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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Dec 1962, p. 3

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w4~ Maple Leaf Grade "A" TURKEYS20Olb and39 Also a Wide Selec-tiû of etSil Butlorball Turkeys. Fuly Cooked - Short Shank - ýSkiess -- Shank Portion S)mo()ke d FH AMS Maple Le-af Pure Pork - Ideal for stuffing poultry Sausage iMeat lb 59c lb, pkg 39c Best Buy! - You Save lic - Del Monte Fancy 20 oz. Tins FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 for 59c Yen Save 4e! -Niblets CORIN 14 cFz. Tns 2 for 35ç You Save Se! - Stokely's Faney Hiiney Poti 15 Oz. P EAS5 2 for 29c You Save Oc-Ge ypress Gardens Orange JUICE 48 oz 33c You Save le! - Planters Cocktail 7 oz. PEANUTS tin 39c Muy! - Sun - Yen Save 4vc1 1 lb. pkg. e lbl19c imnd Best Buy. - Von Savýe 4c! einz Fancy Qualitjy TOM ATO JUICE Youi Save 6c! - Beyno1lds 18 inch Heavy Duty FOIL WRAP Liuscifous California - No. 1 GRAPE "Sweet Good Eating CALI FOR NIA ORANGES Fresh Ocean SPRAY CRANBERR!ES Ocea»i Spray Cranlherry Sauce Aylmer Stiiffedi Olives 15 oz 27c Manizanilla - Save ec! 16 oz 59c M1cCormick's Argyle Pkg. of 3", Biscuits§ Shortbreads- 3c Sunspun Iee Cream 89c- Cornish's Red and White ORONO ,KLES Orono Bible Study Group Dec. 17, 1962 It is to be concluded, no mnat iow muchi thougiht and considerati sappled toý the existence of e' demonie delontrtions, andt 7if e to cerne, that opinions arriv ut only make evîdent, the neces aof more study. On Monday night,) ap-proachled these subjeets f romn jasic truth, that Ged aje LovTe. ese inferior te love, and ev whjen it seems to fail, it ie oniy seE ngsome other WaLy o accomplishl p)urpose. We 1nuy deal love so: wxcked biows, but cannet e1'imin; it. God), is Love; the superior for( tn the face of any circuimtane. Love i S alive, and whel(rever t1hC Is liIfe, ther7e i somne degree of fr( Jomi. Ti eis can Iný1vo_ choje, ndeven lin the world 0ýfY sure, seýtling akin tre choice. ï.ýnG-w 0f evolution, which is thet ~ward deveiopmj-exlt, the tunfolding, rot.Thefuam tlcoet Tof Lw je an ascertaine-dwrig ounc f constant order amfong phenoenaof nature. Whien son thing tuirns asde fro>m this 1wý, it --'ýdevoiving, or degeneratiflg, and t we cail "evil". This can apply the spiritual as well as the materi --:,xtxd does lt nt make clearer, the~ -nord of the o~ll f man. Each C ~aeithing was seen to be "goo>d, VE ýgood," andi each was ereat,,d ith ýor Vo opera.te wtln, its oin -wu 1Ing sequence of constant ord ~wereln it mnst have freedoin to4 ýow. Se thex'e can le neoeuch thing goodaxess wlthe'ut freedoin, therw ~all would be puppets. TiS 1incluC ,earthquakes, volfp.nceee, etc., in th' ewn ophere of workîng sequerl AI]limatter le evolving, and rni _ýeeod is coexang. it le the opinix~on of ome thatE is not merely the' neg-ation e! go, 'but that there V, apart from tie im -ter of choice, a definite puillin the- recction o! evil. Our cholce of 1 -dlec!ions le our free wiil, as well -our goed deceieiens. Here again, -see, biat, we give evil power byp ln.g it importance. »idn't Jewsi exil by not allowing it to get P Hiim?, by rýecogiiizing only the teiitial for gooci, in it, therebyr bingit of its power to harm. Ist uxot the way, or eould it net bc the o --that Qed takes away the sin of xIar1rd? by absorbng c vii and turr- it intoD good? We discus,3ed the evidence that itl isn't a bad action that is the evil,l really, but the hate involved lxx it. Hate is corrosive; Jesus turned it into an instrument of good, and we, aire dlirected7 to dIo the s-,ame. Only in, HiLs Spirit, dIO we hatve the stren,-th! to do this, dit is impossible to accom- , ish it on ouir ow,ýn. With God al things are possible, Weoe of the strongl possibDility; KENDAL NEWS Kendal Women's Inetitute met at thle home of the president, M Is. E.