rua, Cashi Saver! Vou Save 18e! 1. lb. j*gs. ROSEMARGRINE5for$1 ,Cash Saver! You Save 7c! S e Off Pack 10e Off Pack - 2U½ lb. (lannlister 7àe 1i l.Pkg. Domestic SHORTENING13L Cash Saver! Youi Save 27e! - 2e Off Pack Governme nt Inspected C'h umr -Do0g F o od Cash Saver! Vou Save 10e! For Deep .Frying o)r Llquid Shortenig Mazola UCô-rn vOl Cash Savent You Save 6e! - orange Pekoe Red R'ose Tlea Bag-s Cash Saver! Vou Save 6c! Bargai Lvers Speelal! 31anl<eÀ 79c Package, Giant Size B"-reeze»ý gRZNFODFAUE Fresh Baked Westons or Sunbeanx - Reg 39e t Von Save 21c! - York ~Cua Meat Pies 4 for 85c Mgaple us Cake 35, FILLERY assorted TOFFEES 10 oz bag839c1 Maple Leaf - Well Streake RINDLESS BACON lb pkg 75c Maple Leaf - Cryovac Ijalves- Sweet Plckled 2/12 to 3 lb. Avg- COTTAGE ROLIS lb 49c 31aple Leaf Mild $easoned 2-1b. cello pkg. 3Maple Leaf Fresh lO-oz. saranl Pkg. Tasty Weiiners 89c Sliced Bologna 39C For Better Heaith - Ciklifornia - Large Size O RANGESlFÈ% e IFresh and Tendler - No. 1 BROC'--COLI RnaHotlUB se Brnchl 35c lb 29c Luscilus B.C. Anjou Crisip, Florida Celery .Tin :3c 9c. 1Tin Fins dz 69c - Extra Fancy Pears 5 for 39c a packed, No. 1 poly biag, Hearts 25c HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS, Reg. 98c - M,ýarked 79e Super Size PEPSODENT tube 79C. Tooth Powder PEPSODENT tin 35c Reg. 99e - 3Marked 77c - Instant Spray AIR-WICK Aersol tin 77c Mrs. .foyce Willis, Orono, Ont. g,, Il -Counties Council Mr. and Mrs. S. Gordon by motor to Witby on Suinday to visit lier Ütuncle Mr. A. (Gordon.1 jMrs. A. Foster was unable to tk the organ on Sunday bcueo h Fo rr s C m m ît ees funeral of a friend so Miss Joyce Cloutie Cýýunc1 reenty fomedhaNewastl; G Dea, SuthElliott played for the s;ervice. Counties Cungcmi recenlyfo Med a, eastl. oe; G. DiýeanG.oAth Thle rabbit huniting is gooc ilin the ~~~he~1 Kolwn omtes oahn .DvCîon;GA Iendal area. The week-end saw a inance-Chairmari L. A. Hooton, Fiinnie, Hope; A. Gibson, (Ç ar>twi7'ht loit of hunters in the neighbouirh<xjd -an;P. Anson, BrightonTw. A. C,. W. Grills, Percy; O. H. Harris, LBlanchard, DarIngton Twp.,; G. D.1 Hamilton; J. G. HOneýy, Cramàahe; Mrs. -Jack Stapleton k<ept her *irruthers, Campbellford; F. Bruyea Harvey Mlcoi, Manvers; W. Mit- a-duhrbuiwiehr M1ýurray; R. R. Burnham, 1-astlngýs; cheli, Cavan; F. McMiýlllan, Alnwick; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeri-y Dost, D. J. Cunningham, Newcastle; G.1 M. McMïýillain, Tyou;E. Roddy, 1 welt ice fishing in the Mindeni area iDaSouth Moinoghian;A.* Dove, Haldirnand; J. Simipson, Brightoni the past week-end, zýColborne; G. A. Finnie, Hop)e; A, Village; B. b. Spicer, Port Hope; R. Gfli,-_sonl, Cartwright; C. W. Grills,1 Stevens, Bowmnanville; J. W. Stone, IPercy; O. H. Harris, Hamilton: J. G. Clarke; W. I. Thomias, Cobourg. qoeyCamhe areyMlclii ouiy roetyChima.F. Mc- L c l N w Manvers; W. Mitchell, Cavan; F. Millon, ,-M.wický; A. L. Blanchard, L c l N-w 4.1ciljan, Alnwick; M. MeMillan-, Darlington; A. Brown, Campbellford Seymour; G. S. Philp, Cramahe; J. R. R. Burnham, Hastings; R. Car- On Tuesday at the Orone Public Simpson, Brighton; B. L. Spîcer, law, Brighton Twp.; G. D. Carruth- Schoýýol the final competîtions in pub- ,Port Hope; R. Stevens, Bowmanville ers, Hamiton; D. J. Cunninghami, licespeaking was hield when six stu- IN. Uslier, Haldimand; H. E. Walkey, Newcastle; G. Dean, South 'Monag- dent sought the honour of represel-, ,C :larke. hanl; F. X. Denyes, Brighton Village; ting the school in the area contest to 'Roads and Bridges--Chairman D). A. Dove, Coîborne; R. C. Everson, be held ia Campbellcroft early in ilM~a.itGr, Murray; R. Bumnham, Port Hope;b. Fisher, Cobourg; L. Ferar. -Hastingas; R. Carlaw, Brighton Twp.; Gibson, Millbrook; L. A. Hooton, Dale Challice, speakng on Electri- n- j.. Cunningham, Newcastle; G. Cavan; H. M. Jakemian, Manvers; ct oktphnusi h ots Dean, South Monaghwx; F. K. Den- William Llghtlc, Hope; S. U.ttîe, eity oo p onnMKnurs la te ons _ys rgtnVillage; A. Dove, Col- Bowm4anville; D. MeMaster, Murray, 9hDnieMKni elgtera borne; R. G. Fverson, Port Hope; G. G. S. Philp, Cranie; N. Usher, er 1967 ih te pokedon"t hm H., Free, Campbellford; A. Gibson, Haldirmand, M. VanCamnp, Cari- er16"wihpoemstu- ,"Cartwright; L. Gibson, Mibrook; O. wright; H-. E.- Walkey, Clarke-, A. U. orous. Teachers oni the staff of the -H. Harris, Hauiiilton; William Li5htle Wartmian, Perey; M. Wight., Sey-'t school e teudeý ~qpe S.bitie,~Qwiiavile; ar-motir.finals were Carolyn Johnsto Michael vey Malcolm, Manvers; W. Mitchell, Cavan; H. C. Muir', Darlingtonl; F. E in Foi-ester. th iMcMllan, Alnwick; G. S. Philp Te final County contenit will be -Crmae;E. odyHadimnd T KE DA N W S heldinOo wtth date follow-, 11, Stone, Clarke, W. I. Thomas, Co- ing that of the Cauipbellcroft contest tbiirg; A. U.* Wartman, Perey; M. Mr. Martin, Foeter la in St. Jo- The annual meeting of the Orono 'Wight, Seymlour. seph'ng Hospital, Peterborough for eye Ceme-tery Company was hehl Mon. Legislative and By-aws- Chair- .3urgerv. We understand hla making day afternoon in the Township Hall rnan G. flean, South Monaghan; P'. satisfaetory progress. Orono. The meeting reviewed the fln- Aiu4n, righon wp,;A.rrwn, On 9unday mornlng everything was ancial aspect, eiected officers and 'Capbllfrd F.'ruea covcred wlth a coating of ice. In the gcnerally discusscd the affairýs of the -R. R. Burnhiami, Uastings: D. J.1fenoni nwdsoadbe. Company. -clngham, Newcastle; F, K. Denycs a Fo i nwdsni n lw Moniday niorning found thec sideroads Financially receipts anidepni BrgtnVillag-e; A. Dove, Coîboriie; ture(l BR . veht ,Pot oe;L.Fii bl,,ýckeci. The Kendail school 1bus hýad ituebalanced out for- tthe year. Iii.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ï C esoPrHoeb.isethave a tow truck pull it out just Teewr oa f3 uil Cobourg; G. A. Fine, Hope; A. Gi b- j duïing thýe -year. son,Çartrlgh; t Gibon, <-solth of Mr. John 1Hendersons S _Urok . . Haito; he . Ucpuipils rnorth 0of Kenidairnissed ere otnwa lce brok; . WHaTin Hailon;b. . ost of the znorning-. president With Mir.. V. Cooper as Hootonl, Cavan; E1-. M. Jakeman1lýi, ice-pient Mr. E7. Hammi retir- _Manvers; F. McMillanl, AlnI k;M On Tuseday mong1but1i:30 1cd as piresident and 'is nýow aàinie MicMillan, Seymour; R. Sees eete tons of tobacLco jack-, Of thle Board Of Directors along witil PBowm-anville. !unifecd on IMr.,A. Mro' hill on thieMessr-s. E1. Patters>onj,,3tan Ch- Assessment and Lidustrial- Chair- Sixth bine. It blocked the traffie tiljinman, W. J. Patton, W. H-. Robinsonl inn~.VanCam--p, Car-twr-ight; P.!five o'clock as the top of the load liad 1and-C. W. Billing9s MI'. J. C. Gamiey Anson, Brighton Twp.; A. b. Elanchi- to be rcmovedl before three tçw is sec retar:3hreasure r. ard Dalinion A BrwnCam- rucks could pull it off the road. Thisi Badminton at the Oronlo