lNocv Nomination will be heid Ibis Friday, Noývember, 23rd for the T9wshie FINANCIAL PROBLEMS ARISE A] CL'iarke, the Towniship of Clarkýe schooi Araand for the Orono Police Village I -.4NL11 The Towinship, of Clarke and Schol1 area nomninations wili be hield Fridayl afternoon with nminations being re- cel'ved fromn.ceue clci,>-k until two -o' dlock -,or the positions cf teeve,' Depuy-revemad thrce councill ors aindfor two scboel trusteeýs. At two thenmiais willcls and can-di- dates wvill be given c oppertunity! 1o address te tIhb, meeting. Present ~ouniliMiad rachool -tr-ustees wlill ouUine their atcwardship o. the1 past year whie nw cnitsmay oxpress thbeir views,. Thie Townviship nmnain meeting,- v-îll be held iu the basemrent eftthe, Tow),n sri pHall.1 Presenit cuclosare H. E. WaIk-ý yReeve, John Ston-e LDpt-reeve, Reî,y Fostev, RbttC atenad 1Lorne Perrauli, cUclors Lawrnce rcenoodanid william Alnarecompoïtleing thir teirm of 'Llefoite-Sco:, Bordand will bec ~p or r-nomnaton ouFriday. The nom)inationis forUc Policei Villj]age wi'iiopen Friday eveningi tIe Municipal Building at sevenC 'e-ock ,zan-d nominations fer thec posi- tiens cf three police truistees %vill ,be received until eight o'cieck. Fol- lowing this hour the ca3ndidateýs wiil be given an oprtut addreýss thc meeting. Th'ose prescntiy holding office in ,,ee Police Village are H. M. Mercer, J- L. IJowery and R. C, Ferrýestr,(, It appears that there wili be ne eloection ibtis year in the TownsIiip cfl Clneas nt bn as beau heard cf; any rýnv Dr- aXiae -iaking a bld- fer ofice,. Jn the Police ViIge it vwould ap-1 pear that an election is in the affing wlî,rth a nuxuber iiingj1- that lthey areý uic stand for offbue tils year. The Water vote in thse Police VWll'age wvill aise stimulate Interest on the -loCal scefle. L~c1I IULL With TO MEE OINIiLU' a3'1 UkD 1, NJ. NUU K ik pAnd ~~~~With howerCogectnToMe On WecInesday of last week a very DLiscuss Plans em be r z23rd Buildingen wsspntwer about thirty-fîve ladies gathered ati A meeting of the Orono United. ~J2E 6~ EARSthe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Everett k N Church Congregation has been called C E 7YASStapleton te honour a bride te be, TIV-9utNew for Monday, Noveruber 26th at 7i3G MssRuth Buleck, wîth a mîclap.m-. The nleeting- is intecded te giva ca il eg ous shower. te Cengregatien anoprtny for Lii /jlN/ere She was taken compietcly by sur- Street Lght Lanps . -in and discussing plans for tý prise whien she was driven te the-- On Wednesday cftVins week tw,ýo new hita dcte ulig - ai aps werue placed in the Orono The Building Comittce will hav- Ln syM ta band. s treet hightîng systemi. The t-wo on hand, at thie meeting-,teaie R tectok her place lu a decorated ap ar ovrinutswîhaC3 h ce b tle -htc, Abeý Thse 7ya-i Mapie Leaf Far- chair ad opencd may ovely gifts; mer's Muitual Fire Insur"auce Coin- wiil becomne bonorary directoirs 1fUicir n t in tjie -present fixtures lu tise busi- pan c Clubu wlimegewib heUnonoTe ne-fattel wvicAi she tanked her fricnds Casaafetthe Vllage. Llndsaýy-basePd Farmers' Union M Muu Filinr armer< for thera, IThe Orouo Hydre made the change i"on Mutuae lO wil ucease tsdzctr Miss Joan Alldired arranged a f cw o f the two lights lu au effort te' tuai Fire