- ~'~' QONO WEEKLY TIMES -NT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vice Club are F- ,l Draw for 201 the Towni Hall, . clVC1S. kind as ss mny ianpciatJoný of kincnes, flowers tenids anFd >neigibo(rs, iMeznorial Hoita-l,1 pecial thanks to Dr'. and' the nuriises for, Mr. Ken Ball DIED1 H-ALL At LakÈe Shore Nurs g ""ie TootOt., Mrs. AliceHalwfeo ,ire Inte Madison Hall of Orono;: deai' miother of Catherine (Mrs. Frank Ar-1 ,,ron) Tor-onto. RestedI at thre Barlow Funleral Home OrnOnt. for serviece'on 7Jlonday, 3ecmbr10, 1962, at 2 pm Inter- Furetwa in Orno Cemnetery. HEATHER.REBEKAH (Continued f rom pa-ge 1) Set of Beads - Linda Barri1ball, Or- no. Green Cushion - Betty Newmnani, Pla)ce Mats - Mrs. B. Wood, Oreno.! Pillow Cases -Mdred iainey, Or- pe-r person. Proceeds conmumnity service. Draw tickets are available from memiybers- and somie stores in the village. Every-, (,ne velcomel. aMc CHRISTM1AS CONCERnT Kiýrby 5 Sc 1 Coo smasConcert will 1be held in the UC~yTnited Ghurch on Wednesday evening, Dec. 19 at 8:00 p).xn. l welcome. a- CHRITMASCONCERT ntohPublic School Christmias Concert will be hield on Thursdiay, Deebr20thi in the schýoo!. Every- onewelcorne. - COMING EVENT Leskard Christmias Concert will be' t hel on Fridlay, Decemnber î4th at 81 p.m. in the school. Everyone Wcome. CHRIST-MAS CONCERT Oak Public School ishes to an- nouV1e their Çhistnias Concert on Tu.eqcay, December 18 at 8.00 p., Adits, 25c;: Children l15C. a-p COIOEVENT Next Mna evening, Decem"ber 17 Mlembers of theù Orono Hi-C will again, dlistibu'(tte Chu-rch Calendars. Your reýePtionl in thie Past hias bee-n excellent and wve again soicit your' support. a-p COMING EVENT iMake arrangemients to attend Clarke Highi Schoýol's Formi-aI on Dec- emnber 21-st at Clarke 1-igh School Dance to the nmusiecoft Gordon Admiýsion $2.50 per stuclent couple.' Aut:$350 Per couple. c-c FOR SALE Apples for sale,Malts and La- Salle. J. W. Boyd, Phoýne 81118, Oo FOR SALE One pair of Gir's FJigure Skates, size 11. P-hone 1017. a-c l'o.,"SALE1 One -paýircf HckySkates, size 8, uised on!y one year and in excellent ;ondfition. Contact Douiglas Moffaýt,I 0rono. Phione 15412. aT FOR SALE OU TRADE One pa,ýir 4)f hockey skates, size 3i ecletcondition or will trade ane for ai pair of hockey skates aise 4 in the samne cniin Apply Raye West, Orono, Ont. FOR SALE One uised Gurney cobnto oal or wood and Electric Rainge (oniyý) S50.00. WALTERFAN REALTOR, 177' Church St. Bownianville $1,000.00 dow;n bu.vys aii8-Bedroom Bungalow near Boîwm-ian-ville. Batth- room, niew oil furnace, large lot. I$8M00.ü0 Full Pi-ice. 4Acres with mde Two-Bedr-ooimi Bunigalow and barri. Qverlookingi Ganaraska Park anld kGarden Hill. Askingý $12,000.00, with terms 10 Acres Ma)rkiet Gardien land, level, Asking $3600.00. Terras. on }Higbway No. 2, nearNetnie 130 Acres Cashi Crop ancd Stocký farmi 0on No. 29-hwyeiglit ïmil,-es ess of Bowmuanville. House has al, citv conveniences,. Geod barns., rce at only $25,000.00. $5,000.00 dorwu. Acre with mnodemi Bungalow near, Oronio, 3 bedrooma-i, fireplace, has Rolh Hrdwrephne 43,Oroo. double garafge. $13,ý000.00. $2,000.0 FO L A S We can hiave a new, home builit fecr Azala'~,Chrsantemua, Pin- you iu Orono under the N.H.TA.Lo s~LasCycame. ~r sîe.dowu paymeut with easy mronthlyl George York, phone 17316, Ooo. paymeants. Model homeis' avallal)le b-lfor your inspection. Cone iu and let us diseuas thîs with you. - WANTED Lge Cmo Head inlatrf Paris. Anyone bavig sae, plealsc cýontactOrn Tim-tes, phonie 109. G. RICHARD SUGGEFSTS NTURSING HOMELOS (Conbued &In pae 1) LyutonhurstL Manor Nursing Homie A bli ucr cusirion on Sundacly nigbt (Cntnud ro pge1) has warma com-fortable accommodai- around the Orono United Church. Mýrs. ,rn agrcutrealoreîects faveurl- . frbdan pptets esnVilton J. TmlyOro. pac ,byon thielorvmet finustry Penues.oo 38 n Eastern Canada." _____ 1908. 