Santa ay and C.Hall occTrred at Torot.o o iMl Liay, JJt- nmentary scnooi, ne remainea on the! çember 7th, 1962,. at the age of 8681 hom-e farm for, a year but att"idedl years. jspecial ix-weelk courses hi agrIcul- Fonmrly M. B~tdaugterture durig thle winter at *Port M<>pe o th r t&Alic M ary t dan e1 iHigh Sehool. r th~Y~ w~ orn n ESex ie thon attendoýd Port Hope Hig4h the ctceaed as ori 1 n EsexSchool and aftor graduating entered i uty but i,ed at Oronô most of er~ liftitn, and iwas a memiber of -___ d 0rono UtJied GlIuch. SI-e was the great-griandson, Jeffery. - ts uviving memrber of her family, -h aa service was lield at the, having been pr.edeceatsed by >ber H. H. Barlow Funeral Ho'me at2 rb-thers, Herbrt, Harry and Edwin p-,m., Monda, Y cemiber 1lt a .d ' est was condueted by Rev. Basil Long, 'f' 'f ",«",- "' ..1..I'T m i L ý'." - Shee survived by one daaghter,1 5-Mrs. Frank Ardron (Catherine), Tor-' lk- onto, wîth whqmn she live-d for the MYI 1 past four years, and two grandisons, etMadison and Allan Aidron and one~ ,he Îe Awards Presente er4-H Club Nigh hoi Durhani County 4-H and Junior rai Fariuers award night wa s held Tues- Ond <ay at the Townshlp Hall, Orono, with Bon Brooks, i)resiclent, as chair- man. The guest speaker wvas LeRoy ;h Brown, Agricltural ERepresentiative, ,,_ Victoria joanty. He gave the histozy toi of the 4-H clubs and stressed the imi- ýn portance of the work of the iilubhs and' 'Lthe benefits clerived froin member-, sip. ing Awvard Whiers A watcii donated by Canadian l n- Flperil Bank 0f Comraerce, Orono was, ,lss Strong is iag boy le r watch was >p amidwas a Im perial E tead witn îne onunren. His arrivai was from the north' ridling atop the Orono Fire E-!nginei whlh took him on a. tour to the south of the Village returning to the Mu-n-1 icipal BGuil(Eing. r Santa returns to Orono tbis week-1 end and will on Thursday and Fri1 ,lay evenigs be at his work shop in the office o the H. l'ariner hiome, Main Street His heurs on these two- evenings will be from 7:00 to 9 :00ý p.-M. He will again bc in to-wn1 on Sa t- 1 urday hfternoon fro'm 2:00 until 5:001 at th e work sho'p. Ail chiicdren are i-1 Santa arrived in Orono last Saturday and greeted over [50 chil at the Oronio Municipal Bilding-. The joy he brought were 'expresse the flaces of chilciren-, as shown by Kim West, when it was her turn to -withi Santa. Da r-1in g ton m<lG ain als P. S Regon High %SchoolB fol'icwed ln Orono Cemoetery. viicd to visit with Santa during ihose The Durham Cotytý District M911 to write a bitter of approciatio Palibearers wvere Molssrs. Goikm' houre. Schlool Board met in the Courtice tihoOrono Chamber 0fý. Commerce Martin. Bowmv-ianvillo, Ernie TBL.en, School on Weclnosday ovening of jaBt had sponsored an awards night wekThe animal ChIristmae Turkey Honoar stadents 0f [ho Clarke Chas. Cooper, Horace Best, Ge~orge Toronto Normanl School from wxhichj CaronIrvn Rine, ron. h grduaed it a irs oias~ori- dinner was served the Board, prior to School. The Millbrook students Carsn, Ivan aine, Orno. fic gate. Foliowi a hisigralaation ho the meeting, il. the cafçeria u f [he taking swimm-ing in-Peteu'bo-ougl remained on tho farmn for thlree years A cýommittee reported a sottli ~d~taking three subjects froi [he uni- ItI was no(,ted a t[ho- meeting [hat t heo f $1119.71 %Which is to be recE tversîty by extra-murai., study andi Soath Darlington Public School area 4i'romthle Lindsayv District HguSe' teachîing special elem-entary papils ïni had the lgreatesit daily attendance Board for students who have beei T (\ ihe venings. during the year, and hvngsc-luatda DieLurh'am lSchfools ktH e d In O OflO Mr. Crossley oanhîs teaching woald appoint [ho public sehool meirn- ho were from the Lindsay Disi career at Mindeni as principal of the ber to [ho High School Board for 'the A requcst -from Miss Pauline phy, D. Welsh; C.N.E. shlîeid, -Sharon elemnentary school and assistant in year 1963. The presont Public School quin for a yeairs leave (fa -bse-nc( Larmer; Land judging comrpettion the, continuation school. 