- lCourýoux on Decemiber 12. Each one broughlt a weapped article teo be sod fer 10c. These were auctio-ned off, bids star-1 ting at 3 cents perhape, then sodid o] He l0,c bicider. Man.-ty were thxe sur- prises and mnerrixuent as eacli pareel was epenied. Preceedes were used for our C1ristmas parcels. Kendal Cliurch and commrnmty life. He willJ be mnissed by his many Ken- dal friends. His daughter Edna (Mrs. ýAlex Hoy) predeo-ceasac hlm' four- years ago. that we m nost often dîonît -eem 41o Plans for Christmrras parcels to4ý receive anwe o our pralyers, b)e- o0f the seck and elderly peopjel caýuse wepra for a situation te be ýiin the com-muity were macle. Ten eaeior cagewhen cual wedolr was given o the ihhl- siloufloask Qd o give uis the ren 's hospital. i ve dollars vas voted [ strenigth te bear whali,,t emens. En this t10 the crippled e- hildren. waty we cojuld be usedi by Him teo be eciu ahofsnwhs channiiiels 0, f Hie G-ra!e. Someýtimes ACdeictos luche of ediche the removal of afflito - i eth m Jrsmscaewssre ylicen renlova 0f an instrument e th our hostesses Mrs. E. Couroux ani Mech effective blessing. Our lJimîted wideyi Me. W H.Foser sees enly the liarrow and personal There passed -ýaayon, Decernber eutloek. Also, wýýe must not seay Uthat1 the thîrteenth Mr. Anson Gilroy. He we don't have f aith enough for God, was born in Kendal1. He nmoved te, the te heip) somieone else wiien vve pray sixth uine When a boy and livedi on For themn. Let us he very thankfufl the Gilroy farm (ïnow owned by Me. c that Godi is neot limite Vto tus or by us. Nornman Kennedy) tili twenty years I TIr We forg-et thaï)t Heý loves those we ago when he and his wife moved ini- ritv >ray for, more than we do, and Wvill te Orono. He Vcook an atv part inx Phoi do vhat is best for theni. Knowlectge that their frlends are praying for theni xay make more resuitspo-f sibie, but net neýessarily make them more receptive te Qed. This le purely a personal decision for or agaînst. e tol-I rl"t The Chain Saw Season u.- Seoe le w IfflîModela MOLO evil ile_.OULLOcU Dn>d, HOMMT.IE di- OADIEN bad REMINGTON as we Saws at D ankch Air Cooled Motors p>o Where Ser vie andi Parte are .rob- Alwvays Available this wLaeshreRd., Port Hopeiv the TU, 5-2760 jII~ s HO0p CHRISTIMAS is the most wonderful time of the year .. a time of giving and receiving . a timne of joy and good cheer *.a time when the spirit of good will fils the soul of men . . to say simply and sin'. cerely the pld-fashioned, but tried and try ÏMERRY CHIRISTMAS to one and A R. E. LOGAIN, Prop. Phon-e 11816 Orono, Ontario 16 oz. Jar 2 9c 4 oz, Tin 25c 25' rolli.59c 2 lb 25'c dozen 55c lb pkg 27c Best Buy! - Kraft - ou Save 8e! Cheez Whiz 16 fr/. Jar 59c, Fancy Quality Mi xed Nuts Featuire! - You Save le!i Tuna Fish Players or Export Fine Cut Tobacco Gold Seal 7I oz. Tin 39c $1.6 ONTARIO 9c

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