ron 44 Mrs. Fred Tamblyn,, Aperon ateîy 1_25 members et- -%rddt'e Annual flortlchîft ural Pot- _tI&, supper andI meeting )n Tueadlayl o4énlng lu the l.O.Oý.K lIU.Thc fecti vmas plentiful sud delicirtus -w&b al -ùd od«l f cas-seroles, slas,%jellits, *ljÜs; pies etc. Feo-,*.g the supper, Ma-s. Ta-udy -t*4lcws of Newcastle, scconapanled ty-1Mrs. flverett Brown at the, piwn, ledin a rouàglag slig sông eofdiainl- iat numbilrà. The presitiçut, John Caldwell, WIl- cmdthe tpeople prpsfent andi callet £!n Ws. 0. W. Rophwko was ta màea peetton te Ma-s. Fred 'ýmblyn, a charter membea-, cf a 4ofrfîcuîtursx Service Dîplorna. Ma-s.1 14ýph vea-y cepsbly spoke of Ma-s. -itakntîyn's great intereat andi loyalty iW the Society sud stated fiat she 'adthe lbts-MrssAlrei-Rlph -bad,i -4ér flppet; e 1insteas, etc In 'nd asecunti Gi-osanad ted dilue if be4-utifuly. Ma-s. Taiblyn vas un- abl e t e prosent anti ber dau«hter, Mrs. Charles Miller, ecceptedth fe frajnaed diploma onulber bebalf stat- î ng .fhat sUe ltaew bier mothea- weuld b e vrypleaseti. $cg&;ular businesqs was doslti MiV, .,;lg hich Anette Jea-gensen, pro- ,setýed a vcry complote report on the Juhior Oa-tien activities andi Tôve Jorgiienc gave the finaucial state- nient for the Juniors. These reports werecocmmendatle sundMa-s. Fai- brt*tIher deserves a great deal cf cred- it for ber woa-l witt Vils group. Mrs. Stevens, DistrictDrca- w;caflod upéil te conduct the elec- c'j f officers. Bcfaa-e so tIoing she cohgatulthVe Society on their ojoysuppea- meeting sud especlally thuiue Ie woa-k of Vie Junior C4rýïdeuers. She sýtateti she batiat tajedila-flewea- show sud tiahu althe tlawcr shows lu the District, w&cire ste hati beon paeseut, sUc tati talita se any btter dispîsys. Tcfollow-*ing slate of Officers were preseunted antI sceepted: President, John Caltiwell 'Cs', Vice President, Carl Eillings ndVice Paesitient, Normnan AllUn ertrMas. Cari Billings Treasurer, Ma-s. Norman Allin. Directors appoînteti for 1963-1964:- Mas onald E'vans, Mrs. Carlosj Tamly , Ma-s H. Barlow, Mrs. H. G-Cohtledlick, Ma-s. M. Sbieawini. Di-ectors for 1963: Ma-s. L. Hooey, Ma-. . Couvica-, Ma-s. G. Watson, 1s., T. Fahbrothea-, Ma-. O, Ch-alhe. Audtors: Ma-s. N. F. Porter, Ma-s. Herb Muar-ay. Press- $ecaetsry, iMa-s, H..Bailey JuiorCreesDiaector, Ma-s. T. SERVICE STATION OPERATOR FINED FOR BEINt) OPEIN Service station rperater John Mat-1 titn -of IPortHope recelveti aa tra warning IroiniMagata-ate R.a. ax- ter, and a total fine oft$26.0, whes' lie appeaa-ed in curt hére Mônduy on two charges et breaklng Port Hop's nbw by-law gcvea-nlng Sunday clos- lng ef gasoline outlets. The by-law was euiacted by cauna cil atter recelvlug & petittea frcm the garage cperatea's organis-ation aaking for the passing of the by-law, st their expenses, te permit only four gssolinè coutiets te remiain open ecd Sundsy between Octobea- 1 sud May i Mr. Mai-titi objectedto tehVe by-law et the tim+e4 sud nid he would net -o 4ong -with it talesi ho lied te. Ho wps cliarged Mith romsining eopen on fini Sun.dsys, Jsuuary 13 sud 20. THIIJRSDAY, JANUARY Mest, 1963. Laies Aouxiliary UrjEdýth Ewprinigham -3 - UtS-i After a sho t les, Editit i edl For CUibS AId -4ý7wa)t i An orgaisation mreeting for- the 'lles Xuxfflaa-y of the Or-ono Sccutp3 "sud Cub-iwas beltI last WedInesda.y evxu.Nineteen CUIt '-andI -scout motea erc pa-sent at t ectlflg-t 