MONO WEEKLY TIME TITI ,EKLY TIMES mait, Pffl offile. D.partment, Ottawa 1938 by R.a.X rrrester ter -- Editor, and Manager Schools? ar Coanty District lgh School Area an any other district. 0f a group cf strct tops the list wMt five Schools.- field is the York Central district hav- is littie deubt that during the building program Un- distict that more s9cbools were posslbly built than Ehis ne doubt is chiefly due to municipal pressures ve within Iocal mnincipalities was te have a Hligli dr boundarles. The resuit cf the five schools can do n increase costs upon the particïpating municipal- tthe five schooLs3 are necessary because of the size ýorn just east of Oshawa to west of Port Hope does able when this area is compared with that cf the Ini Victoria District the area covered is mucli great- nîéham area and distances frora the sc;hools to the Dgreýater. Yet Victoria District bas only two High SIocated t Lindsay and F'enelon Falls. Soine remote d'to Or-ll:a but these aceount for only a few., ng- the qtudent enrolment 'wth t'Le teaching staff -of it is focund that Victoria District bas a much better ýatio. Victoria District in 1961-62 had a ration of one 7'25.8 pupils while in Durham. this ratio 4drops to, 20.3. lucated 1889 students with 93 teachers ia 61-62 wbile 186 students with 70 teachers. The figures for the 1 that Victoria's ratio improved with 1960 students Durham District dropped slightly when near 2300 1 110 teachers. It seems reasonable to beleive that lan does create the need for extra teachers over that ian. Teacher's salaries are also costly and econemy isider. the map, Victoria serves a larger area than does îld it have not been more reasonable if the school i ten eliminated with service being given in Port Hope. at Clarke and i DrIington could have been rnerged more central area chosen to serve the two districts. uth of Clarke W,;ould have beeti 8erved possibly b,, e and Port Hope.- Lly, we have the sanie plan as before the creation of neit when five schools were then in operation alffl otiier factors to consider and'increases ln plant ninistration maust result from the plan of five schools though i t may cost more to operate the secondary, ýn in Durham everyone seem-s to be satisfied as al a tiece off a school. What Others Say Lack Positive Stand v, regrettably, in the 4îion o f this newspaper, ar wveapons for Canadin for-ces in NATO, and .New )Deimocratic parties hiave announced their rimte Minister Diefenbaýker has mianaged -,o the matter, despite a reýsolution of the Younig ýves, carried by about a .1-2 majority, li favour rid a numiber of up-andl-coinig young Liberals dis,,iluisi'on with Mr. Pearson's stand, somne of to resign fromi the party. Thus the political of the question of nuclear arms for Canada. scored a vlctory wvithin his party by po *choice, but freedora of choice couild giveth ;unity te commit again one off its greatest sinýs hic qi of i,,)t making up its mind. ,d thurg ior Canada. if Mr. Diefenibaker intends action te take no action at aIl. It would bce ýes toeavu nuclear armis, much -as we as aý ,d to sucb aý stand, than for them to attempi Nothing c, an be so costly as inidecision, and ilf r weapcns, the sooner we k)no bout it theý to sar that if the Tories shou-ld now; comne eut we sha!lwicoe heir decîsion mwith aeam heir deýcisioni, but its tardinesa wllcanlcl wanv 1 an and will raise the suspicion thiat they'I kasnto ma,,ke Up Ihis mmnd ;and then av ca o oitic-al reasonls. a staemento' pGlicy ýfrom i ts oemet aen wats nd atcesfor political advantag,! -Port Hope Guide LBowmanvlec -ATURýDAY, FEBR 1 - 2 DWà'rrior ! LINT WALKER PUES., WED; - 7:30 p.m. 0(0K IA EDDIE lA CLARK SALIN ALBERT '"inter Fishing Approl 1 North Peteýrboroti 2J ~~'5*~- I red F~r iqo Cqunty The Honourable Kelso Roberts, QC. plenient Ucprýe-nt water ýUPpply two Minister of Lands anf Forests, bas 