VLJUJ24, -NUMBER 47-4 THI' ~q~qtes To Set-Up FàcimNDW &ink For FHitsA Gave orire Fighlt inq g Raout ar, e r tom nbighly comi- ) voDp buitibeflsand stong acide car- I- ,a pec l the ln4ov-ïxàt-S àhways -;aa tr;s district officer o! the Ontario fire til 1ou4-o te need for a toam bank whih sould lie available fodr "Wi hve been exeeptionially for- tunate in axis area flot to experience -lire, but one neyer kxiows when we 'will bc ealled upon to deal with such an outbreal< whlch inight easily re- suIt frora an accident ou the higli- Hoe ad in the past five years iiiostof the volunteer tire depart- uuet, , u4dr axitual aid, had beeru ,st.-iiidtled as to equipment and 1anng Most ha&d sonxe foam oquip- ;rnent win wold enable 'tonm to control tires requiring is use until ,such iUne tixat furilier supplies cou14 ho i-Lisled în. "One >annot feu 1to notice the great inerease lu bulk shipments of gas. cline, liqtdd gases and blghly coux- eetedhemicais of. acids carried by trasprts. Many.such transportsý are e i e found iuslung eenthie four cor-,ners of your own towns a6tuies. Liflastlnigs County, Mr. Mallory -said a IOglon foarn bank had heu 1 iitiatd. Tis I5ba'uk la beld in three ea8ily accessible centres -. 3dadoc, BHIIv~ilan-loomfield. On (41 f romna local tire department ftvter supplies cari bo rushed from e et e'or als-iite diellstributing points 8aiïii!l4 an ernergenêy arise. R~eplace- ment would bce made by the township in vwhieh the tire took place, Mr, Inansweu- te eeve Sid Little of! BEwmanvillle regardtuag responsibil-1 icy for tires9 on Highway 401, Mr. 1al .ory 'sald thai hoco10 d fot des- tý-,nate respnsiî1ty. He ceuid oniy ,clte the oË havjing such a sup- ofy e! gb iavailable tb prevont ai fe aln injury and danuage tol lQCUal perso)ns or property. Mr..Mallory urged tue ceunties loi puc ase banli o! 300 gallons ati a 1pr fxtate1y $5 per gallon. ,"oai-I .asetUsed at fuil Strenigth but -,as per Cnt mitrle ceee ri e ai faye h teeuracecomanis ad beeniap-, ',0ce~t shar'e coste but Mr, Mal- ha uIl e îalthugh c ri0 -21:0an l~y~been týLaken by, Mfillbrook te eneure a etlpply o! foami ard o tit haL the counties ehlouild cuidrthe: formnation nof a Rdises Storm Swft action on thxe part of local organuzatueuxe and political partIes bas followed a recent arinouncemelnt thai tue cusiorns bouse in port Hope is 16 lie tranisferred lu April te Ceo- lbour~g. About 20 persons, (co-nnected main- ly with local iudusiry, met tLo pro- test a doecision whieh thoy said' had taken Port Hope liy surprise. No ad- vance warhing lied been givon o! tue inmpendîng morger e! the Port Hope 1 sand cougcutni ousee au- nounced by goverument order-in- Ceuncîl. The meig convened by the Board oe Trade, decided te carry oui a em-vey of entries at customsisihoue- 1 es lu the area te determine their volume and nu mber. A brie!f-%vl tu'Len be presented te the department o! national revenue stating local ob- jections te the unove. Local :Industries believe the loss o! 7a customns bouse lu Port Hope will prove botu eostly and inconvenient and laamper, industrial developnulent. Their brie! wvill ask the government dopartment to review is decision and te poetpone luuplerneniing lb until the brio! is preented. 