3iras. W. H. tarni presenfe tiihi elsahe t of flecers -Mixa we'rc electe¶ tý SeeYfTreau., Ma-s. E. Dent Blck Commlttee, Mrs. Blackt andý M-s,.1J. Fora-ester. Social Cqnmmittee, Ma-s. R. Wlntet -andi Mns. G. enanit. Others Who are té6 Mis itt iËep work are Mrs. A. F. MclCejz4o, Mrê, D. Allen, Ma-s. H. Pàttncr~ , rs. W. Carman antIMa-s. E. R. Woo4ysrd. An, prgagizatfensî meeting et the Group Commlttee w'as belti on Wedr. ncsday niglit. r7 It lu expected that lu the neq.r fu- tua-c the Cuts sud Scouts w-ill te in opea-atien agala. It Is anlcipateti thp.t1 the Cut Packç Milte dividedito two groups as e 3packt becomes fat toc large. Future Plans Outlinecl For 1 ý)OonO Junior Gardeners The Jugeor Gardeners met oni the Junior Gardleners would tbe look- Thursday eveuiug ini the Orono Coni- ing aftea- the needs anti wauts ef Son- miunity Centre wbeu their leader, ior- Citiscus as oneocf their pa-jects. Ma-s. Fsa-i&aothcr, outlined sonie cf Anothea-paojeet for the yeaa- woul&' actvits t teundrtatonby ieOr- te tUe care aud plantiug cf Vie JunQl ganisation lu Vie comlug yesa-. lu !or Gardouers- Horticulturai lowiewa si,)te of the coltI wcs.ther twcnty 'vore Bced at Viecorner et Main sud Miil In attendance at Vie meeting. Streets. The Junior Gardencrs also Thc Junior Garticuers are aîwvays expect te taavel ty tus te Toronte lu' open for ne-w membea-s sud imcm- April when ttcy will visit tbe Allen. ~ ... ardons. u r in i Li t 5fltidLUL I.L1LiG0 Unie will give the oppertunity te taite part in al Vie îintoresting atctivi.- ties turing the ycsr. lu outlinlng the activities fer the yoar, Ma-s. Fairta-other statedti Vat Ma-s. Fairtrothca- aIse peuted eout that the purpose of the organisationl was te bolp youuig people eai-n te grow flowea-s, vegetables anti sîsa te approclate nature. Clark T'-eachers Exehange Views At Orono Meeting Ttc Orono tcachiug staff wcrc tests for the Jauusry tcachca-'s meet- ing of the Clarkte District Tcschor's Association, tieltI in their school on Mlonday, Jsuusa-y 21. Ma-r. Hoîmes thc ares inspecter, ati- dressed the group triefly ceuceruing tt- n-ecessity for accua-ate acheool re- cords suid tUe various sdviseti pro- cedre t fuif il this requisite. Arranigemtents wvere miade for tho tonti lemlentaa- uli vaiii Lucy rissof tabIl e aaag-Yk~ lntis t Le be I l----in t r'~~~ voawr e y Ma-s.Eml as en of ttc eOr-ono UitdStu -r-t anmtIsd Ma. DcitLegan. onJanuarly 31. We wish ah coutelt- Ma-s.Jenie Norton then stwed ants wel Sud tope for salarge aep- ber alideset ainiotea- ta-p thaougt reenatonof Mttc soolshinvola-ci. T wfounad ste, Ixca- ustand .andI Fllowng tCconclusion of the ncpewCa-igRegersenl, tati taen isat June tcsies werceeetion-1 ally gootianti Ma-s.Nertns cern- genes of ths isiad. incnl-taa-ýy was osatenjoyatiesud j Ttcimeeting cosed\MitCoQd save gave a Cvia-ddescrptio e tcmg- Quen' ferm-ai part of fie meeting, ttc teacb- casbroite into tha-co gaoups; eue un- dcer guidance of Ma-. Withea-spoon, principal of the Clarkte District High School, to discuss the important guidance a-el! cf Public scteol tes-ah ca-s lu guidiug pupils inte tte prepea- stracn in tighi school. A second ga-oup led ty Ms Cain discuss;ed. mnettods sud validity eof educatien Miss Powl peseotecil mlateriel te a tird ga-eup that was ttc basis ef tlCý clem1-entary art sme course as ofeet thVe Ontario Departmeut of liiduation this pnýIst aummer lu Toa-- Ttc tea)cters finti it pfleasaut anti. motprof-itable toe exhauge idas anIopinion.