19~l Bxtra Men Taken On Iighwayq Incre-ases Force $orWinerWork Program Contruto'0fpicnic sites, as Prelimiinary, work lias been coiu, welas the2 usual wintier road main- pleted at the two sites riear New- tenance, poie temipQrary winter tLonville, and the crewv, will nowpr. teniploymient for almost 200 audditionail ceed to tie two sites ne-ar Trentonl. meýn in the Deparitmnent of High-Iways, Wlien the snow ecears in the sprin-, jPort Hope district., the men will return to complete, 1, I gradling voi.1,and the gravelllng et) Last week thiere werýe 196 of these , te parking areas wvhich they cannn tempo,,ary employees woring with do at this tiae. i', 4,2. eynflovees c n thP I stict.1 "Nearly ail the men on short timie riploymnent are truckc drivers," saidý 1B. Whitely, Port Hope Districti 'gineer, as hie discussed the winterý rkprogrami. "We have 60 snow plows and 601 Lndiers operating in this district,' and ie mnain requiremrent is for either hind the service centres, and entrý fromi the highiway is tLo be macleý thrpough the service centre lots. Separate parking areas will b prepared for the picnic areas with. space being provided for between i0 and 1,0 cars, with picnic tables azed refuse bias provided in proportion, irivers or hielpers for these ve-J It is anticipated that these picrnie d,"he said. areas w*ll be )JLlyý ready :cnti conjstruiction of thie large build ings a Mr. hitly eveiedtha ot-eroffthesericecenitres is Com1pletýed. reartlo>ýn f !La"c icnic isad It is ho1ped these ser-vicecets cnti(Orhe :ew device entrus and the adjacent Ipicaic parks *will i i Iai ~at~ o lne lrn h ybfr heavy ummel toar "rtris ude wy t h', ouir , its.jtýrafi bhs. Comiiittees Report Uli Final Day At Counties Council ei F~ Rabies (Conintiied frein page 1) before a slaughter-hoibee commOlneý tee presented by its chairman Reeve voked. Lloyd Hpotoiu of Çavan, recoxnmexmd- Five houses orsections tee? ed that the foliowing grants be paîd: were condelhaed as iïnfît for humnýaa Canadian National Institute for the habitation until improvenlents tzr3 ?Blind $1,200; Salvation Army $1,000; satisfactorily compioted. 22 sUéký Lake Ontario Develpnletn -Associa- houses were placarded durmng h tion $500; the purchase of 200 gallons year. of foam 1at, a cost of $1000 and grants etIscio of $100 each to the St. John Amibu- 111at niaspetlpnereddue lance Brigade and to 'the Canadian t1112 nihbingiwere total e or 4 4 Mental Health Association. It alsisetemnh rn~ u oa o approved $500 for public relations.1 year to 10,11.3 ammrrals inspected. t8 Jwere cozidemiied int - ecernber, kt oTmefna ncree f omiteer d1o er rats forcras thte peren' Adicet frames1for te $1.84 andfor the py- frmnt1o.7unt$.84andesforlth~e tla- tions at 53 cents per caîl. In the report of the roads and bridges committee presented by chairman Doug McMaster of Mur- ray Township, it recommended thati requests for the improvements of Jocelyn and Victoria streetsI Pr Hope be handed te, the couaties road commission for further study. S1mi- lar action, was also recommended for the Scugo g road, rLlnning north fromi Bowmnanvllle, and for the Brighton- Presqu'ile road which connecta the village to the provincial park. It aiso commended the counties road engineer, John Moorheuse for his able and comnprehensive road report. Payment of grants were recoin- mended in the report of the agricul-, tural commlttee read by chairmzail M. Van Camp, deputy reeve, Cart- wrig-ht. It urged that $1,000 be set aside for farm ,pond ., onriàuction; $2,500 for the f air boards; $8ý50 each to the county agricultural represent- atives and $150 to the SouI and Crop i mprovement Association. 1 Th, egiepor t rad bylca com- Deputy-Reeve J'. G. H4oney o! Ora- ,of a, resolution fromi Victoria Cointy asking the provincial governinent to definle the word "'resîdent". It alsol urged endorsemnent of the Wentwortli resolution asking the poica çv enietto bau the Se ofdetergents possessing a mninerai rather thian an organic base. (Detergents possessing .mineral base are believed to be larg- ely responsible for, tae increase of algae in Ontario lakes,). It also rec- ommended thiat no action be taken ôon the resollition of Simcoe Coun-ty ask- ing the government to absorb an-ý 1 bulance costs undicer hospital services.1 Reeve R. C. Everson, Port H-ope, sugggested thattis- latter resolution be endorsed. "Inl Port Hope where 4e1- mne ýerîv the taxpayer $5, 0(1) ayear We lhave the greatest 4ff intylucolcecting fromnoreiet and none at ail whierveindigents d concere. Reevý,e Lloyd Woto, avan., said hie feit the com ~ tewswiseh this matter. "Th mor we ask o th' oeCethe more we w-ill paiy. tion 32 portions were condemned, Genàeral Remiarks Mr. R. R. MichLeI, SanitaryL. spector attefided a Pest Contikre Course at the Federated Clee~ Guelph, December l7th-18tli, 1962. 1'H Eepoi s 0fcoinrElteel' occupied- the cloinghous of the United ()tun- ies ounil wh\\iich was 3in ssinat. Cobàu-2g since Tuesday afternoon 0of last week. lii AT ei sa th t:( Q la 1 196 . t'-