Insurance Coinpany on Jan- fo iet wle.conitetstani au sw1fh ,vere enl- !i, P,12 usnschace-o ulary lat, 1963. joydwile gý, amcsteetr sutsetusng uc asoem The Columbus office wiil be used r. ate 'ato& l ie Village. At eight minutes after thrce Fridayv as a district office. The Faniners' Mrs. Ai. Heard. and 14rs. Eect The trii lamips are MruyVa. atterneon, 130 policyldcers stoodu no iirisr i xabn o-Saitncae unch. pour uit vith eue being a 175 watl la Unin unit aurdal xitig ýthe other a .400 wttunit. ýthe Maple Le-af office te approve ceo i ocealhecdettnyecN-Teamnd rwtac aphsbe uaiou lite em1pan]Y's amnalgai and assume ail liai7ities. Trhe Lind- K matien.- aofiewîpa ai netns Ra l r1Wpcd in the Street lîghi at bise Or- AUv2ffceiiv4v l iiceeueiss ooUnited Church corner whiic thse Gene3cral toue etfbise meeting watsan Mpi Leaf pol cyhoiders wvil gel nla en lcda h eue,: etrsuaiu a "ne other choicQ full credit for cash paymcents. _ýinadSai) tetcre William Newmnan, a director of tise Tise rcbuilding of Cobbledîick street Mr. Dent lu testing tbc resuits wt The company was faced %v'th exces- MapIe Leat Companiy stated It U luth Vilaee' Oonelenear ialigist mater said ihtiat the 175 Wagtt sive tire losses tins summrrer. The te- Comipany had hiad losses on eigisI et coniletion aud is expectad to e s l 'was gvn ut6lmsmoelgs tai was put at $200,009. A drop lu ce- - the past ten years. "But it was ail witbin the next f&eW days, During Ct ita n ,as the present 300 watt incon- ncýwàis, es[iusatIed at over $U1,000,000 rigisl because et the reserve we bad pna towc sth-ntrestet asdscent iamp. Tise umût certainly -Ive faevalue) emardte 1959, repre. bLuilt uLp. been d(ug-out and Ibe soi!remvediore ligbt and also a wl-ier light tisan Codh, r uet ligithe cb us- sctda losI $102,000 in premniums, lias becu repiaccd witb sandy-gravel. b prs a)ccordiu1g te Granit Chriiistie, acting He saidl that thcy had ,tiffened up' ieecaainba endoet css section. The convesont preiwct o hryfe nda lcstsdent cf the cempaniy. this year îand somie age2nts st0Ppýd wdhet thcirî '0tau a pacs renet suitcrI for a Il Uic lighinstutwi Tb 1pLfCopn a.tre'writlng' fer- us. F15ire lbases sisould e1wot weada atfet ut ce)uld b'e used l ic units teat ae Tis MpieLef ompnyhadtbeedeptis ifii bbc businessa section., cholCes as ou1tlincd lui a letter f rom C. ha-ve gene clown cerrespond-ingiy This was ueccssary in order Uhal top' Ricard, sperutede ofe the p-ro wîbbb ase cnwls pt they si which was causir>g bell points and Cesdnto asbe îe c vincial Deparimreni ef Insurance. did.n'î. soit points could be taken eut and son-eüimne in impreving tbc atreet -. Onu thse prenluin note, rcpllaced with suitable substance for ligbtîng luntise Village but as ycti n 2.G"W o uies,ý1e have been lesiug insurauce inlu e, a e action bas been taken. Prices Vo ce- 3. Goete1uies -b oteu uilaiisfrsm .vi apt oiu nhesrc iit the Village would run f rom 1,- 3. AmarsigaiÉc M. "heten eel r t )ate.o h Sre D 1 i osil $S00,)0 Whien a polîcybeolder signa fer a Po, er" ttdM. opr bciedto-dfay wbcn bbc (,top surface et graýve] 0V oy 1,0.0 licýy, lie aise signa a rnote, teevlei eaagmt o tegh" auid crusbi stone la te bc, drawn lu. et which la baaed on a percentage of 1Mr. Newmancii said Maple_ Lent payvs The streel is