'Ho attended rereeit ve as appointed b)y Overseas teaching was granite( awaro, William Olan; United NýationrS 1Quieeni's University, Ontario ,Agricu1- Bowmanville. Provious to the B'ow- the Board. Miss Sequin tea trip, 'Harol Yeilowlees. taaoolg n h Jiost f manville appointm-rent the represent- Fec iieCak coL E. A. Summners MemiorialFund Toronto, H, iaiught for twvo years ait a ti vc was always frIlom [tho Town of There vwillbo no iglut vocatj corsages were presented to 1962 TDur- Fenelon Flls Continuation Sohoof as Port Hlope. South Darlingtoni's public courses thie acaidemic year ai hami Coan.ty and Provincial honour assistant, lator 1becomigpi lshoinc s a aieps-yasHnpe Highi School. This- dedIioen winners ila-4-H hiomemraking club. !of the conthined elexnentary and con- miovodec above the two to)wns in the iade by [ho Board in view of Provincial lbonour wînners Were tinuation schools ai Princ(etoni. Fromi District Hligh Schiool Area. sotg fsm qimn i Maiol Neal, Elaine Syer and Linda there hoe went to Fornick as principall Mr. Gordon Wright, Coaflty EMO is new 'vocatîonal wing. MçAll]ister, in 1932 and le now supe ri ntendent 0fi to bo, recqaested to visit each of [ho Not aifected by the decision In thoeMiiibrckok caîf club, [he o o-the, Peihama District High Schoo sy- Durham District High Schoois [o in- courses in home econiomics& art ai Bankl, Peterlsorou1gh trophy was stem ,Whcihinchicdos the Thorold- 3truct the staff anci stucbents la c-comlmerceial subjecits which have prseto b Wlsn omuI t p jFonthlil H Ëigh Schooi and ,,iIl inde egecmnsr. proceo-dlng as usual at [he ~r&knrdg; eter a y-~ iItene ool oi opinipal The Board w-as infornmed ihat the school during flie wirter. Winsiow to Philip Adains; $5 cash, by of the Pelhani District High School. Stratford Players wOlid be atit he Board secretary-treasurer W, Claro Winslesw to Janico Adiame. Mr. Crosiey is a brother of T, R. Port Hope S(cthool on' January l0O,11 Reynolds said [haz thie shops in In Durhamn 4-H beef c-aif, tho Gra.y Crossley, Port 1-ope. when tiwý,o performances wl bo pre- new wing were more than 80 per trophy was presentea by Bev. Gray sentod. "Twelf[h Night" will bc play- eqaippod at preseit and iwoufld to Ronnie Baker ad the eCanadian. champion dalry showmaa1, Lindsay cd i. i he aftotnoon and Sha,',s "Arins theîr full quota of nsaclinery ILnperiai Bank of Commerce, Portin n< Sho>w was presentd'b and tho Man" in the evening. Mr. Big- f ew monthe. The Board feltt[h, -~1- Y -Cby M. (înuî niniil of tihe Port f"opestart visational niglht clasese iay, Wednsady, Donald Welrlu; Durhamn County Fed- c1o oration of Agriculture challenge tro- In tho Durham 4-H dairy calf club, j Gl tho Jantes T. Brown Momiorial trophy M( was prosented by Mrs. Brown [o Deug pl .~. E g .. Jose and Durham Hlolstein club a- W, I.4 NIfà%V wards were prosented to Ross Stev- H*iýU&wd reT.fJIv C ens to L. Brown and D. Jose. William Burdke presented the Ton- L î liiig0". W A. . ontoDominion Baak, Bowmanville, trophy~ for Durham 4-H sheep club to L ti n L-Jm S V Ui C fDavid Brenit. Clen Larmer presented tho DUI- Ohurcli Wonen rcad and approved. A very accurato ti Cat o rdcr rpy~ moeetirig in a land encouraging Treasurer',s report1 Janes Byers 0f Dunhain 4-11 ewlt corated $awdaYiwas read by Mme. A. McGili. Reporti club. 1 ho midst oif frojn -[tho Corresponding Secmetaryl The W. H. BronBwmlanvil! Sel, mnan--y colon- wa5s giron by Mrs. R. 1_ogan. tropby for Durham 4-1- poultry clu, stnas arrange- The