'I Gov't on, ND P prOvincýýal can- iat thie record ofth vrment c-)f Ihwa lnt 3owmanile on Wedes- j i"Whtaxfld! It a been c>e o scandals and dialonest dalig brouglit to liglit in nearly every ýes sion with halos placed upon- the h-eads of those whose Qnly D1aim ~to ie non. ilvolvemient was that they were toc naive to know what, was belng dône by their associates," lie said. Mr. Ashton said he would lçk, t inquire iwhat the representative for Durhiarn(Alex Carrutier. wvvs do- I'ing ail this Uirne. "Did you bear bis ~voice c~rying out i n the %vilderness? Was he nlaïve or i he just not care? Washin g youtr hands like Pilate does -not strengthen. poitical mnorahity, but enly wea44ns The NDP speak~er told Lhe meetig lie Was the 'oily provicial c~andiate for Durham who could state that is party had a progxrain which it coUld offer withoul cleception and with the ful1 intent of supporting. "I amn offeriiig yseif on 'the ppu-, itivenesof Our program. and flot on the basis that -anyorie would ble beter than what we ha-ýe now' Red Cross Meeting To-day 1 The Anntial Meeting of the Oro 'po Red Cross Society isl 'bë beld todav 29 Cases 0f Rabies Reported In' United Counties Q- 0f 44 diseases reported durlng the Schiool H-ealtli Service month, 23~ were chickenpox anid 9 In December there wevea 20 con- JoeElected President Qf whooping cougli. torences between teacluer and .;ltuI e classese te ownuanville, 'Port, Hop re, L. -. taples with ten memnbers cocenigthe lhealth of eaei csh ai 1itn me ~fnresent. Webe, i te meetingwib * ?iverabd aimis erereprt iib the Claseroon1. Nurses gave 914 five wonuen having attended. Classes h 'gn Crsms Car-OIS ac- briniging- the total for the year to 29. vision tests and 636 ohiren were wýiIl re-open bu January n al cmaidby AMrs. Stapes The sec- Tluere were 2 Skunke, 1 bovine and '?ive opeeuat isetin erayl u aecnes. retary'rad the inultes o!fth&Iast fox>es. Three peros rcevd pro- FmlyHathVstigjAuimtr eeting. m -t l ventie trelmentfor rbice.Public Healtui Nurses visited 141 Even uew bearittg defects wr c ee rsn py Tuberulesi famîies l Deceber.discovered during Decemnber, trom a I in lci.Suzaxne Bunting aekS1- 1There w .ere 83 visite to give ur- otail o! 731 completed testa. This du usin cnenn uia ,'rrangemients wero made for a ing careP, 55 to tuberculosis cases Or bringes to a total of!123 1,or the yeareprsis.W paydaae a- - ' - d 1 - 1edMueic 1BoX. Ellen iMillsol i ead us m--ontulýy clinic 10 o holld <atL the Co- , thir ômiies )11 lonbelual! _)f! cblld 962. borgGneral HospitLal by Dr. Gý. G.re under ,,chool age and19 ead- iCe the bgnîgo! the eliuooîlu a tLest o! clappiug rhythms. Wei Brerle, Dvisof!Tu cloîlng sclaool cbidiien, leo 341 visite ý 0erni ln September, a special count ended tue meeting with AuId Lang Preenio, OtaloDeprien -e avfe Iud aseist ýseveurely handi- as been kopt on repeaters lu tue Zyne played by Ellen Milîson. eat.Peet-sauna-tor.ilxu patients capdclldeno dut.ihoole. One huwndred and eeventy- Marilyn Tamblyn, Soc. stilion dug torsp wil ho e"n'yihee repeaters bave been tested dur- hîîm and will ogiven addtioal Hndiape- Pee j angAib-tis interval, 8 o! whichweeee supiso! drujge. Phyýýsician1's :m Ce-i A regietry ojHnicppdPersons 'ete prevîously known ad2wr oognn o Pubutints, w~ii-hest on ... u tu thi aPe nfiý', 1st11 l aseletaUco. eD 'ac tk'rlne sem-auualinspection o! 15 Food tIckerPlante %vas made and reports int th~ue Provincial Departnxent o! lealth. It was; recommonded in al stanços tuat tue 1963 licenses be ;Sýie.h6ipections aiso were made of 3 saugtèr-houses which arerequir ci tO be I nspected at least cern-- unn11alY Reorts on tuese are aise * t te the Provincial Departmenî tif ý,vaUt. Permits lssuod by tue Board (onnudOn page 4) ...... )Fred Ston- Garnot Riekard <(PC canldidate for >rmhrlnl: ee Gille 4(Hasti.nget