beiu-g couslructed te ai and Main Streets. The plan calls for bis premniumrj. This note maqy Se calied ils agent 15 per cent as comiparcd te plan wbereby in tise following year n ecuiverts te drivc-,ays. ai an.y fimie on, a deciaien e thbb Board 12 percen.t paid by ic Farmers' 'Un- popr ur udgutî aybelad Tis '-project la one cftise largeat of Directors. Mapie Lent drecters didi ion Mutual. jte carry bbc surface water. Drainage i rend projects carrlcd outinluthis Vil-, net wanit te caii the note.I is te be taken te Division, ChureS lsige over a good n,'umber of yeadrs. Mr. Richards noted that bbchernom p--auiy had taken stepa te try te lm- prove its positiou but that it -migist be necessary te cail 10 perceni.te i OEYSFRA-N INVESTMENT IN TUE COMMl,ýUNITY prermium note. Tishe directers, lb wasg said, warted tc, arnal- niate ratiS- tan do this. The liabîiîy oe'thts ai Lent cepauy ameunted frein $20,000 te $30,00, Gross losses were currentiy Atter a lwe ycar perb e bcproerty owner-5in tise awc.Ts WCws ne'aebcnaoiye runniug in exces of 100 peren a Village of Oreno are again belhg asked to pass their projecta in the Province endeaveur te keep coats premituris .deccison on tee installation of a municipal ivater wiblsia the range of $1.00 a week on bbc average pro- t Detaîls of the agreement show that supply for thse Vilage. On Decermber 3rd a vote is perty. This sumi for a municipal suppiy cf wate'r is thse Maple Lent Board ef Direcbors being bceld on this issue witb a poil f-Dr thlis purpose censiderably leas titan thse coslt tiste average samok- 1TO CONSIDER PUBLIC LIB1RARY Ge:ýneral Meeting To Dcide- Cours-ý For Local Lihraryý The Directors Gf the OooLi.brary, Lih'rary for Orono., arve caliiug a general Meeting of fthe If a publ)içe library is te be formnedi mnembersbiip of the local Librar-y. 'lie it is now necessaryv that the miember.- meig is te be hield i nhs Frîdapy af-: ship cof thle preseut Library ternon t treco'codkiiiUicOroo.agecri meeting pass a motion re-J Library. The purpose ef the mueeting! qucsting, the uuicipality to set-up us te> considere dissolution of the snch a library iu Orone. present library as an Asojt i rary and m'akng a requcs at ± ± bel On pe,?king te Mrs. E. zHammn, pre- ,e medit a Puiblic Libraxy. sident of the present library Boa-rd, forme it was l.earned that the majo-rlty of tees and the Towïnship Couci r-formlfing of a public liirary in place ,centiy met with Mr. P.oedd,cfw.He ef the present associate l4braryv. Mrs.I Department, whiendisin centred Hamm aiso etit hat it wazs either1 on the pssiltrrlthe procedures frlga ui ibrary or discontin-' te hbe foliow'ed in omu a Public iing this service in Uic Village. MANY VSTR RS Dhstrktjnrla rd en ' oeiug openca in tuevMunicipal Buîan rom .tise heur eftoln 'clcck lunbbche irning uintil seven in tise cveuiug-. Tise vote asks if tise voters are lu favour ot havïng- a cotraci signed witb bhe Ontario Water Re- sources Cmmsso ehave iustnlled a com.