-s in ttec tîmre thaif wau af-] odeiby tLhese group discussions:, j Weý trust it will continue to te soj ln ttc New Year. Swimmng LssonFeîes To Increase - Annuol Meeting 0f Red Cross Decides Ttce Annual Meeting .-)îttc Red, Cro,-ss was ti January 241, 1963 at' ttc beilme et Ma-s. D. Tennant.. 1 The minutes of flac11M92 qnnual me,,peting wca-o acd and appa-oveti. Awi - 4xre 'vas neý new business aiising f rom Vihese, minutes cf tic Septeniter 25tU meeting -wea-e racatIsd apprev- ed. Fa-cm thoso it 'vas roporteti by Ma-s. Bilinga Viat the caps3ules Usti beon tgkea otehVe seheeols -sud - Ve1 teaciers again asitedti te co-operate tIliy. It 'vas ,also aepot'tt ty Ma-s.- Bllings that notice hati teon put lu Vie Oreýne Tues ssking for more backing fa-cm the res4idents eofthVe] tew,,nship 'vie,ýn tte Redi Cross drive su iie ab~senceofet Mas. Rutherfcord, 'Ma-s. Aan-ntreýng repora-etI that ne mnIoncy le rnpaid, reut fer 'velfare- -e-ca-k. Anl that bat be bcen donc --A inot teen etrg-edfor. The Presitient tien ideclsrc4 Vie meigcle>set sud ?Ma-s. Oatiain -as asked te taes fie chair fer the electica fof )fîcers. Ttc sanie cftlcoa-s veo nmin-attias lesýt ya u'nfr. Blflngs tiociared thc nominations cioset secudeti ty Ma-s. A. Mitchell. Officeris a-e as follows: Presiden.t, Ma-S. W. E. Ar-mstrong. lat Vice Presitieut, Ma-s. Tyrrl 2ati Vire resident, Ma-s,. J Majori Ta-casua-er, Ma-s. P. Mcoenzie So-cretaa-y, Mas. H. Dean Nuta-IticU, Mrs. C. Blllings Welf are, Miss H. Weddfl Watca- Safoty, Mns. n. Tennant Blood(1 Douer Clinic, Ma-s. McKeuzîe Putlicity, Ma-. Roy r restea- Auditor, Ma-s. Eti Graham Cainpalgn Manager, Ma-s. Wm. Grady assisted by Ma-s. A. Mitchell. Wtt tthe Presidènt again lu the chair a discussion on the capsules fora tthe sctocl chuta-en felloweti. As semec chuta-ou do net faite Vioi, as motion was matie by Ma-s. Carman that form-s ho purchssed anti sent te tn~e s(-cels andthte teachors contact Vie, parents, anti in that wsy finti eut bew,,» miany were tak$ng themn. These ferma to e traeturned tothVe nutrition chairn.nut latea- Vian tViencutiet Septemnbea-, seonded by Ma-s. Major, 7ice next item 'vas a «iscussie,,n on fie price te be ehargeti fer swimmlng lesn.A motion 'vas made by Mns. Toninant and socontioti y Ma-s. Bi.1- inga that a charge, et $2,00 per chulti sudi 3 or more chiltiea-ct $5.00 pea- faoaily. Witi 'the large classes If was Met fiat t'hec tees shoulti psy Vie expenses cf Vie pa-jcct. It 'vas feit that there 'vas net en- ougli holp last yeaa- te manage se5 mtany ptzpill anti -smetion wss made by Mras. Carm-an te spor{ti $100. fer help other than fie instructor; sec- endeti ty Mrs. Major. This n-xney te bo lot t fer Vie 'vater uafcty ciatiman te use as sic thought test. As Vie senior citisens are nalng dressings fer ttc Red Cross, a motion- wassnmatie by Ma-s. Billinga anti sec-1 cot ty vMa-s Mitchell that ttc Rced Cross pay thxe exponses et shipping, if any. T'ho Canadlan Junior RedI Cross lias pubisheti s nursîng manual calloti "Toon Home Nuasing,, Manual" anti 15 available at$10 per cepy.; A mo- tion 'vas matie by Ma-s. -Mitchell, Viat .,e boy eue copy anti place If lu Vie PublieUta-a-y; ,secon(ler by Ma-s. M-sica-. Th-e meetingws thon adjourneti anti a doudcous lunch soi-yod by the [ho-steaus, assistod ty