IRUUSDAY, »?ECEMBEZ 2Oth, Durham Farmiers' Col Co-operative MEMBERS CUSTOME RS CLOSED TUES. AND WED., DEC. 2511 Feed - Fann Supplies Fertilize they 'found Eldorado0 pany, it has flot been pritdto iuse iged, with conlpetent i is available funds to diversify ïts. LOCAL NEWS exception.all.y igh! activities or carry on acetive ecxplo-ýr- cpressed the opinion ation." "Such a proscriptio.n," the Miss Marlene Graham, Queen's icertainties as t0 the report adds,"pose at bestaUieryKgto spndgte ona ers aidtat whîlne sto Edradfture, Uniersiy, KngsCONFECTIONERYthe à J 'iý-iency. stances there la need foir a decisionEd Graham and Terry. ers idthat ýlil sto igein dethIi thsecicuColisxna hhdys it M ead rs ,umulatiflg substantial sence of which its value sasn r.LrneBoVn i pten f ývernment-owned c-om- vestnent cannot but dcie"teBwavleMmra ~slzl rsC.ACumming, Bowntanville spent last wveekend with Mr and GITSF R E ýýýee, evMis. Catrl Bllings. o Mrs. Neil Porter visited on1,the wrPIT G-DCRT O9xeeke(nd with hler brother, Mi. '- Ji2-Pps ihercgrcgr h UIDNG -CUBARSo Oliver, .Bobcatygeoni.e 9y Mr. Norman Rickalby, BelleviU, .'. e es, vwallets in tobacc pouches.IN unyREPAIR AND FINISH adMs o FURNTURE Ospent the weekend wittx Mr. an< Ms Jas. Rickaby. Popular and Christmas Records. o Miss Connie Tyrreli, Queen's Uni- 71 9vrity, Kingston sa spending oi MYG 11 IN O days with Mrs. C. B. Tyrrell, Margery -CIIRISTMAS WRAPPING PAPER Phone 208, Orono 0 For the past weeU an attempt has NEILSON'S BOXED CHOCOLATES benmade at the Orono Rinik to est- but during the atem a sar A LARGE STOCK OF SOFT DRINKS Monteith, Moanteith' -weather has halted any prog-ress in making tee. A change in the wveathey Agents for BOWMANVILLE CLEANERSen 7~~4~I Riehi & Co. ~ could brin- skatin- to the rink %vith-OUBABRIRA BOW In a few days. A good base of ice has ~~II PUADTrDVR ~~~been laid bv the ice-inaker, Mr. Wmi. U*1----~ .I..-M... CUAUTLUVD e , tL~ ACCO[JNTANTS 1.35 Simncoe St. North, Osliawa Teilphoie: 728-7527 A.ND 26th . Whitby Ajax 668-4131 9209 Iý IJRNRS~IC £so LICENSED PLTYMBERS Xmas Day's Special ORONO RESTAURANT W RL E OPEN FR4»I 1:00 p.mi. UNTIL 6:00p Dimier served f rom 2:0N p.m. until 5:00 Rocist Turkey, Wild -Ducklirig Rocî.st Beef from Rib Roast YORKSHIRE PU DDING OVEN BROWN POTATOES AND YAMS CURISTYLAS CAKE AND PUDlDINii, HARD SAUCE Ai Iicensed Plumbing q Mechanical Centractoz Who selis, installe and 8uarantey I Hooey. Theé rink is b eing run again y this year by the Orono Amnateur Ath- letic Association. The Orono Teleplione Staff enijoyedi a Company dinner and Christmias party at "The Trading Post" r>estaur- art on Wednesday ev'ening. On Thursday, December 13th the KeUly.Kir¶by Kindergarten Class held ______________________________. their Christmas paxty and entertained their mothers and grandmothe#s^t the home of Mrs. Donald StaplesB when twenty-three cblidren and 17Q U CC L A The programi firsat too-k the form of a demonstration of the Kefly-Kirby Dry Cl a i g anal Laundlry course ýto sh~ow the miother-s just what 1 was being- clone. This was foflWed by -- piano numuibers played by the raem- bers and finally the "Christmas FR E Pc u a d Story" draniatized by the followiîng tRE iku n hire:Yvonne Schoenmaker, Bo<b- bie Strike, Catherine Buntîng, Keithi owlCatherine Samuel. The follow- e.eyi rn in.- children joined ia the songs, Da- D lv r i rn vid Armstrong-, Catherine Milison,o Amyv Morton, Cheryll Cornish, Tuesday &r Fridays Michael Hutton and John Cornish. Graduating cextificaties were also preiaented to those who graciuated Telephone fromn the Kelly-Kirby course last yearMs.oneWetPhe S being, Lisa Samuel, Ronnie Stilike, '1s oxieWs.Pol 8 Paul Staples and Mark Carman. Refreshments were served an~d thes afternoon was elosed \vjth the sing-ing- of the Cl2ass Song. Eight studetnts of the Clarke Hîgh' School, accomipanied byv theirllc teacher, Miss Whittaker, attended the preenttin o Hnde'sMessiah t e - "o ss ' '1 'e ' Masey all, Toronto, on Wedaesday v' ntiglt.' M'r. Ray Dickýson, M\a-nager <oS the ImeiiBanik 'fComecOn, enitertained the Poýice Tr-ustees and1 mwembers of ithe Cak onh ionilat a dinnler party atith 0r-n10 Restaurant last Friýday, STenRE CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY SPECIALI- PERMANENTSFor Schlool Cide of ail ages aI Orono, Otarjo KHO0N E 129 FARM ai,I_-USE Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prom-pt andi Guaranteed Repairs ta alilkincis of Electrical ïEquipme'eý1 and Appliaices Such at MAetors- Water Heaterý TýV. -Raios -Stoves - ran% ALL that m akes for a muerry, iuerry Christ5M mas.. the voices of carol singers filling UNITEDCIURCH À "oPatoa the air, the beils peaing melodiously, tht ChrgrhoIly wreaths hanging in the Windows .. . M i nister ail these things plus joy and happiness in Y Rev B. E. Long your heart we sincerely hope is yours on SUNDAy, DECEMBER 23rd tî iroshldy ( GHUR4JH SERVICES ti.g riushoiy 01r0n1 - il1:00 a.m.' Leskard - 1 :45 p.111 Krby -3:00 p.m. SUNDAV SCHOOL Orono - 10:00 a.m. Leskard - 1:45 Kry-2:00 p.m. -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N $ 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N -N N 'N N N N N N N N