-plebe atrsystein in Orono a ina estimiated cost of $175,- This question wvas placed betore bise votera lu 1960 and was deteated by a ceuit 191 le 137. Iurcin igsor-ne of tbbc aspects of a munici- pal water eupply for, tieViliage cf Orene il carifiratv be noted Viai Orcue la oeeoettise teem aj.inqning cen- tres of comparable size net hvigsuch a service. Orone blas twe sites on wvhicb t-owclls could be dc-' -veloped with sufficient cpctu10serve Uic wisole comm-uuity, This Jbas been borne oui by test driil- ing and tise wclla wcre gîven ratinga f rom 75 to 150 galions per mninute. The Otarlo Water Resources Commnission lias cýlaimced tinssufiietfer Orono',c drnsand. Tise tta csI for a nmunicip>al water systeiin Orono I-as 1been estintated ai $175,000.00. Tis s ct- miate wvaa sup'plied lu 1960 isewever engineers have recently claimedbisaitishe saie estimate should hold truc as cesta cft sncb installations have ne', increLaseci to auy degrce during tise pasi taco years. Tise OWRC ha.,ve niso said tisaL tbeý$175,000.00 seemcd a reasen- able fignre for a munilcipal alater systcmn in Orone. Mr. camnpbcllne t 15e OWMC luaddressing a mieetiii,nuOroh o lu 1960 pointed oi ibe many fa- vourable points i i ngthrougiis UicOWRC> n Pre(-vinciaiiy sosrdorýganizatien-. Tise OWRC,- can pro-vide tise necessary m-onies aI a lesser rate of in- terest Ihan can be btained irogi local debeutures It aisoe climinates tise issu;'ng et dobeatures by thee munici aliyancisle Vilae would also obtaiu tiscir er and -withun the range efthtie majorily et people. Municipal water bas mucb te off er tise eai- dents et this muiiicipality. Firstiy and fore-most, is tise provision et adequate and satfe -water fer buman consumptien aud use by bbc residents of the Village. Nething couid Se more important te thee municipal- at and this shoujd receive grent consideration. In Orono two water survcys have been madc withiu bbc pasi five year-s witb tbc tirst teowing twenty-five percent et the wells providing- water unsatistactory for use, The second survcy conducted twe ycars ago shew,ýed a result werse than the first with uittle hope of lt ever improving. Lot aizes in Orono are tar be- low tise rccomtmended size fer family uniits and Ibis can only -De detrimenta-l toe i bahi and weitare ot tise cilizensoft tins eornrunity. ,The Heaths Unit etNf utbr anad Dur- ham bave urged tisai consideration lu csiabýl.iiss)ing ;a miunicipal water supply bec giveiu prionitty. The local doctor bais aiso pited te tise nced fer sucis a water system tin Orono and attributes some cf bis Cases teo Uic preseut supply througis individual wells Wiic arc net one bundred percent fit fer, use. As tise Village grOws conditions wil! isardiy lmn- prove and wates- for persennal, communal and lu- dustrial use wiil become a premnium Witb water ',- shortsupy as lb bas etten beeni in tise past f ew years over extencied periods, healtis conditions ot tise commi-unity cannot but we-rseu. Outside of tise welfare et the comrmuni1ty mun- ici'pal watcr Would lowýer the lot size fori, dn fom15,000 sqj-u-are feet te 7500 sqluare fPtd Tin's woul d ae grmatrse cf new 'vacjnt lbaud. IRwouldI aise be au"nveîetin tlis enomunity and lu cacis fIndividfuI properly. Ilwldase 1improve ouur fire protect 'ion and wirh the necsary ,stürage eould censiderabiy re- - - - - - - -w- - - ecpv±,sxe ctc±ua~D~ouc (ilýili ffl¶L ustruus Ot. ,suwjreami-ncerates. «h cola aise Seafae - , iselu iseopeatin e Ui sytcm leencurae ilustrial -nsscssm-ent te Uic area tlius Tise anual ce j o retire a debt cf $175,000.00 