'new \vels are beng drilled. annôunced a change lni the fiq hiiw The regular ma,,intenianc4e prograi reglatox$,-< overnlng the ta)tlng e> 4 at Ibis parh in1udçs the cleaning and4 lake trout- andl ellow pickerel lni the o~g f 1,000 refuxse containlers riorthern ,-portion of Peterbl'orough 4 and. whien the, wea ther, trns warmer, Thi ll1 includ'lé,ail the waters ini A sirnilar program off maintenance thtohs p fGawy Cvn i sunderwa at Darlington Park and. tuetoWzshps f Glwa, Cvenish t n addition considerable týime and ef- Anstruther, Chandos, Methuen and thatportoncf Harvey Tovnship îfort is expended mainta'ning the iîce nthpoof igha 1 ( lreg1I - --_u)i Lake Ontario for skating. Township excludlng Stony Lake. Wh'ien ice con1ditionsý are at their- best there is a fifty acre "'rinlm" av- Lake Trout now open- closes Od- a'lable for the free use of anyone tober 5th, 1963. -w7 sh 'xg 1i-_ýurney to Darlington Daily catch- 3 per day. Possession Pa~rk. (2nmiles east of Oshawa;txr Limit - one day's catch.{ uf off IIighway 401 at Courtc YelIow Pîckerel now open -. closes Road.) -March 3sit, 1963, On one Sunday last year 1200 car- Daïl cath -6 pe da. Posesionloaçs of people representing ail agesý Dall cach .~ pr da. Pssesionenjçyed this iwvigoratlng exercise, Limit - one day's catch. Two(2)liies reperittd po- Maintenance crelws are busy re- vid9 2heyuae esonyareP1tnPedbI frbi'sh ng Eily, Serpent MouMd the 4 they areproalyatnce yand Burnham Parks and cutting the £brman.Wood for wýe li the barbecue pits This regulation also applies to Hal- Whch are a mucli used' featur-e of! iu ton Cunty. [Provincial Prs PIlaying host to 750 O people is PARKS POPUTLARITY 1 eaerun ocuaton iPRECEDENT, PROMPTS PREPAREDNES1S Although rubber boots are excellent During 1962 almost 3/4 f amilo people visited the five Provincial Parks in the Lindsay Distric, a- nroximatelv M&>o, 0more than id sn for keepmng feet dry miany people ne- tCoxntiued page 3) In anticipation of a simnilar or even greater increase during 1963f, especi- illy if the comng summier should be as correspotidingl-y hot as this w4anter 1CK is cold, the Parks' staff are busily en- ( gaged i11w p$êr maintenance work O Pes o% now mst be rernoved frorn l iew facilities, where the experlelice of past years has indlcated a need. ii-g sidewvalks wihi telve 0 At Presqu'ile Park for instance,g hours of a silo%% fail. the construction of launching and -1 camping areas under way. ~ Yu co-operatioi nl t.ti Upon coûmpletion a finger type dock oli aweatdr;tn. t(comiposed of a main dock runninig 13ro% e'i4 for safer trae ionthe which, at right angles' to it ten ziar- rower docks extend into the ,Yater)ý ~ PLC large exiough to accommodate 4' ORIONO IFETÊU1USTf-E' boats ýwill be available for use, by the camping public. .Also m lichecampiJng area to sup- DON JAKSO WNS ý rIVPn rZ)7 i-uii v offia former Toronto StaV spor ccFo~'n 1 goes to the athiete- Do Jac~oi ffO~axaWorld o&drdb, - committee ci sports. ,ire skaUng chamioný,lha- 'h- 1 en -ls tll most ouitstanding ixý ; namedl 1962 wvinnier Off the Lou L17nL~ -,arýlh Mý-miorial Trophy, itwa an- Jackson wecamie the first <Cadia, ~iucdTuesday iiight. uver tu wiin the mens worla titler Your Supply of a'i Prinited Forms Can be obtained- Mm i il fromnthe Orono Weekly Times Books. Piogrcams Letterheau ,Eni-v '-.âopes Ail Bill Forms Invitations, Tickets Nowis the time to build for your future with the bank that builds Now is the time to start saving for the or a special vacation. We have the largest vhings you 'Il want later on. With a healthy network of branches in Canada to serve bank balance that cornes from regular sav-- you. Open an account soon with your ing, you'iI 'have funds to cover such im- nearest branch of the Bankl- of Commerce portanit evenits as a wedding, a new home, -the bank that builds. CANADIAN IMPERIAL Ucer L2CQ b r~rJestosùio~}ua