51-yp1ASSAREE ThIe DaMligo Reeve spoke also- NOTICE FORSxssbree n u oe ,f the boo,' dolar Jevaluatien hadi ANNUAL SCHOO1. LMEETING ( ahiey gi-t'n tethebe cttie i nutysd thel Public SehoolsAct, Secion 24 (c) Frank Crowevý, 102 Elgin S'ý -e e, Chrstmias tree trade. Ue aise -men- f As euie by The Public Schools Bowmanvile. 50-P iindthe 0enf' Otane fmmersnAd, ,the undersigned, Secretary of ____ fldderived fremir ncreýaed produc- the Board Yf Trustees Kf Orono School U NANTED HAI tin cf cereal grains and lie eutiined Section No. 12iii the Township of Vainish1ed away with SACA-PELO. dm11 succssOutarlo seed pMïotaosiClarke hereby ive notice that tSAC PEL il differenit. It dees nut lrad achieved on ,he Gr ieek and Jap- Annual Schooil leetIng Af the Support dissolve or remnove hair fhomnthe uî-- anese mnarkets. ers of he Publc School lunthe Section fa, btpntrtssd ead coclde h~ emoi MRîl be held at SIe School on WeOs got f UNWANTED HAIR. Ler. Mm. Richrd edmdbCrmais v, the 26th day cf Deceem'ber, 1 erLb.L962te,,'7 Gavil -on agriculture with a brief reference ,attheeurl cf 8 o'clockIlu hater1- --eevac.uver , St.C5,67 prnvll toh1eARA pregrar which 11e noon, for thetransaction of the bu-iStVnovr2 . -1 ter1ied a realistic approacir by the mess pescribed by thre twenty first ~ovrnnint t Lrm robles. section et sad Public Schools Act, AUCTION SALE 'There la much te be doueclun an ud of such other business as miay bce Faýrm sold. aýglcultural progmam i n Canada b ut lawfully breught before thir meetig. es Ponie, pony eupmnhoîstein ~last w,,e have a governmnent lui Ot- Date'd this 12 day of Decemnber 1962.cattie,, baicJ hay and stmaw, trac-ter, aw~a willig to e ea and unaking -, Horace R. Best, miachiinery, truck etc. honest atteýmpt," 1e said. Secretary, Board cf Trusees. The poperty of Reg-. Curi, Lo)t ib-c Conc(.ession 9, East Whiitby; îyil miles! I east of Raglan. Selling Saturday, Deý- cemer15 A+ 1:.%nn0 Jack ýReid,Actoer - ol'sBeauty Shpp Park street, Oronio, Ontario TELEPHONE 160J BY APPOINTM1ENT CAR PLATES,1 ON SALE Heu. Jameis Auld, Minister off Tran- ýsport for Ontario, recently aunounced that, as was forecast lu the Speech froem the Throne, severai changes wvere being muade regardiug registra-ý tiens or commercial vehicleasund. trailer.s. He said that the 1963 liceftce plates for commercial vehicles would b muade available for quarter year pe- lods commenchrg April 1, 1963. Tlhis wa-s being doue to, help farmers aud others engaged in seasonal accupa-1 tbons. For exampile if a fruit farmer only requirad his vehicle, say, froru July -! for a peniod of 11 weeks, he would enly ueed te purchase licence plates for the July - Septeirber quar-~ ter. A different celoured plate wrill be issued fer each quarter ahowing tIre date of expiry. Howe-ver, those licenc- ing thejir vehicle for thre whole year vill receive regular black and white Mr. Auld said lu order to get thre issuing cof 1963 commercial plates into hune, thre exýpiry date for 62 plates ra'd been ertended te March 31, 1963. Iiow- ever, all other licences inclu-ding passeuger cars sud