I ORO-NO WEEKLY T MES THURSDAY, JANUA2RY 31st,~ 1963 iliii 'il :1:mg ýNDING RIB ROAST lb .71c RIB ROAST BLADE ROAST BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST Cross Cut Rib Roastl Boneless Shoulder Roaet Inner Rib Roll Boneles Outer Rib Roli pot roast' PLATE BEEF bone ini Rolled Plate borieless Boneless EBrisket Point Boneless Stew*ng Beef RIB STEAKS' GROUND CHUCK BEEF STEAKETTES EF KIDNEY lb 88c lb 5.5c lb 63c lb 60C 16 71 c lb 66C ~lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb 8s8c 63c 31c 42c 71c 58C 79c, 63c 55C E~XAl A $26 T Bnu Total of ip4 apes RECJE $600 IN BONUS TAPES WVITH IGAel JMI.- travvberry 21-oz. Jar cAKE NMixES - Duncau liner TOOTIUPASTE Pepsodent II I 1' Speclal Pack RECIVE$2041INBONUS TAPES WITHI APELEAF L~ARD SPIN.-CH- No1I rade! 1-lb. Pkg. lo-oz. Bag SAUSAGE - Tablcrite Skinless pure Pork 1-1b. pkg.. STRWBERRIES - Franservale Frozen 15-oz. Pkg. We Reserve the Rigbt te Limit Quantities BLACK DIAMOND OLD Cheese Stix r-oa r lu 45cý lb 31c TONGUES lb 47c G RIBS & Pork ,etti Dinner lb 39c 2lb 49c [y *ach 45c Sfor 33c 15-oz. Tins 2 for 31c 39C 4 for 43c e~ Lquu -1ce ouf rgent 24 oz size 69c 16 oz 59c I1PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND1-bBg No.1 fi rade POT nATO0%Es U.S. No.. irade N EW ABB A GE 359C 1 9c No. 1 Grade OUOUMBER8 2 for 29c U.S. oiGae-O s Florida Celery Large sftis 2-29c Iý 1 'I [ , 112 and G~rae1 Siececases wl are studying this topic at present. The boys of Clarke Hligh brouht Ihonour to the schooi on Fiday, JM%- I uary 18 when they defeated Cae.- At the Assernbly on Wednesday, wright High in the Newastle Are.Pb January 23, Major Bennett, our Art It was aur first hockey gaine of ià Teacher, shQwed ls a yery interet- season and we are very proud o!,ài ing filmn entitled, "Thé Four Seasons" 1-13 score. Congratulatons boys à It was filmed in Sirncoe County at keep it Up. Lake Simcoe, or as Major Bennett ~ut it, "right in aur backyard". This Sandy Boiwins and KairenLe Orono Bible Study Ja4n. 28, 1962 j and 'Learn t~rough Mec' As Ohr nans we fell the necessity "0 sf Exprinc ca b awonerulthat we rnay orne to new truths iby teacher, if one is going to be recep- refeshing our aid ideas. If we C" t a atal, but it iS nQt always the manentally pliable as we getolr soie provision for living 1f e as -fully , we ontlinue ta be a receiver.. We ix- as we possibly can., We expenience, ten, meet eîderly pea(2ple who inpnre4a or 1lyv w the extent thlat we, individu-, 1! ;a -; being m1uch youn ger t han thqjY. ayventure ta o k contact; yu ears. This shows the pliability of jjj through study, we iearn f and gan open jmd, still receivîng- and41 i ýsiht into cntin adcicrn esr, o frthuroe0f arg Stances that, have touched rnany oth- :, btt ernadasrnlt ý er people at rnany other tirnes. Thetuts Jpurpose of honest Bible study is 11ot just ta be 6ýetter inforrned, but taj We spoke of the importane ,r ~care ta know Christ, that we may rituai in worship, and the eest LAve. There can be an experience of of keeping it the expression, not i Chist, that is the answer ta the object of Our worship. We must n~ fulness of lîfe that we want, but we constant appraisal of Our tiea nust first know of Hirn in order doing things; we can't 'besti that we rnay know Hum. with "just doing good things"; n U v s.L1y v fÉ UÂIL5 O.LA 111> C Lo%, hiealed the wvthered hand of the man in the Synlagogue. This was done On the Sabbath, which was absolutelY unawful, at that titime, and Jesuls knew hatle was w-alking straight cussions about. the rigidity of the ically, bike the 01d guide in the bush, orth1odoxý Jewishi ritual, and whlether the*Jews ô, f to-d1ay are as strict as In those d (ays. it was f elt thiat the Jew- ish f ollowing is much the saine as8 other beliefs, in that there are vn ous5 degrees ofarflCeIt was re- mnembered how, we, as childrefl, of- ten were forbidden to play cards, rail a bail, listen ta certain kinds of music, or read certain books. Rigid restrictions can make an intended dlay of rest, becorne a day of mîsery; not that the Day of Rest shoiu1d be- corne an absolete institution, but like miany other good things, 1t cn be dlstorted and misused. Me« frget, or ignare the fact, that they do inot live by bread alone, and often spend the rest perlod in frenzied polntlesâ action. We 'are not bound L~ny more by the old rigld laws of inactivity, on the Sabbath,. but rest, holne0ss, and warship, should be thie order of the day. Even machines ha'ýe been found to work better if glveff a rest period- ically. Like the old gunde in the bush, who refuses to work on Sunday, we need to tke Une to allow "ur Spir- it to catch Up witli aur body." ex pres is my emulttt le, a n so daing, becrne leffs religious- IThis is not doube talk, but an ndi- cation that the tie spiritual asp-ectý of religion" can be snowed nderi and Iuhiitdy tcca csie in appli-, cation of energy. We need te, literally relax, free aur rnind o! the cancernls of the body, so that it rnay be allaw- ed, or taughit, ta turn ta, and open ta aur Father's sustaining and bealing influence in Christ, for only in this wapy cani we fully Live by that which is other than bread. ,and have a pliable andl elastic mmid. He rmust be able ta take in or take aut, ideas as he is lead forward i study. One of the oas f this ýwarld is ta of change, andc subject ta it is the forrning of o-pîinionis, the ar- rivai at conclusions, and uitim-atel y, the crystaliizing of convictions, Ùponi which we build aur lives. Jesils lived and taught by convictions, and noc expectatians o! saciety swayed Him, one way or the other. He was an "individual" in the greatest sense; but ive finid ourselves having great consideratioiI for what the e ghob-ioirs will think.' As we cor-ne ta knaw Chbrist and learn of Hlm, this crippling con- cern wiii 'fail away. and we experi- ence full and true freedarn in 1-Um. We becorne "individima". Here we came rigImI back to study again. Je- sus tells us Himself, -Take mýy -yoke upon you, and learn o! Me.- This hasý a dual meaning, "Learn abouý.t Me", If we expose ourselves tao q1c Father's powerfully rn-agneti"ciflu4- ence in Christ, we find that, we le corne uindiiiered by petty consider,- tions that heretofore kept us tied t ourselves. There is nothng more e~ fining than this type f prison; wm are aur own mnost cornpetent air and accordlng ta an 014 saying, a rnan who is ail wrapped Up in hsi self, makes a pretty smrall parcû,'» Praise be ta God, and thanke,, tld ý tbroughi Christ and in Chriýst, ARE made FREE.. t '~k~ ~ Lié, u ýR7 i n P, sr-u