lber taughter. ville Nursing Home, on Friday, Jan- usaryflUa, 1963. She wss in ber 77t4a ye#at. $ieO W*s ' \the daugbter of the late 'ThoasEtmpringham sund Sarah Ami -Bennett. $hè -was born g Milliken, and4petimost of her lite hin2Mark- ha onhijp, exept for a fWw yearg r4b hète sister lu Ktxttl, aftw f4*lung the home Latta. fie later a-e- 1t edto tjalopdlle wlwre sbe rt- SIX u ti ailing health ause4 herý W gvj u keing b.jse ovei' a yer td Chuîrt. andtinafoarmer years was a member of Ebenezer Cburch Choir, M,,illiken. Miss Emnprlugham la survived ty ai sister, Ethel (Mrs. Roy Gochrane), Ordhb and a nunabér of n±ecesg, and nepiiéws1 She wàs predeOéteê <dby a sister Edua (Ms. Charles Under-' wood) sud a brother Arcbia Et4pzlag- ham. The funeral service was-held frein the flix-on Funeral Homne, 'Msrkhamn. on Mouday, Jauuary l4tb sud w-s conducted by the Rev. A. Wright, pastor of St. Andrews United Chiurch, Intermeut wss at Etiene-zer Cern- etery, Millijceu. Msnyý of ber form-er friends called at the Funeral Homne and the Church to pay their ist re- spects. Pallbearers were Messrs. Donald, Aflan sud James Cochraue, Ted Woodyard, Lloyd Browpl antI Tim Clark. Ttc Port Hope Planning Board a-e- ccntly voteti unanim-ously te a-cc- omnacci dtUa-t.Counecil asitfor s change in tic Departmcnt of Public Werits federal building proposalinl erdea- te preserve ttc entrasce te Vie town pariting lot via Hector Street. Ttc toaa-t's action came atter thc civie affala-s cemmittee etftc Be13ari of Traite, bestiet by J. S. Smart, chaîrman, asitedtiteinite cousiier ttc offeet on tiowntowu parking oet ciesing Hectoa- Street as preposeti byv ttetiopsrtnicnt. Ttc planning bearti rpolutien a-cc- ommnentjis that council approacli ttc tIepaatmout andti ay te paotect as m-uch as possible et Hector Streot. Me-c y E. F, Marston anti sec- endeti hy A. S. Sm-rithi, it was passeti Ttcheuot receuit proposaI et tthe departmcut lu that the tewn tlet HetrStreet te ttc Crowu sud that an 80 ty 76: foot building te built wt its leng dimension facing ou Qucon Sta-cet. Provision is matie fer a 17j f oot tiri'veway nertb et tte ucw build- inanti sinco ttc, total nortt - south distaince f rom tlic oatU tou-,ntiary et prosent Ca-ewu paoperty Ite ttee south boundaa-y cf Hectea- Street is 108 feet, oflly a fia-e foot pattway ro-, mýains et wtat is neow Hoctor Street. Change Mode [ Snow Removdlý Tohacco Inquiry litai- Dr. Fred Stinson, ýchatrman of the Outario Flup-.Gured Tobacco Iadustry inquiry Çominittee atnpounce-d te- ceutly the çoini{ttee Miii Iiold a er- 'es of public meetings 'lu <4outhweat- eru Ontario tW hear refresentations from tobacco producers. * Dates for the meetings are: Port Hope, Feb. il; St. Thomas, Feb. 13 andI Delhi, Fet. 19 end 20. The meetings, Mr. Stinson said, fol- 10w a sertes of preparatory studies by the cflmm7ittee prior, te hearîug the r-epresentations of various segments -)f the industry, The meeting in Port Hope wl! ite- Iy beg-in at 10 s.m., go on until 5 p.m. anIcontinue next day if niecessary. 