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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jan 1963, p. 3

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Ersp - Ontario's Flnest Eating Apple OSH APPLES Your 1:11 Yo Saive 6c! Aylmier Tormato Soup I I~ I for 10-0Z., Tins 3o 3e Volu Save 6(.! Green (liant wax or Grecen BEANS- 15 'dz tini 3fo53 Vou Save We! 1Whitëor Coloureti nurex Tissue A for âý-Oc Save cl - ucos1-h. Pkg. MARGARINE fceoony Fork for Roasting Picuic Style Shoulder PO RK R 0A ST 11, 39c ,For Fry-ing - Shoulder - Extra Lean - Wel Trimmed. Ô r Steak on a Bun- Beef- Tast> w ith French Fries -STEAKEI'[E)' lb 55c' rSupreme Frozeni 2-lb. Poly Bag .,French Fries 2 lb 53c« 2 for 51C Sav-e 5e,.' - Aýylmeér A-44orit e 6Oz. r PICKLES 2 for 49c Se1'7c! - Choice Dessert 29-oz. Ttnký PEARS 4 for 99c 10 ieChocolate - Save lic! BARS 6for 49c Fi ufland Nutritiouis Crispy Fresh CARROTS Ca~sh Saver! Vou Save i6e! Sklm iMllk Powdcr Instant Mhlil-ko Cash Saver! Vou Save 6,c-! -,,Mnute Ogîlvie Qats Cash Saver! Vou Bave 8e! - York Chole Dessert Pears Cash Saver! - Von Save 6c - Green Olant Niblets Corn Cash Baver! Von Save 16c Clark's in Chili Sauce wlth Pork 2- .Tins Beans 5 for 99c Cash Saver! You Bave 5e! Kellogg's 13-oz. Pkg. Corn Flakes 2 for 53c, Vou Save 7(-! Kraft - Just béat andiServe. Dinners 4 for 5 1 c 31b 5lbÇ5qc 5 for 7c 14 oz. Tins 3 for 53c, Cash Saver! You Save 4c! Hutnt's Tomato 7-oz7. Sauce 4 for 35c Westonà or Sunibeam - F'resh Baked Regular 39e! Pkg. oftP Butter Ruffs 35Sc Brown Bear Creameti - Save 4e! Honey 2 ýlb Red & White Sets The Price Cornîsh' s Red and White ORGNO ONTARIO I '~ ~ i ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 'KENDAL NEWS 'Alex Carrut hers Recommends Forest Report UNUtSAL HOUSE PLANTS FON (Continude from Page 2) Many of the fruit and. vegetables and e .0 f-T he-R oad Course gard tem as unsuitable for winter that are used in the kitchien can be ) à ý Aleýý Carruthers, MP for, Durham confiden-e the delegates had i ithe1 oigisetmlyarciv.He Peglliott -on Sunday.1 defended the record of the Ontarjo future of Canada and also with the If this bas been your experience are a few tips from horticulturists igovernment, in an address Friday to) free discussion 0f resolutions from, perhaps -you can profit by this help- wt h nat eatct0 g ÂiIn Fste issuferig fom he anvrs ownhipProresivetheflor.fui hint f rom our '"Sage of the Sand- riculture, on w,ýiiich types to use and Mrs. ~~Conservative Association. He said dunes" Ed Youngman, who spendsaahwt uivetem ~nuiurd-fige S hr ssstnticharges that. the government %vas "hr was not dissenision i i ra elo tm udosrbe- Wen you buy an avacado pear, 1rs. Jack Fonk played the Ham-' worn out and decrepit made no sense an l"ie said. shod. sve the large seed and plant pointed iunond1 organuon Sunday. We werelJat ail since the average age of the saeas ay fu errubrgeU, w hrgcoeel ~la tohav ~ yoiigpeolcS coircabne wa &but 3.Thespekeralo rferd t ~ boots is no reason for havig unusu-1 sandy potting mixture. The container bllp withi the service. "Terias neyer been a miore oro- hatly pWing1jtheh r 'ally cold feet which does happen should boc an inch or more larger in gre-,ýive governnment in the provinces; ecicntnutUd108 when the boots "s-weat" in a warm diameter than the seed - a 4 inch pot PeteMillr (ne Sucbenaid.Heecten he9pe-.pace, and the resudting condensation will lVtsaily 4do. Keep the sou moist Mr. ai-d Mrs. PeeMle ne Settaecudeaevenef i "oniin inrrlOaro n chilis the tootsies when we go out lu until the first leaves appear, whichý the cold. may take froin tbree weeks to three yqi_ Foster) are thie proud parents of gvrrei' vigour and also refer-, a -Luar are the best they have nionths. ýb ba.by boy, Toddl bfiller, boni Janu- ' )--te pmgess in hiighwayýý, building býecii in years whiile employmnent in Presuming the average person jeplsmk nte in Bwniavlll ands(col construction andin thie de- IDrîmCounty sa i ee, cr w ar fst~~ ~ ige~ leplsmk nte ttrac- -ay:7l nBwavleMemorial I sa ig ee, er topiso oés eàgettive f oliage plant. Cut the crown of ury l7th v~~~elopirnent of Ontario's natural re- Mr. Rckard stated. you pull on one pair, then slip onlavsoftthjucinffrtan 1 011ptetalhe sources. i Onr'sI each foot one of those plastic bags leaf bases. Root the top in an open Thie Dirham MP defined the pur- ýiet the ohe ha en d the famen- that contain vegetables, buns, etc. coars , ixture of grtty sand and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers of Wel- pose 0f governmyent as thto r- ( ine rad b le sadidligUf Then pull on the second pair, and etms;nurth hr igo) orne, Mr.s. Rýobert Carrutiiers of vidîng the framework in wbich the presto, nice warm pedal extremities, drainagie.Whcn rooted, pot up il' Bomnil adMs aeHwlspeople can hclp th-.emselves. He said The goverimiets aum is to help )ecause the plastic bags act as inu' ,oiwmavilgo1veriments could go too far in in-1 peopleehdi- tndm"Mives, the candi- ulation fror theUi cold outican rich sa--ndy mixture. ofOshawa werc Sunday visitors witil 1h te-isle, h ai kep, Uic heatfo uretind. Oh-seswihacesy o 0f t~~~~~~~~erfering with the lives of people. date declared. He also refcrrcd k rmyurfe oie Ohrseswic r ayt >Tfr.Tory partyW.as-a.waystbe :iutes paid to Canlada's pr-'ce sta- Ib your present sox won't aîîow a, grôw icuedidb~ ed ec Tihd te r gty lUcniidual ays biliy y'reid-t e'ed ag, try a lightcr weiglit sock on th, pits, and seeda 0of apples and pears. ranked itnashtheibeatointthe world bn unside. Yru'Illbe surpiiaed, and'Not only do these grow into attractive Three bus loads of skiers came to _u a1f feo -edoiiand di.nity pleascd with the addition of Uth nflag lns theyasroienu tUe Brixuacombehilbus îast Week as at techen y. 192.pastic bag."' cational value for children. wc]l as many cars- Mrs. Chas. Gay and Ronald were en,,tertained by her sister Mrs. R. 'acion Suinday. This extremely cold weather with ishibgh wlnds il autsIng thc frost te, enter a lot of the cellars. One thing that wlll stand freezing is ap- pi7es. One f aIl wlien the witer lived iln an old bouse thiere was a fine apple erop but not mûch of a market eso we put the beautiful apples in Uic ~ola.They froze ,as biard as stone. thTc er i next JuIy our friends caefrom Uic north and took beau- tul spies horne wiUi them. When -,vou are makng apple sauce don't forg-et to add a lttle lemnon or niaple A numbr from 'the neigtibourhood in o theUicBurni' Supper in Bow-' nalfoon Saturday ilght, lcftward movement of thc Liberal tty was an attcmpt to steai thc .hundcr of the New Democratie party Conservatives- favoured a iidle- É-h-odapproacli in wiJipeople wverc protectcd from injilstices but -Jid flot become part of .a mass. jWia i good for Canada is what 1we walnt to ,3trive for", Mr. Rickard said. Michael Wladylka also gave somle iniresios f Uic convention which ~a sa~d sowcd Conervatives were in good figlting spirit. "Wc must neyer go too far te, the The opposition are prescntiuig tiri left or to the righit. We nu.st balance case in half-truthis, lie said, instan- ,he particular needs 0f individuals inig devaluation of the dollar as a ý,itli the social needs of their coi- Imv the Liberals, had dcrided but ~nnt."lie said. whicli had proved to be good for thc economy. 114r. Carruthers thien caLt with ,,ays in which thc governinent had "mTis devaluation took courage hclped 'to set up the mnachincry with duLring an election camnpaign but it! whiclh different groups could shape dpfie h cuagof the govern- their Nans. lHc refcri-ed inipatiicuilar mnent. Wc donit hear any criticisi to egîiatonto lhelp hog producers (of it now by the purveyors of dooni a ulodel plan now,, being copîed anid gloomn," lie said. elScwlî1ere- - and tobacco growmer-s U t e teting Rl>obcrt Sisson of who had reccîvcd goveriimeýnt guar- 4 icec_ support in marketing their Bthany was re-clccýtcd president with cropa.John Payne of lPontypool vice-presi- d ,ent, George Neals, secretary andCi<. Garnet Rickard, tic federal candi-1 Morton, treasurer. date for Durhamn, descrlbed some ofi Poli chairmen wiere Bob Brown, L. the higIilights of the recent PC na-j Porter, Robert Sisïson, Lloyd Clark, tional convention in Ottawa, He said Leonard Driver, Noval Marshall and lie was impressed wiLàtheUc aitb andi Laverne McKinley. to remiove the vegeto from the bags lest coi dcvelop offsetting sor fort gained. Oâ&RO0N0 T- The Chain Saw Season 19 Hore See the New 1963 M1odels SOLO H031ELJTE CADIEN REMINffGTON sava at IauIch Air Cgooed h 14%se Service "d Part Làe8ob wtIQ Il Use The Classif ied -Columus, oi-t Orono Tl.*"ml2.ýps s HOP SheetMeaPo'ut Made to OrderI PLUMBINGSUPI and 'îR"epairs B-H PAINTSE R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Pbote 11816 orom., 01 I 55c ib

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