rd - bennox); aiutx) ar raly(o-'u'evPorjt IHoue Guide Orono Couples Clubl The Orone couples Cluib beld an' executive meeting on January 14th at tue home o! Don and Jeanne Staples. The business of tue past year was wound up and a stbart mxade on tue current year. The tiret o! tuose activities wiUli e a Toboggan Rim on Saturday, February 2nd, We expoct te 500 yeu all at tue! United Clxurch et 8 o'clock on this evening and thon preceed te Donx and Jeanne Staples' cottage (north-east of Kenda-1. AMter- tue nn there willl bednig, garnes and a sluxg-song at the cottag-e. Hot soup and coffee wvill be sevod. M1aüy To 'Compete Ai I "165.1-1 existed wth a liability- 1n ia baXlý ban of $500.00. Donat 'ios ,to the *air from ±indlvkluals, businessmer, and organizatione totalled $907.0)0. Thep reporte from tue chairmnan of eahdepairtmeunt prýoved the succes -)! the 1962 fair. The heavy horse imho .ha been the largeet to date unddu am in the o)pening padet,-ýl- had created a -new iv ntereet. The bol- stoin show hadi anexlen ringeide crowd 10 view iLs 144-entrie . G. Wilson presidenit et the Eig 4l Guern- sey club etate'cd that the qbow--leld at the fair was the largeet ever heId in Ontario. The poultry departmeut under Mr. bon Poars bad been. great- ]y improved and with 208 exthibite had been an outstanding- sucees an- ticipating an oven bigger show in 1963. ,Because tue applos lhad takep on colour so early last year Mr. R. Osborne stated the fruit diaplays had been particularly attractive. The ladies departments were as uasual a focal point of intereet especlally te those new exhibutors wýheo ha4 par-. ticipated in the new classes open te Durliarn residents .pnly. The Drams& Festival sponsered by thep Society had been a tînancial succesa bI'nI urhamentral_1A0riculturcdScit Thie annual meeting of theDuhàt To R Gi To ' r tCentral. Agrieultural Socety wyas â po enon Frlday, Jaaxuary 1$th t130pm 'n the Oddfellows Hall,1 no 'Î »ro Liegisicitiare 1U niversity G. Carson as retiring présidt ebè AlxCarruthers, M.P.P. for, Dur- President-Elect Thomnas H. B. Ey- inenbers and directors who liad glv- hamn, reports that the select Com-i,- mons aniiounceed two special gifts en huix s0 muclf ferp duin h its tei-m< mittee on Maflpower Training, of to Trent University ini Peterborough of office, stating that it had n&i ae4 wh-ch lie is a miember, lias :iv comi- recently. been an lionour to be presdn 't ,ileted its hearingse and has îts re- that it had aIse been anuct.M Port readly for presentation to "lie 'Mr. Judson Newell, tche President: He was pleased to have lieen lin b- * bgiiaur curing the coming Ses- '" te1eelMauatrigCm fice at the time of the first two .d*& Sion.pany of Prescott, Ontario, has per- fair to be held in Orono ad to note - mauently established and endowed a, that Lhe 1962 fair had broken af Thte «ommittec lias hear-d some 40-.50 fepaying sc 1arbp. i~ prev-,ious records. Hie asked the con- *oçld briefs during itesîýýttîngs. These naka te oth birthiday of his father tinued support of the nmemebers for bIi4efs were presented by represent- 1'Il. VW. A. Newell, tie JFoundjer of the incoming president hoping tnat atives of almost everyr sector of the he- Company, The gift of $12,000 has in the ànot too distant future Durhaai L eonomic and cultural life of tche pro- een made by thie Newell Mnfa-C trl oudbte main Coumty'- vince, including education, labour turing Company to Trent University Fair. and industry. d the scholarship will b. namned .1 The William Allan Nowoll