Preident rmentioned the ar- was presented b3i Mr, Brown [o 1. tilçes displ1ayed (Chritmae Nreatha, Brackenrldge. rs. Long, cern- crib quilts, and stuffed toys, whkh The G. B3 Rickard tropby vaw by tfin g o the wom<l* "Peace on Eanth, ('Cý>d- sented by ReVe Rkard toB'* eAU -Ye Falth- ht was decided [o rend an invitation Lowiees iTurham 4,H grain cli to a reurned misqionary homne on lat North Durhamn 4H grain can~dle 11gb±lng furiough front Hong Kong, te be our [he Ernest Swain, Barketon, tr for thoe Lvening guest speaker earila In[ho Spiitng. was won. by D., Braekenridge. by Mm. M. J. A Christmas carol contest waa thon waq peented by Mr. Swain.. 1ted i-n the wor- enjoyed by everyone preent. la flxýnamf -H potato club-, spproprlw[e pas- "0 Nativlty $oGene" xas pesented, Darham 500 baahéi celub tro(phy, ertaning tco [he a rxeproducton of titis wondlerful presented teo Bibl Olan by Me1%1 oneltdîng writII"Evonit" that [olt ýkplace nearly 2000' ad [he Mo!WWood fertilizer awa, e 0[adir gJin a yearà ago. As we vieweid [hoepage- was won bSr Ron Wel and Pt er iglited red se[tiiýg and lisened t tho reýven Wood. oýoimontary giren by ;Mrs. N. Bain-, Bowmanvilt.e iwanie lt, tophý "o0 "Chu$ritmias stoiv each heurt was deeply [ouched for Durham 4,ïïaple club %vas pre 8 -giron by Mrs. and mtade %.wo.n of the si'gnflicmei sented by Ron Boo's te BStant4 ient iner. of the fords "Peace ons Eanth, Good- 1lan[he )qrhari -H4 siage Cor~ cal 'duet 'Wear viU t<,wardq nien."' In th~e back-1club, [the Agrico trophy was prse t wag e #wetl>r g'ouin4 te[hoifr 5wo<ely t ag ult e yMi-ke fote i au'aby.b Vrumniond and aible Chmnlqt nxas Carols andiPaul Tamblyn aire won Grat '1E 1Drummoad co>ncluded by ,%ingi hrCapion 44,H livegtock hw a *Long, expreEK4-over tavouri[e sileotion "0 O l!J Marr, Bowmaxsville, troçhy. of ,tion toe veryone NlgwittThe Mason ad Whyte Lisuraj,4eL iig [lie year ani This brought a very meraolrable trophy for cham-pion beef Èhowx4Jl jifo tued support and evening to a close, deicieus xrerh- Lindsay Junior Show mas preaseeI t mente were seou-yodm a soclti-thne by~ LeRoy Brown to Rlck, Rilkard k 99 mi.nute* iwere Ofljôyed, ad the Creet Hardweare, trDopb,1r for t The Board Sceretary was inat.riuld itJ ests for [fffreat c( Twenty Winners Receive Tuxkeys At 9d byj The Odidfellow's Service Club Draw - .Ltys I and Dance Friday, Decembeir 14tlh in -.A th [oOronlo'Town Hall w-as a m<cs &su- c ersul enit both financlaily ai-Id ejoyinnt.Jirn Fisber',Orchifera liied ap te its reputi tops with Bro. Mac r ing off. May %woextend1otir ciio~fn tol A1v¶UOee rees. dfellow's D cintarns En- 'y eaUl- Bantam Hooley Schedale thila Satarday at 6:30 p.m. i apr-casele wlth the On.ono oatryn SBowmahvîlle iin [hotIi-St ganIE te atearins are entered ian[the leage '4Timn eko, Oshiawa; Rcbai-t Roblnson, 1 la .)no; Ivan Bail, Bwavil;jToh e-d Woods, Oshawa; Aithea Lalelng, -Alli -.vcastle; F. W. Tuenk, Bowmnan- Bru dle; Joe Jackson, RR 1, Bowxnan- Bill 11;Raymnond Peret, Kendall; WÎI..A ,se MNati-, RR 2, Nerwca5tIe;ý J. J. Oo ,,,.erg-ason, Bownxanvî1le; Hemmut jol Blaieke, Leskard; Mms. M. ina, ' BowalanvlleI; Walter Stapleton, Or- thue cao; Toan Aldred, Orono; Rog. ftt Thrush, Chapleau; S. A. Cobbetit,1 Oshawa. 1~ iday Hop, eýér'a' enoagh 4t cali on everybne. But nmollas Hik - jcalendars have been ordor-ed So if forienue beo btiid fronta ary[bore is anyone who did net reccive ventionc nmr.a cail, if [hey will leave thcj-ai-~es 'popte.' shes to thaIýk ever,oae' Wlh Royent Robinson on Diane Gil-1 The nes loifui respos' urn- bart, a caiend:ar will be set auide ;Çori'b Sullda itecI Chr5hCl. nire hem. fSec yoù rs wee sol s6-u - acIýl Seven niernbers 0f [ho groap have Merry rono Times extend to everyn Hie Joys of a far alOve rever remnov aetndboyort largegtE