1It wil be the first of ithe three to 1te 1heflt in the province. Mr. og, secrçtary ')f the Durhamn -ndi 'Northumnberland Association%, antIlhW<- association executive wil! meoet pIor ,oethe haring to discuss1 any represenitations it lnsy wish to make. Ttc Uited Countios grpiibJas log reseffor thé pponetof agner linager of topeecte suality tIv the Ontario Flue-Cuiredi Tobacco , 'tvtrkefting 1-Board. Thi s may orne up 'o)r-discussionI te excuý,t!iv meeting to decide wý,hat orp saihould te subrniittedl to thec thre-ma inqirycommiittee at its Porlt THope)cmeeting. Mr ogstressý,ed that the hearing wasteig alled so thiat opinions7 couild 'he voiced! by everyone conneet 1- edi withtobcco rwng in Th ,e Ltwo couiýntie-s. lie said lte lhoped peoueIe woud takýe avatae f the oppor-1 tuniity. ýMillbrook Chîef Pres MutucalAi Election, of ofcr for the United Counies uiliRire Aid Nwýas held ýat Thursd-ayý's meingi with the fol- lowng leced. President, Cl-nef LlydBam,. Millbrook; vice prIesi- dent, A. Sandercocit, Harwood; sec- retar.y-treasurer, A. Naylor, New- castle; programt commiittee, W. Har- ,risoni, Coiborrne, Ed-ar- Pbillips, Port Hope, Harry Greer, Cobourg, Co- ordinator is Fire Ohief Heu Baîrd of Cobourg. A natural gas filmn was sh-owýn snd further discussion of the mnatter of setting Up a fosm tank wvas bieltI1. Each departmieut will ottain its equopment which will te set up by the UnitedI Counties. A poster coutest for gra,,de 5 stu- dents on the theme "Fire Prevention in thec home" is to te lheld with en- tries to be in ty the end of Februaryý A $100 bond for the test poster doue by 'a boy antI a $100 bond for the best poster doue by a, girl lu Outario ýwill be awarded. The entries will be judged localJy sud the winuers sent to be judgedl for- the Ontario prise, This cou1test is directed by the On- tari(o) Provincial Rire Prevention -Poster Contest spousored by the On- tarlo Rire Chiefl Association.' Froni WaIks -The Orono Police Trustees mexai . Monday evenlng for their îS4~ ular meeting cf the :19,63 tèrrni. AU member's we& #reoeat. The first part of the- t -ý'Jý taken up with readtg -coespn. wvayu a-e chngee insoine. tti4k*.n facm orner &èpar tments. A lêttetNV" received (roa Mr. T. Leis a*I»g- for censideratton in raiitg the-:tide- walk in front cf bit' hute. Tilla w&S- referred tth Ie s el, ws1k ehairmn, .. M. Simpson.. A letter f ran the Ontario Rs -rc es Commission was received ln wh*ci the O.W.R.C. are na4v awaîting ta- liminsry plas in o rder te proee« further lu tormnilsttalg ariangemnt for s water systerflinaOrono. 'flew, plans are now btlug preparedb h ready wltbl& two or three kweeks. Iu the matter cf the <dog by-lat, the Trustees passed s motion brrRH, M. Mercer aud D M, Simpson Qiat Mr. Erule Lea-men. be appointti d d coutrol offices for the year 1963 andi ütat the by-law be enforced as cf March lst. Doge Mill not te coi trolled duiniig the mionth ô)f Rebruary. Snow removal on sdwjswas broug-ht tefore the- xûeetiug and 'on motion of D. M. Simpson aud R. C, Forrester the period for snow Xreý mnovs.l off the walks has bex reduceti f romi 24 hogrs to 12 bôurs. The chair- man ssid that ùo permanent arranige- mieut bad testamatIe for thoea-e- mnoval of sniow f rom the walk1s Ut are not shovelleti. Mr. Simpson'l waa, given authorlty to malte the nocess- ary arrangemnents sud to have snow x-emroved lu accordance with the by- law. H-. M. Mercer toIt that the. twelve bour perioti sllo-wed for tUeý ter a snwvo fa!! to enforce the by-law. -Î. Forrester stateci thst even the twelve hoîr period alloweçl for the snow to tecýome packed ou the walka' wbi1ch eventually tumns'to ice. The moýtion, boweven, was »aîssed an&, cýarried. The trustees signed the finançiat