rclcauý1v;11g soecet tise t rain on residelltial pre- njil ïepre aIenIr ysemwas set ait $1,062.00. perty.' N i~ht Fie d Iii - O ro n o - Thiss 1\d1r. Can l~cul ercvee ynTise luvesîtet ofi.00a wcck ýon tlise ae 5 mllrat o th tx bll a$15.00 srvch large, ngcproprty oulîd bring returns tisaI Ca1nuot,1 e Tiseannual Dstrit Juior arde'~i erspresut tem tse dstrit, Tsey hese cïeection chsarge of $4.20 and n front tx memsured eiy lu dollars and cents. Tise Vllgeca- J1rIov ý1IfleI'ý3 tes peset fom he dstrct.ote l25c. a foot. Fer an average homne lu Uic Village net remain staùc e ir onu it aixun ius resporisiility Ngtwas receul e]aIOoowre .Btar,1.Jis og;-with an assessl-t cetî250000O aud with a 66 foot in tise isealli and wcltare of ils citisens. eogcA,.F. annd A.M. aItisoe Ledgc K. Branton, Ce-'dar; W. Wervry, Leban- frentage lise cost feror and te retire lise debt On- Centre Street,Aécapa itynmbero;H.Iken1'ty;J eri , wcýuld total S48.20 a year, or a lie les tlisais $1,00 Vl E nDcme r. were rcset fo Uic caiian. Tem-ple, C. Farrow, Durhamil and W. _________________________ Tiserewe e mm e spreacut ïtrem nMcEwen, "Hope.ledcsatesumiios ftsi tie oliowugog es:DalVid T. Cam- -There wcre seven PasI GradLz odgc R -ý_uS Ie u)ll")ls Ls belWbtb;Composite No. 3,Whisiî)ffic'erý in atendance: GeporW.orn k.tta vagrep ithtie represeutaîlvea. Thisý i oraniatin etliihlyrespeeteýd Cn- by; Coiberne,Cobrn; Lebanon, PGS; O. W. Rolpis, PDDGM; R. H. Nvme,16,S je oies i() h sa Osisa; Temrple, osbwa; -Cedar of Logan, PGS, Audrew Wolfram, PCS 4Nvmbr 2Sove omeatrmUc sad. but: adian citiseushbas gvncuiuu Osiaa;St Jhn obur; ucas, .ROsseePDGM has Py- Tise establisimeut et nuclea-r bases aviug evercomie the immlediaie proS- ýthcugslt te tise-,nccd fer tise cessation _tNewcastle; Ad Astrai, Ne. .51, Franuce; crofi, PDDGMý; L. MveCoy, PGS. lu Cuba was a deliberate and prove-1cenofthtie missiles it seeme 'casqon- et tise arma race and tise reducýtien et H-ope Lod,(ge, Port Hope; Ja3s. A Ihe %work oethlie eveuiug was per- catlive net oethlie Soviet Union. Wiîhý1is ai isaI bbcrem-oval et theebomnbera international tension. Tise objectives Poret CrediL; 24t. z -0n, port Credit; tormed by the junior wnrde-ns etfUietise remnoval ef t is Stra-tegie missiles -, la a mater wisicis can sbeftly be ce- oethIis greup are, of course, Jin ine Onta_ý-reP? oe GoeBy a- idistrict assisted Sy Rt. Wor. Bre. T.,lunlise face of Amnerican tirmuess andsevdwiebesetalumny.W ms, Last weel< ail members ofthIe howevcr, retain a reasonable ap- mdcc Parwecd Oshawa; Jerusa- L. Wilson, Grand Junior Wardens eof streng-tb, Mr. Kisrusbcbev bas assisl-Hueha tiepprulyt etrac teh woerbem td- 1cml B-rlm nille; F de]lity, Por thbie CGrand Lodge of Canadainth ie, e lise United Sbates lu isoiabing lie Huehdteopruiyt ïeLpoc otewoepolrio e Ferry; Oro - rno; ani EIilOIl fProviýnce cf Ontqrie, w-be also addres- problem cf Cuba te oue et a purely iisdlgbsrmTseCadntncad iseaeca sboie L$ýakeJElliott Lakýe. -jscd tise gnthecing lu the banquet co Norths Amelcan concern. Stillouit-i Camipaigu for Nuclear Disarmnament whoiehenrbedly te the Objective of the~ There wëre scer worssijpul sa- later linlise e-veing, standing la Uic remnoval et certain aud I took advanua-ge or Ibis Ocasion (Continiued en page 