Sehlolar- The financial report for 1962 show- The committee, as a resuit of its ;ýhip. e osdrbeices u~~ findings, le submitting several' roc- Aohe 500 fepa gscbolar- ne r a of debex ceat - the omimendations 'o the legïslature %vith luie ,f îhbitors, enries esetto the present and future sip b en permanently endoo rz oe ad 4lead~~ training -o! our human resoures. The by a friend o! Trent for' the year were $117î.2-asco- texçt of' these recommendations can-i University liviiflg in Toronto. Tis prelwitch $9382.93 in 1961. not be publiclzed until ffhe report ýýs j cho1arshýip will be awarded annually tabled ini the legiselaturýe, Dut ,hey are j rin a Student tLo Peterboroughi Grants from 'he Province and local constructive, and are aimied at ad- ,rmot -ont iv nrsdneMnciaiisaone o $2968.32. justng or trig acIiftes t6 mneet a e nier-t.Entry fees $705.20; Gate receipts, th'e ever-changing demands of a Tedtie terme o! the tw,ýo gadtn dance and festival tot- ceé1mologicaI society. shlreisbe worlced ou,)It îtu the ale,1,d $8%5Concessions and eomn- ______________________ onrsby the Scholarsip a nd Pr msios$ AdL0.l~vertising ana sar-y Comrmittee o! Trent University. sale o! progr'arns $546.W' Thursd.ay, Tanuarýy 24th at 2:ý30 p.ni. at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. - Donald The Trent UJniversity F ouniding 'Tennant. Show your interest in tinsFunlei nowý being organîzed to raise lI the expenditures an amun o organizatioln by coming to th.e meet- ,5,00l*ubcsbcrpon ,$46.0WSpadoil pIeup ing. ;iiluppor-t fLue à year Programme to with the largest arnount belng dst ils a otal of $11,225,ýü0. rtbuted to prize winners ln the Gulen- ,,ey show, $598.00. Capital ependi- t tures during 'the year ainounteçl to T he Merry M i c1$65.8.Atractnsforth o- rs j.et ~ .orpart o! tis was forpr'z brin 1 e r ý_)6 M éLk rs ,ý1e t monies for harness racfig $l1400O uâtrng YH e ar I 9 2 n January .12, 1963 te Merry ,antnnean p atng'.xëiB àiaternedai 259.5.Hs falthým The fall serie of :ýÙne prenatai Musie Makýere met at the home o! b)er 31et, 1962 a bank balance of Siaxce tue fair lxad expanded » rapidly lu tue pftstr 4 years' and' 4t- les of the 'preeldeni and $eretex bad become s0 complex, the board decidod te appoint a -manager fc_ý thefair. and were pleased to have Mr. George Carson accept Ibils appoint-~ mient. Officers for 1963 are ae follows: Psidont, Mr.vac JsNw f'eterborough Festiva Prste. rud oo Many district inusic and speech sLtudents wýiill tako part in the Peter, boreugh Kiwanis Music Festival Feb. 28tb te M-ýar. 9th. Comrpetitions will ho held iluthreoePeter'borough lhalls, St. Peterý's Auditorium, St. Andrew's HaIllsud Trinity Hall. Judge for music classes wvill 'be Dr. enî WribtDr. Sidney Nortu-j FolowingIaliet -!farea entrante: wpClarke TS Nok1 FouNewcastle: 'Mvichael J. Mac- Gredor BruceAlldr.edi,Douglas Per -in. Prom Orýono: Orono Public Scheol, ýLeskard Public School. Cntestants wlll also be' treni oshi- 1wa ad Bowmanville. It Vice, Mr. Don Staples, New-~ castle, North, 2n-d Vice, Mr. Jack Reid, Oreno. Directors: S. B. Rutherfer( MottaI, C. Tamiblyn, Johni Wmi. E. Reid, Bruce Tink, E bart, Ray Munday, Dr. R. son, C. W iligWm. B i CoaJ.Crihak R. Cli S. Moffat, Aleck Mottat, Jci fat, R. Osborne, boni Pears Rolph, G. B. Rickard, John1 Koltb Wood, Wm. Watson, Elanchard, Geo. Carson, Bru tai', Al.J. Tanxiyn, C-Glý-ence Wmn. Slater and Ross Steve3i s t s N s s s N ,~' s N s N N N N S s N N s s, N s s' N N 's s, s, s, N s N 's, s- s, N N N. N s N .5 s N s a e 's N s 'r