Comlmun- bellford; F. Bruyea, Mura,;R.R. tobacco wvas that ofMr M. Wybeniga. ity Centre saw one of the largest,, Eurnham, Hastiui_; 1D. J. Cun-ing-m Miss Ruth Gordon tLook her parents groups Out to play on WVedne.sdlay e- ening when the two ,courls ere in action :for the entire liglit. Sixteen caught her lace embroidered mnantil- were rsn to enjoy the sport and La of sil kiluon She carried a white presentFBile crested with witýe cmbidium arrangements were made to play on Saturday and Sunday evenings. If no orchids and holly leaves. one is present those wlshing pa The maid of honor, was Miss Judy are asked to contact any m-emb)er 0f Branton, St. Thomas, with Mrlis. Hý-ar- the club. ry Keyes, Toronto as tLhe attendant The club are anxious for more la- They wore identical gowns of poi- terested players whether they are settia red peau de soie styled with just learning the gamie or not. Everyi- bateau nelinles, bracelet length One welcome. sleeves and short bouffant skirts. They wore matching red weddingi ring hats and carried white fur muffs Carte r-K %-eys ce-ntred with holly evs Nupticils M1yarsh Street 3Baptist Church, Ridgetown, was the settlng for the recent imarriage of~ Margaret Ruth, -only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thom- as Robert Keys, and Frederic< John Carter, eldest son of Mrs. John Car- ter, Burketon and the late Mr. Car- ter. The ceremony was performed by the Reverend J. P. Murray,* assisted by Mr. Allan lcnight. The organist, Mr. Fred Hlpklns, accompanied Mr. Frank Wheeler, soloist, Who sang "The Lord'ff Prayer" and "Thanks Be teGd. The bride, given in i arriage by lier father, wore a full length bouf- fant gown of White peau de soie. The fitted bodice featured a bateau neckline and long tapered, eleevea. Hor pilibox of peau de soie ~tr1Imned with matching, petals jThe Chain Saw Season SeO tii. New 1668 Models SOLO 1MELOO Sawvs at Wliere Service and Parts are Alwa.ys Avalae Lakeshore Rd., Port Hope Mr. Keith Ellis, Oshawa, was the best muan with Mr. Williami Panas, London, and Mr. Donald Keys, Ridgetowu as ushers. The reception was held at the church with the bride's mnother re- cciving ln a dresof beige brocade with niatching jacket, rose accessor- les and a co rsage of roses. Trhe bride- groom's niother asslsted i a blue, two-piece dress, white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. When the bridal couple left on a weddlng trip ta Michigan.,- the bride wns wearing a white wool dress, fur jacket, matching wedding ring hat and gold accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Carter are making their home la Bowmanville. Use The Classified Columns of the Orono- Times for 15 oz. Tins 32 oz. Tn 83c- Pkg. 0f 6w 77c p*kg 73c WEEK-END FEATURES! You save 14e! - Pure Rsbry Cherry, Blueberry 9-ez. E.D. Smth'-s Jams 3 for 89C Vou Save 6c! - .2e off Pack - Royal Instant Puddings 3 pkgs 35c' Saklo Brand l-Z Mandarin Or anges2 Voit save ,4e! Saico Tuna Fish 7 oz tin 3( Voit Save 6c! - Pýlk caTAIl Fancy Pink Salmon Feature! You Save 9c! Pea or Vegetable 28-oz. Habitant Soup3 4 for 6c, Last Week's IViner of Cart-FuIl of (rcne N N N N N N s' N N N N 4 s N N N N s s s N N 'N s' N N N N 'N N N N N N N. 's. s 'N N N 's N I N N N N s N N N 'N N 'N N N N "N N N 'N N ORONO TI'NSHOP Sheet Metal Products Made to Order PLUMBING SUPPLIES Mai-dRear Il B-H PAINTS etc. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, (>uitirio UMM . 1