2) Ca-le, of Eowmtanvifle, Ont, several trips out of town, 'tQ vcwre- entiycompeted Christian EdacatCIo Builings ii an e-ndeavýomir to iifld theý type of building b5st -suiteM t th nieeds o.f- theOuc nOoo Af ter svrlmeig iht. architect, these needs haveu been em-ý bocdied iii the plans wich will1 be - troduýeci for discussion. Tt is honped that it he Cnrgto wili be present te consid(er thiese pro- posais. Dr. AL B. Dymiond, !Minisýer et Heath for Ontarlo has enclorsed thc resumption throýughouct Ontario of the Sabin poiiomyelitis vaccine lprogramn if certain recomnimended conditiong aire ebserved. The Sabin vaccine proe gramme had been suspended in SE-p, tember due te tihe suspicion that four cases of paralytic poli Canada w,,ere caused by the oral.jvaccine. As a resit of the repor~t of the National Technical Advisory Comnniit tee oni Live Poliovirus vaccinez-, the suspension of the use of live oral pýoiiomyelitis vaccine has been ife uncler certain c:onditions and restrie- Endorses lResumript- iîon Sabin 'vaccine The Salbin vaccinie, ta.ken by -nouth,~ wiil be administered under -,iorrmal cireumnstances 'te)preschiooi or ~bo children and to adults whv!o have pe viously taken a fil course of Sailç anti-polio vaccîrne, if the 1.ast -dose or~ a booster dose efthIis c-ourse wass within one year of the date of admin- istering the Sabin vaccine-. The 1,ibin vaccine will net be adý mninistered te anyone whC> has not had the basic Salk vaccine protection no-, to anyone who is net in a state ut good health. The Department of Hleait--h is pre- pared 'Io provide Sabin oral poliomny- cuitis vaccine, froecof charge, to an- local hecalth depar-tmient for. adin- isýtration to cliildren or adluits in good health, who have alrc-ady comi-plctecd the Salk vciainprogramme. Gýardeners&Aris To EhbtWr Two points eft intercsýt this week- cl have terbgnigt-ih Vh enI the Oronio Junior Gardeneêrsý hold their Chlristîmas Party at thec Muýnicipal Building. The meeting wrill commnence a't seven and everyene Is invited te attend and t view the fine~ ciinýpiay ta 'op placed in Lhe building b", the Junior mnembers. The Orono Ait Greup wiii then take over in the sai,e uiciing to houd an. Art Show and Sale both afternoon and ccngon Frïiday and aise Sàturday morning and atterîloon. In the past these twe groups have put before the public- a fine display3 ind it only goes te sýay that botih fea- turcus wili be a mus' on your week-end ~genda. Looking For Potential Banrjds- le n Anilopportunity for -young poteniti'ai Býandsimen is being oeff ercd by the Or-~ ono B-aud in that the Baud are will- ~ng and anxious 1.o start a class of b)egînners thils winter. In the 1past such classes have been held by tlà( Band and nmany Li'oci boys 'haýve -gained thie kn'owiedge an'dl ability ef banidsmnen and miusicians. Tiie couirse Ibe-ing ofrdb i bançl depends on the iinmber whe re- ister for the tr~aining. A sufficient mnmber of interestcd boys or mn is necessary te warrant the holding eof the classes. Inýtrum-en'ts arc availabie for the beginners and instruction wAll bi provided in thc art of playing a musical instirment. Tliose interested iu jolning tis' class are asked to contact Mr. Donad .Hamrm, Orono Bandmnaster,asora as possible, THURSDAY, NOVEALBER 2211d,