driver's lîcenses wudexpire as previously stated on March 13. Iu future year's, 1e added, cemmercialPlates would run in A po1 i1 1 te Marcir 31, sud tis year -would bce available ou February 28. Prier te February 28, 1963 and afterý Dece(mber -10 tins year, 1962 platesý 1oud Ire issued for the periodf up te 1rch 811111 1, the inilister a aiid, sud the-se plates eeuld be ebtaiued for ou quar- ter of the eg, a fe MAuld hoped that aeasonal com- mercial velhicles usera weuld flnd -this iuew systern. beneficial, sud fei 1 it gave these people e equality lu' coat of operation with those who used Stheir veliies ail year. LIST OR BUY PHIOTO CO-OF THIROUGH- OUR OFFICE Manyv other listing-s thiroughout Dur- :iami County aud Oshawa. Local Representaitîve licensed Plumbîn' & Mlechanical Cont 'rt-l" who selis, ihçx-ii and ~acn~. BURNER SERVICE LICENSE» DPLUIIIERS Monteith, Monteith' IRiehI & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone: 728-7527 Whithy il, 66-4131 9e. Ajax P.-0890 FORo PAINTING -DECORATINGg BUILDING -CUPBOARDS f 'J REPAIR AND FINISH FURNITUa Cail SDOUG SIMPSON phone 208, Orono PUMPING OUT SEPT1C TANKS WVIHTE WASHING< STABLES Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville 4721 C Bqarne-Sand Byani 0 LU1WBING andHATN a sales anld Service f o2î HOU BURNýER SERVICE B-A1 FINANCING f J owIntcest Rate's ()J MuHapton CO,'. 3-228à Tyrone CO 3-2650 Eleetrical Contracting Electrie lireating and Service Plume 1031 Orono, Ontglarjo Box 133 MO, 8-3552 Stafford B-rothers Limlited 318 Dundas st. E. Whitby, Ont.ý Manufacturers o Cemeýtery Memorials Domestic &Foreign Gaie and Marhies - Inscriptioms luiH and Cemietery Ilepair Work Insurance in ail its Branchesa gAuto, Package and Composite Polcies, Fire, Farmn, Life,a lBurglary, Liability, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Wind, f Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc.a 0Sadie Hamilton Phone Oronio 1R16 FIRST MORFTGAGE L.OANS Building a Bouse? nir remnodeffing your present one then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono Electric Motors Repaireda ~Wfljfg5Switehes, bearlnigs ad >i rushes, Eleetrie Tools and SmnalÎia Appliance ?Motoirs Werk Gilaranteed SAI . Heard0 Phone:7-= 0 11-706, Oroc--n3 0co Directory MARIAN A Reg, fq0 OFI M ~URS 2:0 to4:0 pm. 7:00 to 8:00 p,.m.i WEDNES3DAYSl and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMvE-NT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART- \OErEri.WýRY SURGEON Phone 1C*16 Oronog ii Phone 5 r 18 - Orone TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auctîon Sales of &Kit1nose and at reasonable rate, Communicate with hlm at Port P"., Ontario. Monumffents and Fanîily Meinorials Our quaIity and service Isavez nothlnq te be -desired Ask the person Who beught f rom US a neighbour, friernd or relaimv The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "lLargest Display in Southern Ontarlon IThe ý 1 Lawrence C aoB,,A. BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: IOff ice M A 3-5638 Home MA 3-555J BarIstr~-Solicitor In the Offi-ces of MAIN ST, iGRONO a TeiePhoneie :,S Orono giERILD BRUWN lo 'J BS.A B.ASc.O.L.S. 'JPROFESSOA EGNE 121 QenSt Bax1lo Bowm-aillle, ontsrlo f3 Tlepene 6-23-72,51 Chartereûl Acconutant Main slltee ORONO P.O. Bex 43 Tel. 138 General &Lf 8 E OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Rom. 11714 JACK REID Orono's Licenseti Auctioneer and -Valuator Specialize iFarin and Furniture Saleà Consuit me for ternis and dates