agiameutwbicb lu s te bini farce this yesr between the Village anti ,he Township). D. M. Simupn stated that the bpd- get for the 'y«ar wuas teady esccepùtng somii-e factors that can onîy lie in- clnue wenthe Tpwýnsbip rate.; have b-een set. It wvas pointeti ou9 that %500 ai ee set forro&cI wort anIa sum 0i f $1200 for street ligbtt, or road curting. Ma-. Simpson ex- pects the Villaige miii rate fori,ûeoal goverumeut pua-poses to te thé same as lsst yesr. lu conuoction with roads an'd *htcl H. M. Mercer is chairmnan, the $5,AOO. expenditure seemred llkeiy. Planning of the work is yet to te doue. - R. C. Fora-ester stated that notix- ing, had been dloue to dlate in connec- tion withl the Orono L-*býibary as they weetwaitinig word fa-om the Towni- sbip on whetber or not tb- ey would set a township library up. ThiLs decisica is exýpectedl in Ferury e saiti, The chairman pin)ited týo the tact that the Orono tirefigbters wvere, se- co-igto the firýe by-law, to bave a nedîcal, at least once evory tha-ee years. Hie f elt that this should te ad-. hered to andI s motion was Pas,,"', authiorizinig the fire chief, R. Mercer, to mnale the niecessary a'2ra1ngemnts. On teing questioned who would psy for tUe nmedical cbeck-ups, the chair- mian stated it would hvete couic ont of the fire budiget.. Thxe by-law alSO s,-taýtes that aIl new memrbers of the fiae dpa-tmntmust first passa-' mnedical exsinaiit1iou Other points in the by-ilaw were to be cda-awn ta the attention of the tire chief. Despite the blustery 'veathoer 18 youx-g people atteudedthVe 1HI C meeting Sunday, Jan. 27tU. The usual hearty siIxg-song cpençd tic mieeting. Tho tievotion wss givon ty Ma-s, Gil- hart anti 'as taiten froni Peter -Mer- shall'.q bock 'Ma-. Joncs Meet Vie Master". The sermoin "Disciples lui -,ly" desît Mithx an im«aginary inter- view 'vith prospective disciples. AI- theuigh Vie a-cal disciples wea-e very erdinaýry men, ttecocmlng cf Vie Holy Spirit transfeýrmetI their lia-es ainti madIe thern twela-co et Vioat influential menn who ovea- liveti. Tue ga-eup assenitiet in the- churcti Uterimnite vicw dutterent symbols Fof Viie TU nîteti ChurcU in ttc stainei glass windows, thced caaving o ttc pulpit, the designs on tte lecterui and Vie communion table. Ma-. G<l- hart Vhin explaluedthettcdiffereut symbols with drswiugs efthte Romnan, Ca-et, Celtie anmd St. Andrcw's Cross, thfe Greoit letters OChi liteandtihte 'Uitedi Cturch Scal. Reports et ttc secaetaa-y andti a-as- urca- 'voregiven sud an oxecutivo mreeting gslieduledi fer Wcduesday et- ter- acheol. A Music comm-itte'vas appointoti te choose ttc test itucwn et oua- tyn-ins f rom Vie Blue Gospol seug bok, te have theni paintoti on shoots for HR C meetings. Thc ose- cutive lutontis discussing all sugges- tiens wticb 'vere givon et the imeet- ing cencca-ning 'vert proects for tic comniug 4 menths sud extra activîties for Foba-uary. It is plannedt t senti an- invitation te anothea- H C ga-eup te- meet witt us on aj Sunday ca-coing .' the nesa-future. Wlntea lasoewanti ice anti newjin- ter- is cempicete wittout a planneci ont- dooa- activity for young people. Se w-e h lave planuet a HU C Sit&ting- Party Vils Setuay ening, Fçl7. 2,nd1'i1 Oreno Arena. Esci mmnitor ta'e- conte te b-;ing a g-ucst antI join in Oie km-i. Corne anti briug the HI C Spirit for fi-, foîlewship sud .,.foodi, Hi-C's To [bld .Skating Party